The Perfection of Love (29 page)

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Authors: J. L. Monro

BOOK: The Perfection of Love
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“Hi, I’m Marie.  I’m so glad you’re here.  I thought you might not come.  It is quite far to come but then it must be love if you’re willing to do this.  Deacon’s been such an ass since he’s come back.  He’s usually really funny and carefree and now he’s just awful to work with.  I reckon if we stick to my plan we can have you two back together by the end of the night and I can have my nice working environment back.”  She was talking so fast and walking just as fast.  I looked at her heels, which were bright red and at least five inches and couldn’t fathom how she managed to not break her ankle in those things.


When we got to the car Marie divulged her plan and although it was a bit far fetched and led me to believe she’d watched too many romcoms, I had nothing better to work with.  She dropped me off at my hotel which was beautiful boutique hotel named the Petit Ermitage.


“I can’t afford this Marie.”  As much as I wanted to run wild in this place reality had me counting the coins in my pockets and my bank account.


“Don’t worry.  It’s covered.  A car will pick you up at eight.  Make sure you’re ready.  I’ve picked out something for you to wear.  The car will drop you off where Deacon will be and from there you’re on your own girl.  She gave me another hug and left in the car.


I made my into the hotel suite.  It was amazing.  On the bed were a black dress, a mask and a ticket.  Marie was off her rocker.  I set about getting ready and was about to try and do something when there was a knock on the door.  I opened the door to see two women standing outside looking very excited.


“We’re friends with Marie.  She called us and asked us to come and do your hair and makeup.”  They both squealed at the same time.  I didn’t feel their excitement as the nerves were beginning to make me feel sick but I was glad for their assistance.


By the time they had finished I had to admit I looked amazing and it was better than anything Lana could do.  I had a smoky eye effect and my hair was coiffed into a perfect bun on top of my head.


“Good luck Dana.  Marie gave us a glossed over story of what was going down tonight and we are so excited for you.”  They both squealed again before heading out the door.  I slipped on the dress and the strappy sandals that I’m pretty sure were higher than Marie’s shoes and were definitely going to kill me.  When the call came from reception that the car was waiting for me I grabbed my mask and my envelope and made my way downstairs.  There was a long black limo and a chauffeur waiting for me.  I dug my phone quickly out of my clutch and phoned Marie.


“Are you there yet?”  She didn’t even say hello.


“Marie!  There is a limo and the man is looking at me as though I’m supposed to get in it.”


“Um.  Duh.  That’s what people usually do with modes of transport.  They get in them.  I though you Brits were supposed to be smart.”  She sighed.  “Just get in the limo Dana and stick to the plan.  Laters.”  She hung up.  Was that an American thing?  I thought people were supposed to say ‘bye’ before they hung up on a person.


I got in the limo and sat back while the driver took me to my destination.  I finally opened the envelope which Marie had instructed me not open until I was on my way.  There was an invitation inside to the first annual charity masquerade ball for supporting women with negative self-image hosted by Dr. Deacon Greenwood.  Oh shit.  I couldn’t do this.  I hated balls.  I certainly never went to them on my own.  It was too late.  We’d arrived at the hotel where the ball was happening and the driver was already opening my door to help me out.  There was no turning back now and I had to keep in mind what I had come here for.


I stepped out of the limo and people were already turning to look.  Some of the people were whispering and I had to remember something Mara told me a long time ago when we were kids.  “Keep your head up and your shoulders back.  As long as you give off confidence, no one needs to know you’re really shitting your pants.”  So I invoked Mara’s advice and kept walking.  I noticed everyone had their masks on so I quickly took mine out of my bag and put it on.  When I entered the ball it was very busy.  Everyone was dressed in black and white as per the dress code.  They looked stunning but it made it very hard to spot Deacon.


There was a live band playing a slow elegant piece of music and some people already dancing and others watching.  I felt a tap on my shoulder.


“Such a beautiful lady.  Are you here on your own?”  It wasn’t Deacon.




“Beautiful and British.  How intriguing.  May I have this dance?”  I was about to say no when he clasped my hand and pulled me to the dance floor.  If I tried to pull away I would make a scene so I had no choice but to follow.


“My name is George by the way.  And yours?”  George spun me on the floor before he held me to begin the dance.


“Dana.”  I was now concentrating on not stepping on George’s feet.  There was no way I could hold a conversation and dance like this at the same time.  After the first dance, George managed to keep me on the floor for another two songs.


“So Dana, what brings you across the pond?  Business or pleasure?”


“A bit of both really.”  I was scanning the room for Deacon and on the final spin I finally saw him.  Dancing with a very tall blond who looked very happy to be in his arms.  I choked back the tears.  I was too late.  He’d already moved on.  If I didn’t know better I would think that fate was fucking with me because George kept spinning me closer and closer to Deacon so I could get an even better look of him dancing with his skank new fuck buddy/girlfriend person.


“Ah a lady of mystery.  Would you like a drink Dana?’


“I’d like several.”  He led me over to the bar.  He quirked an eyebrow when I ordered a double vodka over ice.  I was not in the mood to act like an elegant lady at the moment.  When I ordered another and a third he looked shocked.


“I see you like the drink options.”


“Sorry George.  Events like these just make me tense that’s all.”


“I doubt drinking at this rate will help.  Would you like to dance again?”  He offered his hand.  Just as I was about to take it someone large stepped in between us.  Deacon.


“What are you doing here Dana?”  He didn’t sound angry or pleased which just pissed me off further.


“I was invited.  I flapped my invitation in his face.”


“Excuse me Deacon, you’re taken for the night and I was dancing with this beautiful lady.”  Deacon looked at George like he was going to kill him.


“I know where dancing leads with you George and it’s not happening tonight.”  He growled.


“Now, now Deacon.  Two ladies in one night, that is just being selfish.  Surely you can manage with just one tonight.”


“George, you can back away now on your own two legs or I can break them for you and have you carted away.  And tell your sister that I won’t be inviting you to any more of these events.” 


“Deacon, don’t be hasty.  You know Marie would be upset if you banned me from your events.  I generate a lot of business from these shindigs.”  I looked at George around Deacons body, which seemed to be now shielding me from George’s sight.  George winked at me.  “I can see that this argument is futile and you have clearly laid claim to this beauty and I withdraw my name from the hat.  Dana it was lovely to meet you.  Maybe on another occasion I may be more fortuitous.”  Deacon snarled and George backed away quickly, smiling all the while.


“What were you doing with him?”  Deacon had turned back to me and I had remembered who he was dancing with and now I was pissed again.


“None of your business.  You’re not talking to me remember.”


“Don’t play games Dana.”


“Just fuck off with that shit Deacon.  I came here to talk to you because you were being stubborn and wouldn’t talk to me on the phone.  You wouldn’t hear me out.  Again, I might add, so I got on a plane to come and find you and make you listen.  Instead I find you dancing with some rake like you were ready to fuck her on the dance floor.”  Deacon paused.


“That’s not what it looked like.  She won an auction for a dance with the host that’s all.  The money is going to charity.”


“You know what.  It’s none of my business.  Do whatever the fuck you want to do.  I came here to apologize and I was prepared to do whatever it took to bring you back home.  But seeing as you’ve already moved on I can see I’ve had a wasted trip.  So you can go to hell.  Feel free to rot and burn instantly while you’re there.”  I turned back to the bar and signaled to the waiter to top up my drink.  I felt Deacon moved to my side and I more noticeably felt the erection straining against his trousers being pressed against my hip.  He leaned down to my ear.  “I love it when you get all worked up.  It turns me on so much.  I need you.  Now.”


“Not going to happen Deacon so you can just get lost.  If it’s bugging you so much go get the rake blond to sort you out.”  I grabbed my drink and turned to find the quickest escape route from him.  Deacon grabbed my elbow and steered me out of the main hall into a private room to the side.


“Stop fucking with me Dana.”  He didn’t let me go.  He pulled me closer to him.  “I know you were hurting over Mills but the things you said were evil.  You can’t keep finding excuses to push me away.  I told you that woman is just a guest.  I don’t even know her.”


“Good for you.  What part of I don’t care did you not understand?  I can give you an explanation for each word if that helps.”  I downed the glass of vodka.


“You said you came here to bring me back home.  Did you mean it?”  He was looking straight into my eyes and I squirmed.


“It doesn’t matter now.”  The alcohol was killing the fight in me.  Deacon held my face between his hands.


“Do you still love me Dana?  Do you still want us to be together as much as I do?”  I nodded because despite my anger at seeing him with whoever she was, I did still love him.


Someone interrupted our little moment to notify Deacon that he needed to be on stage to give a speech.


“Perfect.”  He said.  He had a grin on his face that resembled the one that he had when he was in hospital when he conned me into staying long enough for me to meet his parents.


“Deacon, what are you up to?”  My senses were on alert.


“Nothing.”  He kissed me on the nose and made his way to the stage.  Deacon’s speech was inspiring.  He had set up his charity to help women who had negative self-image which led to self harm.  I was so proud of him.


“Before I step down from the stage I would like to take the opportunity to thank Miss. Dana Daniels who is here tonight for she inspired me to set up this charity.”  His eyes met mine and the mischievousness in them increased.  Oh boy.  “I would also like to take this moment to ask Miss Daniels a very important question.”  Oh shit.  “I would like her to become the head counselor at my practice.”  He can’t just ask me that in front of all these people.  Oh god he wasn’t finished.  Was he trying to induce a panic attack?  “Oh and one more thing.  Miss. Dana Daniels.”  He made his way off the stage straight at me.  I kept looking around to confirm that everyone’s eyes were on me.  I was going to kill him.  I really was this time.  No messing about.  I was going to start digging his grave first thing in the morning.  Deacon reached me and took my hand.  He got down on one knee.  Oh double shit.  “Miss. Dana Daniels, would you do me the honor of being by my side for the rest of our lives as my wife?”  Deacon Greenwood had asked me to marry him in a room full of strangers.  I couldn’t say no it would be humiliating for both of us.  Then I realized I didn’t want to say no.  I’d come here to get Deacon back and that was exactly what I was getting. “Baby, you’re supposed to answer.”


“Yes Deacon.  The answer is yes.”  He stood up and swept me off my feet swing me around.  The room erupted into cheers and clapping.  I was going to be Mrs. Dana Greenwood.  I was going to live my life for Mills and more importantly for myself and Jakey.


When Deacon stopped hugging me I whispered in his ear.  “I have a really perfect hotel room waiting for me.  Would you care to join me?”  Deacon spoke into his mic one last time.


“Ladies and gentleman.  I just proposed to the woman I love, she accepted and now I really need to go.  Enjoy the rest of the evening.”  There was even more laughter and Deacon grabbed my hand and tore out of the hotel.  He was fidgeting nonstop while waiting for the car to come round.  At one point I thought he was going to strip right there and then.

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