The One That Got Away (18 page)

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Authors: S J Crabb

Tags: #love story, #romance adult fiction, #romance and mystery, #new adult romance, #triangle relationships, #spies and espionage, #romance adult erotica contemporary, #trilogy book 1, #department store romance

BOOK: The One That Got Away
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A slow smile creeps across his face and he
moves in front of me so that we are almost touching. He looks down
into my eyes and despite myself I am drawn into his hypnotic eyes
and can’t look away. My legs feel weak from the desire coursing
through my body and I know at that moment that all is lost.

He reaches out and his fingers run down the
front of my body with a light touch. I can feel my body betraying
me as I arch towards him. He holds my gaze and I feel my resolve
exploding all around me. I can feel his breath on my face and I run
my tongue over my lower lip in anticipation. His hand reaches up
and he runs his finger over my lower lip, teasing me. His eyes are
almost black and I almost can’t breathe such is the air of sexual
tension in the room.

He lowers his lips on to mine, gently at
first and then more demanding. His tongue reaches inside and
possesses me. All at once he draws abruptly away, leaving me
wanting him to carry on. He looks at me and smiles sexily, “Good
night Bella, sleep well.” My body screams out in frustration and I
must look shocked because he laughs softly. I realise that I will
never win this game with him. He holds all the cards and I am
powerless all the time he makes me feel like he does. I raise my
hand up and run my fingers through my hair, trying to gather
myself. Once again he approaches me and says in a low voice. “Don’t
play games with me Bella. You know that I want you and you have to
want me, otherwise it won’t work.” I blink and look up at him
standing looking down into my eyes. Reaching up I kiss him gently
on the lips. “I do want you Ben, you know that I do.” He grabs hold
of my hand and pulls it behind my back. His other hand pulls me
towards him roughly. He holds me against him, his leg trapping mine
against his. I can feel that he is aroused and then all the
resistance in me is gone. Nothing matters but my need for him. Who
was I kidding? I will never win against him and he knows it.



I wake up once again his body holding me
against him. I love that he makes me feel so wanted and protected.
I can feel him against me as he wakes up, already hard against my
back. Gently he strokes my body until I am almost whimpering with
desire. Roughly he pulls me around to face him and pulls me tightly
against him. He kisses me deeply and then he thrusts inside me,
driving me until I can bear it no more and the waves of ecstasy
fill me, sending me deeper and deeper under his spell.

Bella,” he whispers, his tone teasing me, knowing that I am
powerless against him. I look at him shyly and his breath catches
in his throat. His eyes darken and he says huskily, “You just need
to look at me and I want you.” He crushes me to him and kisses me
passionately and once again we both get carried away in our desire
for each other.

I notice that we have missed breakfast and
look at him in alarm. “Oh my God, they will be wondering where we
are. The exhibition is starting in 30 minutes and the taxi is
probably here.”

I try to jump out of bed but he catches hold
of my arm and pulls me back down. He laughs and says, “They have
gone already. I told Tony last night that we had a meeting planned
this morning to look at a potential new supplier and that we
wouldn’t be at the exhibition today.” I look at him in amazement.
“Won’t they think it strange that I am going with you?” He laughs,
“Not really, I told him that it was regarding the home wares
section. He didn’t think anything of it, why would he?” I relax and
grin at him. “So, is it true, is there a meeting?” I arch my
eyebrows at him and he smiles. “No, I thought that we would enjoy
our day in Paris as two lovers instead.” He jumps out of bed and I
try not to let the sight of his naked body affect me. I can’t stop
wanting him no matter how hard I try. He pulls on jeans and a t
shirt and opens the door to his room. He brings inside a tray that
was left outside. It has coffee and croissants and there are some
delicious looking Danish Pastries amongst it all. Placing the tray
on the bed he pulls me up and kisses me again. “Come on, let’s eat.
I need you full of energy for what I have in mind today.”

After breakfast we ventured out. Ben had
arranged a full day of sightseeing around Paris. We went to the
Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. We had lunch at a French Bistro and
finally walked back to our hotel.

Walking along hand in hand I couldn’t feel
any happier. Looking at him I say, “Thanks Ben, I have had the most
wonderful day, although I do feel really guilty at missing the
exhibition and the thought that all of the others are working away
doesn‘t help.” He grins wickedly. “Bosses perks. It’s not everyday
that we get a chance to do this so I am pulling rank and I order
you to enjoy it.” I laugh to myself, here he goes again. Looking at
him with a pretend frown I say, “You order me do you?” He smiles
wickedly at me and squeezes my hand. “Yes I do, and it won’t be the
last time either.” I can’t help it and laugh out loud. He laughs
with me but we both know that he means every word and my legs go
weak with anticipation.

Soon we are back at the hotel and move apart
in case we are seen by anybody. Ben texted the others to say that
we had been held up and to eat without us. As we head upstairs he
says, “I hope that you don’t mind but I thought that we would get
room service tonight.” I raise my eyes. “Oh did you now. You are
very presumptuous.” He whispers in a low voice, “I am, and I always
make it my business to get what I want.” He runs his fingers down
my arm and a shiver runs through me. As soon as the lift closes he
pushes me against the wall and pins me against it. We kiss each
other passionately and desire floods through me. I can’t help
myself. I know that I will do anything for him, he is like a drug
and the more I have the more I want. At this moment in time I
couldn’t even care less if anyone saw us. The lift stops and we
walk sedately outside. We let ourselves into our separate rooms and
before the doors are even closed we race over to the connecting
door and are soon ripping each others clothes off. The need in both
of us is so strong. This is all we really want. All day walking
around Paris I just wanted to be here, nothing else mattered. It
just felt as if we were wasting the time that we had and I know
that he felt it too. This time it wasn’t gentle. This was an animal
need and everything was stripped away except for the raw passion
that we felt. I am not even how long we carried on for, we were

I wake up hungry. It is the middle of the
night and I realise that we never did order room service. My body
aches from the effects of our lovemaking. I laugh to myself
thinking of how intense it was. My muscles ache and I feel as
though I have been put through an extreme workout. Ben has once
again got me pinned against him and I can feel his breath on my
neck. I wriggle out of his grasp and for once he doesn’t wake up
and just turns over and carries on sleeping. Grinning to myself I
realise that he must be more worn out than usual.

I can’t ignore my hunger so go back to my own
room and sitting on the edge of the bed I phone room service and
order a beef burger with fries, a chocolate milkshake and the same
for Ben. I know that it won’t take him long to wake up and he must
be as hungry as I am. I giggle as I think of his expression at my
choice of food. Hardly healthy eating but I need something filling
and it is the same lunch that we used to order when we were at
Cunningham’s all those years ago.

As I wait I look outside at the Paris
skyline. I can even see the Eiffel Tower in the distance and my
eyes mist over at the thought of how happy I feel. I never heard
him approaching but all of a sudden I feel Ben pulling me against
him gently. He tucks my hair behind my ears and squeezes my
shoulder. “I love you Bella,” he whispers, gently kissing the side
of my face. I turn into him and look up at him happily. “I love you
too Ben, I believe that I always have.” His eyes light up and at
this moment we are the students that we were. This is young love
with all of the excitement that goes with it. Pulling me against
him he kisses me gently but then we are interrupted by a knock on
the door. He pulls away, his face registering his surprise. I laugh
and say, “A bit late but dinner is served.” He grins and I wait
until he has gone back to his room before I open the door.


The rest of our stay passes quickly. I have a
job to do and we spend the rest of our time at the Exhibition. We
eat with the others but the nights are ours. We don’t get much
sleep though and by the end of it we are both physically and
mentally exhausted.

On our last night before we return home I
suddenly feel sad. Sighing I look at him and reaching over kiss him
gently on the lips. He grabs hold of my hands looking concerned and
says, “What’s the matter Bella, tell me?” I smile at his concern,
always so intense and my eyes hold his. “I have loved this week
Ben; it is the thought of going home and facing the problems again.
Here we have been cocooned from everything. No phone calls, no
questions just us, well in our rooms anyway.” I laugh but he still
looks concerned. “You know that all I want is for you to be with me
Bella. You can move in tomorrow if you want and forget what
everyone thinks.” I smile gently at him and say, “No Ben, I made
the mistake of moving too fast with Nathan. I have to deal with
that situation first and despite the fact that what we have is so
much more than what I ever had with him, I am not ready for
everyone to know just yet.”

I can tell that he doesn’t like what I say
because his eyes flash and darken. He rolls me over until I am
underneath him and he pins me to the bed. “You are mine Bella,
whether you delay it or not. You know it is inevitable. We were
meant to be together and it won’t be long before everyone else
knows it too.” He kisses me roughly and once again I feel my body
responding to his. It lets me down every time and despite his
controlling words I don’t care, I know he is right, I am lost to
him and it is only a matter of time.

On the flight home I chat away to Karen about
the trip. Ben keeps his distance and I think that nobody suspects a
thing. Karen had been sympathetic at my day with Ben and had just
expressed that she was sorry for me being landed with him for the
whole day. I feel relieved because I am sure that it must be
written all over my face at how I feel about him but it is
obviously not.

We had decided to make our own way home and I
was spending the night at home, desperate for an early night and
some time to myself. When I get back to the flat I am pleased to
see Phoebe sitting on the settee eating a tub of ice cream. She
flings herself at me and says, “Thank God you’re home Bella. I have
missed you so much and have so much to tell you.” Laughing I drop
my bags and before she can object I pinch the ice-cream tub from
her and jump in her place. Laughing she sits down and I say, “Come
on then, spill. I can tell you are desperate to tell me something.”
I can see her eyes shining and there is intense excitement on her
face. “I am getting married,” she squeals. Dropping the ice- cream
tub I fling my arms around her. “Oh my God, Phoebe, I am so happy
for you. I can’t believe that you said yes at last.” She laughs
happily. “I know. Boris asked me again two days ago. I was telling
him that we had to cancel your wedding with his Uncle,” I look
surprised as I thought that she already had and she looks
sheepishly at me.”

I didn’t
cancel it straight away because I had hoped that you would work it
out. Anyway Boris got down on one knee and said, “Please don’t
cancel the wedding, and marry me instead.” I look at her and grin.
“No surprises there then. I am just amazed that you relented.” She
laughs happily. “Well I kind of got used to the idea as I have been
planning your wedding now for a few months. I looked at him
kneeling there and realised that I wouldn’t ever want to marry
anyone else and why not?” I hug her and tears run down my cheeks.
“I am happy for you both. You are right; there is no one else
better for you than Boris.” She pulls away and says with a smile,
“Please say you will be my maid of honour. I can’t do it without
you.” I crush her to me and say, “Of course I will. You are my best
friend and I love you. I would be honoured.” She suddenly looks a
bit worried and says, “It won’t be too weird will it? I mean it was
supposed to be your wedding.” Looking at her worried face I smile
broadly. “Absolutely not. It was always your wedding. You planned
every detail and arranged everything. It won’t be strange at all.
This time however I am going to make sure that I play an active
role in any organising. After all, as maid of honour I will be
taking my duties extremely seriously.”

The rest of the evening is spent discussing
her wedding and Boris and soon it is 10pm and we are fading fast.
Just before we head off to bed she says, “Oh I forgot, what with
all the excitement. Nathan has been calling wanting to know where
you were and when you would be home. I told him that you were in
Paris for the show and he said to make sure that when you got back
I told you and that he would come around in the morning to see
you.” Seeing the expression on my face she grins ruefully. “You
need to tell him Bella. I can see that you are happy with Ben, it
is written all over your face. Let him down gently but he needs to

I go into my room with a heavy heart. I am
not prepared to share my relationship with Ben with Nathan, but I
realise that I need to tell him something, Phoebe is right, this
can’t go on. Sitting on my bed I phone Ben. I need to hear his
voice and I don’t care that it is late. He answers immediately
concern in his voice. “What’s wrong Bella?” No pleasantries with
him, he always seems to pick up on my mood even before I speak.

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