The One Place (7 page)

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Authors: Laurel Curtis

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: The One Place
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As she headed down the hall, Tuck and I followed but not before I bugged my eyes out at him. He laughed.

Man, he was attractive when he laughed. Who was I kidding? He was just attractive, period.


After we finished carrying the boxes up to Mrs. Tanner’s attic (I only got to carry one box) we mounted back up on our horses and started walking once again.

I was starting to get hungry so I was glad food was the next part of the plan. I hadn’t eaten anything the whole day and Zumba had done a number on me. “So what’s the plan for food?”

“Well, I figured you’d be hungry, but I also figured you wouldn’t wanna eat at the diner since you spend every day there. So I put in an order for us to pick up at noon yesterday, thinkin’ that would give us enough time, even with your ability to talk.”

Wow, that was actually really sweet. Even though he threw in an insult there at the end. “Thanks. That sounds good, actually.”

He surprised me with what he said next. “You’re different today.”

“Different? Different how?”

He shrugged and said, “I dunno. You’re nice.” And then smiled huge.

Instead of getting mad or throwing sass, I just giggled. I guess that proved his theory right. Maybe I was nicer today.


Tuck went in and grabbed the food, and we sat on the bench in the park I had used for soaking up sun to eat. He did good. He got me a burger, just how I liked it, with mustard, pickles and ketchup and nothing else and fries with ketchup. Obviously, someone in there had a big mouth because Tuck had never seen me eat a burger.

Lunch was quiet until Tuck started in on a subject that I wasn’t willing to give any answers to.

“So what brought you to Joplin?”

Oh boy. Okay. I needed an honest answer that was supremely vague. That was the only way to go.

“I needed a new start, and Joplin felt right.”

He nodded as though he understood. “I know what you mean.”

I couldn’t help but ask. “Which part? The needing a new start or Joplin feeling right?”

He shrugged. “I guess you could say both. New starts can be good and I know all about somethin’ just feelin’ right.”

I was really curious, but I also suspected the more I asked the more permission it gave him to ask. So I shut my mouth. I didn’t want to lie to him, but I couldn’t tell him either.

After we finished our food, Tuck collected all of our garbage and took it to throw away. I stood up and stretched side to side trying to prepare myself to spend some more time on a horse.

Tuck came back and asked, “You ready?”

I just nodded and headed in the direction of the horses. Just like before, he took his position behind me with his hands on my hips and lifted me onto Hatch’s back.

And then, he ruined a perfectly good moment. “I can tell you just ate. You’re heavier.”

I was floored! What an asshole remark! I started to berate him but when I looked at his face I stopped. He had a huge smile on his face and I swear was just waiting for me to throw attitude at him. And beyond expecting it, he was inviting it! He must like it when I was a nasty bitch. Interesting. “You just love to incite my anger don’t you?”

“Nothin’ better than watchin’ you get all fired up, Babe.”

I wanted to be upset, but I couldn’t. He was too much fun.

We rode across town passed what I knew to be his farm, though he didn’t mention it, and up the road to the Anderson place. Apparently, the Anderson place and Jace’s place were one in the same. I kept learning that I had yet to discover so much about Joplin and the people in it. I guess time and days like today would fix that eventually.

As we were riding up the drive I asked, “Didn’t you just help Jace the other day?”

He nodded. “I did. Takes a lotta work and a lotta help to run a place like this. As long as I’m free and don’t have other work to do at my place, I try to help out.”

“Wow, he’s lucky to have you.”

Tuck just lifted one shoulder as if to say it was no big deal. It looked like once again, I needed to eat my words from when I had told Annabelle that Tuck was lazy. I couldn’t have been more wrong.


Tuck did a great job explaining what I needed to do while we were herding the cattle. He was patient and kind and took the time to explain everything while it was happening. I had a little experience with cattle work from team sorting back in Georgia, but nothing like this.

I had also found out that Jace was one of his closest friends here in Joplin. He had apparently been pretty wild in his younger days, but spent pretty much all of his time working anymore. That or spending the night with an occasional woman. Tuck seemed a little frustrated that Jace had mentioned it, but I wasn’t naive. With the way he looked and his alpha-like nature, I knew the girls were crawling all over themselves to get to him. Hell, I had just met one last night.

Jace had been friendly and welcoming and overwhelmingly grateful for my help. I hadn’t minded at all. I had fun. Actually, I hadn’t had that much fun in a long time. I hoped I would get to help out more. I’d have to take more time having a life outside of work. He also had a great sense of humor, so I could see how him and Tuck would be good friends.

As usual, having such a great day brought my thoughts full circle. I couldn’t help but think of Jenny and be sad that I had never known her like this. Her life had already been too serious when I met her for us to have the fun-loving relationship that I was sure we could have had. I wondered if she had ever had fun like this before Andrew had stolen her life away. If she had ever known kind people like this who did their best to make you feel welcome. I hoped she had that.

As we rode our horses up in front of my apartment again, I felt a little pang of disappointment that our day was coming to an end. I really enjoyed Tuck’s company. It was just easy with us.

He jumped down off of his horse, who’s name was Sonny as it turned out, and came around to help me off of Hatch. This time when we picked me up, he slid me down his body all the way down. I shivered.

“Thanks for today, Tuck. I had a really good time. Hopefully, I can come with you again sometime when you’re helping the townsfolk.”

He grinned and said, “Yeah, Babe.”

I turned and headed for my door when he called after me, “Oh, Talie, wait. I forgot.” He reached into his saddlebags on Sonny and pulled out what looked to be a cell phone.

Turns out, that’s exactly what it was.

“Ruthie wanted me to give this to you. You shouldn’t be out by yourself without a phone.”

I reached for the phone and he finished, “You know, girls lookin’ out for girls and all that.”

“Yeah, I know all about that.”

Looking up to see him still standing there I repeated, “Well, thanks again.”

He leaned forward, touched his lips to my forehead, and murmured, “Anytime, Talie.”


Chapter 12

Light Dawns

The next morning I got up and got ready and headed to work as usual. Back to the routine.

The day went well, mostly because I was in such an upbeat mood. I expected Tuck to come in at breakfast or even lunch, but started to lose hope as dinner approached. Oh well, we had a good day yesterday but that didn’t mean anything. We had a good time, but that was it. Not to mention, I’m sure he had a lot to do on his farm after spending all day yesterday doing stuff for other people.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized he must be busy all the time. Always working on his farm or with other people. I guess that didn’t leave much time do anything else. He came into the diner all the time, but he had to eat and coming here was probably quicker than making something at home.

Jace came in early for dinner and I got to use my social skills on one more familiar person now that I had met him.

“Hey there, Jace. What can I get you?”

“Hey there, Miss Natalie. I’ll just take the pot roast dinner and a glass of lemonade.”

“No problem.”

I turned to put in his order when he stopped me. “Hey. I just wanted to say thanks again for yesterday. Means a lot you helpin’ out like that. It was good for Tuck, too.”

I didn’t know what people meant when they said stuff like that. Tuck was always fun. He didn’t need me to have a good time. So I just avoided that and answered the rest. “It was no trouble, seriously. I had a great time. I’m hoping I’ll get to help out again sometime.”

Jace tipped his chin to me and noted, “I’m sure I’ll be seein’ a lot of you.”

Done with this conversation, I smiled and spoke cheerily. “Ok, great! Well, I’ll just go put your order in then. Let me know if you need something else.”

I managed to serve his food and finish waiting on him without having any more awkward conversations. When he left, I had a little lull so I caught Ruthie in between a couple of her tables.

“Oh, Ruthie, by the way, I wanted to say thanks for the phone. Tuck gave it to me yesterday.”

Ruthie looked confused and said, “What are you talkin’ about Nattie?”

I continued talking, not even acknowledging what she said. “I know I shouldn’t have been wandering around this long by myself without a phone, even in a relatively safe place like this. And I get that you were worried and all but I’ll pay you back-”

She cut me off by saying, “Geez, Nattie. For somebody so smart, you can be really dense sometimes.”

Okay. Now I was really confused. How had I offended her? I started to shake my head when she said, “Nattie, I didn’t get you that phone.”

“What do you mean you didn’t get it for me? Tuck said-”

“Yeah, Tuck said. Nattie. Tuck got you that phone. Tuck’s gotten you everything. The apartment, the furniture, the phone, everything. I can’t believe you didn’t figure this out by now.”

“But, I don’t get it. Tuck doesn’t like me. I annoy him every time he comes in here. Sure we play with each other, but we’re just messing around. Why would he do all that for me? He just met me for God’s sake.”

She rolled her eyes. “You think that’s Tuck not likin’ you girl? You’re crazy. You see him payin’ that much attention to anyone else?”

Actually, no. Tuck never paid attention to anyone else. He always sat in my section and always seemed to enjoy goading me thoroughly. He also spent the day with me yesterday, getting to know me but not pushing me too far. All the conversations we’d had started to flash through my head like a slideshow.

Natalie Jenkins. I’ll be sure to remember that.

It’s just that you’re awful cute when you get on a tear.

Always make time to come see you, Babe.

Though, I’ll say, whether you’re wearin’ those shorts or not, guys are starin’ at your ass. I know I am.

Well, I missed you, Talie.

As long as you weren’t lookin’ for me and thinkin’ I stood you up.

Ah, a man after my own heart. You have no idea.

Well, I’ve gotta go around to a few different spots helpin’ people with stuff I promised I’d help ‘em with, but I thought maybe you’d wanna go with me.

Looks like you met your match, honey. She took your shit and fed it right back to you. Get over it.

I think I might’a underestimated you a little bit. I like it.

This is Hatch. He’s a gelding, he’s not too temperamental, and we had a talk about him bein’ real careful with you.

No problem, Babe. I don’t ever wanna do anythin’ that’s gonna make you react like that.

Oh my God. Tuck

“I see the light’s starting to dawn. I tried to talk to you about this the first time you met him, but you kept brushing me off. Tuck used to be playful all the time. Always bustin’ on people and havin’ a good time, until his sister left. I hadn’t seen him like that until the day you walked in here.”

Wow. That was huge. I probably should have listened to Ruthie a long time ago. Oh well, wouldn’t do me any good to dwell.

“He comes in here almost everyday-”

She nodded. “He comes in here for you.”

I had to see him. I didn’t even know what I would say, but I knew I needed to see him. “Where is he? Where would he be right now?”

John, who had obviously been listening in on our conversation (and so had everyone else, I noticed when I took in the room) answered, “Heard one of his horses broke through the fence, so I reckon he’s out fixin’ it.”

I looked out the window and then back at John. “But it’s pouring outside.”

He shrugged and said, “Don’t matter. Had to get done.”

I looked to the window and back at him again. He must have read what was on my face because he answered my unspoken question. “Go. The other girls’ll cover the rest of your shift.”

That was all I needed to hear. I ripped my apron off and headed for the door. Luckily, Ruthie had pointed out the way to his farm when I went to Zumba with her, so I knew where I was going. As soon as I was out the door, I was instantly soaked, but I didn’t care. I turned right and ran down Main Street. Once I got to the end where the The Goods was, I just had to turn left then an almost immediate right and go up the road about half a mile. It really wasn’t that far but considering that my emotions had my heart beating a mile a minute, it was a good thing I was in decent shape.


Not really sure where I would find him, I just ran straight up his driveway.

Fortunately, I spotted him almost immediately, and it looked like he was just finishing nailing the top board on a section of four-panel fence along the driveway close to the house.

Looking to get his attention over the pouring rain, I screamed, “Tuck!”

His head whipped around in my direction and as soon as it registered that I was rushing towards him and soaking wet, he dropped everything, and took off running to meet me.

“Talie, what’s wrong? Are you okay? Is someone hurt? Did you run all the way here?”

Forcing him into further panic, I stood silent taking in all of his beauty that I hadn’t even allowed myself to fully take in until this moment. His dark blue t-shirt was plastered to his body, highlighting everything good about a man’s body. His jeans were soaked too, and stuck to his muscular thighs like a second skin. He had on a ratty black baseball cap to keep the rain out of his eyes while he worked, I presumed. He was beautiful.

His scream brought me back into the present. “Natalie!”

“You did everything for me?”

His beautiful eyes widened at my question. It only took him a few seconds to understand what I meant. He gave me one nod.

“The apartment, the flowers, the furniture, the phone? You did all of that for me?”

Another nod.


“Because you needed it.” Simple as that. Because I needed it.

“But, I don’t understand. The way you’ve acted around just doesn’t make sense.”

A smirk settling on his rain-soaked face, he answered, “You’re special, Talie. I’ve know for a long time. The way I’ve been acting is me. I’m a smart-ass. I’m bossy, possessive, and a dick sometimes, but only in the ways that you’ll like it. But you weren’t ready to know the rest of me.”

I didn’t understand. None of this was making sense to me. “How could I not be ready?”

He stepped forward and cupped my cheek with one hand while the other went to my hip and pulled our bodies close. He looked right into my eyes and whispered, “Because, Baby. All the time, I watched you. You were so deep in your own head, livin’ your past, that you would’a run from somebody if they had tried to get close to you. I know you were runnin’ from somebody when you came here. I could see it in your eyes. I wouldn’t have been surprised if you were scared, timid, even offended after I first talked to you. But not you. You had such a fire in you that you were liable to lash out and burn anybody if they got too close. You needed time. Time to accept love without conditions. Time to adjust to bein’ takin’ care of like you should’a been every goddamn day of your life. When I showed you I would give you the world, you had to be ready to take it.”

I gasped my surprise, and the next thing I knew, his mouth was on mine. He took my open mouth as the opportunity to slide his tongue inside. And
, was I glad he did. Standing there in the rain, our wet bodies plastered together and his lips sealed over mine with his tongue stroking the inside of my mouth, I was pretty sure I’d found heaven.

We must have stood out there in the rain for minutes just exploring, tasting each other. He moved his other hand from my face, turned his hat around backwards so it was out of the way, and then continued down with it to join his other at my hips. He skimmed the edge of my shirt with his fingers looking for skin. I followed his lead and shoved my hands up his shirt to do the same. When my hands made contact with his warm, firm skin, a groan vibrated in my mouth from deep in his throat. His hands reached around and grabbed my ass lifting at the same time that I jumped twining my legs around his waist.

I noticed he was moving, carrying me while still making out with me. And he was moving quickly. I subconsciously noticed that he must have been headed for his house. He ate up the distance quickly and before I knew it he bounded up the front steps onto his porch, all without removing his mouth from mine.

He opened the door, kicked it shut behind him, and carried me down the hall, up the stairs, and to his bedroom, but I didn’t notice much more than that. I was a little too busy to notice any design details that his house might have had to offer. I would have to pay attention after, when my body wasn’t tingling all over, with a special tingle centered between my legs.

Setting me down on my feet, he grabbed the bottom hem of my shirt to pull it over my head. Our mouths separated for just a second in order to let my shirt clear my face, but when he caught sight of my bra he pulled back to take it in. I had finally gotten around to shopping for new undergarments and was wearing my completely see-through lace black bra. The look on his face was absolutely carnal.

Unable to control himself he leaned down and took my nipple into his mouth through the rain-soaked lace.

My head fell back in ecstasy. “Oh my
, Tuck.”

Fueled by my words and actions, he continued, even more aggressively. Switching to my other nipple and sucking it deep, he used his finger and his thumb to roll the original nipple and keep it at attention. I couldn’t stop the moans that were escaping my throat. There was no time to rethink any of this or wonder if I was ready for the next step. I was too far gone in my desire. And from the looks of it, so was he.

Using his free hand, he reached down to start unbuttoning my shorts. Everything felt so good, but I was nervous. But nervous in a totally good way. It was kind of backwards thinking, but I was nervous because everything felt so right. The main part of that being that it
When I was with Andrew, I turned everything off. I had to protect myself somehow, and for me, making myself numb was the only way. So, I hadn’t had a sexual encounter where I actually felt something in over a year. And quite frankly, my normal relationships before Andrew weren’t even that great. I was too stubborn and strong-willed for most men. They usually cracked under my pressure because as it turns out, most men don’t like feeling weaker than a woman. With Tuck, it was like he knew that I was just as strong as him, but he was man enough to still take charge and protect me whether I knew I needed it or not. In that moment, plastered together with Tuck, I thought I would probably do just about anything to keep that feeling. And that scared the shit out of me.

Tuck pulled back and gave me a gentle shove to make me fall back onto the bed. I reached around and unhooked my bra while he crooked his fingers into the side of my shorts and pulled them and my panties down all in one swoop, taking my shoes with them.

I could hear our ragged breaths filling the room, and there was a steamy quality to the air from our soaking wet clothes and passionately heated bodies.

As Tuck stood back and took in my completely naked body and made short work of his clothes, he spoke. “Fuck, baby. Worth the wait. You’re even more beautiful than I imagined you would be. And I imagined.
A lot.

A startled laugh bubbled out of my throat, and I was beyond thankful to Tuck for lightening the moment while still making me feel beautiful and appreciated. I also made a mental note to inform Ruthie that I had changed my mind. Boxer-briefs were definitely my favorite underwear now.

Before I knew it, Tuck’s clothes were gone and he was covering my body with his. I didn’t have much time to admire his body, but I would be sure to do it later. God, this felt perfect. So
. The rest of the world ceased to exist and it was just me and Tuck. Overwhelmed by the emotion I was feeling, I started to shake. I tried desperately to cover it up, but Tuck noticed.

“Talie, what’s wrong, Babe? You’re shakin’.”

Temporarily thrown off my secret keeping game by the beautiful, naked man on top of me, I whispered, “I’m sorry. I just haven’t done this because I wanted to in a long time.”

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