The Omega Team: Death Sentence (Kindle Worlds Novella) (7 page)

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The same magic as always happened between them. If only she could have left with him now.

She closed the plastic curtain and spoke to Patricia. “Please relax. I’m screening for diabetes, urinary tract infections, and your general well-being, not drugs. You want to stay healthy, don’t you?”

“Yeah sure. After I’m done here, I’m going to Disney World.”

Hallie grabbed a cup. “Look, I won’t say I know how hard this must be for you, because I don’t. I’m not in your position. But I will have a word with the guards. Ask them to be more respectful.”

Patricia frowned. “I’ll bet. Why would you do that for me?”

“Not just for you, for every inmate here. I’m a woman, too, and I hate the way they act. Like stupid little boys.”

“More like pricks.” Hurt and anger registered in her eyes.

Hallie feigned worry. “The guard that brought you here, has he done something? Tried anything?”

“Him?” Patricia’s mouth turned down. “He doesn’t know I’m alive. None of them do.”

“That’s good, then. They won’t bother you.”

“Lucky me.” She lowered her face. “It’s no fucking different in here than it is on the outside. You give a guy what he wants, do whatever he asks, and he’s gone, chasing tail, wanting a babe, not you.” She swiped the cup from Hallie and pulled down her pants. “Better turn around unless you expect a show.”

“Wait.” Hallie kept her voice barely above a whisper. “Has a guard done something to you? Is your period late?”

Patricia laughed. A mean yet sad sound. “No. And it won’t be. He doesn’t know I’m alive anymore.”


Color drained from Patricia’s face. “Suit yourself and watch if you want.” She tugged down her panties and squatted.




Chase couldn’t wait to leave the bubble and begin his evening with Hallie. Foregone conclusion. They’d barely touched in the infirmary, yet a current more powerful than a lightning bolt had passed between them. Maybe tonight they’d add kink to their sexual menu.

As soon as he could leave this godforsaken place.

The door opened. Dick leaned inside. “You up for a treasure hunt?”

Chase was downright eager for the moment when he’d never see Dick’s ugly face again. “Meaning?”

“Contraband. Heard a rumor there’s some in E. Fun’s about to start. You with us?”

Edward bounced in place behind Dick, no different than a kid at Christmas.

Chase wouldn’t miss this for the world. “Count me in. Who’s the target?”

“Perkaski. But we want to make this look good. See her and the others sweat. We’ll toss half the bunks before we get to hers. Come on.”

A trustee had herded the inmates against the walls. Dick threw the first mattress on the floor. Edward upended the next. They riffled through scant personal belongings, invading the woman’s privacy as easily as they’d raped them.

Family photos lay on the floor. In the frenzy, both men stepped on the pictures. Pink and purple toothbrushes, paperbacks, greeting cards, letters, and rosaries received the same brutal treatment.

Chase behaved less monstrously but had to put on a believable act.

Dick slapped his arm. “Edward and I will take the fourth row. You do the second one.”

They wanted the new guy to find the contraband. Clever. That way, no one could claim Dick planted it.

Would he be surprised at what was about to come down. In time. Chase wanted Dick to wait and worry like the inmates had to.

Thoroughly, Chase checked bunks.

Dick stormed to him. “What the fuck? You’re not a maid at Holiday Inn. We don’t have all day.”

“I only have three more to go through.”

“I’ll get this one. You do the next.” He pointed at Perkaski’s bunk. “Make it quick.”

Chase got into the spirit, tossing, shaking, tearing through stuff. Finished, he tackled the next bunk.

“Hey.” Dick put out his hand. “Give it to me.”

Chase played dumb. “What?”

“What you found.”

“I didn’t. Nothing’s there.”

Dick’s mouth sagged open. He tore through Natalie’s things then fell to his knees and searched beneath her bunk. His face got even uglier. “You must have kicked it aside.”

“What?” Chase made a show of regarding the mess. “Nothing here except regular stuff.”

Dick stood and glared at Natalie.

She cowered against the wall, her face deathly white.

“Clean this shit up.” He stormed from the dormitory.

Edward followed close behind.

An older inmate sank to her knees, photos pressed to her chest, tears streaming down her face. The younger ones swore. Women called each other’s names and tossed items to their rightful owners.

Knowing the best defense was an offense, Chase returned to the bubble, his attitude murderous and directed at Dick. “Nice hunt. Was that a fucking training session for the new guy, or did you plan to make me look bad to the inmates?” He hit the counter.

Dick started. “It was supposed to be there, all right?”

“’Fraid not.” Chase got in his face. “What was supposed to be there? Who told you about it?”

Edward joined them. “Our source is good.”

“For who?” Chase turned on him. “I haven’t heard her name yet. How convenient since she doesn’t exist.” He faced Dick. “You shouldn’t have screwed with me.” He advanced.

Dick retreated and bumped into the counter behind him. “I didn’t. I haven’t.” He held up his hands. “It was there.”

“Then I need to talk to your source who either lied or took it away.” Chase smacked his baton against his palm. “Looks like someone needs a little discipline. Who. Is. She?”

“I’ll take care of it—her, I swear.” Dick’s smile wobbled. “Go on and have a good night with Hallie.” He chuckled weakly. “I kidded her about her new glasses. They look great. Hope she didn’t misunderstand my joking.”

Chase couldn’t wait to hear what had come out of Dick’s vile mouth. “Don’t you mean you hope I don’t misunderstand?”

“Absolutely. She’s the best. I want you to know that.” He patted Chase’s shoulder. “Edward and I will handle the problem here. Won’t happen again, I swear.”

“See that it doesn’t.”

He clocked out, left, and called Hallie on his cell. “Hey.”

“Are you still in the building?”

“Heading for my locker now. Come to my place tonight, okay? I have a ton of movies we can watch.” Code for what they and Jacqui had recorded. “On the way home, I’ll get pizza, or Chinse, or whatever you like.”

“Pizza’s good. Unless you want Mexican.”

“Not tonight. What toppings on the pizza?””

“As long as it has cheese and meat, I’m happy.”

He laughed. “You’re too easy.”

“And you’re hard. I believe that’s the way we like it, right?”

Falling in love with her was effortless. In a world that could be incredibly crappy at times, she made the other crud worthwhile. “Wouldn’t have it any other way. See you soon.”




The second Chase opened his door, Hallie forgot restraint and jumped into his arms.

He groaned, kissed her breathless, and came up for air. “Missed you.”

“Same here.” She rubbed her nose on his shoulder. “I didn’t think today would ever end. It was godawful.”

“Why?” He kicked the door closed and held her at arm’s length. “What happened?”

“The details are in my glasses. Come here.” She yanked him close and didn’t let him loose for minutes, kissing, touching, exploring as much of him as she could. Crazy, she knew. This was way past her one-night-stand rule.

To avoid his charm in the future, she’d have to wear a chastity belt and be in a coma.

She pulled her mouth free and swore.

“Hey. That didn’t sound good.” He stroked her hair. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re too hot. You’re driving me nuts.”

“Yeah?” He grinned roguishly. “Tell me more. Better still, show me how much I turn you on.”

Giggling, she grabbed his tee and tugged him into the kitchen. “After we eat and talk.”

“Why wait?”

“We have to.” She flipped open the extra-large pizza box and grabbed a wedge piled high with pepperoni, sausage, ham, and bacon. He took her preferences to heart. Not only was he gorgeous but nice, too. Each second with him stole another piece of her heart that she wouldn’t get back when they ended. Needing comfort, she took a huge bite of her slice. Decadent flavors exploded in her mouth. “Wow. This is awesome.”

Chase handed her a beer. “Why do we have to wait for sex?”

She took another bite and talked around her food. “Afterwards, you’ll fall asleep like you always do.”

He arched one eyebrow.

“And I’ll forget everything except wanting you so badly I won’t care about anything else. I’ll screw you blind and won’t stop until your cock falls off and your balls shrivel up. ”

He brightened. “Promise?”

“Quit grinning. I’m serious.” She finished her slice and sucked her fingers. “I shouldn’t even be here.”

“Right. You don’t date long-term. You don’t do relationships.” He clasped her shoulders. “Guess what? You are here. And you must like it because you’re smiling.”

She was? Again? God, what was the matter with her?

Chase hauled her into his arms. “Nothing bad is going to happen. We’ll both survive being together and happy. And we’ll take things slow. I swear I won’t use more than five rubbers tonight.”

Snickering, she sagged against him. “You are a good man. But we should discuss what happened today. There are bigger things in this than you and me.”

“Isn’t that what Humphrey Bogart said to Ingrid Bergman in

“Never saw it, but if he did tell her that, he was right.” Hallie eased away and pulled her specs from her purse. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

“More than mine. We also have what Jacqui got from the surveillance cameras I put up.” He grabbed the pizza box. “Let’s go into my office.”

She followed with the beers and told him about admitting Barb into the infirmary. “I’m hoping to keep her there for a few days so she can rest and feel safe for a change. It’s not like me to falsify records, but I did a bang-up job today with hers.”

He pulled a chair over for Hallie. “What did you say was wrong?”

“Congestion, fever, chest pain, fatigue, being generally run down. Nearly every symptom I could think of that points to pneumonia, except for a cough, which even a novice would notice Barb doesn’t have. Shirl did. She accused me of being too nice. If things were up to her and Dick, we’d probably have executions on pay-TV and public lashings in the town square.”

Chase kissed Hallie deeply and tenderly then eased away.

She leaned toward him. “What was that for?”

“Being you.” He tucked a tress behind her ear. “How’s Barb doing?”

“When I left, she was asleep.” Tears stung Hallie’s eyes. “She looks so young and scared even when she’s unconscious. It kills me to see her in Zephron. I know some of the women belong there. They’d sell their own kid on the street to make a buck or buy drugs, but too many are simply misguided. We have to help them.”

“We are.” He told her about the treasure hunt.

Bile rose to Hallie’s throat. “Oh God.”

“Oh God, what? The ending was happy. I expected you to dance around the room, not look like you’re going to cry.”

She tried to smile but couldn’t. “What you did was great, but it’s only one day and one inmate. Dick and Edward won’t give up. They’re like roaches. Just when you think you’ve gotten rid of them, they find another way in and you’re back to square one.”

“That doesn’t mean you back down and let them take over. You keep at it. In fact, you stay one step ahead. With Jacqui monitoring Edward and Dick at Zephron, I can keep getting in their way without them knowing.”

“They’ll get suspicious.”

“Let them. No way can they prove it’s me. I’ll con them like I did today. In fact, I’ll make them turn on each other. Before this is over, they won’t know who to trust, and they sure as fuck will think twice before making a move. As a bonus, we’ll have everything recorded.”

“To use in court.”

“To convince a state’s attorney to prosecute. They all can’t be dirty. We need to find the ones who aren’t.”

Hallie wasn’t sure there was such a government official. “How?”

“The agency has contacts in the criminal justice system. Using them, we’ll know who we can trust and who to avoid. If things go perfectly, we’ll nail Dick and Edward for Kim’s murder, slap them with God knows how many other charges, and they’ll plead out so they won’t have to face a trial.”

“And get only a few years.”

“Not going to happen.” Chase grabbed a pizza slice. “From what I can see, they’re both looking at hard time. At most, the state’s attorney will take the death penalty off the table.”

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