The Power of Being Thankful: 365 Devotions for Discovering the Strength of Gratitude (32 page)

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Authors: Joyce Meyer

Tags: #Religion / Christian Life / Devotional, #Religion / Devotional, #Religion / Christian Life / Inspirational, #Religion / Christian Life / Spiritual Growth

BOOK: The Power of Being Thankful: 365 Devotions for Discovering the Strength of Gratitude
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June 1

A Life of Adventure

Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily (from the soul), as [something done] for the Lord and not for men.


We were never created to live a boring life. God put a craving for adventure in us, and adventure means trying something we have never done before. If you are going to be adventurous, you may need to step out into something new. Don’t sit on the sidelines of life and watch the brave people live exciting lives—join them. Step out of your “boat of safety” and see if you can walk on water as Peter did (see Matthew 14:26–31).

I assure you, if you are stepping out into God’s will for you, He will make you able to succeed. You do not have to feel able, and you do not have to have experience. All you need is the desire to be obedient to God, a thankful attitude, and a heart full of faith. God is not looking for ability; He is looking for availability. He is looking for somebody to say, “Here I am, God, send me. Here I am, use me. I want to serve You, God. I want to do all that You want me to do.”

Prayer of Thanks

Father, I am thankful that You want me to enjoy an amazing, adventure-filled life. Whatever You have for me to do, I pray that You will make it clear. Thank You for the opportunities You are sending my way and the boldness You are giving me to make the most of them.

June 2

Be Assured of God’s Love for You

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.

1 JOHN 4:16 NIV

The key to trusting God is to know and believe you are loved by Him. To grow in God and be changed, we need to trust Him. Often He will lead us in ways that we cannot understand, but thankfully, even in those times, we can have a tight grip on His love for us—His never-ending love.

The apostle Paul was convinced that nothing would ever be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus (see Romans 8:38–39). We should and can have that same absolute assurance of God’s never-ending love for us as individuals.

Accept God’s love for you, and make that love the basis for your love and acceptance of yourself. Receive His affirmation, knowing that you are changing and becoming all that He desires you to be. Then start enjoying yourself—where you are—on your way to full spiritual maturity.

Prayer of Thanks

Father, thank You for the gift of Your love. No matter what happens, no matter what I may go through, knowing that You love me and You gave Your only Son for my salvation is all that I need. I am so grateful for Your love, and I love You in return.

June 3

Mighty to Save

Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.


Thankfully, God’s arm can reach us no matter where we are, and we can have the joy of knowing that He delights in helping us. God hears us when we call on Him, and we have the privilege of trusting Him instead of trying to solve our own problems. Ephesians tells us that we should do what the crisis demands and then abide in Christ (see Ephesians 6:13).

When we attempt to do what only God can do, we end up frustrated and feeling miserable. For example, only God can change people, because only He has the ability to change a person’s heart. I wasted many years trying to change myself, my husband, my children, and other relatives and friends, but nothing worked until I stopped trying in the flesh and began to trust God. You can believe and trust God, and while you do, He will work, and you can enjoy the wait.

Prayer of Thanks

Father, I thank You that You delight in helping me and that You are working in my life. Help me avoid my own fleshly effort and put my trust in You. I am grateful that the arm of the Lord is mighty to save in my life.

June 4

Following God’s Lead

He refreshes and restores my life (my self); He leads me in the paths of righteousness [uprightness and right standing with Him—not for my earning it, but] for His name’s sake.

PSALM 23:3

God never leads us anywhere that He cannot keep us. If God is leading you to deal with some unpleasant situation in your life, don’t run from it; trust that God is going to help you and be thankful that you are not alone. He promises to be with you at all times and never to leave you or forsake you.

Surrender can be frightening when we first begin to practice it, because we don’t know exactly what the outcome will be if we yield ourselves to God’s will. However, once we have surrendered and we begin to experience the peace that passes understanding, we learn quickly that God’s way is better than any plan we could ever devise, and we are thankful for His leading. Cast your care on Him today, and let Him take care of you.

Prayer of Thanks

Father, when I am not sure what to do or where to go, I thank You that You have promised to lead me. I submit my will and my plans to You, and I will follow Your plan for my life wholeheartedly.

June 5

Safe and Secure

So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say, The Lord is my Helper; I will not be seized with alarm [I will not fear or dread or be terrified]. What can man do to me?


A confident person feels safe. He believes he is loved, valuable, cared for, and protected by God’s will for him. When we feel safe and secure, it’s easy to step out and try new things.

During the initial construction on the Golden Gate Bridge, no safety devices were used, and twenty-three men fell to their deaths. For the final part of the project, however, a large net was used as a safety precaution. Twenty-five percent more work was accomplished after the net was installed. Why? Because the men had the assurance of their safety, so they were free to wholeheartedly serve the project.

When people feel safe, they are free to take a chance on failing in order to try to succeed. As children of God, we are safe and secure, knowing God loves us and has a good plan for our lives. Therefore, we can live with thanksgiving and confidence as we step out boldly each and every day.

Prayer of Thanks

I thank You, God, that You are always there to catch me when I fall. Today, I choose to live with confidence because I know I am safe and secure in Your love. I know nothing will happen to me that I can’t handle because You are with me.

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