The Pastor's Wife (16 page)

Read The Pastor's Wife Online

Authors: Reshonda Tate Billingsley

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Literary, #Romance

BOOK: The Pastor's Wife
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chapter 37

errance silently exhaled as he looked up and saw Savannah standing in the doorway of his office. Would she ever give up? He’d tried to end things amicably, but she just didn’t seem to want to take no for an answer. He and Raquel had grown even closer over the last two weeks, and he didn’t need any unnecessary drama. Dolan was causing enough of that. He’d been stalking Raquel and threatening to make her pay for leaving him. They’d even gone yesterday and gotten an order of protection against him, like that really mattered though because Dolan definitely wasn’t the type who cared about a piece of paper. He had Raquel so spooked that she’d taken to sleeping with a knife under her pillow. Terrance had tried to convince her to come stay with him awhile, but she’d settled into her apartment and didn’t want to put him out.

“Hello, Savannah,” Terrance said, trying to be cordial, but making sure she knew he wasn’t exactly greeting her with open arms. For once he found himself wishing Raquel was at her desk so she could screen his visitors, but she was at a doctor’s appointment. Raquel wouldn’t have been able to stop Savannah anyway.

“Hello to you,” Savannah said, sashaying in. She wore a hot-pink, tight dress that clung to her body and reminded Terrance why she would’ve never made a proper first lady.

“What can I help you with?” he asked, hoping whatever it was, she’d make it quick. He didn’t mean to be so harsh, but he’d tried to take the diplomatic route with her and it just wasn’t working.

“How have you been?” she asked, taking a seat in front of his desk.

Terrance set down his pen and looked her directly in the eyes. “Fine. And again, what can I help you with?”

Savannah did a sexy shudder. “Oooooh, so formal.” She leaned forward. “There’s no need to be so formal, Terrance, especially for someone who’s known such intimate parts of me.”

Terrance sighed. “Savannah, let’s not do this.”

“Do what, Pastor?” She batted her eyelashes as she leaned back and crossed her legs. “Oh, let me guess, you’re worried that your little girlfriend will come in here and see us,” Savannah said when she noticed him looking toward his door, which she had closed when she walked in.

“Savannah, is there a reason you stopped by?” Terrance huffed.

She brushed her dress down as she sat up straight. “Actually, there is.” She flashed a devilish smile. “I had hoped you’d fall in love with me willingly.”


She held up her hand. “Let me finish. Honestly, I think you were on your way, but because of reasons beyond my control, that just didn’t happen. So now, I have to take matters into my own hands. I have to take what I can get.”

He eyed her suspiciously.

She chuckled. “Let me rephrase that. I guess I will take you however I can.”

Now he knew she was crazy. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Her expression turned serious as she lowered her voice and fingered her hair. “It means, when your little secretary bimbo comes back in here, you will inform her that you have decided to give our relationship another chance. And you
give us another chance. You will let everyone at the church know that God has directed you to follow your heart, and your heart lies with me. We will be together, and in time for the Christmas celebration, so you don’t have to worry about losing your job,” she said matter-of-factly.

Terrance looked at her like she’d lost her mind. She had to have lost her mind. “Excuse me?” he finally muttered.

She leaned back and crossed her legs, making sure her thigh was peeking out of the slit in the dress.

“Are you crazy?” he asked.

“On the contrary. I’m quite sane. I really and truly hate that it had to come to this, but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.”

Terrance had to chuckle himself. “Savannah, you really have lost it. What part of ‘It’s over between us’ don’t you get?”

“No part.” She shrugged nonchalantly. “Because we’re not over.” She stood. “I can’t wait to see the looks on everyone’s faces when they see us together.”

“Savannah!” Terrance yelled, hoping to snap her back to her senses. “Are you on some kind of drug? There is no us! There will never be an us.”

She smiled again. “Ahhh, but that’s where you’re wrong, boo. You wanna know why you’re wrong?” She was toying with him now and enjoying every minute of it. She had to show him that she wasn’t one to be played with.

Terrance peered at her, his eyes begging her to make some sense of what she was saying. “Well,” she said, sitting back down, “since you asked. You know how you like to pray so much? How you’re always going to God asking Him to forgive you for your sins—although if you ask once, I can’t see why you have to keep asking—but I’m getting off track. Well, I just so happened to overhear one of your down-on-your-knees sessions when I came to meet you at the church one day. I initially just stood back to give you your time with God. I never expected to hear what I heard.”

Terrance’s eyes got big as she detailed word for word his almost-daily prayer for forgiveness. A prayer he’d done for years. A prayer he knew God had already answered, but one he felt compelled to deliver daily nonetheless.

“And see,” she said, triumphantly finishing up what she’d overheard, “I know how you would just rather die than let anyone know your little”—she paused and chuckled—“or shall I say
secret, which would not only leave those you know and love devastated, but would change the way everyone sees their good ol’ pastor.”

Savannah stood again. “So, the way I see it, being with me is a small price to pay to keep your secret.”

“I…I can’t believe you would do this,” he finally managed to say.

She narrowed her eyes, the smile leaving her face. “Believe it. I tried the nice, sweet girl route and all it got me was used and abused. You’re just like every other man in my life, so I’m going to use you like you used me.”

“Don’t you feel bad about blackmailing someone into being with you?” Terrance seemed to be grasping at straws.

“Did you feel bad when you—a so-called man of the cloth—climbed into my bed? Told me you loved me? Nope, I don’t feel bad at all.” She strutted to the door. “In fact, I feel quite good. After all, I’m about to become first lady of Lily Grove. What’s not to be happy about?” She turned around just as she reached the door. Terrance’s face looked like it had lost all of its color.

“Oh, tell your little bimbo secretary today,” Savannah added. “I’ll be back tomorrow so we can start planning our life together.”

Savannah blew him a kiss as she headed out the door.

chapter 38

errance was still in shock.

He’d spent the last twenty-four hours in a daze, unable to believe what was happening to him. Just to let him know she was serious, Savannah had called last night and told his answering machine good-night (because he definitely wasn’t picking up the phone). She’d wished him sweet dreams, ending the message by saying, “I love you.”

He was sitting at home in the dark at the time. He’d tried to turn to the Bible to find some way to help him handle the problem, but he didn’t even have the strength to open it. This was his punishment for sleeping with Savannah, especially when he knew he didn’t love her and there was a strong possibility that they wouldn’t be together. He’d given in to lust and was now paying the ultimate price.

And poor Raquel, she would be crushed. She’d returned to the church about an hour after Savannah left, but he couldn’t even bring himself to look at her. He’d feigned a stomachache and rushed out. She, too, had been calling him all night, and he couldn’t take her calls either.

He’d played out all the scenarios in his head. He could tell Savannah he wasn’t giving in to the blackmail. But that could mean the end of his career—shoot, the end of everything he’d worked so hard to build—because he knew she was serious on her threat to reveal his secret.

Terrance would have stayed at home this evening, but he was supposed to be delivering part two of his lesson at Wednesday-night Bible Study, and if he missed it, Raquel would definitely know something was wrong. Besides, he probably needed Bible Study tonight more than ever.

Luckily, Raquel arrived just as he was getting Bible Study started so they didn’t have time to talk, but she did shoot him a concerned look. He’d mouthed,
I’ll talk to you after we finish,
and she’d nodded before taking her seat.

Terrance was about midway through his lesson when he looked up at the back of the church. Savannah had swung both of the double doors open, making a grand entrance. Everyone turned toward her as Terrance fought back the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. He hadn’t even thought about her showing up here tonight. Since he hadn’t been at the church all day, he’d thought that maybe he had missed her and wouldn’t have to deal with her until tomorrow. He should’ve known better.

“A…And as I was saying,” Terrance said, trying to refocus, “the word of God says…”

Terrance tried to keep talking as Savannah made her way to the front row and sat down. Several people started grumbling and throwing her nasty looks, but she didn’t seem the least bit fazed. Terrance knew his aunts were furious about the dramatic entrance. They’d been in such good moods since he’d told them he and Savannah were over. In fact, they’d been on cloud nine when they learned he was spending more and more time with Raquel.

After fumbling his way through several scriptures, Terrance wrapped up the Bible Study lesson. “Well, that’s our lesson for tonight. I hope you’ll notate what we discussed tonight and study it some more at home.”

“Amen, Pastor,” Savannah said, waving a handkerchief at him.
Since when did she ever carry a handkerchief?
Terrance thought. He forced a nod, then turned to another member, who was shooting Savannah dirty looks. “Sister Stinson, can you lead us in a closing prayer?”

“I’d love to,” she said, as she stood.

“You know what, Sister Stinson,” Savannah said, cutting her off. “Please allow me to close out the Bible Study.”

Terrance felt his heart stop. He desperately wanted to say or do something, but it was as if his body were frozen.

Sister Stinson shot Savannah a disgruntled look, but did sit back down.

“Please bow your heads,” Savannah said. “Heavenly Father, we thank you for this wonderful lesson we were blessed with this evening. Continue to watch over us and guide our steps.”

Terrance was praying she’d say “amen” and wrap up, but of course, luck wasn’t on his side.

“And, Lord, please bless Terrance and I as we begin our new life together. I know that marriage won’t be easy, but with you at the center of our relationship, we know there’s nothing we can’t do. These and other blessings we ask in your name, amen.”

Savannah smiled as she opened her eyes and looked around the room. Raquel, Eva, Mamie, Dorothy Mae, and half the members in the room stood with their mouths gaped open.

“What did you just say?” Mamie finally managed to say.

“Oh, that God should bless us all?” Savannah asked innocently.

“Naw, the other part,” Dorothy Mae snapped.

“Oh, the part about Terrance and I getting married.” Savannah was all smiles as she walked forward and took her place next to Terrance by the podium. “Yes, my baby and I are tying the knot.”

Everyone in the room looked at Terrance, confused. He lowered his head. Terrance couldn’t even will his mouth to open. This was definitely not how he wanted to handle this, but right now, he still couldn’t find his voice.

Savannah gently pushed his shoulder. “Baby, since the cat got your tongue, I guess I’ll do it.” She pulled Terrance closer to her. “I would like to tell each and every one of you how much I’m looking forward to working with you here at Lily Grove. As Terrance’s fiancée, I want you to see me as an extension of him.”

“What in the world is going on?” Mamie yelled. Several other people started talking as well.

Terrance closed his eyes and wished he were anyplace but here.

“Terrance Deshaun Ellis, what is she talking about?” Eva demanded.

Terrance opened his eyes, but still didn’t respond.

“Tell them, sweetheart,” Savannah urged, a triumphant smile across her face. “Tell them, or I have so much I could tell them myself,” she said when he didn’t respond.

Terrance glared at her, wishing at that moment he wasn’t a man of God so he could choke the crap out of her right there in the pulpit.

Finally, he turned to his members. “Sa…Savannah and I are…together,” he managed to say.

“‘Together’? What does that mean?” Dorothy Mae demanded.

“Yeah, Terrance,” Raquel softly added. “What does that mean?”

Savannah pursed her lips and glared at Raquel. “It means, sweetheart, that you won’t be spending as much time with
man.” The smile returned to Savannah’s face as she squeezed his arm. “Now that we’re engaged, he won’t be needing your…your companionship as much.” Savannah stuck out her hand, displaying a small diamond ring. Several people gasped. Terrance was one of them. They’d never said anything about getting a ring. Tears welled up in Raquel’s eyes.

“Is this true?” she asked, struggling to keep her voice steady.

Savannah squeezed Terrance’s arm again. “Well, tell her, sweetie.”

Terrance felt like someone was taking a knife and turning it around and around in his heart. Devastation was written all over Raquel’s face.

“Terrance, I asked you a question,” Raquel repeated. “Is it true?”

Terrance slowly nodded. He didn’t want to add to her pain by prolonging this, not to mention there was no telling what Savannah might do next.

“I can’t believe you,” Raquel cried as she turned and fled from the sanctuary.

Several of the members had sat back down, no doubt telling themselves this drama was much better than anything they had to get home to.

“Terrance, do you want to tell us what is going on? When did this happen? I thought you two broke up.” Eva tossed the questions at him.

“We decided to work it out,” Savannah offered.

“I’m not talking to you,” Eva snapped.

Savannah’s eyebrows raised. “Now, now. We’re going to be family, so we really need to get this animosity under control.”

“You will never be our family,” Mamie hissed.

Savannah shrugged. “Have it your way. I’ll hate, and I’m sure Terrance will hate it as well, to exclude you from his life. But we’re a package deal now, and if you can’t accept that, oh, well.”

Terrance finally got his bearings about him. He had to get out of this sanctuary, especially with the evil and ungodly thoughts that were floating around in his head. “I need to go,” he muttered.

“Yes, we do need to go,” Savannah repeated as she followed Terrance toward the door. “Everyone enjoy your night. My fiancé is very tired and I want to get him home to bed.”

“Terrance, you’re not going anywhere!” Eva yelled. “Not until you tell us what is going on.”

Terrance stopped, turned around, and looked pleadingly at his aunts. “Look, everything Savannah said is true. We’re together now. Can we leave it at that? I’ll talk to you all later, okay?” His head was pounding. His heart was hurting after seeing the pain in Raquel’s eyes. And he wanted nothing more than to get out of the church.

“Good-bye, ladies,” Savannah said. “Or shall I say, good-bye, aunties.” She was on top of the world as she floated out after her fiancé.

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