The Power of Being Thankful: 365 Devotions for Discovering the Strength of Gratitude (27 page)

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Authors: Joyce Meyer

Tags: #Religion / Christian Life / Devotional, #Religion / Devotional, #Religion / Christian Life / Inspirational, #Religion / Christian Life / Spiritual Growth

BOOK: The Power of Being Thankful: 365 Devotions for Discovering the Strength of Gratitude
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May 7

What Choice Will You Make?

I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life.


Jesus wants us to experience joy in our souls. It is important to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. This is why Proverbs 17:22 says, “a cheerful mind works healing.” It is God’s will for us to enjoy life!

It is time to decide to enter into the full and abundant life that God wills for us. We can be thankful that God allows us to choose what kind of life we want to live. Joy and enjoyment are available, just as misery and sadness are available. Righteousness and peace are available, but so are condemnation and turmoil. There are blessings and curses available, and that is why Deuteronomy 30 tells us to choose.

Make the right choice today. Choose Jesus. Choose joy. Choose peace. Choose life!

Prayer of Thanks

Father, I thank You that I can choose the quality of life I want to live for You. Help me to make wise decisions today. Help me to choose peace and joy. I know that You will give me wisdom and guide me every step of the way. Worry is useless and I choose not to waste my time on it!

May 8

The Spirit of a Conqueror

Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us.


Are you living a victorious life in Christ? If you aren’t, maybe today is the day for you to begin seeing yourself differently than you have in the past, to see yourself as one who overcomes adversities, not as someone who shrinks back in fear or feels overwhelmed every time a trial comes along.

You see, adversities are not optional, they are part of life, and it takes a conqueror to overcome them. Jesus Himself said that we would face trouble in this world (see John 16:33). Paul understood that obstacles were unavoidable and wrote in Romans 8:37 that we are “more than conquerors” and that we would “gain a surpassing victory.”

To be more than a conqueror means that before you ever face adversity, before the battle against you even begins, you already know you will win as long as you trust God and don’t give up. That’s a promise to be grateful for—you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus!

Prayer of Thanks

Father, when I am in a situation that threatens to overwhelm or intimidate me, I will stand on Your Word that says I am more than a conqueror in You. Thank You that I will not be defeated because You are with me, and You are protecting me.

May 9

You Are Free from Your Past

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.


Many people stay trapped in the past. But there is only one thing that can be done about the past, and that is to forget it. Thankfully, when you ask Him, God forgives and forgets your past… and you can too.

When we make mistakes, as we all do, we can simply ask God’s forgiveness and move forward in the freedom Jesus provided for us. Like Paul, we are all pressing toward the mark of perfection, but no one has arrived.

I believe one of the reasons Paul enjoyed his life and ministry is because he made it a priority to leave his past in the past (see Philippians 3:13–14). Like us, he was pressing toward the mark of perfection, admitting that he had not arrived, but he had insight on how to enjoy his life while he was making the trip.

Let’s follow Paul’s example. Don’t get stuck in the past—live in the freedom of forgiveness today!

Prayer of Thanks

I am thankful, Father, that my past is in the past. You have forgiven my sins and given me a fresh start. I accept Your forgiveness and I determine to live my present and my future for Your glory.

May 10

Victory over Dread

… Dread not, neither be afraid of them.


Dread is a close relative of regret. Dread places us in the future, whereas regret puts us in the past. Dread is also closely related to fear. People often dread doing something for fear of what might happen.

We know that God has not given us a spirit of fear (see 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV), and since He did not give us fear, we know that dread is not from Him either. Thankfully, we can reject feelings of dread, kicking them out of our lives once and for all.

Let this be a day of decision for you—a day when you decide to no longer operate in regret and dread. Become a
person. Live in the present, not the past or the future. God has a plan for your life now. Trust Him today. Don’t put it off another moment.

Prayer of Thanks

I believe it is Your will, Father, for me to live a life of peace and contentment. Thank You that I don’t have to look back with regrets or look ahead with dread. I choose to live in the
You have given me, making the most of each new day.

May 11

Praising God all Day Long

Let everything that has breath and every breath of life praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)

PSALM 150:6

One of the best things we can do throughout the day is to praise God while we work. No matter what you’re trying to build—your home, your marriage, your business, financial security, an exercise plan, or an intimate relationship with God—do not forget to worship as you work.

Remember to praise God and thank Him for even small steps of progress. You don’t have to make a production out of your praise; just keep a thankful heart and an attitude that says, “I love You, Lord. I worship You. I can’t do this without You. I need Your help today. Thank You for giving me a goal to work toward and for helping me accomplish it.”

Prayer of Thanks

I am grateful, Father, for even the smallest steps of progress You enable me to make in my life. I love You and I know that You are doing a good work in and through me. Thank You for everything You have done in my life and everything You are yet to do.

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