The Pope and Mussolini (95 page)

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Authors: David I. Kertzer

Tags: #Religion, #Christianity, #History, #Europe, #Western, #Italy

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L’Illustrazione Italiana
, February 19, 1939.
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, November 5, 1922.
Raccolte Museali Fratelli Alinari (RMFA)-collezione Malandrini, Firenze.
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L’Illustrazione Italiana
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Caulfield McKnight Collection, Art, Architecture and Engineering Library Special Collections, University of Michigan.
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L’Illustrazione Italiana
, June 30, 1929.
L’Illustrazione Italiana
, February 17, 1929.
L’Illustrazione Italiana
, July 14, 1929.
Raccolte Museali Fratelli Alinari (RMFA), Firenze.
Ullstein Bild / Archivi Alinari.
Caulfield McKnight Collection, Art, Architecture and Engineering Library Special Collections, University of Michigan.
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Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, Archivio Fotografico Lamalle.
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L’Illustrazione Italiana
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L’Illustrazione Italiana
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Su concessione del Ministero per i Beni e le attività culturali, Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Fototeca, PNF, Ufficio propaganda, Attività del Duce, 1937.
L’Illustrazione Italiana
, March 6, 1938.
Su concessione del Ministero per i Beni e le attività culturali, Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Fototeca, PNF, Ufficio propaganda, Attività del Duce, 1934.
L’Illustrazione Italiana
, April 17, 1938.
Istituto Luce, Gestione Archivi Alinari, Firenze.
Raccolte Museali Fratelli Alinari (RMFA), Firenze.
Keystone/ Hulton Archive/ Getty Images.
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Su concessione del Ministero per i Beni e le attività culturali, Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Fototeca, PNF, Ufficio propaganda, Attività del Duce, 1938.
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La Difesa della Razza
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L’Illustrazione Italiana
, February 19, 1939.
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L’Illustrazione Italiana
, March 12, 1939.


The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of
Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe
Amalia’s Tale: A Poor Peasant,
an Ambitious Attorney, and a Fight for Justice
Prisoner of the Vatican: The Popes’ Secret Plot to
Capture Rome from the New Italian State
The Popes Against the Jews: The Vatican’s Role
in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism
The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara
Politics and Symbols: The Italian Communist
Party and the Fall of Communism
Sacrificed for Honor: Italian Infant
Abandonment and the Politics of
Reproductive Control
Ritual, Politics, and Power

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