The One That Got Away (16 page)

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Authors: S J Crabb

Tags: #love story, #romance adult fiction, #romance and mystery, #new adult romance, #triangle relationships, #spies and espionage, #romance adult erotica contemporary, #trilogy book 1, #department store romance

BOOK: The One That Got Away
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Silently he looks at me and I am almost
quivering with lust. He slowly approaches me and begins to remove
every piece of my clothing until I am naked before him. I go to
touch him but he pulls my hands down and says huskily, “Not yet.
Just do as I say.” He holds my gaze whilst he removes his own
clothing and then approaches me slowly staring into my eyes the
whole time. He grabs hold of my hair and pulls it behind me and
then pulls my head towards him and kisses me deeply and
passionately. Again I go to touch him and he grabs my wrist and
pulls my arm behind me. The feelings of longing are overwhelming me
and I whisper, “Please Ben.” He whispers back, “Please what?” “I
want to feel you.” He whispers in my ear, “Close your eyes,” I
close them and I feel him moving down my body with his mouth. He
kisses me all the way down until he comes to the tops of my legs.
He parts them and his tongue darts in between my thighs, I groan
with pleasure and he moves upwards again. He lifts me up and
carries me to the bed. “Turn around,” he says and I lay on my front
and feel him kissing me down my back and once again parting my
thighs. It becomes almost too much to bear and then he flips me
back around so that I am facing him and once again tells me to keep
my eyes closed.

The fact that I cannot see him heightens the
anticipation and I am aware of his every movement. “Tell me what
you want Bella,” he says, and I almost pant, “You Ben, I want to
feel you.” He thrusts into me forcefully and I arch towards him
needing to feel him inside me. He clutches my buttocks and pulls me
closer and soon I feel the waves of an earth shattering orgasm as
he explodes inside me. He holds me to him and we lay there panting
and throbbing with the aftermath of our lovemaking. I think that I
do not deserve to feel this happy. It almost feels wrong and tears
run down my face.

He looks at me with alarm and says, “I didn’t
hurt you did I Bella?” I shake my head and smile lovingly at him.
“No, I am crying because I feel so happy and I don’t feel that I
should. It seems wrong to have these feelings after all that has
just happened.” He smiles and traces the side of my face with his
finger. “I know, but you do deserve it. You can’t choose when you
fall in love, it just happens.” I look at him a broad grin breaking
out over my face, “I do love you Ben. I can’t believe that I am
saying it but I do.”

He kisses my tears away and says, “I have
always loved you Bella. I am glad that I found you. You are mine
now and always were.” We lay here just clinging onto each other for
some time. He then picks me up and carries me to the bathroom. He
turns the shower on, which is a huge walk in one and we cling
together as the cleansing jets of water wash over us. We wrap
ourselves up in huge fluffy white towels and return to bed. I
settle down into his arms and we soon doze off.

Chapter 20

I wake up and it is morning. Once again Ben
is draped over me, one arm pulling me tightly against him and his
leg holding me down on the bed. It feels safe and secure and I just
enjoy feeling him against me. I think back to the events of last
night and feel excitement run through me. I wonder what today will

He is sleeping soundly and I inch away from
him. I need to use the toilet and hope that I don’t disturb him. I
wriggle free and he just moves in his sleep. His house is amazing.
The bathroom is bigger than my bedroom at home and it is obvious
that he has become very successful in such a short time.

I look in the bathroom mirror and try
desperately to tidy myself up. My hair is all over the place and I
laugh to myself at how happy I look. He certainly agrees with me. I
clean my teeth and then decide to have a shower. I hope that the
noise from it doesn’t wake him and enjoy feeling the hot jets of
water drenching my body. Grabbing a dressing gown I go back into
the room and smile as I see Ben propped up on his elbow grinning at
me. He looks so sexy lying there with his hint of stubble and
tousled hair. He pulls the covers back and says huskily, “Come back
to bed Bella, it’s not time to get up yet. I have other plans for

Feeling mischievous I say, “Oh do you now.
Well you’ll have to catch me first.” With a giggle I race for the
door. He jumps out of bed laughing and chases me as I run out of
the door and into the hallway. I try desperately to get away and
push open the door of a neighbouring room. It is another bedroom
and we circle the bed, the hunter and the hunted.

He looks at me with excitement in his eyes.
This game is obviously right up his street as he is such a control
freak. I realise that I am backed into a corner and make a dash for
it. He grabs hold of my arm as I pass and in one slick move pulls
me down onto the bed and sits astride me pinning me down on to the
bed. Giggling I wriggle and try to get away but he is too strong.
He looks at me grinning and I say, “Ok, you win Ben. I surrender.”
He looks at me triumphantly and bends down to kiss me. Drawing away
he says, “You can’t escape from me now Bella.” His eyes darken and
turn serious and I smile at him and run my fingers down his face. I
say in a whisper, “I know, and furthermore I don’t want to.”

His face relaxes and once again we kiss. I
pull away and say softly to him, “Ben, it‘s my turn now.” He looks
at me quizzically but says nothing. I move on top of him and he
lies underneath me. I start to kiss him and move down his body,
kissing and licking him whilst touching him. I move lower and lower
and he groans. I take him in my mouth gently at first and then
harder and more urgent. He groans again and I can feel him
throbbing inside my mouth. I quickly move up and lower myself onto
him, gasping as I feel him inside me. I move slowly up and down and
then faster until I feel him explode inside me. He rolls me over on
to my side and we lay there as close as two people can be.

Stroking my hair he says gently, “I love you
Bella, stay here with me today.” I nuzzle against him and nod
happily. I want to stay here with him more than anything.”

Reluctantly we get up and get ready. Once we
are downstairs I say, “Let me cook breakfast for you, you can check
your e mails or read the papers or whatever it is that you do.” He
smiles happily. “Ok if you’re sure. I had better do some work as I
fully intend on skipping the office today.” He leaves me alone and
I rustle us up a full English breakfast, with toast and coffee. I
set the table and call out that it is ready. He comes back in and
we sit there together like any other couple would ready to start
the day.

He looks at me with a contented expression
and says, “How about we spend the rest of the day here. We can go
out to eat later and then we could make a weekend of it.” I smile
contentedly at him. “Sounds good to me. I must go home on Sunday
though as I have to go back to work on Monday and need to get
organised. Also Phoebe will be wondering if she still has a
flatmate.” He looks at me and grins. “Not for long if I get my
way.” I roll my eyes. “And do you always get your way?” He looks at
me with a wicked expression. “Always.”

Then his expression changes to one of concern
and he says, “Will you be alright going back though? It may be
awkward with Nathan there, and there are bound to be lots of
questions.” Thinking about it all makes me frown and I reply, “I
can’t pretend that it’s going to be easy but if I keep my distance
it should be ok. We are coming up to the trade show season and I am
not in much anyway.” He nods. “Yes, I expect that you will be away
a lot for the next few weeks. Good timing really.” Looking at him I
suddenly feel a pang of regret and noticing my expression change he
looks at me questioningly. I reach out and take his hand. “I’m
going to miss spending time with you though. It’s a bit of a
whirlwind and I don’t have much spare time.” He pulls me over and I
sit on his lap. Holding me tightly he says, “You forget my
beautiful Bella, I am your Boss and if I want to I can come with
you. In fact I think that I need to as we have a new store to

I would like
that,” I say snuggling into him. After a while he says “Right then,
if that’s settled lets clear up and decide what to do for the rest
of the day.”

We spend the day just chilling out at Ben’s
fabulous home. We talk, watch films, eat and drink far too much and
make love in every room. When Sunday afternoon comes I feel totally
depressed at the thought of returning to work tomorrow.

Ben drops me back to my flat on Sunday
evening and reluctantly I leave him and head inside.


Chapter 21

I am pleased to see that Phoebe is home and
she pounces on me and demands to know every detail of my weekend. I
tell her all about it and she grins at me. “You are so in love with
him aren’t you?” I grin back at her and nod happily. Then her face
grows more serious and she says, “Nathan has been here several
times looking for you.” I look at her with alarm. “You didn’t tell
him anything did you?” Shaking her head she says, “No, but he
didn’t look happy. It wouldn’t surprise me if he turned up later on

I really hope not. I don’t want to have to
explain myself to him. As it happens he doesn’t show up and I
manage to get an early night in preparation for my return to

My first day back is totally manic. April
fills me in on what has happened since I was off. She doesn’t ask
and I don’t tell her why I was away and I throw myself back into
it. When I come back from lunch there is a large bouquet of flowers
on my desk. There is no note and I smile happily as they must be
from Ben. We have decided to keep our relationship private as it
would be awkward for everyone to know. They are really beautiful
and I text him, thanking him.

April smiles and says, “Nathan’s become quite
the romantic hasn’t he?” I look at her and realise that of course
nobody knows what has happened. I don’t say anything but know that
we are going to have to tell everyone soon. My phone rings and I
can see that it is Ben. “Hi,” I say quietly, knowing that April is
probably listening to every word. He sounds tense and says, “What
flowers Bella, I didn’t send you any?” I am surprised and look at
them sitting in front of me. I stutter and say, “But then who?” He
says angrily, “It must be Nathan. I knew that it wouldn’t be easy
for you there. Make sure that you stay away from him and don’t even
speak to him if you see him.”

That would be easier said than done, I think
to myself, but know better than to say anything as Ben is obviously
angry. “Tell me if he contacts you,” he says sharply and I sigh
unhappily. Then his tone changes and he says softly, “Don’t worry
Bella, it will all be fine. Just carry on as usual and if it gets
too much I will sort something out. Anyway, I miss you and want to
see you. I will pick you up after work by the coffee house on the

He hangs up and I laugh to myself. He never
asks me just tells me, obviously knowing that I am powerless to
resist. I may have to change that habit, I think to myself, but am
happy to be seeing him again so soon.

Luckily I don’t see or hear from Nathan and
as I make my way to the coffee house I feel excited to be seeing
Ben again. As I approach I see his car and quickly jump in. We grin
at each other and he pulls away. “Good Day?” he asks and I nod. “It
was good to get back to some sort of normality. I have lots to do
and the time just flew by. Luckily I never saw Nathan so avoided a
confrontation.” Laughing at me he says, “I know you didn’t.
Unfortunately he had to be called away to head office to assist
with a problem that came up there.” Stunned I look at him and say,
“Your doing I suppose.” He nods looking very pleased with himself
and I wonder how many times he will be able to use that
diversionary tactic.

We go to eat at a nearby pub and have a
lovely time cuddling next to each other in the cosy warm
restaurant. As we go to leave Ben draws me towards him and loks at
me sexily. “Come home with me Bella. I don’t want to leave you.” I
hold on to him tightly and groan. “I want to more than anything.
But I have to go home. All of my things are there and I need to get
in early to make up for my absence.” His face tenses and I remember
that he doesn’t like it when he doesn’t get his own way. I stroke
his face and look at him gently, “Ben, I need to get back to some
sort of normality. Obviously I want to spend every minute with you,
but I have to work and I want to work. We will spend all of our
spare time together and I can’t wait but you have to let me have
space to sort myself out.” I kiss him gently and he relaxes. “Of
course, I’m sorry Bella. It’s just that I have waited so long for
us to be together and I don’t want to waste another moment.” He
kisses me once again making my knees weak with longing. “That’s not
fair Ben. You know that I can’t resist you.” He laughs and says,
“Come on, I’ll take you back home. But next time you won’t get off
so lightly.”


Chapter 22

It is a further two days before I come across
Nathan. I jump into the lift and am dismayed to see him running in
after me. I look at him with a frown and as the doors close he
says, “At last Bella. Where have you been? I have been trying to
find you.” I look at him with an annoyed expression. “We have
nothing to talk about. It’s finished and I just want to get on with
my life.” He looks shocked and I feel a bit guilty to be so harsh,
after all I was in love with him not so long ago and even though I
am feeling bitter towards him, I don’t wish him to be upset.

He looks at me obviously upset and I can feel
the tears brimming in my eyes. Seeing them he grabs hold of my hand
and says urgently, “Have lunch with me. I need to explain. I love
you and I can’t give up on us even if you have. Nothing will stop
me trying to get you back.”

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