The Perfection of Love (4 page)

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Authors: J. L. Monro

BOOK: The Perfection of Love
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Mitchell broke away from the kiss and both of us were panting heavily.  His face was flustered and his lips swollen.  I imagined that I probably looked very similar.


“Dana we need to stop.  I really want you but you need to be ready before we take this any further.”


I slowly regained some form of composure and looked at Mitchell straight into his eyes.  He had treated me with nothing but respect and even now he wasn’t pressuring me into having sex.  Any other guy would have taken the make-out session we’d just had as the green light for more.  I realized that I wanted to take things further with him.  Sod Lana and her three date rule.  If you’re meant to be with a guy then it’s not going to matter when you’ve had sex with him.  Mitchell already said that he thinks I’m the one for him so what more reassurance do I want.  Oh shit.  My legs.  I fucking didn’t shave my legs.


“Mitchell, I want to it’s just….” I paused, unsure about how to continue with what I wanted to say.


“Don’t worry.  We can take things further when you’re ready.”  If he was disappointed he hid it well.  He genuinely looked concerned for my feelings which only turned me on more.


“It’s not that.  I….well I…I knew I was attracted to you but I didn’t want to take anything further with you without being sure how you felt.  And I didn’t want you to think I was easy either.  So to make sure I didn’t do anything to give you that impression, I didn’t shave my legs.  But then you told me how you really felt and I feel the same so I want to…you know…have sex but I don’t want you to be stroking my furry legs for our first time”


I finished my rambling, I took a breath and sighed.  I had given that information pretty much to the floor.  I was way too embarrassed to look at Mitchell.  He chuckled.  Asshole.


“I don’t care if your legs remind me of a yeti.  I just want to be close to you.”


He moved me off his lap and stood holding out his hand for me to take, which I did.  Mitchell led me upstairs to his bedroom and I sat on the edge of the bed.  There were candles around the room and Mitchell took his time to light each one and then came back and sat next to me on the bed.


“Dana we really don’t have to do this if you’re not ready.”


I was nervous but that was more to do with the fact that Mitchell Grayson was about to see me naked with hairy legs than anything else.  I had a decent body although my boobs weren’t big like Mills’ or even Saz’s.  Lana said that anything more than handful was too much and a waste.  Easy for her to say, she had a natural cleavage that women paid thousands for to get.  I regrouped my thoughts and turned to Mitchell taking his face in both my hands.  I leaned in slowly to kiss him and when I did I did it gently then leaned back and smiled, hoping he would understand that the kiss meant let’s do this.  When he returned my smile and gently laid me down on his bed I took that as a yes he had understood.  Mitchell was careful with me.  He removed my clothing and kissed everywhere that his hands touched from underneath my chin, to my collarbone and down the middle of chest.  When he reached the waistband of my jeans he looked up at me to make sure I was still wanting this to happen.  When I nodded he came back up to kiss me and then undid the button.  His lips stayed on mine while his hand delved under my thong and into my folds that were by now dripping.  Give God thanks for small mercies that I always keep my lower hedge landscaped or I could have been in for double the embarrassment.


“God you’re so wet Dana, is this all for me? Tell me it’s all for me.”


“It’s all for you Mitchell.  Only you.”


Mitchell moved himself so he was over me fully and removed my jeans.  He then covered my body with his while removing my thong at the same time.  I pulled up my left leg so he had better access and he used it to push in one finger.


“Tell me if I hurt you Dana.”  His breathing had become heavy and he was watching what he was doing with his hands.  He added another finger and thrust while he returned to kissing me.  Although I had had sex with other guys, they were more of an experiment after losing my virginity because I’d never orgasmed.  I’d lost my virginity to Nigel Wooward on his bunk bed that he shared with his seven year old little brother when I was fourteen.  Needless to say it was bloody awful.  There was no foreplay and Nigel was BIG for his age.  That was a type of friction burn that I never wanted to experience ever again.  What Mitchell was doing was building a tension so heavy that I could feel myself soaking his fingers and my own legs.  Mitchell pulled his fingers out and I sighed at the loss.  I heard him tear open a foil packet and felt his arm move to put the condom on.  When he moved back over me he brushed away some of my hair that had come into my face and kissed my forehead, then my nose, my cheeks and then finally my chin.  He eased himself into me slowly and began to move.  His moves seemed planned like he was doing his best not to lose control and to make sure he didn’t hurt me while giving me pleasure at the same time.  I appreciated his tentativeness but I wanted something a little more exciting.  I’m no sex expert but between the Ollie Reynold’s pencil penis, Johnny Taylor’s too big of a penis and Tyson Morris’ non existent penis, I had learnt a couple of things.  I flipped Mitchell over so I was on top and eased myself down his shaft and began to ride him.  His low groan told me that he liked this movement.  The noise from my ass slapping against his thighs urged me on and within minutes we were both coming.  I had finally experienced an orgasm and my fucking god we were going to do that again if that’s what they felt like.


Mitchell moved so that we ended up laying down facing each other.  He held me close and buried his head in my neck taking in my scent which could only be eau sweat du sex right now, but the sentiment was nice.  Or maybe he just liked the scent of himself on me.  Who knows?






“How many guys have you been with before me?”


Oh shit.  What kind of question was that for this moment? Right, lie, tell the truth, stretch the truth or embellish the truth.  It’s not that I was ashamed of having slept with three now four people by the age of sixteen.  I just didn’t want Mitchell to think I was some kind of free for all hoe because I wasn’t.  I have a fully justifiable explanation for all of them.  It’s just that he might not like the justification and anyone else may still conclude that I’m a slut.  I opted for the truth.


“Four, including you.”


“Oh.” Pause.  “I’m surprised.” Pause. “But I’m glad.  I felt a bit like I was taking your innocence.  Of course that notion evaporated when you flipped me on my back.”


I laughed and so did he.  We laid on his bed for what felt like forever but was probably only thirty minutes before I realized it was past one am.


“Mitchell, I need to get back home.  I’ve got work in the morning and I didn’t tell Ma that I would be staying out.”  I worked at the local post office on weekends in the shop part that acted like a corner shop.  It wasn’t a taxing job but it gave me enough money to give me the freedom to buy a few things that I wanted.  Mainly clothes, make-up and credit for my phone. 


“Sure.  Let’s get ready.  But maybe sometimes you could stay here with me, maybe?”


In that moment I don’t know why but he looked vulnerable so I crawled up to him and kissed him.  My kiss was a promise that there would be a time when we’d always share the same bed and no one would be leaving in the middle of the night.  He sighed and held my head to his looking deep into my eyes.


We got dressed not talking but after each item of clothing Mitchell would either make sure he brushed my arm or kissed me on the cheek.  It was so sweet and I knew deep down that I had fallen for him and every action he did from now on only tightened the hold he had on my heart.


months rolled by with Mitchell and before I knew it June was on us.  I’d been seeing Mitchell for nine months now.  I sometimes found it difficult juggling my relationship with him, my friendship with Saz and Mills, school work and work work.  Sometimes Saz and Mills would come over just to have a rant about me ditching them for Mitchell but we’d end up laughing within ten minutes once they’d caught me up on their antics, well…Saz’s antics that Mills had to watch.  I’d decided to go on the pill as Mitchell and I were having sex quite often.  Anytime we saw each other to be honest.  We’d had sex in every part of his house and christened his car several times over.


It was a Thursday night and I was on the phone to Mills going over our Biology notes when the phone cut out.  Mills lived with her foster parents in what we called the middle of the shire where the hobbits dwell, so this was a regular occurrence.  My phone rang again and I answered straight away.




“Hey Dana” The sexy voice on the other end of the line purred.


“Oh.  Mitchell it’s you.”  After my surprise of it being Mitchell talking to me the butterflies were back again.


“Oh?”  His tone had dropped and I could tell he was not happy with my initial reaction to his call.  “You don’t sound happy that I’ve called.  I thought you’d be happy that I’d called seeing as I was missing your voice I thought you might have felt the same way.  Clearly it was a mistake.  I’ll talk to you some other time.”


Woah.  I don’t know where any of that came from but I tried to placate Mitchell and make him understand what had happened.


“Mitchell, of course I wanted to hear from you.  I’ve missed you all week.  I was on the phone to Mills before you called but her phone cut out.  It happens often, so when my phone rang I answered without looking to see who was calling.  I was just surprised it was you that’s all.  Because I was expecting Mills.”


Why the hell was I explaining myself so hard?  I mean, I didn’t want him to feel that I wasn’t glad to hear from him because I really was but his reaction was way over the top.


“I’ve been busy all week with work so I haven’t had a chance to call you before now.  This isn’t really the way I wanted the conversation to start but it’s done now.” He still sounded pissed.  I didn’t know what to say to help the situation which meant I’d been silent for a good few seconds.  “Look you’re clearly busy.  I’ll call you another time or something.”


“No Mitchell, I’m not busy.  I was just packing up my books so I could get comfortable to talk to you.” Lie, but hopefully it provided him with a good enough explanation to my silence.  The first couple of minutes of the conversation were strained because of his earlier mood but eventually I felt the tension ease out of Mitchell and we began to talking easily.  We talked until just after 1am, at this point I was yawning and Mitchell’s questions and responses were coming a lot slower.  I told him I needed to get to sleep as I had class in the morning and he needed to get to bed as he had work.  He reluctantly agreed and told me “Goodnight and sweet dreams” before he hung up.  Mitchells mood swings can be a little intense but I think to be honest that might be my own fault.  I had been blatantly clear in the beginning that I didn’t want to go out with him and that would hurt anyone’s ego, so maybe he was still a little insecure.



School had just broken up after exams and we had the whole summer to enjoy before going back to finish our final year.  Lana and Tara had finished with all A’s as predicted.  Lana got into the London School of Music and Fashion and Tara was off to Kings College to study Biomedical Science or something along those lines that was boring as fuck.  Mara had already graduated and had got a job in some top architectural firm but she was still at home.  She had lightened up a bit and was focusing her efforts on putting money together so that she could design the house she wanted for herself.  Give the girl credit where it was due, when she dreamed, she dreamed big.


, Mills and I decided to celebrate the end of term by going out and getting as trashed as possible.  As usual Anthony Grey was throwing one of his mega house parties.  At Christmas his parents went away again and left him, only this time they can back early and found the house in a state.  I heard that Anthony got told he was going to boarding school but when the cleaning crew he always brought in came and cleared up everything, his parents patted him on the back and increased his monthly allowance for taking responsibility for his actions.  Fucker.  In any case we decided that we’d go to his party and all three of us were going to make sure we had the best night out.  I was wearing a short blue dress with heels.  Saz was wearing shorts that should just be call knickers as they weren’t much bigger than French panties and Mills was wearing a hot racy mini dress that was strapless.  Mills NEVER wore anything that would bring her more attention than she could handle which was any.

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