The Other Anzacs (62 page)

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Authors: Peter Rees

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Fanny Abbott, letter, 30 October 1915; Nurses’ Chapel, Christchurch.
Australian Imperial Force unit war diaries, 1914–18 war, AWM4 Item Number 1/50/5/part 3; Australian War Memorial.
Mary Beswick, letter, the
Oamaru Mail
; Nurses’ Chapel, Christchurch.
Dora Birks, interview, oral evidence no. 36, December 1982; Mortlock Library of South Australia.
H.G. Carter, letters, AWM 1DRL/0192; Australian War Memorial.
H.G. Carter, private family records.
Elsie Cook, diaries, AWM 2DRL/1085; Australian War Memorial.
Elsie Cook, private family records.
Ina Coster, 162/78 letter (typescript), Manuscripts Department, Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, posted at
Nellie Crommelin, letters, AWM PR00065; Australian War Memorial.
Evelyn Davies, diary, AWM 3DRL/3398(B); Australian War Memorial.
Elsie Eglinton, letters, AWM PR86/068; Australian War Memorial.
Elsie Grant, letters, AWM PR00596; Australian War Memorial.
Mary Gorman, private family records.
Laura Grubb, letters, AWM PR83/040; Australian War Memorial.
John Hardie Pte, letters, AWM PR 00519; Australian War Memorial.
Narelle Hobbes, letters, AWM 2DRL/0162; Australian War Memorial.
Lydia Kathleen King, diary, AWM, 3DRL/6040; Australian War Memorial.
Lydia Kathleen King, private family records.
Frances Laird, interview with Beth Robertson, J.D. Somerville oral history collection; Mortlock Library of South Australia.
Lottie Le Gallais, Le Gallais family papers, 1870–1920 MS 95/11, folders 3 and 6; Auckland War Memorial Museum Library.
Hilda Loxton, letters, AWM 2DRL/1172; Australian War Memorial.
George Mackay, statement, AWM PR86/068; Australian War Memorial.
Nellie Morrice, narrative, AWM 41 1013, 3DRL/2000; Australian War Memorial.
G.C. Munschamp, letter, UNA, vol. 15, no. 9, 30 November 1917, p. 277.
Vic Nicholson, unpublished interview with Christopher Pugsley, Palmerston, 1984.
Ida O’Dwyer, A descriptive narrative account of the conditions of nursing in an Australian CCS, AWM 25 173/9; Australian War Memorial.
Ida O’Dwyer, letter from Sister Ida O’Dwyer to Pte D.B. Nicol’s mother, AWM PR89/061; Australian War Memorial.
Rachael Pratt, barcode 8018638, series no. B2455; National Archives of Australia.
Daisy Richmond, diary, AWM 2DRL/0783; Australian War Memorial.
Alice Ross King, diary, AWM PR02082; Australian War Memorial.
Elizabeth Rothery file, Australian National Archives, series number B2455, barcode 8038563.
Annie Shadforth, statement to the assistant collator, medical history; Ryan family records.
William Tennant, letter; Nurses’ Chapel, Christchurch.
May Tilton, typescript of manuscript,
The Grey Battalion
, sent to C.E.W. Bean, AWM 41 1075; Australian War Memorial.
Elsie Tranter, diary, AWM 3DRL/4081(A); Australian War Memorial.
Edith Wilkin, letter, 7 November 1915; Nurses’ Chapel, Christchurch.
Ada Willis, letters; Stibbs family records.
Grace Wilson, letters, AWM PR01870; Australian War Memorial.
Grace Wilson, report, 22 May 1933, AWM 41 1073; Australian War Memorial.
Len Wilson, statement; Wilson family records.


Australian Red Cross Society Wounded and Missing Enquiry Bureau files, 1914–1918 War, I DRL/0428, Australian War Memorial.
William Kinsey Bolton, serial number B2455, barcode 3097255; National Archives of Australia.
Cable no. 2042 E; British National Archives.
Court of Inquiry report, ADM 137 3132; British National Archives.
Opinion of Crown Solicitor 1932, AWM file 734/1/- and 826/1/7; Australian War Memorial.
Fetherston Report, Series B539 AIF 239/8/88; Australian National Archives, Melbourne.


There are many people who have generously shared their knowledge, documents and time during my research for this book. Special thanks go to Marion Sanders, the daughter of Alice Ross King. Through Marion it was possible to get more than just a glimpse of her mother. Marion generously shared her private records and photos which help show just what a remarkable woman Alice was and were crucial to understanding the effect of the war on her in particular, and nurses in general.

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