The Owned Girl (15 page)

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Authors: Dominic Ridler

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: The Owned Girl
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    Once the first step is taken, there is no going back. Step by step the man induces the guest to remove her clothes, and then to perform a sex act upon him, all the while his partner being obliged to bow her head to the floor, unable to observe. The point of the story, beside its obvious purpose in titillating the reader, is not that any woman may be persuaded into submission. Manifestly, this is untrue. But in this case, the man sensed a propensity, hitherto unacknowledged, and determined to exploit it. The presence of his submissive partner in a sense licenses the act. It both provides security for the guest (there is safety in numbers), and it provides her with an example. If her friend, whom she has always supposed to be highly proper and respectable, is engaged in such a perverse relationship, can it be altogether wrong? The guest now has a guilty secret; but it is one she shares with her friend, and neither will betray the other. Moreover, since the other woman is not allowed to look, the guest need not fear her friend's surprised, even shocked, expression at what she is being made to do.
    However, Beth's next sexual encounter with a someone other than Matthew and myself was under very different circumstances, though first there was a second encounter with Aidan and Pilar.

Chapter Eight

    Beth told us that Aidan and Pilar were coming to town again. Beth had developed quite a friendly relationship with Pilar and was anxious to see both of them again. Pilar, ever looking to try something new, suggested that the five of us might go to a club. She told us of a place she had in mind, called Straps. Matthew and I had a look at their website. There were pictures showing the various rooms in the club, each one provided with an item of furniture adapted to d/s games. There were special chairs you could tie people down in, medical examination tables, wooden crosses that people could be bound to for a flogging, and a couple of steel cages for incarceration.
    The site claimed there was a friendly atmosphere and that beginners were always welcome. There were special nights for various kinds of fetish, such as those who liked to dress in rubber or latex, or for those who engaged in age-play.
    We agreed that Aidan and Pilar would come round to our apartment for a drink, then we would go to a restaurant for dinner, and afterwards continue on to Straps. I don't recall there was any discussion about what might happen when we got there. Fortunately we all knew each other's sexual propensities by now.
    Aidan and Pilar arrived at seven. Pilar, I remember, was looking elegantly sexy in a black leather skirt. Matthew opened some wine. We had several varieties of cheese set out on a board and Matthew invited Beth to serve our guests as if she was the hired help. He insisted she be especially polite. She had to curtsey in front of Aidan and say, 'Should you care for some cheese, sir?' Then she had to offer cheese to Pilar, then to me, then to Matthew. As she did so, Matthew commented on her deportment. He told her she must keep her back straight when she curtseyed. She must smile politely, but not too much. She must keep her voice low. Beth was very self-conscious at being given instructions like this in front of the guests; at the same time I knew she relished the attention.
    When everyone had been served cheese and wine, Matthew made Beth display herself to the guests.
    'Lift your skirt and show them your pretty legs,' he said.
    Beth was wearing a short, flared skirt, in blue cotton as I remember. She lifted it rather shyly, revealing her thighs and even a glimpse of her matching blue knickers.
    'Turn round so they can see your cute little bottom,' Matthew said.
    Beth turned her back to Aidan and Pilar and lifted her skirt right up to her waist.
    'Let Aidan have a feel of your bottom.' Matthew said.
    Beth moved closer. Aidan put out a hand and stroked her right cheek, then squeezed it.
    'Very nice,' he said.
    'They want to see your sweet little tits now,' Matthew said. 'Show them.'
    Beth let her skirt fall, and pulled up the sweater she was wearing. Underneath she wore a bra that matched her knickers.
    'I think we can dispense with the bra tonight,' Matthew said. 'Your tits are so firm a bra is only necessary for decency, not for support. And decency isn't a major priority this evening.'
    Beth took the sweater off, removed her bra, and then put the sweater back on again. I think she had done this sort of thing so often for Matthew that she wasn't really embarrassed any more. She knew she had an attractive body, and that men liked to look at it. And she liked them to look. Only the presence of Pilar was slightly humiliating, being forced to display herself to another woman's perhaps hyper-critical gaze.
    We had some more wine, then it was time to go out to dinner. Aidan and Pilar had chosen a fashionable Italian restaurant we were all anxious to try. Over dinner we conversed of this and that. Every now and again Matthew would make some remark that put Beth in her place, as an owned girl, as a sexual object on display for the rest of us.
    'Do you think,' he said to Aidan at one point, 'that you can see Beth's nipples through her sweater?'
    We all stared at her chest. Beth looked down at the table.
    'I think I can see an outline,' Aidan said.
    Matthew glanced around to see if anyone was watching, then put his hand up to one of Beth's nipples and squeezed it.
    'Can you see it now?' he asked.
    'Definitely,' said Aidan.
    Beth blushed. However much she was used to being the owned girl, it was still possible to make her feel shame.
    After dinner, Aidan drove us to the club. The two men sat up front, while the three girls got in the back, Beth between myself and Pilar. Pilar asked me if she could play with Beth's breasts. I said, of course. Pilar pulled up Beth's sweater and squeezed the breast nearest to her. I put a hand on the other one, stroking it gently. I could feel the nipple harden beneath my touch. Pilar was being a little more assertive, pinching Beth's nipple, tugging on it, twisting it a little. Beth leaned back and closed her eyes. I could tell how much she liked this. Emboldened, Pilar bent her head and took one of Beth's nipples in her mouth, sucking on it hard. Beth moaned. I felt a sudden almost sisterly affection for both women; I reached out and stroked Pilar's hair as she continued to suck on Beth's nipple.
    I don't know how much further this would have gone had we not then arrived at the club. It was down a dimly lit side street, which fortunately had some parking. Over the entrance was a small, discreet neon sign announcing 'Straps'. Inside a girl in a very short skirt and skimpy top charged us a rather inordinate fee for entrance. We passed through a door into a large room, filled with music but not a lot of people. The lights were low. Up at one end was a small bar, which disappointingly proved to sell only soft drinks and coffee. While we huddled together, getting our bearings, we were approached by a large, fat man. I say fat; he was hugely overweight, though that was scarcely the least of his off-putting features. He had a long, unkempt beard and the lank, greasy hair that hung around his head looked as if it had not been washed in a month. He wore a grubby t-shirt and jeans. Not one of the beautiful people, I thought.
    This person greeted us as if he were the host, and for all I know he was. He bade us welcome, asked where we were from, and assured us we had come to the right place if we wanted a good time. Hanging on his arm was a girl as small as he was large, naked except for a skimpy pair of black knickers. In one hand the man held some kind of electrical device (I've since discovered it's called a Violet Wand), with which he delivered electric shocks to various parts of the girl's anatomy. Each time it was applied she gave a little squeal and then giggled.
    Matthew seemed much taken with the device the fat man wielded, and watched fascinated as he poked it at the little girl, prodding her breasts and her belly, even trying to insert it between her legs, though she wriggled and squealed so much that he could not succeed.
    'Perhaps,' Matthew said, 'you'd like to try that out on our little girl here.'
    I was, I confess, somewhat taken aback that Matthew would offer up such a pretty girl as Beth to such an ogre. Pilar too looked surprised. I wasn't sure what was running through Matthew's mind, though I had an idea. As I have suggested, he was slowly becoming stricter in his control of Beth, or rather in his desire to control her, because she for her part was becoming more resistant, not only in the matter of dating, but in other, more minor ways. She argued with him more, complained more, and had fits of sulking. I think it possible that in offering her up to the tender mercies of this gross fellow Matthew thought he might teach her a lesson about who she belonged to and what the rights of her owner were.
    The man gave a leer and, releasing the little slut he had been tormenting, grabbed hold of Beth by the arm.
    'Take off your top, Beth,' Matthew ordered. Beth looked at him as if, for a moment, she was considering defiance. But even though she could not have relished the attentions of such an unattractive man, nevertheless her desire to be always at the centre of attention got the better of her. She could see that we were all watching intently, and that she had been thrust into the starring role, the previous object of the fat man's jabs and thrusts with his prod having been cast aside.
    Beth gave a nervous laugh and pulled her sweater over her head, giving it to me. The man's eyes lit up when he saw Beth's pretty young breasts. He was a strong brute and he got her in a grip which pinioned both her hands behind her back, still leaving him with one arm free, which held the Wand. He touched it against Beth's left nipple and she gave a yelp. I don't know how much it hurt. It wasn't a scream, just the sort of noise someone would make when they are nervous, when it's more the fear of how bad the pain will be rather than the pain itself. The man touched the Wand to her other nipple and Beth jumped, half squealing and half giggling. The four of us looked on somewhat apprehensively. We certainly weren't about to see Beth caused any serious pain. But Matthew seemed determine to let the man have his way with her, at least to find out how far things might go.
    Matthew stepped forward and quickly unzipped Beth's skirt, pulling it down over her ankles. He gave it to me, to keep with her sweater. Beth was now naked except for her little pair of blue knickers, a thong hardly big enough to cover her sex. The fat man touched the Wand to Beth's belly, just below her navel. She squeaked. He touched it again. She tried to wriggle away from him but it was useless; he was far too strong. The man put the Wand against the top of Beth's thigh. I could see that he intended to trail it all the way up to the top of her thigh and force it into her crotch, as he had tried to do with his previous victim. I couldn't bear the thought of this grotesque, sweaty, greasy man doing anything so invasive, so intimate, to our owned girl. I decided to cause a distraction.
    'Let me feel it too,' I said. I lifted up my skirt, turned my back and thrust my bottom out, inviting the man to touch me with the Wand. I felt a sudden sharp sting on my left buttock. I don't know that I liked it very much. If I'm going to get pain, there are several ways I'd prefer instead of electric shock treatment, though clearly the fat man thought it was great fun.
    'What else have you got?' I asked, wanting to find some alternative to the prod.
    'Back in a minute,' he said, and disappeared.
    Beth was looking a bit nonplussed, perhaps taken aback at having been offered as a sacrifice to this monster. Pilar gave her a little hug and whispered something reassuring in her ear. Matthew and Aidan were locked in conversation. The fat man reappeared, carrying a large wooden paddle.
    'Can't go wrong with this,' he said enthusiastically. 'Who's first?'
    Matthew pushed Beth towards him. It seemed he wasn't through with offering Beth up. I thought he must be getting something out of this, some perverse pleasure in forcing Beth to submit to being groped and punished by someone she could not possibly have felt any sexual attraction to. Obviously the more unappealing the man was, the greater the humiliation for Beth.
    The man caught hold of her and gave her bottom a squeeze. Then he propelled her over to a corner in which stood a wooden bench with a padded leather top. He pushed Beth down across the bench.
    'We need to strap her up for this,' the man said. There were leather buckles at the four corners of the bench for wrists and ankles.
    'No need,' said Matthew quickly. 'I'll hold her down for you.'
    Matthew caught hold of her wrists and held them tight. The huge man stepped behind Beth, raised his hand and brought it down sharply. The paddle struck Beth firmly on the behind, being big enough to impact both buttocks at once. Beth gave a little cry. I confess I was somewhat concerned; if this man got out of control he could do our poor girl a serious injury. He raised his arm again and once more the paddle struck Beth. It made a kind of 'thwack' sound. Beth gasped. From the look on Matthew's face, he was enjoying it. Despite Beth's liking for being always at the centre of the action, I thought she didn't want much more of this, but the man continued, whacking Beth with a slow steady rhythm. I could see the cheeks of her bottom, left bare by the tiny thong which covered no more than the slit of her ass, were going a dark shade of pink. She would have bruises in the morning if this went on much longer.

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