The Perfect Couple (9 page)

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Authors: Emily Walters

BOOK: The Perfect Couple
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Chapter 12

“Oh god, I think my feet are going to fall off.”


“Shh, don’t let them see your weakness. We are on the cusp of being in the top five, babe,” Daniel said gently as they performed the exhausting dance set. “Just hang on.”


Cara sighed wearily as they spun around the room, wishing that the sixth couple, next to them, would just drop out so they could stop. The girl looked like she was about on her last legs with her dancing, going from lively dancing to nearly swaying just to keep upright. For four hours they had been at it, everyone making it through the first hour before the competition had really started to affect the couples and one by one they had exited the dance floor. Daniel had encouraged Cara through each dance and for a while it was fun. But now, now her calves were screaming to stop, her feet no doubt starting to form blisters within her shoes. She no longer cared if they won, only that they reached the goal that would move them to the next challenge.


Looking about the room, she saw the exhausted faces of the other competitors, some barely moving to the beat of the music but just enough to keep them in the game. The judges were being a bit lenient now and Cara felt as long as they could keep their feet moving, they weren’t in danger of being thrown out. This had been a grueling challenge, the worst one yet.


“Hey, come on, just move, Cara,” Daniel urged in her ear as he started to spin her around to the beat of the tango, dipping her low to the ground before pulling her back up again. “That’s it. That’s all you have to do. I promise you, if you get through this I will rub your feet for hours.”


“I will hold you to that,” she grumbled, desperately wanting a hot shower or at the very least a chair to sit on.


The music changed again and they were forced to pick up the pace once more, the jive an overtaxing dance now that they were both exhausted. Now Cara knew why they had said this was going to be the toughest challenge. While skill was a part of it, endurance was ninety-nine percent of it. Another couple, the sixth one, stumbled off of the stage and Cara sighed in relief, looking at Daniel. They had done it, they had made it to the top five! “We can stop now,” she said breathlessly, her legs screaming for rest, but she continued to move them. “We did it.”


“We didn’t win,” Daniel frowned, still going through the motions. “We can’t stop now, Cara. We’ve made it this far. We can win this. We can choose our style for the finale. Just think of the advantage.”


“Come on, you can’t be serious,” she narrowed her eyes, keeping in pace with him. “We made it to the next round. That should be good enough. We can dance to any style they pick.”


Daniel shook his head, his feet still effortlessly flying across the floor. If one just looked at him one would think he was a machine, but Cara could see the lines of exhaustion on his face. He was just as tired as she was. “Come on, Daniel, please let’s just stop. We don’t need to pick.”


Daniel swore softly and for a moment, Cara didn’t think he was going to stop. To her relief, he did and pulled her off stage, eliminating them from winning. Cara didn’t care. They had made it to the top five, which was their goal and that was more than the rest of the couples eliminated could say. “Thank you.”


Daniel stopped then and turned to look at her, disappointment in his eyes. “We could have won the entire thing, you know. All we had to do was last another hour or so. We were stronger than the rest of them out there.”


“I know but what good would we be if we injured ourselves by pushing too far?” Cara countered, laying a hand on his cheek. She knew he wanted to win. Daniel wasn’t one to admit defeat but it was the right move this time. They had won, just not in the way he had hoped. “We got to the finals. We will blow them away with whatever style they choose. We made it, Daniel. We have accomplished our goals.”


Daniel pulled her close to him and Cara wrapped her arms around his waist, laying her cheek on his chest. “You are right, of course. I am beat. Hey, maybe it will be the samba that is chosen, who knows?”


Cara giggled as he pressed a kiss into her hair, enjoying the feel of his hands on her. She was relieved that he wasn’t that disappointed but they had come so far together and the ultimate prize was to win, which they were going to attempt to do. Her heart swelled at the thought of them almost finished with this competition. They were going on tour together, that was a given and she couldn’t be happier. All of the stress was paying off and hopefully they would come out stronger people and an even stronger couple in the end.


“You know what us securing this spot means?” she whispered against his chest, feeling the strong steady beat of his heart under her cheek.




“You and I will be touring together after all.”




In the end, it took three more hours for the rest of the couples to battle it out and for the judges to crown a winner, the couple so exhausted that they had to have assistance to make it off stage. There would have been no way that Cara would have made it that long and she couldn’t help but feel sorry for that couple. She was just glad that the challenge was now behind them and she hoped that they never had to do anything like that ever again. Surely the finale wouldn’t be something as silly as that.


Now Cara sat next to Daniel in the auditorium once more, one of the remaining five couples sitting together as they awaited their final challenge.


“Congratulations to you all. Not only are you now part of our tour, you still have a chance to take the title and the money,” John said with a smile on his face. “I know you are all exhausted but we wanted to tell you what your final challenge will be.”


“Swimming with sharks?” someone called out, followed by laughter from the entire group.


“No, not that extreme,” Marie interrupted. “The final challenge will be an easy one for some. Our winning team has chosen contemporary dancing style. “


“We got this competition in the bag now,” Daniel said softly, gripping Cara’s hand tightly. Cara couldn’t help but agree. At least contemporary could be construed based on the music chosen. It was hard to judge the particular style of contemporary dancing so the doors were wide open for interpretation.


“What we would like for you to do is incorporate the natural elements into your dance: air, fire, water, and earth. However you would like to represent these elements is up to you, but we would like to see it in not only your dancing style but also in your costumes. You will need to pick two of the elements to incorporate into your routine. Mike here will help with your music this week and we have already composed a song for you to build your routine around. The song choice allows for us to really look at your dance moves and puts everyone on an equal playing field.”


Cara swallowed hard as she looked around the room, seeing the same looks on everyone’s faces. It was hard enough to build a routine around a song that you were familiar with but a song you had never heard? That was ten times harder to create steps to fit into the music. Plus, everyone would have the same song.


“You will have three days to prepare. We will not offer any suggestions with this challenge. Good luck.”


“Well,” Daniel said as they exited the auditorium with their copy of the music. “Do you want to come to my room and listen to this track? My roommate was eliminated.”


“I, sure,” Cara said. Their relationship during the competition had been reduced to some kissing and the hot samba number but very little else. Daniel grabbed her hand and led her to the hotel, punching the button in the elevator as the doors slid closed. Cara stood nervously, gripping his hand tightly as they rode the elevator up, both silent in their own thoughts. Hers were a jumbled mess. This venture was almost over and then they would be thrust back into reality, hopefully $100,000 richer. What then? What did it mean for their relationship?


The doors slid open and Daniel directed them to his room, sliding his card into the reader and pushing open the door with a hesitant smile. Cara stepped in the room and found it no different than her own, the two double beds neatly made and Daniel’s bag occupying one corner of the room. “So,” she said softly, looking up at him. “Where’s your MP3 player, Daniel?”


“Hell, I lied about listening to the music,” he growled before his lips descended on hers. Cara gasped and Daniel’s tongue invaded her mouth, delving deep into the recesses as her brain tried to comprehend what was taking place. “I have been dying to get you alone since this damn competition started,” he mumbled against her lips. “I’ve tried to hold out but I can’t anymore, Cara. I have to have my hands on you.”


“I’m not trying to stop you,” Cara said weakly, threading her hands into his hair. He laughed and backed them up until Cara’s calves hit the edge of the bed and they fell onto it. Cara couldn’t believe this was happening. She had waited, hoped, and worried but now they were going to further their relationship.


“God you’re beautiful,” he whispered, his hands slowly delving under her top, touching her.


“It’s because of you,” Cara replied, tugging on his T-shirt and pulling it over his head, feasting on his well-built chest with a soft sigh. “I wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t gotten me here, Daniel.”


Daniel’s hands stilled as he looked at her, his eyes blazing intensely. “I care for you, Cara, more than I probably should at this point. Hell, I think I am half in love with you.”


“Oh Daniel,” Cara breathed, her heart melting at his words. She had no idea of his feelings but her own heart echoed his sentiment. He had pushed her to become something more than the girl that she had been even six months ago. He grinned and silenced her with a kiss before pulling her shirt over her head. Cara was lost in his mouth on hers while his touch drove her wild with need as his hands wandered up to her breasts. She wanted all of him around her. She wanted to feel these feelings that were swirling around them and revel in the fact that she had found the perfect man for her.


When Daniel started to tug on her pants, she didn’t resist and before long he was taking her to new heights with his fingers, Cara’s orgasm startling and quick.


“You are so ready for me,” he whispered against her mouth as he stripped himself of his own pants and settled between her thighs. “Are you sure about this, Cara?”


“More than anything,” she said, looking into his eyes. “I believe I am half in love with you as well.”


His smile could have lit up an entire city as he kissed her gently, entering her with one swift thrust. Cara arched against the feel of him as he moved over her, her breaths coming in short pants as he increased the tempo, pulling her into a hazy, pleasure-building moment. “Come for me,” he said roughly as he lifted her hips. “For me, Cara.”


“Oh god,” she breathed, writhing under him as the pressure intensified and then burst forth, stars exploding in her eyes. She heard Daniel’s guttural growl before he collapsed on top of her, their sweat-slicked bodies meshing into one.


That was amazing. She had experienced sex a few times but never so soul-wrenching, so complete before. Was this what it meant to make love? Was this how it would always feel with Daniel?


“So you want to listen to the CD now?” Daniel’s voice tickled her ear, his hands roaming over her hips again.


“I think we can put it off just a bit longer,” she moaned, rubbing her hands over his shoulders. “We have three days.”

Chapter 13

“No, no, no. That routine is not going to work.”


“Are you serious?” Cara asked in a huff, placing her hands on her hips as she stared at Daniel. “Why not? I think it’s perfect.”


“It’s boring,” Daniel said dryly, crossing his arms over his bare chest. They were in their second day of three days in the studio, preparing for the finale and she had come up with a simple but drama-heavy routine that played to both of their strengths. Daniel was to come up with the finale, something spectacular that would be impressive. Not only was Daniel’s piece far too complicated for the amount of time they had to learn it, but he was also refusing to accept her idea of the dance steps that she felt would work with the music and she was becoming pissed. “What’s boring about it? Your part of the routine that you developed is too complicated.”


“It wouldn’t be complicated to me,” he ground out. “I can’t help it that you can’t keep up.”


“You’re an ass,” she shot back, wounded that he was being so pissy. “Not everyone can be Mr. Perfect Daniel, you know. If you wanted complicated, you shouldn’t have picked me.” Tears smarted her eyes but she refused to let them fall.


Daniel sighed loudly and ran a hand through his hair roughly, exhaustion on his face. “Come here.”


Cara wanted to refuse but them being mad at each other wasn’t going to help them win this competition. So she crossed the room and he drew her into his arms, his hands gripping her tightly. “I’m sorry. I am being an ass. I just don’t want us to fail.”


“So what if we do?” she replied, breathing in his scent. “It’s just a competition, Daniel, not the end of the world.”


“I know but we’ve tried so hard to win,” he said, his hand rubbing her back. “We have both put our bodies through hell and if we don’t win, it will be for nothing.”


“Not nothing. We already have the tour to look forward to. I would say we have already won in my book.”


Daniel gave her a small smile and captured her lips with his, a sweet, gentle kiss that brought more tears to Cara’s eyes. “You’re right. We have already won. If we don’t win, I want you to move in with me.”


“Only if we don’t win?” she asked, arching a brow. “Fine, let’s quit now.”


“No, that’s not what I meant,” he laughed. “I mean I want you to move in with me regardless but I don’t want you moving back to your hometown if we don’t win the money. I can’t bear the thought of not having you by my side, Cara.”


“Okay, I agree,” she smiled, hugging him. “I would love to move in with you.” The competition was just an added bonus now. She had captured the man of her dreams and their story wouldn’t end when this competition did. That’s all she ever wanted.


“Good, now let’s compromise on this routine,” Daniel said as he pulled away from her with a wink. “Let’s combine complicated and boring, okay?”


Cara nodded and took a deep breath. They were going to finish this.


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