The Passion Agency (11 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Lee

BOOK: The Passion Agency
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“Hello Passion,” a deep female voice said, sounding
sort of like Kathleen Turner or perhaps Lauren Becall. “I am the


There was a long uncomfortable silence. Donna
wondered if she was supposed to say something. Finally she did.


“I am Donna,” she said. “It appears you already know
my middle name slash nickname. Peter said to come here. I think he
meant here. I couldn’t find any other plastic surgery place in
Compton. Let me guess: I won’t get to see you but you can see


“Ahh Peter,” she said with a tone of reverence but
possibly sone“he’s an an old fool”.


“Can I be blunt?” Donna asked. “I almost turned
around like a million times. I wasn’t even going to come here like
as recent as sixteen hours ago. But weird things have been
happening. I keep discovering I might have talent and it’s all
coming from the actions and reactions of strangers.”


“Woooo,” the doctor said. “That’s a lot there and
it’s just a Saturday. But I think I know the jist of it: you want
to get rich and think you have some hidden talent and some idea
that no one else has thought up?”


“I guess,” she answered.


The doctor began to laugh an all-knowing laugh that
didn’t sound like it could be coming from that same voice.


“Just like all my patients,” she said. “Why don’t I just give you a
pay as you go lipo next week and we’ll call it a day.”


“Excuse me?” Donna said indignant from being


“Look. First you have a talent, but so does everyone
else,” the doctor said in a more serious tone. “I guess that’s good
because some people are so beaten down by others they never
discover it. Or they discover it and the people in their lives beat
them down even if they often don’t mean to. Oh and on the point
about having some groundbreaking totally unique idea, you don’t.
Someone else has already thought of it. By the way: what did you
bring for me today?”


“Bring for you?” Donna was feeling more lost and
overwhelmed by the minute.


“Yeah,” the doctor said like this was the most basic
of basic stuff. “You always gotta be thinking of others and making
some situation better for 1 person before you can get thinking
about many. That’s just being greedy trying to serve everyone. Time
for you to go. Go make life better for someone and then maybe come
back. You aren’t banned or anything like that. If you aren’t up to
it, get that appointment for the lipo. That will make you happy for
awhile probably. Oh, don’t forget to stay away from anyone that
makes you feel like you don’t have more to offer than what you have
always offered. No malice or any of that. Just stay away from


Donna felt suddenly very drowsy.







Chapter 19--Reality of a Too Sexy Woman



Brea managed to get use of the medical facilities for
students at Loyola on Saturday afternoon. She hadn’t been feeling
like herself.


She thought maybe it was some bad pot. Life wasn't
bad otherwise. She was having more fun playing to the fantasies of
Bronsky and she loved the way he touched her. The money was


She shouldn’t have felt this lethargic. She thought
feared she was pregnant.


She asked for and received a simple blood test to
confirm whatever.


The doctor on duty called her Monday morning as she
was on her way to school.


“Ms. Casteel,” he said in a monotone voice. “You are
HIV positive. I urge you to get with a specialist at a place like
Cedar Sinai as soon as possible. If you would like to come in and
discuss with me or any other on-duty physician, feel free. We’re
here during the normal clinic operation hours.”


He waited for a response for nearly a minute. He
heard nothing except finally a dial tone. Brea had hung up.




Donna woke up in her bed that morning at around ten.
She had no idea how she got there, but she remembered clearly
everything that happened up to the point where she felt drowsy
hearing final instructions from the doctor.


“Good morning,” a male voice said from the bathroom
across the hall.


Out of it emerged a handsome ruggedly ripped man,
hair wet, his body wrapped in a towel.


“I loved us last night.”


He sat on the side of the bed, his hard muscled abs
softening slightly. He had a cup of coffee in his right hand and
his left hand was rubbing Donna’s hip over the thin sheet that
covered her naked form.


Donna was too shocked to say anything.


It was Paul, the bum who had saved her life at the
street corner in Carson.

















About The Author, How to Contact Rebecca Lee


Rebecca Lee is an Author and Dating Coach. Come visit
her Facebook Fan Page at
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mail personally) and request an advance copy of her future work.
You’ll probably get a yes! You can also email her directly at
[email protected]
Thank You So Much. Your time invested to read my books means so
much to me!


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The author and publishers of this book have created a
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