The Pet Shop (3 page)

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Authors: K D Grace

BOOK: The Pet Shop
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Two hours later she was still tossing amid the tangle of sheets absolutely refusing to masturbate, though she desperately needed to. She told herself it was the principle of the thing, but in reality she was afraid that Tino might somehow magically know she was masturbating and ... And what? His feelings would be hurt because he didn’t get to service her? He’d smell it on her in the morning and lick her crotch. Oh God, she so didn’t need to think about that right now.

She was just about to drift off with the pillow settled in the crook of her arm when the gnaw of guilt returned. If Tino really did have to stay in character the whole weekend he must be dying of thirst. She was always thirsty after sex. But it hadn’t been sex, she reminded herself again. Not real sex. Still, she had helped herself to all the water she wanted from the en-suite sink, while poor Tino had none. And what if he was hungry? Anne said he’d been fed, but that was ages ago. Come to think of it, she was a bit peckish herself. But then again, he might have just settled in to watch the footie and fallen asleep in front of the telly, without giving a second thought to what had happened. Surely he would be happy for an unexpected night off, right? If that were the case, then the coast would be clear. She could get her laptop and bring it back to the room without him even knowing.

She got out of bed and carefully slipped into her blue satin robe, tying the sash loosely around her waist. Then she tiptoed to the door holding her breath. Somewhere deep in the city a siren wailed, but the flat was silent. Slowly, carefully, she opened the door, and her breath caught in her throat.

There on the floor in front of her lay Tino, curled around himself in a foetal position, his breathing the deep even breathing of sleep. She couldn’t resist the urge to stare down at him, to take in the sheer wild maleness of him lying there bathed in silver moonlight, sleeping in nothing but a leather collar.

She had just lifted her foot to step over him when suddenly he woke and sat up with a start causing her to yelp in surprise. She lost her balance and would have tumbled backward if he hadn’t caught her by the hand and pulled her forward to land against the hard rise and fall of his chest.

‘Tino, I’m sorry,’ she gasped. ‘I tried not to wake you. Did I hurt you? Oh God, I hope you’re OK.’ Too late she realised her robe had fallen open, and the Pet’s gaze was locked on her breasts, his naked cock jutting like a velvet-sheathed knife against the inside of her bare thigh. They both sat frozen against each other, holding their breath.

Chapter Three

effort to get up and stepped on the sash of her robe, which sent her sprawling again. This time right on top of him. The robe ripped completely open revealing her nakedness beneath.

A deep growl erupted from Tino’s throat, a growl that had nothing to do with pain, but everything to do with his tightening grip around her and the insistence of his stiff penis against the inside of her thigh.

A frisson of fear rippled up her spine and, for a split second, she thought he would take her by force. She braced herself. Instead, he just held her there, his whole body bristling with need. And Jesus, the feel of him, the feel of his naked skin against hers! Her own skin suddenly felt like every pore was open wide, aching to soak up his touch. With each breath, the expansion of his chest pressed against her, and with it, his cock gouged upward toward her gaping pussy.

And yet he didn’t move. The physical sensation of his body surrounding hers had so overwhelmed her that she hadn’t noticed his gaze locked on her face, questioning, longing, achingly tender.

She let out a slow, even breath. ‘You’re an obedient Pet, Tino, aren’t you?’

His only response was to rub the slight scratch of his stubbled cheek against hers and sigh a lingering breath onto her earlobe.

‘Such a good Pet, the best Pet,’ she crooned softly.

He nuzzled in still closer, bathing her throat and nape in warm humidity that moved on ticklish little feet down over her breasts and belly, causing her pussy to grasp and tremble. She whimpered and curled her fingers in his hair. ‘Tino, I need you. Oh God,’ she half sobbed, then the words tumbled out. ‘Tino, I need you to ... I need you to take care of me. Like a good Pet.’

For an agonizing moment he held her there, his cock stretched against the inside of her upper thigh almost but not quite in position for her to wriggle down onto.

She brushed her lips against his, half expecting him to lap at her with his tongue. Instead his response was feather soft, more breath than mouth, but it was enough to encourage her. This time as she pressed her mouth to his, he nipped her lower lip with his front teeth, following the resulting gasp with the darting of his tongue, quick and playful.

And she was completely undone. She took his mouth with all the pent-up passion she didn’t know she had, and he responded in kind.

With a sinuous shifting of his hips, he moved just enough to make contact. There, he remained, rubbing the head of his cock between her labia, just at the point of pressure, pushing just enough to open her, but not quite enough to penetrate. There, he held her, preventing her from settling down onto him, preventing her from taking by force what she so desperately needed.

‘Tino,’ she breathed, ‘be a good Pet. I need you to put it in me, now.’

Instead, he pulled out just enough to rub the tip of his cock, now well lubricated with her slickness, against her clit, which was already distended nearly to the point of pain in its arousal. She squirmed and wriggled in a frenzied effort to push onto him, but he was too strong.

‘Tino,’ she hissed, ‘you’re a bad Pet. I said put it in me. You’re supposed to obey me.’ She grabbed him by the hair and held him tight. ‘Damn it! Obey me. Now!’

With one more subtle shift followed by an upward thrust, he did just that. And in spite of how wet she was she felt as though he had ripped her in two, leaving her breathless and gasping. She knew he was substantial, but she hadn’t counted on her own tenderness. Apparently Tino had. He held very still, waiting for her to get used to him. All the while, his large right hand gently stroked her flank.

At first it was just a subtle rhythmic rocking beneath her, like ripples on a pond. But she found herself mirroring each movement of his body. When he was certain she could accommodate him, he scooped her into his arms and rolled with her until she was beneath him. Then he pulled out and manoeuvred her onto her stomach. One strong arm around her waist hoisted her bottom into the air.

Suddenly Tino was every inch the animal he was pretending to be. And she found herself responding like an animal, like a cat on heat. She lifted her arse up high and opened her legs for his perusal. He took time to sniff her, took time to give her creamy pussy a delicious lapping with his tongue, before he covered her with his body. She was amazed at how large he seemed, how diminutive she felt as he shoved into her, so deep and so hard that he left her breathless again.

He growled and bit her shoulder, then her neck, just hard enough to feel possessive, to feel feline. In the dim light, she could see the outline of their joined bodies in the full-length hall mirror. He thrust with the animal movements she would have expected of a big cat, muscles rippling in waves, the pistoning of his hips driving his cock with a force that might have been painful if it hadn’t felt so damn good. One hand gripped her hip, kneading her hard with each thrust. His other arm still encircled her waist, but his hand migrated over her mons to flick and tweak her clit until it was raw and swollen way beyond the protection of its hood.

It took her sex-crazed brain a few seconds to realise the guttural animal howl vibrating off the hallway walls was not Tino’s but her own. Before she could dwell on it, the orgasm that had been building exploded through her like a hurricane, and she would have collapsed beneath him if he hadn’t been supporting her weight.

Then his whole body convulsed and he threw both arms around her, driving his cock deep and hard. She could feel his penis shudder again and again inside her as he emptied a load that clearly his earlier masturbation had done little to diminish. At last he wriggled and scooted just enough to maintain their connection while curling her into a spoon position against the heat of his body as they caught their breath.

Then, Tino’s stomach growled.

‘Oh you poor thing. You must be starving and thirsty too. I know I am.’ She reached over her shoulder and ran a hand through his damp hair, hair that smelt like her, and he rubbed his face against her palm. She sat up and tried to pull on her robe, but he nuzzled it away, then took the hem of it between his teeth and shook it playfully, with a low growl.

She laughed. ‘All right, you naughty boy. You win. I guess there’s no law against scrambling eggs starkers, is there?’ She stood and slid her index finger into the D-ring of his collar to pull him to her, though Tino really didn’t need any coercion to follow.

Be sure to keep your Pet well hydrated. Do not give your Pet anything to drink but water. The Pet will happily drink tap or bottled. Just fill a bowl with cool water and keep it in a place where your Pet has easy access. Refresh it several times a day. This is especially important after your Pet has sex.

Note: Do not give Pets fizzy water, as it tickles their noses.

She followed the instructions, and watched as Tino lapped thirstily until the water was nearly gone. When she had refilled the bowl, she turned to find him standing, shifting from foot to foot, cupping his penis and balls. She understood exactly what he needed.

Pets may be allowed to relieve themselves outside if the Pet keeper has a secluded garden, and is so inclined to properly attend the Pet. In cases where this isn’t possible, or desirable by the Pet keeper, simply escort the Pet to the toilet, shut the door behind, and leave him or her to attend to needs in private.

Note: Most Pet keepers are more comfortable with the latter.

Stella lived in a flat, and she wasn’t about to take Tino out for a piss in the park. She trotted him down the hall to the loo, shut the door behind him, and hurried back to the kitchen to make eggs.

What started out as just scrambled eggs quickly turned into a full fry-up. The way Tino behaved, she figured surely he was a carnivore and he must be at least as ravenous as she was.

Pets don’t like to eat alone. They prefer to sit on the floor by the table next to their keeper’s chair, where they enjoy being hand-fed. If this is not possible, place food in a bowl next to the water dish. Make sure meat is always cut into bite-sized chunks.

Note: The former is preferable, as most Pets and Pet keepers find sharing a meal in this fashion very enjoyable and a part of their bonding experience.

The manual was right. Once she got the hang of offering Tino choice morsels in her open hand, the laving of his velvety wet tongue, the slight nipping of teeth and curling of lips was lovely. He sat on his haunches, once again fully erect, resting his head on her naked thigh in between bites. If she hadn’t been ravenous, she would have never been able to concentrate on eating. He was as happy to nibble the mushrooms and tomatoes as he was the bacon and eggs. The toast with honey forced him to lick the sweet stickiness off the tips of her fingers, even occasionally off her thigh when her efforts were clumsy with the excitement of having such an exquisite creature eating from her hand.

She’d had a similar sense of excitement the first time a horse had taken a sugar lump from her hand. That something so powerful, something potentially wild and dangerous had allowed itself to be fed by her was an exhilarating experience. At present, the magnificent beast on the floor insinuated himself a little closer to her with each bite, and she was pretty sure this wild animal had more than food in mind.

Tino scooted and wriggled himself until, at last, he sat between her legs, his humid breath warming her mons. With each morsel of food, he insinuated his waiting face a little closer to her pussy until her open palm with its offered tidbit was practically resting against her pubis. When a particularly sticky morsel of toast ended up on the chair between her legs, he carefully licked up every bit from the chair, and then he continued lapping his way right on up between her legs.

She caught her breath with a little whimper and a jerk. The bite of toast she was about to offer slipped from her hand onto her belly. Tino wasn’t bothered. He simply squeezed in between the table and her body, forcing her chair back just enough that he could nibble and lick the toast and honey from her tightening abdominal muscles. That done, he picked up where he’d left off, nibbling and licking between her pouting labia.

Fascinated and aroused by his eating habits, she grabbed a handful of egg and wiped it across her breasts and down her stomach, licking the remains from her fingers, feeling a bit animal herself. He raised his head again and worked his way up her belly nibbling scrambled eggs as he went, pushing her chair back farther and farther from the table.

She gave up on any semblance of proper table etiquette and slid onto the floor next to him. She grabbed the plate from the table on her way down, shoving a handful of egg into her own mouth before smearing more egg and a bit of tomato across her breasts and belly. Lying back she let Tino nibble and lap his breakfast off her body until she was writhing and grinding on the floor beneath his enthusiastic tongue.

He surprised her by taking a rasher of bacon from the plate and offering it to her, mouth to mouth. It was almost like a porn version of
Lady and the Tramp
as they gnawed and nibbled their way to each other’s mouth, tongues lapping and lips smacking the salty savoury taste of the meat.

She plucked a nice plump mushroom from the plate. It reminded her of the tip of a cock as she eased it between her slippery folds far enough that Tino had to work to get it out.

But Tino didn’t mind working for his breakfast. And by the time he had extricated the mushroom, she was completely convinced his tongue was prehensile. His face glistening with her juices, the mushroom pressed daintily between his lips, he slid up her sticky body and offered her the morsel with its unique sauce of their lovemaking. Together they gulped down the tangy fungus between gasps for breath, breath which seemed to be harder and harder to get as their meal continued.

She gulped a bite of toast then wiped the honey and butter from the remains of it in circular motions around her nipples. Tino watched wide-eyed, his cock standing at full attention, his balls resting heavily on his thigh. She could see the silky droplets of precome now seeping from the domed tip of his erection. As he lunged forward to suckle her honeyed nipples, she ran a thumb over the slick tip of his penis. A shudder climbed up through him, and a deep-throated moan vibrated against her areola. ‘You poor thing. You’re so uncomfortable, aren’t you?’ she crooned. ‘You really need to come, don’t you, darling? Let me help you then. Let me make you feel better.’

The suckling pressure of his lips against her nipple became almost painful. She opened her thighs and lifted her hips. He eased into her like his cock had a built-in homing device and her pussy was home. Just as he did, she dumped the remaining eggs and tomatoes onto her stomach and wiped them up over her breasts. If he were shocked, he gave no indication. He simply lowered his head to lick a trail of tomato juice from between her breasts as he pushed into her with a satisfied grunt.

Their bodies squished and slurped and humped against the banquet spread over her belly. Occasionally he came up from the press of her for a nibble or for a tidbit to offer her, mouth to mouth.

In the strange erotic mix of eating and feeding and slippery, slidey fucking, she came in trembling shockwaves, and his tightening grip told her he was about to do the same.

‘Tino,’ she breathed, ‘I want you to come on my stomach. I want to see you unload. Do it!’ Her command surprised her in its forcefulness. But she needn’t have worried that he wouldn’t obey. He withdrew from her and straddled her belly, offering a harsh groan just before a vicious spurt of semen arched over her stomach and breasts followed by another and another and another.

Then she pulled him back down onto her. Caught off-guard, he slipped and slid across her belly catching his breath in heavy gasps. She pushed him off onto the floor, knelt next to him, and began to lick the slippery mix of breakfast and come from his belly. She felt a primitive sense of power and hunger that made her skin tingle all over, made her raise her arse and wriggle it as though she were ready to be mounted again.

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