The Planet Thieves (28 page)

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Authors: Dan Krokos

BOOK: The Planet Thieves
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The king nodded. “They will be disappointed. But the offer stands, should you change your mind, young Stark.”

Mason was still processing what was said. Invited to train as a Rhadgast? He heard something about a school and a gift, too. He'd be with Merrin at least; she wouldn't be alone on Skars.

“Can I think—” Mason began, but the grand admiral was already guiding him back toward the shuttle.

“Wait!” said a different voice. Mason turned around. One of the Rhadgast was walking toward him, black robes swishing across the floor. He had a pair of violet gloves in his hand. The gloves had shrunk, but Mason knew they would grow. The Rhadgast kneeled in front of Mason, who stood tall and didn't flinch.

He pressed the gloves into Mason's hand, then leaned forward. Mason could feel the heat coming off his faceplate, could feel heat radiating from under his robes.

“Come and find us,” the Rhadgast whispered in his ear, “if you want the truth about your parents.”

The Rhadgast stood up and marched away before Mason could formulate a thought. He could barely breathe. The grand admiral was pulling him along again, Mason stumbling after with his gloves held tightly in one hand.

The truth about your parents …

Mason would find the Rhadgast, and then the truth. Of that he was certain.

“What did the wizard say to you, son?” Shahbazian asked gruffly. He was staring down at Mason, eyes narrowed.

“I couldn't hear,” Mason replied.

The grand admiral grunted but said no more. They walked past the reporters, who took video and shouted questions: “Mason! Mason Stark! Why did the Rhadgast give you gloves? How does it feel to be a hero?” Mason ignored them. He wasn't a hero; he was a soldier.

Over his shoulder, he saw Merrin standing tall and regal next to her royal father. His best friend waved and smiled. Mason forced a smile back. He hoped he would see her again, but couldn't be sure.

He was sure of one thing, though.

It was time to go back to school.



False Memory


About the Author

After pumping gas for nine years to put himself through college, DAN KROKOS, now twenty-six, writes full-time. He enjoys watching TV, playing MMORPGs, and drinking coffee. His YA novel,
False Memory
, debuted from Hyperion in Fall 2012. Currently, he's hard at work on the next book in the Planet Thieves series. Find him online at


This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.


Copyright © 2013 by Dan Krokos

All rights reserved.

Illustrations by Antonio Javier Caparo

Cover art by Greg Call

A Starscape Book

Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC

175 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10010

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Krokos, Dan.

    The planet thieves / Dan Krokos.—First edition.

            pages cm

    “A Tom Doherty Associates Book.”

    ISBN 978-0-7653-3428-2 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-4668-0998-7 (e-book)

  [1.  Science fiction.   2.  War—Fiction.]   I.  Title.

    PZ7.K9185PI 2013



e-ISBN 9781466809987

First Edition: May 2013

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