The Patient Is a Shark [Shape-Shifter Clinic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: The Patient Is a Shark [Shape-Shifter Clinic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Finally he decided there’d been enough foreplay, and he got out the clothes pins. Carefully he clipped one onto each of Wynter’s breasts and told Rainer to roll over onto his back. Then he clipped pins to Rainer’s nipples and two more to his scrotum. That should keep the man’s attention on the games to come.

He squeezed a dollop of lube onto his fingers and began to massage around Wynter’s rear entry. The tiny rosette twitched and shivered under his fingers as he gradually stretched the opening, softening her tissues and expanding the tight muscle ring.

The butt plug he’d brought with him wasn’t a particularly large one, so he lubed it carefully then pressed it at her entry. She opened and let it in.

Quinn climbed off the bed and washed his hands, then he removed their blindfolds and untied their hands. Rainer’d been very patient while Quinn worked on Wynter, and he deserved a reward.

“You may take off her clothes pins and suck her nipples. Make sure the blood is circulating in them properly as you do.”

Rainer nodded and did as he’d been ordered, wiggling down the bed to have his head in exactly the correct place, then licking and sucking his way all across her breasts before removing the pins and sucking the nipples and areolas into his mouth.

Quinn watched as Wynter’s eyes closed and her mouth opened. Yes, she was enjoying that. Rainer had been thoughtful and considerate and pleased her well. Now it would be his turn.

“Rainer, move so Wynter can suck your nipples.”

Quinn watched as Rainer wiggled until his nipples were level with her mouth, thrusting his chest forward but keeping his legs back so he didn’t inadvertently kick her. Once again, the sub was silently showing his thoughtfulness and consideration. Rainer was a good man, a man anyone would be privileged to work with and to have as a friend and a sub.

“Now it’s time for a real challenge. Kneel over her face so she can take the clothes pins off your scrotum and suck your balls. Just his balls, Wynter, not his cock.”

Wynter nodded, and Rainer wiggled some more, finally crawling to the head of the bed and kneeling facing her, his balls directly over her mouth. It only took Wynter a matter of seconds to remove the final two clothes pins and suck first one ball, then the other, into her mouth.

Good. Now it was time for the main scene. The fucking. At long last.


* * * *


Wynter was very aroused from all the teasing and play and the butt plug was driving her wild with the desire to be touched there, right now! One of the side effects of having moved so often as a child and teenager was that she’d had endless days sitting on the beach watching how young men treated the girls around them. More times than she could count she’d seen a young man convince a girl to disappear with him only to have him return a short time later bragging about how easy she’d been and sometimes even showing all his friends pictures of her on his cell phone.

Consequently she’d had far fewer sexual experiences than the average twenty-four-year-old woman, and far fewer than Rainer and Quinn might expect from the way she’d been crazy with lust for them these past few days.

Her only time of anal sex had been a disappointment to her. Both she and her boyfriend at the time had been very aroused when he’d penetrated her there. Unfortunately he’d come almost the moment he was fully inside her, leaving her to masturbate herself to completion after he’d fallen asleep. She knew that wouldn’t happen this time. Both Quinn and Rainer had placed her own satisfaction above theirs every time. Besides, with the two of them at once, she was very much afraid she’d been the one exploding into orgasm before they had any fun.

“All right, Rainer, you take her cunt. Slide your lower leg underneath Wynter, and put her left leg on top of your upper leg,” instructed Quinn.

It all sounded horribly complicated to Wynter, but it worked, and soon Rainer’s cock was spreading her cunt tissues wide as he slid inside her. He felt so good, filling her right up with hard man. She breathed in his scent, letting her nose press into his neck, loving the fresh, clean scent of him, a scent that enhanced their joining so much for her.

Rainer’s body was glued to hers from pelvis to chest, and she relished the feeling of being surrounded by him, held by him, protected and cared for.

Behind her she could feel Quinn settling on the bed, removing the butt plug, working a leg under their tangled bodies. Then she felt Quinn’s cock pressing at her rear entry, pushing hard, sliding in deep and deeper still, rousing all the nerve endings there and making her cunt flood with cream all over Rainer’s cock. Finally Quinn was resting hard against her spine, his body enclosing hers, his cock a rigid line against her sensitive tissues. He’d placed her left leg on the top of the pile of their limbs, keeping her body open wide enough for both of them to penetrate her, but having her knee where it wouldn’t get knocked.
I always knew he was smart as well as caring.

“Begin,” ordered Quinn, gripping her hips.

About freaking time!

Wynter wiggled one arm out of the tangled bodies and rested her hand against Rainer’s chest, feeling his heart pumping beneath his skin and hers.
So sexy!

He bent and pressed a soft and gentle kiss to her forehead, then withdrew his cock from her. As he was about to push back inside her, Quinn started to withdraw his cock from her ass.

Oh! Wow! I hadn’t thought they’d do that!

Wynter wanted to demand they slam into her, to scream at them to hurry up and start fucking her properly, to yell and rage and use her tongue and hands and feet to drive them as wild and unrestrained as she wanted to be. But her brain told her Quinn would just take it even slower if she did, to punish her. Her brain also told her that deferred pleasure is always the best kind. The longer she waited the higher she’d fly when she finally came. Just to show them she was still part of this fucking, though, she squeezed her internal muscles as hard as she could. She must have gotten it right because both men groaned and Quinn swatted her thigh with one hand.

Wynter leaned her face on Rainer’s shoulder to hide her grin. At least they knew she was still awake and waiting for action now anyway!

It seemed to her they took forever with their slow and steady pace, but she could feel every cell in her body awakening, tightening, becoming more and more aroused, and finally demanding a resolution from her. Frantically she wiggled her hips, only to have four large male hands grab her and hold her still.

She pressed her face harder to Rainer’s shoulder and licked his sweaty skin. He was salty and tangy and damp, and that’s when she realized that Quinn’s skin against her back was wet and slippery, too. Both men were working hard to bring her to the ultimate peak of perfection so she could wait just a little longer for them to decide the time was perfect.

They were so loving and giving, these men. Either of them could have forced her to do what they wanted. Hell, the way she felt about them they could have talked her into doing almost anything without trying very hard. But instead, they continued to put her first every time, all the time. She was fast falling in love with them, which was only to be expected with two such perfect men. Perfect in every way. Kind, considerate, fun to talk to, interested in her as a person, and damn good lovers. Only problem was in one more day they’d arrive at the clinic. She’d have her surgery, complete her rehabilitation, and never see them again. It was too devastating a scenario to think about. She had them now. She’d enjoy them now and cope with having to leave them when it happened.

Wynter dug her fingernails into Rainer’s shoulders then pushed back as hard as she could onto Quinn’s cock. She followed that up by tightening her internal muscles with all her strength. She’d meant it to arouse them, but it backfired, arousing her so far she lost her control and splintered into a million sparkling fragments, her brain exploding with joy as her body shivered and shook in the best orgasm of her life. On and on it went, rolling over and over in waves like the surf at the beach. Again and again her body quivered and quaked as she came and came and came.

She felt cum spurt into her cunt and her ass, but both men continued to hold her and pump into her until her arms and legs collapsed like Jell-O and she dropped between their bodies with absolutely no strength left in her at all.


“Wow it was indeed, sweetie, for me, too,” said Rainer, pressing kisses to the top of her head.

Quinn wrapped his arms around her, holding and supporting her, but not saying anything. Still, she knew he cared. His arms shouted that as loudly as any words could have done.

Finally she lifted her head up and asked, “What time is it?”


“Do you always answer a question with a question, Quinn?”

“Why not?” teased Rainer. But then he added, “Not quite three.”

“I was thinking of having a quick shower then staying in the pool for a long time. You could both swim, too, if you wanted to.”

“I’d like that. I’d never played ball with a shark before yesterday,” said Rainer.

She grinned. “What, afraid I’d eat you?”

“Should we feed you some lunch first, just to be sure we’re safe?” asked Quinn. She could hear the laughter in his voice.

“Actually, now that you mention it, maybe we should eat first. I’m hungry again, although after all the food we ate yesterday I shouldn’t be.”

Quinn untangled himself from behind her. “Right then. Showers, and lunch, and then a swim. Chop, chop. Move along, people.”

And maybe more sex tonight if I can get them onboard with that plan.


* * * *


The rest of the day had been spent getting organized for the final day’s travel and playing in the swimming pool. Rainer had really enjoyed the time relaxing with the woman he was coming to love quite deeply, and with the man he wanted to be his Dom from now on. He felt reasonably certain Quinn felt the same as he did, and he knew for a fact Wynter enjoyed being with them, but of course absolutely nothing could happen until after she was fully rehabilitated from her surgery. That might change her attitude to a whole range of things, not just to him and Quinn.

His plans also assumed they would get back to Ohio safely. He was in the debt of the werewolves who’d rescued them from what could have become a very dangerous position on the way here. He understood and trusted the Alpha here, but he wasn’t sure anyone could predict George Thorne’s actions, and who knew who else he’d send out to follow them, possibly attack them.

The problem was it didn’t make sense. How would stopping one shape-shifter, even killing one shape-shifter, get George possession of the clinic. It wasn’t like he could pretend Oscar had caused her health issues or killed her during surgery when she wasn’t even in the correct state yet let alone at the clinic.

The whole situation was crazy. Unless George was trying to draw out the wolves to attack them? But they seemed to have the security side of things completely under control. Rainer shook his head. It just didn’t make sense at all. Sure, he was worried sick, but they weren’t going to change their actions because of their fear, just going to be more cautious than ever.

They were all relaxed in front of the television, although Rainer was watching Wynter not the screen, when Quinn said, “It’s after nine o’clock. I suggest you start getting ready for sleep. I’ve told the chef seven for breakfast, and the security people that we’ll leave here at eight. It’s only about six hundred miles tomorrow, but in Indiana and Ohio construction can slow travel down a lot, so it’s best to have some daylight hours in reserve in case we need them.”

“I want you both to come to bed with me again. Once we arrive at the clinic we’ll be surrounded by people. Tonight is our last chance to be together,” said Wynter.

Rainer’s cock stood up and did a happy dance, and he knew he had a silly smile on his face, but he wanted to be with her all the time, especially at night.

Quinn glanced at Rainer then said, “We both want that, too, but are you sure you won’t be too tired or sore?”

“Of course not. Besides, I get to rest all day in the car. It’s you two who have to do all the work.”

“What about your ass? Is it tender?”

“Hell, no. I want you both again. Rainer put soothing gel on my ass, so if there had been going to be a problem it never eventuated.”

Quinn nodded. Rainer jumped out of this chair and swung her into his arms, before kissing the top of her head. Oh God, he wanted her so much. This one last chance was going to be both heaven and hell. Heaven, having her again, and hell, knowing he wouldn’t be able to touch her for months, if ever, again.

He carried her into her bedroom and laid her on the bed, then helped her remove her shoes and socks. She unzipped her jeans, and he tugged them off her legs, being very careful to exert no pressure on the left leg, and not to tug hard enough that the heavy denim fabric would drag on her skin. She wiggled her sexy butt so he could drag them over her hips, and they slid free easily. Thank goodness they weren’t the skintight kind. That would have hurt her unbearably to have her swollen knee confined in a pair of them.

She half sat up, pulling her T-shirt over her head then unsnapping the hooks of her bra. Her eyes filled with laughter, she twirled her bra around on one finger, spinning it through the air, then tossed it toward him.

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