The One That Got Away (10 page)

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Authors: S J Crabb

Tags: #love story, #romance adult fiction, #romance and mystery, #new adult romance, #triangle relationships, #spies and espionage, #romance adult erotica contemporary, #trilogy book 1, #department store romance

BOOK: The One That Got Away
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Chapter 12

I must have been out like a light because I
wake up the next morning and see Nathan snoring away beside me half
undressed. I don’t remember him coming to bed and it is obvious
that he is still out for the count. I look at my watch and notice
that it is 9am so I decide to get up and ready and go out and get
some fresh air. Once again all is quiet and I grab my coat and make
my way outside. As I head down the path I see Ben walking towards
me. He smiles. “Morning, did you sleep well after the marathon
session?” I laugh and reply, “I slept like a log, which is exactly
what Nathan is doing now. Goodness knows what time he came to

Ben laughs. “Melissa is the same. I think
they will be a bit under the weather for the rest of the day.” He
carries on, “Where are you going?”

Oh I just
thought that I’d grab some fresh air and go for a walk.”

He grins. “Can I join you? We could go to the
shop for breakfast supplies if you want?” I nod in agreement and we
head off. It is a lovely day and there is not a cloud in the sky.
It is still cold though so we walk at a brisk pace.

Soon we reach the shop and I am interested to
see the various things on display. The man behind the counter
smiles at us and says to Ben, “You’re not on your own today. You
finally got your little lady to come with you then.” Ben laughs and
I look surprised. For some reason I don’t put him straight and just
smile and look away. As we head back Ben laughs. “It’s funny isn’t
it? I’ve spent more time alone with you this weekend than Melissa.”
I grin at him. “Sorry, you drew the short straw. Melissa is
obviously more fun than me; I mean Nathan obviously thinks so.” He
looks at me in surprise. “Whatever makes you think that?”

Shrugging my shoulders I say, “Well, I am
quite boring really. I don’t drink much or like playing games and I
don’t share his interest in football or computer games. I think he
finds me a bit boring sometimes.”

Ben looks thoughtful. “Well I don’t find you
boring. In fact you have probably just described me as well.
However if my memory serves me correctly, we were anything but
boring in our youth.” I smile thinking back to our student days.
Turning to look at him I say, “Do you remember how you used to hide
in empty boxes and jump out on me when I was least expecting it.”
He grins at me and I carry on. “It used to give me a heart attack.
You got me every time you know.” I punch him on the arm and he
laughs. “Do you remember that we used to spy on Malcolm and Tracy
who were having a fling and used to meet behind the deliveries in
aisle G?” We both burst out laughing. “Yes I remember them. They
got caught when the Fire Inspector did his rounds and we nearly
caused the boxes to fall on them in our haste to get away without
being seen.” He laughs again saying, “what about when you dropped
that crate of Champagne and the corks exploded and broke the strip

We both dissolve into hysterics at the memory
and have to stop walking to control our laughter. Looking at him I
raise my eyes. “I know there’s no bottle involved but I dare you to
climb that tree over there.” He stares at me defiantly. “What do I
get if I do?” I return his defiant look and shrug, “As Nathan would
say, you choose.” He turns away and heads for the tree. After much
laughing he finally gets halfway and sits astride a branch. I laugh
to see him sitting there and clap. He shouts down, “Ok, your turn.”
“I accept your challenge.” I say laughing and make a real hash of
climbing the tree. It takes me longer and he nearly falls out of
the tree laughing but soon I am sitting on the branch nearby.

Out of breath we sit up in the tree both
proud of ourselves. “See,” he says, looking at me proudly, “We can
still rise to a challenge.” Looking around me I notice how
beautiful the forest is. “It is as though there is nobody else
around.” I say, enjoying the sense of freedom and space. He looks
at me and I carry on, “We lead such busy lives and sometimes forget
what it’s like just to let go and be free.” He laughs, “Well don’t
let go now, somehow we still have to get down.” I look at him
suddenly feeling sad and he looks at me with concern as he notices
my expression change.

What’s the
matter Bella? You look sad.”

I try to raise a smile but answer, “It’s just
that life can be so full on at times. I have had a lovely weekend
which makes it all the more harder to go back to my busy life.” His
face softens. “Just make sure that you make time for the important
things in life. The rest can wait. Just do what makes you happy.
Anyway let’s get down and I’ll make you some breakfast.” It takes
us some time to climb down and as we reach the bottom he dusts some
twigs off of me and pulls one from out of my hair.

As he touches me I once again feel excitement
course through me and wish that he would take me in his arms and
kiss me. It is almost as though I have to know what it feels like;
I want to see if it affects me the same way as it does in my
memory. He looks at me and his eyes penetrate mine. Our faces are
so close; it wouldn’t take much for us to touch. I can’t look away
and he lifts his finger to my cheek and traces the outline of my
face. Then out of nowhere we hear somebody coming. We spring apart
in confusion and quickly bending over he grabs the shopping from
the ground.

We see a couple jogging towards us and for a
minute I think that it is Nathan and Melissa. They draw near and I
am relieved to see that it isn’t, however the moment has gone and
we are once again brought back to reality. Reluctantly he says,
“Come on, the others may be wondering where we are.”

Once we get back however it is apparent that
they are still asleep. I help Ben rustle up some bacon and eggs and
we sit together enjoying the food. I realise that we need to pack
up and leave by 11am so we decide to wake our partners and load up
the car. I take Nathan a coffee in and it is no mean feat to bring
him round and get him in the shower. He looks terrible and even the
shower and coffee doesn’t seem to help. He groans and holds his
head in his hand and it is left to me to pack everything up. I feel
really cross with him. I knew that this would happen and it has
ruined a good day. We will be back to work tomorrow and I won’t see
him until next weekend again. As we join the others I notice that
Melissa is also looking very worse for wear. She has tied her hair
back and is wearing large dark glasses. Her skin is pale and she
looks as though she may be sick. Ben looks annoyed and loads the
car up silently, not looking at them.

I tidy around so that we leave the lodge as
we found it and soon we are back in the car heading home. Nathan
sits in the back with me and leans his head on my shoulder all the
way. He still stinks of drink and I can see Ben looking at us in
the rear view mirror. I catch his eye and he winks at me.

We get to Nathan’s flat and Ben takes his
case from the boot. “What about you?” he says looking at me with
concern. “Do you want me to drop you home?” I shake my head. “No,
my car is here. I’ll make sure he gets in alright and then I’ll go
home. Thank you very much; I have had a lovely weekend.” I kiss him
on the cheek and notice that he instantly tenses up. He holds my
gaze and then Nathan comes over and says, “Yes thanks mate. Sorry
I’m not much use today. I’ll be fine though for work tomorrow so
don’t you worry.” He then shakes Ben hand and we look in at Melissa
who smiles weakly at us. “Thanks Melissa, I hope that you feel
better.” I say. She blushes and looks down and can’t seem to look
me in the eye. “Bye guys, thanks for a lovely weekend. Hope to see
you soon.” She then looks away and I notice that Nathan just smiles
quickly at her and then heads off towards his flat. I look at Ben
in confusion; they must be so hung over. I wonder what time they
got to bed. Ben just raises his eyes and smiles. “I had better get
her home. See you soon Bella.” I watch them drive away and then
follow Nathan back inside.

He is collapsed on the settee and looks at me
sheepishly. “I am sorry Bella, I over did it again, you should have
stopped me.” I look at him crossly. “What and have you accuse me of
being boring again? No, you’ve only got yourself to blame. I can’t
believe that you behaved like that in front of our boss, and I
can’t believe that you asked his girlfriend to take her top off.”
He winces and looks ashamed. He can’t look me in the eye and once
again I can feel my anger growing. “I’m going home. Maybe next
weekend you can stay sober and we can have a good one for a
change.” I grab my bag and head for the door. Nathan shouts after
me, but I notice that he stays sitting down.

Bella, don’t
go. I’ll make it up to you.” I don’t look back and just slam the
door behind me.

Chapter 13

I am just glad to get back to work. I don’t
see anything of Ben all week and Nathan is still away at Head
Office. On the Wednesday evening Phoebe comes home with some news.
“Bella, clear your schedule for Sunday because Boris’s Uncle said
that we can take you and Nathan to see Harden Hall.”

She looks at me with excitement and for some
reason I can’t seem to share it. I try to look interested. “Great,
I’ll call Nathan and tell him. What time shall we pick you up?”

About 10am
should be fine, it’s about an hour away so we should be there
around 11am.” She jumps up and down with excitement and I have to
laugh at her enthusiasm. Anyone would think that it was her
wedding. I phone Nathan to tell him the good news. “Hi Baby,” he
says, “I missed you today.” I smile down the phone and say, “Me
too. Anyway keep Sunday free because Phoebe and Boris are going to
take us to Harden Hall.” There is silence for a few seconds and
then he says, “Does it have to be Sunday?” I fight back a feeling
of irritation. “Why, do you have something on?” He hesitates before
saying, “Well we were having a training session for the football
team, but I’ll say I can’t go as this is obviously more important.”
“Yes it is,” I snap irritably.

Suddenly his voice brightens. "Oh good news.
The project has finished and I am back to Kinghams tomorrow. It
will be back to the usual routine at last.” I am surprised and say,
“That’s great news, you must be relieved.” He laughs. “Make sure
you come home with me tomorrow night, we have a lot of time to make
up.” “Of course, can’t wait.” He then says, “Sorry Honey I’ve got
to go, my other phone is ringing. Love you and can’t wait till
tomorrow.” I say, “Love you too,” but he has hung up before I

Phoebe looks
at me and says, “Well?” I laugh. “No problem, Sunday it is.” She
races off to phone Boris squealing as she goes and I am left to
think about the strange call. Ever since the weekend Nathan has
been a bit distant. I hope that it’s not because of me as I too
feel disconnected from him and know that I have been quite short
with him. I just keep on re playing all of the events in my mind
and all I can think of is Ben. I am disappointed that I haven’t
seen him since and my emotions are all over the place.

The week soon passes and there is still no
sign of Ben. Life has quickly reverted back to the old routine and
I find myself at Nathan’s for the rest of the week. Nothing much
has changed between us, he still pounces on me every night but I am
starting to question our relationship outside of our sex life.

On Sunday we pick Phoebe and Boris up at 10am
and head off towards Harden Hall. I absolutely love Boris. He is
one of life’s eccentrics and certainly doesn’t conform to a
stereotype. He adores Phoebe and indulges her strange ways with
humour and patience. Soon we are driving through some huge metal
gates down a long sweeping drive. As the house comes into view I am
immediately smitten. It is very impressive and looks like an old
Georgian mansion. I had expected it to be quite run down, probably
because Boris is so scruffy, but it is in immaculate condition.

We pull up outside and go up to the huge
front door and ring the bell pull next to it. After about ten
minutes the door opens and an older Boris stands there beaming at
us. “Boris, my lad and Phoebe too, come in come in. These must be
your friends, welcome to my humble home.” We laugh and say hello,
all shaking his hand. Phoebe kisses him on the cheek and races
ahead of us. “Uncle Edward, I love this house,” she says running
around as though she is demented. Boris laughs at her and we follow
his Uncle through to a large drawing room. The house is furnished
as you would expect in a Regency style and it all looks very grand
and impressive.

We get the guided tour, although it is closed
for the season and only opens in the Spring to the paying public.
They also run weddings, parties and corporate events and in the
winter months they run a shoot from the extensive grounds. I am
very impressed with the set up and think that we are so lucky to be
able to have our wedding here. Uncle Edward takes us through to a
sitting room where somebody has miraculously left us some afternoon
tea. We all sit around talking and then Uncle Edward says, “Well
the house is yours to use for your wedding, and you are most
welcome here. We need to talk dates so that I can put it in the
diary. At the moment June is looking quite free so you can take
your pick.” Phoebe claps her hands in excitement and I look over at
Nathan sitting there attacking a ham sandwich. “What do you think
Nathan, is June ok for you?” I say smiling at him. He nods happily.
“Great, no problem. Just put it in and I will let everyone

I look over at Phoebe. “Do you think that we
can get everything ready in time?” She grins. “I think that I have
covered most things already. We just need to check if there is a
registrar available who could come here to marry you both, that is
if you want to be married here.” I look at Nathan again and say,
“Is that ok with you, I mean do you have a preference, Church or

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