The Omega Team: Death Sentence (Kindle Worlds Novella) (3 page)

BOOK: The Omega Team: Death Sentence (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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She’d never seen a hotter guy and liked him too much already. This had to stop. She should call a cab and take off. “More. Please.”

He pumped steadily and stroked her nub slow, fast, roughly and lightly, mixing things up so she didn’t know what to expect.

The anticipation threatened to kill her. It surely stoked her lust and enhanced her longing. He was too good at this. The moment their time together ended, she’d be a hot mess. She squeezed his biceps. “Dammit, don’t stop!”

“I’m not.” He pumped faster, his face maroon, chest heaving, hair flying. His civilized façade mingled with his animal core to create an irresistible picture.

Their scents blended into a unique fragrance.

Release barreled close. Her lids slipped down. Sounds faded. Tension built within her sheath. It grew congested and wanting. Hallie tightened her inner muscles around his cock and timed her movements for when he eased out of her to create the most friction between them.

“Fuck.” He pumped savagely. The bedframe groaned, mattress squealed.

Intense warmth and feelings she couldn’t put into words shattered deep inside, freeing her from an earthly existence. She flew over the rainbow and twirled, weightless, joyous. Contractions beat hard within her pussy, relief so sweet she nearly wept.




Hallie’s pulsing cunt pulled Chase deeper. Spellbound, he thrust mindlessly, never wanting this to end. Her inner heat became his only objective besides a world-class orgasm. To hell with eating, sleeping, working. Doing this made everything else pale in comparison.

Tight didn’t begin to describe her narrow channel.

She squeezed his rod.

His head fell forward. If he weren’t a man, he would have cried. “Stop. I can’t take it.”

“What can’t you take? This?” She constricted her muscles even harder and longer.

No wait. Her pussy clutched him then relaxed at a quick, tormenting pace.

Any other time, he would have loved how she played. With his brain turned to mush by lust and his bod out of control from her outstanding curves, he didn’t need more stimulation. “Nope. This.” He rubbed her clit.

She bucked.

He’d guessed right. Her nub was still uber sensitive. Relentlessly, he finger fucked her.

Hallie yowled. “Stop. I can’t take it.”

“Neither can I.” He panted. Sweat slid into his eyes, stinging them. “How about a truce?”

“Fine.” She gulped air and relaxed her cunt.

His dizziness passed. Bracing himself to hold off for five minutes or more, he pumped.

She fondled his balls.

His hair stood on end. “Holy mother fuck. What did I tell you about that?”

“Nothing. Not once did you mention your nuts.” She stroked them lightly.

His peripheral vision dimmed. “My mistake.” He fought for air. “They’re part of my don’t-go-there request, all right?”

“If that’s what you want.” She explored the seam between his buttocks and circled his anus.

He couldn’t stop wiggling. “You are beyond bad. That’s gotta stop.” He tickled her.

She shouted, squirmed, cursed, and cried but couldn’t get away. He was inside her, far bigger, heavier, too, and holding her down.

She beat the mattress with her fists and heels. “I give, I give, I give.”

Music to his ears. “Hold on.” Teeth clenched, he thrust wildly yet held off for twenty seconds. Okay, ten.

His orgasm slammed into him with as much force as a runaway train. He shook like a drenched mongrel and practically ground his molars to dust then sank to his elbows. “You okay?”

“My feet are behind my head now.”

Using his remaining strength, Chase pushed her legs to the side. They flopped on the bed. He rested his face against her neck. “Better? Did I hurt you?”

“Not yet.”


She stroked his hair. “I’m good. How about you?” She squeezed her inner muscles around his flaccid shaft.

The poor sucker was too exhausted to respond to her love hugs. “Give me a sec and I’ll be good to go again.”

“Better make it half a sec. You have thirty-five rubbers left.” She trailed her fingers down his back. “Wouldn’t want to waste them.”

He laughed wearily. Finding a woman who liked sex as much as he did was a joy. For Hallie to also have a wicked sense of humor was priceless. Liking her came easy. “Don’t worry, we won’t.”

He rolled them over to put her on top. Bad move. His shaft wasn’t the only thing limp as a wet noodle. His arms and legs were too heavy to lift. Damn. Why couldn’t guys recover from a climax as easily as women?

Already past the recovery stage, Hallie played with his nipples and pecs, her breathing steady, eyes alert.

Stifling a yawn proved too difficult for him.

She slipped her forefinger into his gaping mouth and stroked his tongue. “You need a nap?”

He pulled her hand away. “I’ll live without one this time.” He didn’t want to relinquish even a moment he could spend with her. “How about you?”

She stroked his lips.

“That tickles. Want me to reciprocate?” He touched her ribs.

“Better not.” She cupped his balls. “Wouldn’t want to hurt you.”

“You’re a good woman, but a bad, bad girl. I like that.”

Her playfulness fell away, replaced by unease, the transformation quick and surprising.

“What’s wrong?” He hadn’t a clue. “What did I say?”

“Nothing. I don’t usually do this as a rule. In fact, never.”

Uncertain how to respond, he weighed his response. Unfortunately, he couldn’t come up with anything better than the truth. “You mean sleep with guys you just met?”

She turned bright red. “Didn’t your mom teach you to finesse conversations, especially difficult ones?”

“Nope. Sorry. She always said to be honest. I am. Want to start over and we’ll do things your way?”

Hallie laughed. “You’re impossible. I’m trying to be serious.”

“Why?” Difficult or serious conversations weren’t on the program tonight. Erotic play and them getting to know each other was. He eased a tress from her velvety cheek. “We’re adults. No need to feel ashamed about sex. Doing what comes naturally is part of being human and, I might add, normal. If you’re worried I’ll think less of you because of this—”

“I’m not. I…. It’s just that….”

“Are you bi?”

She made a face. “No. Not that I have anything against it. But I’m heterosexual, like you. Unless you’re bi.”

“Not in this life.” He stroked her silky eyebrows. “Why do men scare you so badly? I know I shouldn’t be direct and say that, but they do. Me included. At least, before we talked at the tavern. And maybe now since we were intimate. Did a guy do a number on you?”

“We shouldn’t talk about this.” She scooted off him. His weary rod slipped from her cunt.

“Hey.” He rolled over to face her. “Why shouldn’t we discuss this or anything else?”

“We barely know each other.”

“Point taken. Let’s fix that.” He propped his head in his palm. “I could eat Mexican food morning, noon, and night. Offer me anything German and you’d have to threaten me with a gun to make me swallow it. I feel the same about Japanese food. Every damn thing they make is raw and slimy. Ugh” He shivered dramatically. “I like sports, but I’m not a fanatic. And yes, I’ll admit that I enjoy ice skating. The women’s costumes are cute, so sue me. I don’t have a favorite color. They’re all okay. I vote as an independent. Technically, I’m a moderate, fiscally conservative, but liberal on social issues. I don’t believe in war, especially those waged for profit, which is basically what this country has done for decades.” He tapped her nose. “You already know that if you were paying attention to what I said at the tavern. I like to read novels more than watch scripted TV or movies. My fave books are political thrillers, but dystopian sci-fi is good too, except for
The Hunger Games.
Maybe it’s my age, but I couldn’t get through them.”

He stopped to catch his breath. “What did I forget?”

“My father.” She gripped the comforter.

“I’m not following. What about him? What’s wrong?”

“You asked if a guy did a number on me. Didn’t you notice?” She pushed up and lifted her left arm. A jagged scar, whitish with age, ran from her smooth pit to her elbow.

With so many wonderful things to look at, including her lavish breasts, hips, and the delicate curls between her legs, he hadn’t noticed any imperfections. “Your dad did that?” Chase’s stomach rolled. “Did he take a knife to you?”

“His keys. He had them between his fingers like self-defense experts tell women to do so they can use them as a weapon against a mugger or rapist.”

“He was showing you how to defend yourself?”

“No.” Her cheeks reddened. She lowered her face.

“Hey.” He rubbed her arm. “Whatever happened you can tell me, I won’t judge. If you don’t want to talk about this, that’s cool, too. Whatever you’re comfortable with.”

“I don’t have relationships with men, all right? At least, anything lasting. Nothing beyond a one-night stand.”

Disappointment filled him. “Because of what your father did?”

“Yeah. I’m scared. Just like you said.” She looked at him. “My father hurt me when he was beating up my mom. Actually, he was punching her with his keys, gouging her breasts and belly. It wasn’t the first time he brutalized her, but it was the worst. My younger sister screamed for him to stop. He wouldn’t. I jumped on his back to pry him off my mom. I was only seven. No match for a grown man. He threw me to the side and swung his fist. The first blow caught me here.”

She turned her back to Chase and pointed to another whitish scar on her shoulder, this much smaller than the other. “You’d think that would have made any father stop. My screams pissed him off even more. He told me to shut up. I couldn’t. It hurt too much. He yanked me off my feet and held me above the floor by my arm while he slashed as deep as he could. I knew if I wasn’t quiet, he’d keep hurting me. Once he had me under control, he warned that if I ever tried to stop what he did to my mother, he’d kill her then me.”

No wonder guys frightened her. “Are he and your mom still together?”

Hallie slumped to the mattress. “He left when I was eight. He’d been dishonorably discharged from the army by then. Not for abusing my mom or terrorizing his children. I’m not certain why they drummed him out, but I do know he messed around with army groupies who were barely legal. Those dumb fools thought he was macho man. They liked his swagger. He ran off with one and took her to Puerto Rico. Last I heard, they’re still living in his mother’s house since he can’t hold a job. His temper’s too bad.”

“Is your mom okay?”

“Do you mean has she found another guy? No.” Hallie rested her arm over her eyes. “She swore off them after him. I send her half my salary every month so she doesn’t have to work. When my father abandoned us, she had to get two jobs in order to pay for shelter and food. At night, she slaved in a laundry. During the day and on weekends, she provided maid service at a local motel. He never sent the child support he owed. The hell she endured from him and the hours she put in supporting us made her old. She never had a chance to be young or have a good time. I want her to spend whatever years she has left enjoying herself. Taking it easy. Going to her bingo tournaments and visiting friends.”

Chase squeezed Hallie’s knee. “Would you like me to contact my government friends, have them get your dad to pay up for you and your sister?”

She waved her hands. “I don’t want any contact with him. I’d starve before taking his money, if he has any. Felice, my younger sister feels the same. She’s working on her Master’s in nursing home administration. Has a great job at a facility in Miami. She supports Mama, too. I’m talking too much, aren’t I?”

He eased her close and captured her mouth. After a tender kiss, he brushed his lips over hers. “Not at all. Saved me asking a thousand questions. Believe me, I wanted to. Wasn’t sure if you’d answer, though.” He traced her sad smile. “I won’t push you on sex, dating, or anything else, okay? Whatever you want to do let me know. We’ll take things at your pace.” He hoped she didn’t want to go home.

She moved into him. “How’d you get to be so nice? Is your dad a psychologist or therapist for battered women?”

“Retired Army Ranger.”

“Wow. Your mom must be the gentle soul. You take after her, huh?”

He laughed. “Hardly. Dad’s the easygoing one. Rolls with the punches, as they say. Mom’s more intense and keeps us in line. Good thing. We’d be barely civilized if it wasn’t for her.”

“They’re still together?”

“All the time now. Since Dad retired, they travel the world and spend my inheritance. Good for them.”

She hugged him.

Chase embraced her gently. He would have asked why the sudden tenderness on her part but didn’t want to scare her away. She’d been through too much shit already and proved what he’d sensed instinctively. She was a good woman any man would be lucky to have.

He held her close and pecked her ear. “Ready for a nap?”

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