The Power of Being Thankful: 365 Devotions for Discovering the Strength of Gratitude (25 page)

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Authors: Joyce Meyer

Tags: #Religion / Christian Life / Devotional, #Religion / Devotional, #Religion / Christian Life / Inspirational, #Religion / Christian Life / Spiritual Growth

BOOK: The Power of Being Thankful: 365 Devotions for Discovering the Strength of Gratitude
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April 27

Celebrate Change

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


As children of God, we can be thankful for the change God works in our lives. Throughout our journey here on earth, God’s Spirit will be working with and in us, helping us change for the better. In order to make progress, we need to be open to God’s work and be obedient to His guidance.

God wants us to see truth (reality) so we can agree with Him about any change that is needed, but we don’t need to punish ourselves when we see our faults or to feel guilty and condemned. We can submit to God and learn to celebrate the changes that happen in our lives. Change and growth is a healthy process that God will continue as long as we are on earth in our human bodies. Transformation is something to be grateful for!

Prayer of Thanks

I thank You, God, that I don’t have to be afraid of change, but that I can rejoice in it. Help me to be open to Your leading. I am grateful for Your work in my life.

April 28

The Best Way to Live

Some trust in and boast of chariots and some of horses, but we will trust in and boast of the name of the Lord our God.

PSALM 20:7

We can live by trying to take care of ourselves, or we can live by trusting God. Trusting God is the best and most peaceful way to live and, thankfully, it is an option available to us every day.

If you’re under pressure because you’re trying to take care of yourself, then choose to stop trying to make everything happen yourself, in your own timing, in your own way, according to your own plan. Instead, lean on God in every situation and pray:

Lord, whatever I may desire in life, if You don’t want me to have it, I don’t want it. If You do want me to have it, I ask You for it and believe You will give it to me in Your time, in Your way, according to Your divine plan.

When you release yourself to God in this way, you will see marvelous things happen in your life.

Prayer of Thanks

Thank You, Father, that I can enjoy Your peace while You guide me and work Your will in my life.

April 29

Dealing with Emotional Pain

And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace [Who imparts all blessing and favor], Who has called you to His [own] eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself complete and make you what you ought to be, establish and ground you securely, and strengthen, and settle you.

1 PETER 5:10

When we are hurting emotionally, we may feel angry, frustrated, or discouraged, but we do not have to let any of those feelings control us. We can manage our emotions with God’s help, and we can be thankful we are not controlled by our feelings and emotions.

Many people are treated unjustly; they do not deserve the pain they experience. But we can be so glad that even when we go through ugly, painful things, we do have Jesus in our lives to help and strengthen us.

Perhaps you did not have a good start in life, but you can still have a good finish. Let go of the past and take a step into the good life that God sent His Son, Jesus, to purchase for you.

Prayer of Thanks

Father, thank You for helping me overcome any unjust treatment I may have or ever will experience in my life. I trust that You are my Vindicator and You always make wrong things right.

April 30

Living in God’s Grace

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”


The truth that God wants you to enjoy your life is a blessing that every believer can be thankful for. But one of the main things that will keep you from enjoying your life is works of the flesh. A work of the flesh is our energy, our efforts trying to do what only God can do.

Trying to do God’s job always leads to frustration. Trusting God to do what only He can do always leads to joy because “what is impossible with men is possible with God” (Luke 18:27).

The Bible says that God’s grace is sufficient for us. Grace is God’s undeserved favor and the power of God to meet our needs and solve our problems. We become frustrated when we try to achieve by works a life that God designed us to receive by grace. So rest in His grace today and be thankful for the joy that grace promises to bring.

Prayer of Thanks

I am grateful, Father, for Your grace in my life. Help me to always receive grace through faith in You and trust You to do what only You can do.

May 1

Look How Far You’ve Come

Yet, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You our Potter, and we all are the work of Your hand.


It is easy for us to get caught up in looking at how far we have to go in reaching our goals instead of celebrating how far we have come. Think about it. How far have you come since you became a Christian? How much have you changed? How much happier are you? Are you more peaceful than you were before? Do you have hope? There is always plenty to celebrate if we look for it.

A thorough study of the Bible shows us that the men and women who God used in mighty ways always had the attitude of celebrating what God had done. They did not take His goodness for granted, but they openly showed appreciation and thankfulness for little things as well as big ones.

Prayer of Thanks

Father, today I choose to be full of thanksgiving for how far You have brought me. I may not be where I want to be yet, but I thank You that I’m not where I used to be.

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