The Other Anzacs (15 page)

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Authors: Peter Rees

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Australian nursing sisters had to prepare for all eventualities. Here a group of nurses are seen wearing life jackets during a drill on board the hospital ship
. (Photo courtesy of the Australian War Memorial PO5382.014)

Time on board ship allowed some moments of normal life for these New Zealand nursing sisters on HMHS
. (Photo courtesy of the GT Nevill Collection, Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, NZ)

Alice Ross King, wearing her Associate of the Royal Red Cross medal and the Military Medal, arrived in Cairo in 1915 with expectations of a great adventure. (Photo courtesy of Marion Sanders)

The narrow streets of Cairo with their shops selling exotic goods fascinated Alice Ross King, who took this photo. (Photo courtesy of Marion Sanders)

Groppi’s was a favoured Cairo restaurant for officers to take nurses to afternoon tea and dinner. (Photo Kath King, courtesy of John King)

Australian nurses enjoyed being tourists while they could. Here a group are on an excursion to ancient Luxor. (Photo Kath King, courtesy of Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Museum)

‘The Minx by Spoonlight’. The Sphinx was a favoured attraction for officers to visit with nurses. (Photo courtesy of Margaret Young)

Officers and nurses socialised whenever opportunity allowed. (Photo Kath King, courtesy of Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Museum)

LEFT: Alice Ross King and Harry Moffitt at the Sphinx. (Courtesy of Marion Sanders) RIGHT: Alice Ross King photographed her handsome lieutenant, Harry Moffitt, standing astride the Colossus of Ramesses. (Photo courtesy of Marion Sanders)

Alice Ross King was a keen photographer. She took this photo of Australian troops on a route march in the lead-up to the Gallipoli landing. (Photo courtesy of Marion Sanders)

Another photograph from Alice Ross King, this time of a group of Australian soldiers having a breather in the desert near Mena. The officer in the middle is probably Harry Moffitt. (Photo courtesy of Marion Sanders)

Erected on sand, the hospital tents in Mena were open to the elements. (Photo Kath King, courtesy of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Museum)

Kath King (second from left) with doctors and fellow nurses on board the
. It was from here that she watched the battle for Gallipoli. (Photo courtesy of John Carter)

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