The Oligarchs (101 page)

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Authors: David Hoffman

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Gusinsky vs. Kokh: Chubais-Kokh book scandal and; sale of Gusinsky's
companies to Gazprom and; Svyazinvest auction and
Hay, Jonathan
Hayek, Friedrich von
Hellman, Joel; on state capture
Hockstader, Lee
Housing: apartments, Gusinsky-Luzhkov and; dachas, Smolensky and
Huaco, Victor
Illarionov, Andrei
Ilyushin, Viktor
IMF (International Monetary Fund) Chubais and
Imperial Bank
Industrial Revolution: Britain and; Britain and American railroads
Industry; American railroads; cooperative banks and; economic reform and institutions; electricity Gosplan and; inflation and subsidized credits to; Khodorkovsky and; mines; money and production; red directors and; shortages and; socialist economic research and; Stalin and.
See also
Aeroflot airline; Avtovaz; Factories; Gazprom; Oil; Telecommunications
Industry privatization; Khodorkovsky and
Inflation: Berezovsky and; Chubais and; currency and; easy money and; Gaidar and; and monetarism redenomination of the ruble and; Russian Central Bank and; Russian Central Bank and subsidized credits.
See also
Currency, devaluation of the ruble
Inkombank; dollar-forwards and
Institute of Control Sciences
Institute of High Temperatures
Institutions: free markets and; market economy and; regulation of financial markets and
Intelligentsia, the: journalists and; Moscow.
See also
: Radical democrats
Isayeva, Lyudmila
television news program; Kiselyov approaches Gusinsky to finance
newsmagazine closed by Gazprom
Ivanov, Anatoly
Ivanov, Valery
Jennings, Steven
Jews: Berezovsky Friedman; Gusinsky; Khodorkovsky; Smolensky.
See also
Jordan, Boris; banker's war and; vs. Communists; NTV and; Potanin and Potanin and share dilution Svyazinvest auction and vouchers and
Journalists; vs. Chechens; Gusinsky and; Luzhkov and; murder of Kholodov; society and; Yeltsin reelection campaign
Jurby Lake Ltd.
Kadannikov, Vladimir; AVVA and; Logovaz and; replaces Chubais as a deputy prime minister
Kagalovsky, Konstantin
Karaganov, Sergei
Komitet gosudarstvenno bezopasnosti
); vs. Chubais; coup of ‘91 and; vs. economic reform; vs. Gusinsky; Gusinsky and; vs. libraries; missing money of the Communist Party and; Putin and; vs. Smolensky; the telephone system and
Khait, Boris
Khasbulatov, Ruslan
Khodorkovsky, Mikhail
and; buys control of Eastern Oil Company; Club on Sparrow Hills and; computers and; creates Bank Menatep; creates Rosprom; as deputy Komsomol chief; devaluation of the ruble and; export companies and; vs. gangs; Institute of High Temperatures and Kiriyenko default moratorium and; loans for shares and Luzhkov registers cooperative net worth (2001); NTTMs and; Nevzlin and; offshore networks and; offshore networks and share dilution; privatization vouchers and; sources of patronage; starts the Foundation of Youth Initiative; Surkov and; transfer pricing and; writes
Man With a Ruble
; Yeltsin and.
See also
Bank Menatep; Yukos oil company
Khodorkovsky vs. Dart share dilution and; Vasiliev and
Kholodov, Dmitri
Kiriyenko, Sergei; consents to foreign debt moratorium; vs. devaluation of the ruble; replaces Chernomyrdin as deputy prime minister; replaced by Primakov
Kiselyov, Yevgeny; after the fall of Gusinsky's media empire; vs. Dorenko as an anchorman; on the Listyev murder; meets Gusinsky; on NTV coverage of the Chechen War; Yeltsin reelection campaign and
Kokh, Alfred book scandal; Svyazinvest auction and.
See also
Gusinsky vs. Kokh
Kommersant Daily
; Chubais-Kokh book scandal and
Komsomol, the; Avtovaz and; business and; cooperatives and; Gusinsky and; Khodorkovsky and; main reason for joining
Kornai, Janos
Korzhakov, Alexander; vs. Gusinsky; Listyev murder and memoir the party of war and; vs. Yeltsin reelection campaign
Krasnyansky, Eduard
Kraus, Margery
Kryshtanovskaya, Olga
television show
Kulikov, Anatoly
Kutsillo, Veronika
Latynina, Yulia
Lavrov, Boris
Law on Cooperatives
Law, absence of: Berezovsky and the AVVA scheme; easy money and; free markets and; Gusinsky and; police and; securities and; Zlatkis and.
See also
Crime; Russian Securities Commission
Lebed, Alexander
Lenin, Vladimir
Leningrad Engineering Economic Institute
Leningrad Public Library
Leontiev, Mikhail
Lesin, Mikhail
Lesnevskaya, Irena
Levin, Mark
Levinson, Alexei
Lipman, Masha
Lisovsky, Sergei; Chubais-Kokh book scandal and; Listyev murder and Yeltsin reelection campaign and
Listyev, Vladislav; and murder of
Literaturnaya Gazeta
Loans: to Berezovsky's television channel; to businesses vs. transactions
on government debt; Central Bank to SBS-Agro; Gazprom to Gusinsky Smolensky to Chubais Smolensky to farmers; by Stolichny Bank.
See also
Foreign loans
Loans for shares; Berezovsky buys Sibneft Chubais and; exclusion of foreign investors from the Yukos auction; Jordan and; Potanin and white paper
Logovaz; advertising expenditures; Fiat importing and; founding of; hyperinflation and
Lopez-Claros, Augusto
Loshak, Viktor; conversation with Luzhkov
Luzhkov, Yuri; becomes mayor of Moscow; becomes vice mayor of Moscow; vs. Berezovsky; businessmen vs. bureaucrats and; capitalism model of; vs. Chubais; Club on Sparrow Hills and; construction and comfort; construction as an ideology of; construction of Moscow toxic waste dump; coup against Gorbachev and; as director of Khimavtomatika; enforces the
fires Piyasheva; vs. Gaidar; and Khodorkovsky made a deputy chairman of the
; as a micromanager; Moscow cooperatives and; on Moscow corruption popularity as a mayor; presidential ambition; presidential ambition vs. Dorenko smear campaign; the press and; radical democrats and; reconstructs the Cathedral of Christ the Savior reelected mayor of Moscow shuttle traders and; Skuratov and tours the United States; Tsereteli and; vegetable bases and; vs. Yeltsin; Yeltsin and; Yeltsin reelection campaign and; Yevtushenkov and; youth.
See also
Gusinsky-Luzhkov partnership
Luzhkov capitalism; Zil truck factory and; and Systema
Makarova, Irina
Makashov, Albert
Malashenko, Igor; on devaluation of the ruble; flees Russia; Gusinsky hires; on Ostankino television; Yeltsin reelection campaign and
Melnichenko, Andrei
Man with a ruble
Margelov, Mikhail
Market economy: absence of law and; cooperatives and the people; economic paternalism and; the Eurobond and global capital; free prices and; institutions and; Naishul and; reformers and Russian history and.
See also
Economics; Free markets; Government bonds; Stock market
Marx, Karl; vs. capitalism
Mavrodi, Sergei
Media-Most: conglomerate created; Gusinsky sells to Gazprom; outstanding debt at time of sell
Medvedev, Dmitri
Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology
Merrill Lynch
Middle class, the: devaluation of the ruble and; Gusinsky and
Military, the; Chechen War and NTV; economic shortage and stores of; Gusinsky and; Smolensky and
MinFin government bonds
Minkin, Alexander; Chubais-Kokh book scandal and
Mokrousova, Valentina
Mokrousov, Vladimir
; destructive impact of easy money; Gusinsky experience with; hyperinflation; Khodorkovsky and state credits; meaning of in planned economy; and ruble-dollar speculation; Soviet-era attitudes toward; Smolensky and.
See also
Morgan, J. P.
Moscow: the automobile war; bombings; bribery; businessmen vs. bureaucrats; casinos; Cathedral of Christ the Savior; cooperatives and the people; corruption food distribution system and; Gorbachev and the intelligentsia of; Gusinsky and theater; health care systems; Kursky Station; legislatures; Luzhkov and residency permit Luzhkov becomes mayor; Luzhkov enforces price controls; murders; the newly rich; Popov elected mayor; Sparrow Hills; statistics; Systema Tsereteli and
Moscow News
Moscow State University
Moskin-Tarkhanov, Mikhail
Moskovsky Komsomolets
Moskva–3 construction cooperative
Mossovet, the; Democratic Russia wins majority of seats; Luzhkov becomes a member; Luzhkov introduced to the radical democrats
Most Bank; Aeroflot airline and; Moscow city revenues and
Muravlenko, Sergei
Murders: gang wars Kholodov; Listyev Tatum
Rock music
Naishul, Vitaly:
Another Life
; Gosplan and; privatization plan; privatization plan, Gaidar and Chubais objections to
Ne Dai Bog!
Nemtsov, Boris bankers' war and; vs. Berezovsky; vs. oligarchic capitalism
Nevzlin, Leonid
Newspaper advertising; currency exchange; easy money
Newspapers: bankers' war and; Gusinsky motives;
begins publishing; Yeltsin reelection campaign and
New York Times
Nezavisimaya Gazeta
; bankers' war and; Berezovsky and Yeltsin reelection campaign and
, the
Norilsk Nickel; Potanin buys partial control; Uneximbank and
Notes of the President
Novaya Gazeta
NTTMs (Centers for Scientific Creativity of Youth)
NTV-Plus television; digital satellite; Gusinsky's investment in; launching of the Bonum–I satellite and
NTV television; advertising and; Berezovsky and blocking of presidential decree for; Chechen Wars and; crash of ‘98 and; crash of ‘98 and revenues crushes Lebed; goes on the air; Gusinsky sells partial control to Gazprom; Gusinsky loses control to Gazprom; outstanding debts Yeltsin reelection campaign and
Obschina, the
Oding, Nina on Chubais' driving; on Chubais in America; on Chubais in Hungary; collective farm; at the Leningrad Public Library
Offshore networks: Khodorkovsky and; Khodorkovsky and share dilution Svyazinvest auction and
Oil: Amoco Browder and decline in global prices and; Eastern Oil Company; gap between domestic and export prices and; Lukoil; Potanin buys majority control of Sidanco; Potanin sells control of Sidanco; Priobskoye field Rosneft; Sibneft; in Western Siberia.
See also
Yukos oil company
Oil extraction companies: foreign investors and vs. holding companies; vs. Khodorkovsky Surgutneftegaz; Tomskneft vs. transfer pricing.
See also
Samaraneftegaz; Yuganskneftegaz
Oligarchic capitalism: described by Kryshtanovskaya; Nemtsov and; Berezovsky and; Chubais-Kokh book scandal and; the Svyazinvest auction and Yeltsin
Oligarchy, the Oligarchs: anti-Semitism and; bankers' war and Yeltsin; Berezovsky on power; as a board of directors of Russia; crash of ‘98 and; crash of ‘98 and Yeltsin; the Davos Pact; devaluation of the ruble and; group of seven; vs. Kiriyenko; Kiriyenko default moratorium and; Kryshtanovskaya's essay on; the press and; vs. Putin; Soros on; Yeltsin reelection campaign and.
See also
Club on Sparrow Hills; Power; Tycoons; Wealth
ORT (Russian Public Television) Berezovsky creates; Berezovsky hires Dorenko; Berezovsky sells and leaves Russia Putin and
Oslon, Alexander
Osovtsov, Alexander
Ostankino television (Channel 1); advertising and; Berezovsky privatizes; Reklama Holding and
Panin, Alexander; on the monitoring of cooperatives
Papesh, John J.
Congress of People's Deputies; Duma, the; Supreme Soviet of Russia
: Berezovsky and; and cooperatives; impact on Chubais seminars of; the intelligentsia and; Zaslavskaya and
Piontkovski, Andrei
Piyasheva, Larisa
Police; bribery and; and framing by; raids against Gusinsky businesses
Politburo, the: Chubais and; vs. Luzhkov; private economic activity and
Politics: Berezovsky and media Berezovsky creates the Unity party; big capital and; business and; dismissal of Chernomyrdin; Gaidar brain trust and Gorbachev on Putin; Gusinsky and
; Gusinsky vs. Korzhakov; loans for shares and Yeltsin reelection; Luzhkov vs. television; the power of television and; radical democrats and; state capture by big capital; Yeltsin's health and; Yeltsin's successor and; Yeltsin appoints Putin to the presidency.
See also
Elections; Yeltsin reelection campaign
Ponzi, Charles
Popov, Gavriil; becomes chairman of Democratic Russia; becomes mayor of Moscow; resigns from Moscow mayoralty
Potanin, Vladimir; bankers' war and; buys majority control of Sidanco oil company; Club on Sparrow Hills and; creates Uneximbank; devaluation of the ruble and; early career; Jordan and Jordan and share dilution loans for shares and sells 10 percent of Sidanco to BP; state cash flow and; wins partial control of Svyazinvest; youth.
See also
Norilsk Nickel; Uneximbank

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