The Ninja Quest (2 page)

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Authors: Tracey West

BOOK: The Ninja Quest
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Using the rope might be easier than going back and getting the ladders.
“Let's try the rope,” you say, getting the rope and grappling hook out of your pack.
“Throw it to the other side and then hold on to the other end,” Amy suggests. “Then, after I climb to the other side, I'll throw the hook back to you and it's your turn.”
You twirl the grappling hook above your head. “All right, let's do this!”
You throw the hook to the other side of the ravine and the metal hooks clamp firmly into the frozen ground. The rope stretches across the ravine and you wrap the other end around your waist and grab the end. You give it a yank and it holds steady.
“We're good to go,” you say.
Amy takes a deep breath and grabs on to the rope, pulling herself over the ravine. She doesn't get far when the grappling hook starts to strain from the weight of her and her heavy pack.
“Amy, come back!” you yell.
But before she can, the grappling hook comes loose and slides across the ice. The rope dangles into the ravine, swinging Amy from side to side.
Panicked, you steady yourself so you won't get pulled into the ravine, too. Then you pull up on the rope with all your might. Amy falls on her back, exhausted and terrified. “You saved me,” she says. “I can't thank you enough.”
You're both really shaken up. This is dangerous! You go back to Sensei and tell him what you've found.
“So this middle mountain is actually a volcano,” you say, showing him the map. “I've marked it for you. I don't know if there is water nearby, but there's definitely fire and ice.”
Sensei nods. “You have done well,” he says. “I am closer to building the Dojo than ever before. And when ninja training finally begins, both of you will be ready.”
He hands each of you a white ninja robe with a white belt.
“It is called a
,” he explains. “Wear it, and others will know you are ninjas-in-training.”
“Cool!” you and Amy say.
A motorboat might make your journey faster, but something tells you that it's better to take things slow and pay attention. You decide to walk along the riverbank instead.
It's a beautiful day, and you feel full of new energy since you met Sensei. As you walk, you keep your eyes open for any sign of a fire element, although you're not sure what that could be. A volcano maybe? But you've never heard of a volcano on Club Penguin.
Soon you start to get hungry, and you remember that your food supplies are low. Then you spot a cluster of O-berry bushes in the distance and give a happy shout.
“Oh yeah!” O-berries are o-shaped berries that grow in the wild. Puffles love them, but penguins can eat them, too, even though they're very spicy and bitter. But when you're out in the wilderness, it's better than not having any food at all. You decide to stock up.
You fill your backpack with the berries and then sit down for a snack. As you're munching on them, you notice something moving on the riverbank, in the direction you just came from. You squint against the sunlight to get a better look. It's a black puffle!
It's always exciting to see a puffle in the wild. You'd love to make contact, but you know you'll have to be careful—wild puffles can be very shy. You're about to go after the puffle when you stop yourself. You're in the middle of an important job. Should you stay focused on your task?
If you befriend the puffle,
go to page 36.
If you keep going, go to page 74.
Sharing the treasure with the other penguins is an opportunity you don't want to miss. Now you just have to figure out how to get the treasure out of the Mine. There's no way you'll be able to lift up the treasure chest to get it through that hole in the wall.
You end up dumping flipperfuls of jewels through the hole. Then you load a mine cart with the treasure and ride it out of the Mine. When you emerge into the sunshine, the gathered penguins gasp.
“Is that treasure?” someone asks.
“Yes, it is!” you say happily. “Follow me to the Town. There's enough for everybody!”
When you arrive in the crowded Town Center, curious penguins gather around you.
“Come get your treasure here!” you announce. “One piece per penguin, please!”
The penguins cheer, and you feel like a real hero as they line up to choose a piece of the treasure. You reach in and grab a glittering, gold crown and put it on your head. Right now, you feel just like a king or queen.
“What'll it be?” you ask the penguins as they come up. “A gold coin? A ruby bracelet? An emerald paperweight?”
“Gold can make you rich.
But staying on the true path?
More precious than gold.”
You look up and see Sensei in front of you!
“Hi, Sensei,” you say. “I found this treasure, but I plan to keep on looking for the Dojo when I'm done.”
Sensei doesn't say anything. He simply nods his head and disappears into the crowd. You keep giving out treasure until everyone has some. The penguins take you out for pizza to celebrate.
Much later, you remember your quest for the Dojo. You reach into your backpack to find the map—but it's gone.
Sensei's words come back to you, and you realize you've lost your chance to help him. Maybe you shouldn't have taken the treasure—but at least you made a lot of penguins happy!
“I'm sorry, Amy,” you say. “I think I need to do this alone.”
“I understand,” you friend says. “Just be careful, okay?”
You nod. “Of course!” you promise.
After buying the equipment you need, you head off to follow the path you found on the map. It's a beautiful day, and you have a good feeling that you're heading in the right direction.
You make up a silly song as you go.
“The Sensei's gonna build a Doooooojooo!”
There's no one around to hear you, so you sing as loud as you can. You raise your voice to the tall mountain peaks that surround you.
“The Dojo, the Doooojooooo!”
A sound like thunder rumbles in the valley, and you see a wall of snow rushing down the nearest mountainside. It's an avalanche!
You've got to get to safety, fast! Desperately, you look around for a place to avoid the frozen wave that's headed your way. Then you spot a cave entrance up ahead, and you run as fast as your flippers can carry you.
You reach the cave just as the wall of snow descends from the mountain and piles up on the ground right outside. The massive pile of snow blocks the entrance to the cave. You're trapped!
“Heeeeelp!” you cry.
You try to dig your way out with your grappling hook but it's a slow, hard task. Hours pass until, suddenly, part of the wall begins to melt in front of you. A glowing orange light shines through the snow. What's going on?
Sensei steps through a hole in the snow, carrying a flaming torch.
“Sensei, I am so glad to see you!” you say gratefully. “Thank you for rescuing me.”
“Thank the power of the elements,” he says, nodding at the torch.
“I guess my quest is over,” you say.
“Perhaps not,” Sensei says. “I should not have sent you out without teaching you how to master the elements. If you agree to be my student, I will teach you what I know. Then you may begin your search again.”
“It would be an honor to be your student,” you say, bowing to Sensei.
Sliding across the ice sounds like fun, but you're not sure if it's safe.
“Let's stay on land just to be sure,” you tell the black puffle, and it nods in agreement.
As you walk on, you notice that the ice on the river is very thin and breaking in parts, so you know that you made the right decision. But you're starting to wish that your search wasn't taking you so long. You've come all this way, and the only sign of fire you've seen has been the black puffle.
You keep going, and soon you come to another mountain. A waterfall flows straight down the side. The water is a beautiful shade of blue, and you're struck by the sight. It's snow and water in perfect harmony. But there's still no sign of fire.
Discouraged, you find a rock, sit down, and look at the map. Just past this mountain, the river runs to the sea.
“What now?” you wonder out loud.
Then you remember the book of haiku that Sensei gave you. He said that the verses could help you when you didn't know what to do. You decide to give it a try.
You take the book out of your pack and open it to a random page. The black puffle looks over your shoulder, curious.
“Maybe I should let you pick the page for me,” you say.
If you let the puffle open the book, go to page 43.
If you open the book, go to page 63.
“Let's just drop down to the ledge,” you suggest. “I'm anxious to keep going.”
You attach your grappling hook firmly to the top of the ledge and dangle the rope down to the bottom.
“Be careful,” Amy warns as you shimmy down. The drop to the ledge is longer than you thought. The rope doesn't quite reach the bottom, so you have to jump to reach your shoe. When you hop off, you stumble and roll across the ledge, knocking off your boot. You try to stop yourself, but you nearly tumble off the ledge! You grip a nearby rock and try to pull yourself back up.
To your relief you see Amy standing above you. She holds out her flipper.
“I'll pull you up!” she tells you.
As Amy hoists you up, your backpack slides off your shoulders. Your instinct is to save it, but then you risk falling over the side again. Safely on your feet, you watch the pack crash onto the rocks below.
Amy hugs you. “I'm so glad you're okay!”
“Thanks for coming to get me,” you reply. “I don't know what I would do without you.”
Amy turns to show you her back—and her pack is gone, too. “I lost it when I slid down the rope to get you. I was in a hurry and wasn't being careful.”
You sigh. “We can't go on without our equipment. We'll have to go back to the Gift Shop and get more supplies.”
Amy agrees that it's the best thing to do. You go back to the Gift Shop and restock.
You follow the path back to the wide mountain. But when you get to the top and look at the mountains in the distance, you don't see the volcano.
“That's so weird,” Amy remarks. “All of the mountains are snowy. And there's no smoke.”
“Maybe we're on top of the wrong wide mountain,” you say nervously. “I don't know. We've done our best, but maybe the place Sensei is looking for just doesn't exist.”
You decide to throw some snowballs and see what happens. You whip two toward the direction of the noise you heard and wait.
Everything's quiet for a few seconds. Then . . . s
plat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat!
A whole bunch of snowballs comes flying through the tunnel at you. You duck and the snowballs harmlessly hit the walls. But now you're more curious than ever.
You run toward the snowballs and are startled to see a ghost standing in front of you! At least, you think it's a ghost at first. But then you quickly realize it's just a penguin wearing a sheet.
“Nice costume,” you say. “What are you doing in here?”
“This is noooooot a costuuuuuume,” the penguin replies in a spooky voice. “I'm a ghooooooooost!”
“Well, you look like a penguin in a sheet,” you say.
The penguin sighs and pulls off the white sheet she's wearing. You were right! Underneath she's just a regular purple penguin.
“Guess you caught me,” she says. “But please don't tell anyone, okay?”
You're confused. “I don't get it. Why are you pretending to be a ghost?”
“My name's Pia. My friends are always pranking me,” she explains. “I've been looking for a way to get them back. Then I heard the rumors about the ghost and I thought I would have a little fun.”
“Everyone out there is pretty scared,” you say. “Maybe you should come out with me and tell them the truth.”
“But I'm just getting started!” Pia protests. She looks thoughtful for a moment. “Hey, I've got an idea. With your help, I can play the greatest ghostly prank ever. We'll be famous!”
Pia's offer is tempting. You love a good prank.
If you convince Pia to go with you, go to page 12.
If you agree to help her with her prank, go to page 73.
“Let's take the path,” you say. “It's steep, but it's probably safer than dropping down to the ledge with a rope.”
The two of you make your way down the steep trail. It's not easy because you've only got one boot and with every step you risk losing control and sliding down the path. But you make it safely to the ledge.
You put on the boot, and then you and Amy carefully make your way up the side of the volcano. You reach the volcano's peak without any more trouble.

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