Read The Price of Trust Online

Authors: Amanda Stephan

Tags: #Christian Books & Bibles, #Literature & Fiction, #Drama, #Religious & Liturgical, #Drama & Plays, #Religion & Spirituality, #Christianity, #Christian Fiction, #Suspense, #Religious Fiction

The Price of Trust (20 page)

BOOK: The Price of Trust
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"Miss Amy?" He laughed incredulously. "Why would I miss her? I really think she was the devil in disguise! She was awful. I couldn't possibly miss her," he looked at her tenderly. "You don't have anything to worry about with her. Why? Do you miss Ian?" he asked, glancing at her sideways. "He could afford to give you everything."

"If I missed Ian, I could go back to him anytime I wanted to." She smiled wryly. "And I don't want everything, never did."

They were silent as Joe led them down a tractor path lined by trees on both sides.

"Here we are," he said, coming into a gently sloping meadow, mountains towering big and black in the setting sun.

Carly caught her breath, looking around her in amazement. "This is gorgeous," she said quietly, gazing at the scenery, unaware of Joe's watchful gaze.

"There's more," he said, walking his horse toward the back of the meadow.

Just inside the tree line, Carly saw an unfinished house emerge. "Is this the project you've been working on?" she asked breathlessly, awed by the beauty of the scene before her.

"Yep. This is it." He slid off his horse, tying the reins to a tree. He helped her down, tied her horse next to his, and took her hand protectively, leading her toward the house.

It was much more than a foundation now. The outside walls and roof were done, the porch and front steps almost finished. He had already put in the windows and front door. She looked at him in amazement.

"This is the one you were building for Amy," she said with a pang of envy. He nodded silently, unable to take his eyes off her.

"She was a stupid woman," she said softly, looking steadily at him.

His face lit up with hope.

"It was just a foundation when I showed it to Amy," he said, leading her up the front steps. "I stopped working on it for a while because I didn't have any hopes or dreams," he said, turning to her. "But when I met you, I came alive again. I knew that God had meant you for me, and I started building again. Dad and Todd have helped me a lot, and it'll be done soon. I've just got to do the inside and finish some things outside."

"You've been busy," she said, her heart beating madly, butterflies in her stomach.

"Do you want to see the inside?" he asked softly, pulling her after him. He unlocked the door, stepped aside to let her in, and followed after her. He left the door open behind them to let in some of the remaining light.

"This is the living room," he said, pointing to his left. "That frame on the floor there is going to be the fireplace. It's going to separate the kitchen from the living room, and it'll be open on all four sides so we can enjoy it everywhere."

Her heart skipped a beat at the word ‘we.’

"Over here to my right, is going to be the master bedroom and bathroom, two more bedrooms will be down on the other end of the house, and the guest bathroom will be right here." He stopped, pointing each of the rooms out for her to envision.

"Well? What do you think?" he asked, heart in his eyes.

She looked down at her feet, not meeting his gaze. "What can I say?" she said, shrugging her shoulders. "I think Amy was the stupidest woman in the world."

"Is it too close to my parents?"

"Too close?" She remembered that was one argument he'd had with Amy. She smiled gently. "No, it's not too close."

"Does that mean you like it?" he asked quietly, walking toward her.

"Do you want me to like it?" she said shyly as he took her in his arms.

"No." He paused, kissing her forehead. "I want you to love it." He kissed her cheek. "In fact, I want you to want it." He kissed her other cheek.

"Why do you want me to want it?" she asked, breathing fast.

"Because I want to give it to you," he whispered, pulling her to him tighter. He kissed her right hand."I love you with all my heart, Carly." He kissed her right palm. "I'm asking you to be my wife." He looked at her keenly. "Will you?"

"Can I think about it?" she asked slyly, relishing the power she had over him.

He grinned, his eyes flashing. "No."

"Yes!" she threw her arms around him and hugged him fiercly.

He stepped back slightly and slipped a diamond ring on her finger.

"I know it's not much…" he began.

"I don't want to hear it," she said lovingly, gazing at the ring. "I love you more than words can say, Joe. I just want you." She threw her arms around his neck, laughing.

He pulled her close, kissing her on the mouth, taking her by surprise. He stepped back, passion smoldering in his eyes. She looked at him, touching her mouth where his kiss still burned.

"I'm sorry," he said thickly, afraid that he had offended her.

"No. It just took me by surprise, that's all." She smiled, placed her hands on his cheeks, brought his face down to hers, and kissed him boldly on the lips.

He let out a whoop of excitement, picked her up, and swung her around as if she weighed nothing. He set her down gently, kissing her again.

"I hope you'll marry me soon," he said seriously, still holding her fast. "I can't take too many of those." He kissed her again. "I love you."

"I love you too," she said, resting her head on his chest. They stood for a moment, savoring the newness of their relationship, confident in each other's love and affection.

"Let's go back and tell everybody," Joe whispered in her ear.

"I don't think we should," Carly said anxiously. Joe stepped away, perplexed. "It's Todd and Kelly's day. We can tell them another time," she said hurriedly, trying to soothe his fears.

"Todd and Kelly's day?" Joe smiled, visibly relieved. "Todd wanted me to ask you after he asked Kelly, but I needed to show you this place first. I wanted to know if you'd like it."

"I love it, just like I love you." She smiled. "Truthfully, I'm glad Amy's so stupid, or I wouldn't have had a chance!"

"I thank God every day for taking her away from me." He gave her an affectionate kiss. "Let's get married tomorrow," he said mischievously, grinning.

She laughed, delighted. "Tomorrow! You sure don't give a girl much time! Where would we live?"

"Nuts," he said with a gloomy look. "If I work on this place every day from now until Christmas, will you marry me on New Year's?"

"I'll marry you when it's time, Joe Baird!" She laughed, kissing him happily.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, following her out of the house. He locked the door behind them and helped her up onto her horse.

She looked down at him, her eyes twinkling merrily. "That means when the time is ready, we'll get married!"

"Let's get one thing straight right now, Carly Richards," he took her reins so she couldn't start without him. "I'm not going to wait four or five months to marry you."

"Really. And what do you think you're going to do to change my mind?"

He swung up onto his horse easily, still holding her reins. "I'll kidnap you and force you to marry me!" he said triumphantly, relinquishing the reins.

"What if I refuse to say 'I do'?"

"You won't," he said confidently, leading the way back to the house.

They teased and taunted and finally talked about their future together, walking the horses very slowly, not wanting it to end.

"Thank you, Joe," Carly said as they finally came up onto the porch together.

"Why are you thanking me?" he asked in surprise.

"Because you love me."

"I love you so much it hurts," he said, kissing her earnestly.

Suddenly, the porch light came on and the door was thrown open wide. Todd, Kelly, Tom, and Penny were all there staring at them knowingly.

"Uh huh," Todd said, nodding his head. "I told you they were back." He grinned wickedly at them.

"I tell you, you've got to watch those two," Tom said. "If he isn't putting the moves on her in the kitchen by the counter, he's out here on the porch!"

"Joe! What are you doing?" Penny asked sharply, pretending to be upset.

Joe pulled Carly close to him, his arm around her shoulders. "Mom, Dad, I'd like to introduce your future daughter-in-law to you," he said, showing them Carly's ring finger, grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh my goodness!" Penny said, coming out onto the porch and giving Carly a tremendous hug. "I'm so happy for you both!" She wiped a tear from her eye. "But you know what, I knew the first time I saw you two together that God intended you for each other."

"Congratulations, son," Tom said, clapping him on the shoulder.

"I thought you were going to ask her after I asked Kelly," Todd said, tousling his hair. "Chicken!" Joe punched him playfully in the stomach.

"Carly, this is so wonderful!" Kelly said, giving her a hug.

"Are you sure?" Carly asked, looking doubtfully at her. "I didn't want you to feel badly because it's really your day."

"Nonsense! It's our day, and I'm thrilled to share it with you!" She hugged her effusively, rubbing her back. "What could be better than your fiancé's brother asking your best friend to marry him? It's wonderful!" She giggled, taking Todd's hand.

"Well, Ma," Tom said, his voice booming over the rest of them, "what do you have to celebrate with?"

"Just the thing. Pumpkin, apple, and lemon meringue!" She laughed merrily.

"Oh yeah!" Todd said enthusiastically, rubbing his stomach. "I'm starving!"

"Did Joe show you the house?" Tom asked with a smile, sitting down to the table as Penny served everyone pie.

Carly beamed, looking adoringly at Joe. "Yes, he did."

"What do you think of it?"

"I think it's the most beautiful house I've ever seen."

"You're just biased," Todd said, helping himself to another piece of pumpkin pie. "She's just saying that to make Joe feel good."

Carly grinned. "I
biased." Joe looked up, startled. "I'm biased because I think Joe's the greatest, and I think you all have done a wonderful job." Joe squeezed her hand lovingly.

"Did he tell you that was the house he was building for Amy?" Todd asked, regretting the words as soon as they left his mouth. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it," he apologized quickly, shaking his head. Joe frowned at him.

"Yes, he did." Carly smiled, understanding that Todd had meant it to be a joke. "And I told him that I was thankful."

Kelly looked at her, surprised. "Thankful? I don't understand why you would be thankful for that."

"I'm thankful that Amy was so stupid." She looked steadily at Joe. "Stupid that she rejected that house, and stupid that she threw a man as wonderful as Joe away." He relaxed perceptibly, but still frowned slightly at Todd.

"To tell you the truth, Carly," Penny began. "I'm quite thankful for those same things! But I'm even more thankful now that he's got a girl like you." She smiled sweetly. "And I'm thankful that Todd has finally asked you to marry him, Kelly. He's made us wait too long!" Kelly nodded her head in agreement.

Todd tried to look hurt. "Too long? It hasn't been too long! I've intended to marry her for a long time. I was just waiting for Joe to catch up. I didn't want to leave him behind you know. He'd miss me too much!" Joe threw his napkin at Todd, while the others laughed.

They talked companionably for the rest of the evening, laughing and teasing one another until they were interrupted by an enormous yawn from Kelly.

"Oh my goodness," she apologized. "I hate to admit it, but I'm really tired!" She rested her head in her arms.

"Are you ready to go?" Carly asked, trying to hide her yawn.

"I saw that!" Joe said, teasing.

She smacked him on the arm playfully. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm ready to go if you are," Kelly said, dragging herself out of her chair. "I've got to go to work tomorrow. This time of year is one of the busiest for us," she said, yawning again.

Todd laughed, walking with her to get her coat. "I don't think I should let you drive."

"I'll drive if she's too tired," Carly said, setting her dirty plate in the sink. "Thank you for a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, Penny!" She gave her a huge hug and shook Tom's hand. "Thank you both for everything. I really enjoyed myself."

"Well, of course you did!" Tom said jovially, winking meaningfully at her and Joe. "We're glad you could come, and we're especially glad that you're going to be part of our family. How long are we going to have to wait for the weddings?"

"Not long!" both boys answered at the same time, making everyone laugh.

"What do you think of that, Kelly?" Penny asked merrily, giving her a hug as well.

"Sounds good to me!" She took Todd's arm.

"How about you, Carly?" Tom asked, eyes twinkling.

Carly shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly in an effort to irritate Joe. "Oh, I don't know, I was thinking about a year from now."

"A year from now?" Joe said hotly, pulling her to him. "I'm not waiting that long! I'll kidnap you and make you elope before a year's through!"

BOOK: The Price of Trust
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