The Oligarchs (100 page)

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Authors: David Hoffman

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Bograd, Paul
Boguslavsky, Leonid
Boiko, Oleg; Club on Sparrow Hills and
Bokser, Vladimir
Bolshaya Paika
(Dubov) portrayal of Berezovsky
Bolshevik Bisquit Company
Breach, Al
Brezhnev, Leonid; Decree 695,
Browder, William; vs. share dilution
Bulgakov, Mikhail
Bunich, Pavel
Bush, George H. W.
Capital flight Central Bank and Financial Management Company the KGB and; Khodorkovsky and; money laundering Smolensky and.
See also
Offshore networks
Capitalism: absence of law and free markets; absence of market regulation and; clan structure of; corruption and; distortion of easy money and; vs. Marx; new vocabulary of; oligarchic; Smolensky and; tycoons and Western models of; Yeltsin vs. Zyuganov.
See also
Luzhkov capitalism; Market economy
Cathedral of Christ the Savior construction and destruction of; reconstruction of
Center TV
Central Bank of Russia: avisos and; banking system liquidity crisis and; capital flight and Financial Management Company; devaluation of the ruble and; exchange rate corridor and freezes Finance Ministry accounts and Gusinsky bank sale; inflation and; inflation and subsidized credits by; plummeting of reserves; raises interest rates in response to plunging stock market; reserves vs. foreign investment in bonds stabilization loans to SBS-Agro
Central Committee
Central planning: Avtovaz and; factories and; vs. Gaidar; vs. Hayek; Stalin and; vegetable bases and
Chechens; vs. journalists vs. Putin
Chechen Wars; Berezovsky and Putin and Yeltsin reelection campaign and
Chernomyrdin, Viktor; creates the securities commission; vs. MMM; replaces Gaidar as deputy prime minister; replaced by Kiriyenko
Chubais, Anatoly; appointed chief of the presidential administration; appointed first deputy prime minister; bankers' war and; becomes a deputy prime minister; Berezovsky and; book scandal; vs. Chernomyrdin; vs. Communism; compromises of; consents to devaluation of the ruble; creates the State Property Committee; Decree 695 and; vs. devaluation of the ruble; economics vs. politics and; economists inspirational to; fired from post as deputy prime minister; vs. gradualism; hired by the oligarchs to manage Yeltsin reelection campaign; IMF and institutions and market economy; joins Gaidar brain trust; Leningrad Engineering Economic Institute and; Leningrad seminars and; Leningrad free economic zone and; loans for shares and,
; meets Gaidar; vs. Naishul privatization plan; Putin and; Smolensky and Snake Hill group and; Vasiliev and; youth; vs. Zyuganov.
See also
Berezovsky vs. Chubais
Chubais, Boris
Chubais, Igor
Chubais privatization: Chubais privatization law; first sale of a factory; freedom and; vs. Gusinsky; vs. Luzhkov; market competition and; politics and vs. the Supreme Soviet; the Supreme Soviet approves; voucher funds; vouchers; Western advisors and Yeltsin referendum on reforms and.
See also
Auctions of state property; Loans for shares
Club on Sparrow Hills blacklisting of Gusinsky; charter; first order of business; Kokh and; members; political patronage and
Commercial banks: avisos and; capital and; crash of ‘98 loan defaults; cross-ownership and; currency operations abroad and dollar-forwards and devaluation of the ruble; Gosbank and; Gusinsky expands Most Bank; Inkombank; Khodorkovsky starts Bank Menatep; Kiriyenko default moratorium and; Smolensky starts Bank Stolichny.
See also
Authorized banks; Banking; Most Bank; SBS-Agro
Commodities: books; computers; copper bracelets; figurines; fur coats jeans; meat; Melnichenko commodity exchange at Moscow State University; minerals; nickel; research results; seaweed; software; tea; tin; toilet paper; vodka.
See also
Automobiles; Oil; Shortages; Stores
Communism: vs. Berezovsky; vs. Chubais; vs. Yeltsin reelection campaign journalism
Communist Manifesto, The
Communist Party: Chubais and; vs. Gusinsky; Gusinsky and; hierarchy of; Khodorkovsky and; leading democrats turn in their cards; Luzhkov and; vs. Yeltsin reelection campaign; vs. youth.
See also
Komsomol, the
Communists: vs. Jewish bankers; vs. privatization.
See also
Zyuganov, Gennady
Communist Youth League.
Congress of People's Deputies
Consumer goods.
Cooperatives: banks as; computers and; Gusinsky and; Khodorkovsky vs. Luzhkov Komsomol and; Law on Cooperatives and; Luzhkov and; and monitoring of; Panin and; shadow economy and; Smolensky and; Vasiliev on privatization in Leningrad
Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB)
Crime: at Avtovaz factory bombing of Berezovsky; bribery; business as; entrepreneurship as; framing by police; Luzhkov and; murders pyramid schemes; smuggling.
See also
Bearer certificate schemes; Black markets; Gangs; Law, absence of; Security services
Currency: American banknotes in circulation (1997); Berezovsky and; commercial banks and operations abroad exchange rate corridor and export companies and; the government vs. offshore networks; inflation and; redenomination of; U.S. Treasury and.
See also
Currency, devaluation of the ruble; becomes inevitable; Berezovsky and; Black Tuesday,
vs. Chubais,
; Chubais consents,
; Chubais' notes on; dollar-forwards and; exchange rate
corridor and;
Gaidar on; Illarionov and,
; IMF and; vs.
Kiriyenko; the middle class
and; small business and;
Soros letter to
Financial Times
on, Yeltsin consents
D'Anastasio, Mark
Daiwa bank (Japan)
Dart, Kenneth: vs. Khodorkovsky
Debt crash of ‘98 loan defaults; Gusinsky to Gazprom and Kiriyenko default moratorium and.
See also
Foreign loans; GKOs; Government bonds; Loans
Democracy: corruption in defense of; Putin and.
See also
Dmitriev, Mikhail
Dobrodeyev, Oleg; leaves NTV; NTV coverage of the Chechen War and; Yeltsin reelection campaign and
Dorenko, Sergei arrest of Gusinsky and; vs. Luzhkov; on Putin; Putin takes off the air; Svyazinvest auction and
Dreiser, Theodore
Dubinin, Sergei; vs. SBS-Agro structure
Dubov, Yuli on Berezovsky; on crime at the Avtovaz factory
Duma, the (Moscow)
Duma, the (State); Berezovsky resigns his seat; Communists and; Unity party and
Easy money: absence of laws and; authorized banks vs. the state; Bank Menatep and the government; Berezovsky bearer certificate scheme; GKOs and; hyperinflation and; insider information and; Khodorkovsky and friendships; Mavrodi bearer certificate scheme; pyramid schemes; Yeltsin reelection campaign financing and.
See also
Currency exchange; Profit
Echo of Moscow radio; bankers' war and; Chubais-Kokh book scandal and; coup against Gorbachev and; Gusinsky buys
Economics, the economy: absence of law and free markets;
bolshoi kapital
group and; Britain and the Industrial Revolution; business and the Komsomol; capitalism vs. Gosplan; capitalism vs. Marx; central planning and; command economy; vs. commercial banks; factories and self-financing; financial markets and; free prices and; global; Gorbachev and; Gosplan vs. the supply and demand market system; inflation and easy money; inflation and subsidized credits by the Russian Central Bank; institutions and market economy; military stores and; monetarism New Economic Policy; paternalism; vs. politics; politics and self-interest and; shadow economy; shortage economy; socialist research and;
and; Yeltsin and.
See also
Capitalism; Currency, devaluation of the ruble; Free markets; Market economy; Privatization; Shortages; Stock market crash of ‘98
Economics of Shortage, The
Elections: Democratic Russia wins majority of seats in the Mossovet; Luzhkov (1991); Luzhkov (1996); Luzhkov (1999) Popov becomes mayor of Moscow; Putin assumes presidency; Yeltsin becomes chairman of the parliament (1990); Yeltsin reelection, first-round vote; Yeltsin presidential reelection, second-round vote
Eurobonds: Goldman Sachs and; SBS-Agro and
vs. money and; in the paternalistic state; Decree 695 and; Gosplan and; inflation and subsidized credits to; Khodorkovsky and the Lenin index; and managers of self-financing and Luzhkov proposal; self-financing and the Komsomol; shortages and;
and; Zil trucks.
See also
Avtovaz; Manufacturing
Factory privatization; Chubais' privatization law and; first sale of; Khodorkovsky and; Naishul and; and new owners of
Farming: Chubais on collective farm; loans and; vegetable bases
Fenkner, James
Fiat; Berezovsky and importing of
Finance: American railroads and; Berezovsky bearer certificate scheme; cooperatives and; Mavrodi bearer certifitives and; Mavrodi bearer certificate scheme; Soviet banking system under Gorbachev; and Soviet system of; Yeltsin reelection campaign.
See also
Banking; Foreign investors; Loans; Russian Finance Ministry; Self-financing
Financial markets: absence of regulation and; Chubais on
Financial Times
; publishes Soros' letter on Russian meltdown
Financier, The
Food shortages: grain; radical democrats and; stores and
Foreign investors: Amoco view financial crisis; bonds vs. Central Bank reserves Browder crash of ‘98 and; Dart exclusion from the Yukos auction; Fenkner; GKOs and; vs. Kiriyenko default moratorium; McGinnis; oil Potanin and; privatization of state property and; Svyazinvest auction.
See also
Currency, devaluation of the ruble; Jordan, Boris; Soros, George
Foreign loans: to Bank Menatep; crash of ‘98 commercial bank defaults; Goldman Sachs to Russia; to Gusinsky to Gusinsky, guaranteed by Finance Ministry (n46); to Gusinsky, guaranteed by Gazprom IMF to Russia IMF to Russia, GKO roll over and; to Khodorkovsky; to Khodorkovsky, crash of ‘98 and vs. Kiriyenko default moratorium; to Smolensky; World Bank to Russian Securities Commission
Freedom: Chubais view of privatization and; cooperatives and; the Russian people and wealth.
See also
Freeland, Chrystia
Free markets: absence of law and; Chubais and; Gaidar-Chubais group and; vs. shortages; vs. socialist industrial indicators
Friedman, Mikhail; Club on Sparrow Hills and
Gaidar, Yegor appointed deputy prime minister; on Berezovsky; cash auctions of state property and; Chubais-Kokh monograph scandal and; on devaluation of the ruble; economics vs. politics and; free prices and; vs. gradualism; on loans for shares; memoir missing money of the Communist Party and; on Moscow corruption; replaced as deputy prime minister by Chernomyrdin; Yeltsin appoints to lead economic reform
Gangs: vs. Avtovaz; vs. car dealerships; car parts and; vs. Gusinsky; vs. Khodorkovsky; vs. Moscow businesses;
Stolichny Bank and; wars between
GAZ (Gorky Automobile Works)
Gazprom; acquires Gusinsky media empire; Berezovsky bid for company; buys partial control of NTV Cathedral of Christ the Savior and
Gerashchenko, Viktor
GKOs (
gosudarstvenniye kratkosrochniye obligatzii
); Central Bank and Chubais and; easy money and; Goldman Sachs and; interest rates in loans-for-shares auction; roll over and; SBS-Agro and
Glazkov, Grigory; Decree 695 and; devaluation of the ruble and; vs. Naishul privatization plan; Snake Hill group and
Global capital markets: Russian Eurobond and; Russian Eurobond and SBS-Agro
Global economy
Glushkov, Nikolai
Goldfarb, Alex
Goldman Sachs: loans to Khodorkovsky and loans to Russia and
Gorbachev, Mikhail; cooperatives and; coup of ‘91 and; economics vs. politics and; the Moscow intelligentsia and;
and; private economic activity and; on Putin; resigns from presidency
See also
Central Bank of Russia
Gosplan; central planning and; vs. the supply and demand market system
Government, the: Bank Menatep and; big capital group and; vs. capital flight; downward spiral of the ‘98 stock market crash and; financing the deficit with GKOs; vs. MMM; Moscow, commercialization of; vs. NTV; vs. offshore networks; oil extraction companies vs. holding companies and; Russian Securities Commission; state capture by big capital; State Customs Committee and Uneximbank.
See also
Russian Finance Ministry; State, the
Government bonds: agro-bonds Eurobonds; MinFins.
See also
Graham, Thomas E.
Great Britain: American railroads and; Industrial Revolution and
Grodsky, Vladimir
Gubkin Institute of Oil and Gas
Gusinsky, Vladimir; arrest during NTV crisis and arrests in Spain; automatic teller machines and; bankers' war and; begins Most Bank; vs. Berezovsky; on Bobkov vs. Chubais; crash of ‘98 and; enrolls in the State Institute for the Study of Theatrical Arts; as an entrepreneur; fighting and; first fortune; as a Jew; leaves Russia in 1994 leaves Russia in 2000 loses Svyazinvest auction; opens Infeks; protection and; vs. Putin; stages
; tours the United States; vs. Voloshin; on Yeltsin; Yeltsin and; Yeltsin reelection campaign and; youth; vs. Zyuganov.
See also
Most Bank
Gusinsky-Luzhkov partnership; Moscow city revenues and; Moscow real estate and; tour of the United States
Gusinsky business empire: bought by Gazprom; debt holdings; Gusinsky acquires
Echo of Moscow
; Gusinsky meets Kiselyov; Gusinsky forms Media-Most; Gusinsky founds first independent television station; Gusinksy starts
See also
Media-Most; NTV; NTV-Plus

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