The Peacemakers (55 page)

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Authors: Richard Herman

BOOK: The Peacemakers
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Allston reacted instinctively without thinking, the product of years of training and experience. He had a mental image of the battle around him that few men ever achieve in combat. It was reality, focused and fine tuned, and made the difference between life and death. He was skimming the ground at 130 knots, a snail’s pace by his normal standards. But he was so low that the advancing tanks could not bring their weapons to bear. He turned towards them and overflew Vermullen’s DFP. “Lock and load,” he shouted at Williams. “We’re engaged.” Again, he ballooned the Porter into a left pylon turn, and two seconds later, Williams fired a missile. Submachine gun fire raked the side of the Porter as Allston dove for the ground.

Vermullen thumbed the FAMAS to single-shot and fired as Williams’ missile hit the tank. The soldiers firing at him disappeared in the tank’s fireball. Vermullen kept firing, methodically killing the soldiers around the second tank coming at him.

Allston flicked on his instrument lights to check for damage. In less than a second, he had scanned the instruments and turned the lights off. Everything was working as advertised. At the same time, he detected movement on the ground in his peripheral vision. He jinked the Porter hard, its wing tips almost hitting the low scrub below him, as he turned into the movement. A tank was less than a hundred yards away from Vermullen’s position. “Tank in sight,” he told Williams. They had three more missiles and he intended to use them. “Ready.”

A very weak “Ready” answered him.

“We’re engaged.” Again, he jinked hard as he turned into the tank. An inner voice warned him that the soldiers knew how he attacked, always turning to the left in a low pylon turn. “No turn this time,” he shouted. “Nail him as fast as you can.” There was no answer as he closed on the tank.

At four hundred meters, Allston lifted the Porter up to fifty feet and banked hard to his right, turning his tail to the tank. He stomped on the left rudder pedal and yawed the nose to the left as he played with the ailerons and power. The agile Porter skidded sideways, tracking away from the tank. He looked to his left and could see the tank at their eight o’clock position. “Fire!” he yelled. He was answered when the blowback from the missile shot out the right side of the cargo compartment. Allston did a hard reverse and looked to his right in time to see the tank disappear in a bright flash. The concussion rocked the Porter, and an eerie light revealed a scene of death and destruction. He jinked back to his left and his eyes swept the battlefield. The mental picture he held in his mind matched what he saw on the ground. Six tanks were burning in the night. The closest one was less than fifty yards from Vermullen’s foxhole. The four remaining tanks were retreating to the river, leaving the infantrymen behind. “You got ‘em,” he shouted at Williams.

“Boss, I’m hurt,” Williams said. Allston could barely hear him and he twisted around. Williams was slumped forward over the launcher as blood spread across the cargo deck. Allston headed for the mission.

Vermullen jammed a fresh clip into his FAMAS and squeezed off a single round. His face was impassive as he picked off one man after another as they retreated. It was all in a day’s work. Smoke from the destroyed tank nearest him rolled across the terrain, blocking his aim. He rolled out of his foxhole and ran towards the burning tank, using the smoke as cover. He skirted the tank in time to see three soldiers running for the river, their backs to him. He thumbed the FAMAS to full automatic and cut them down as he ran. Ahead, he saw a single soldier. Vermullen snapped his short bayonet onto the barrel as he chased the man down. In his panic, the soldier never saw nor heard the killing machine that ran over him, driving the bayonet deep into his back. Vermullen stopped to wrench the bayonet free. A sixth sense tingled in his subconscious and he fell to the ground behind the dying soldier. A long burst of submachine gun fire cut into the soldier’s body. Vermullen squinted into the dark, finding the shooter. He lay motionless in the dark, his eyes locked on his target. His right hand moved slightly as he keyed his tactical radio. All jamming had stopped and the listening posts along the river reported in. The tanks were in the water and swimming for safety. “Do not let the stragglers escape,” he ordered.

Smoke rolled over him as he came to his feet and moved forward, stalking the man who had shot at him moments before.

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