The Prince of Neither Here Nor There (20 page)

BOOK: The Prince of Neither Here Nor There
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“Uh … this is really cool and everything, but I really need to find Kim. You know Kim?” With some difficulty, Brendan decided he had to return to his current situation.

“Of course.” Borje smiled and slapped his chest. “Ki-Mata good friend of Borje!”

“Yeah, nice,” Brendan said. “Well, she said I have to get to the Swan so maybe I should be going.”

“You can’t go.” Borje frowned, his brows beetling together over his bulbous nose. “There are Dwharfs about in these tunnels.”


Borje shook his shaggy head. “Bad persons. Scavengers and whaylayers of folk. When they move in, there go the neighbourhood. They travel in gangs in the under tunnels and prey on the wheak. I stops them when I can.”

“Which leads to my next question,” Brendan said, trying to be delicate. “What exactly … are you?”

Borje laughed like a boulder falling down a well. “Oh. I am Borje and I am a Troll.”

“A Troll? A Troll. Of course you’re a Troll. Why not?” Brendan felt he was about to lose his mind. “Okay. Last question: where are we?”

“This is my home. I live here. Under the Air Canada Centre, home of beloved Maple Leafs!” He placed a vast blue hand over his heart and cast his eyes upward in adoration. “So handy! I have easy access to new souvenirs for collection. Borje loves the beautiful frozen game!”

Brendan’s stomach suddenly rumbled, and Borje’s smile vanished. “But Borje is bad host. Enough talking for now. You must be hungry.”

Borje reached over and scooped Brendan up in one shovel-like hand. In three strides, Borje crossed the stone floor and deposited Brendan in one of the large wooden chairs at the table. With one arm he swept the pucks onto the floor. As he did so, Brendan managed to catch a glimpse of the signatures on the pucks of many famous players. The Troll picked the remote off the small table and pointed it at the TV. A hockey game suddenly filled the vast screen.

“Borje PVR’d it last night. She’s gonna be a good one.” He pulled aside a tapestry to reveal a tidy kitchen with a stove and fridge. “Borje make you some food!” The Troll snapped his huge fingers. The sound was like a gunshot. “Borje make nachos! Ha!” With an ear-splitting clap of his massive hands he disappeared into the kitchen and let the tapestry fall to cover the door.

Brendan sat in the giant chair. It was the first time he hadn’t been running, screaming, and being chased in what seemed like a very long time. He looked at his watch. It wasn’t working. He couldn’t tell what time it was.

“Crap! I’ve got to call home. Mum’ll be freaking out.” He hauled his knapsack off his back. Although one of the straps had broken, he hadn’t managed to lose it along the way. He fished around in the bag and found his cellphone. He flipped open the screen and his heart fell. He looked at the small screen and saw something he’d never seen before. Usually, if the phone was getting no reception, the normal home screen would show but there would be no bars in the corner. Now, however, his phone didn’t even show the home screen, just a miniature blizzard of electronic snow.

As he held the phone, it began to burn his hand with a prickling heat that grew in intensity. In seconds, he was forced to drop the handset. He clutched his hand in pain, red welts standing out where the phone had touched his fingers and palm. Then he remembered what Kim had said.

“Metal and plastic don’t mix well with us.”

Brendan refused to accept it. He reached for the phone on the floor and grabbed it. He instantly cried out and dropped the phone again. As he watched, stunned, sparks fountained from the cell and the entire handset melted into a puddle of plastic slag. He looked at the blob that had been his cellphone.

Part of his mind was asking, “Is that covered under my insurance plan?” while another was asking, “Where can I find another phone?”

He scanned the room but didn’t see anything resembling a phone. He wasn’t surprised. “Why would a Troll need to phone anyway?” He hopped down from the chair and went to the door. He was almost afraid to touch it after the phone incident, but he had to get out of there. Borje didn’t seem threatening but … he was a Troll! That couldn’t be good! Trolls hid under bridges and ate people. He didn’t want to push his luck. Brendan couldn’t even remember the route he’d come by. He’d read in a book once that if you kept turning left, you would eventually escape a labyrinth. This was the closest to a labyrinth he’d ever encountered so hopefully that logic would work.

He tentatively pushed on the door. There was no handle. He’d thought the door was made of metal but he realized now that it wasn’t. It was warm to the touch and had a glassy texture like nothing he’d ever felt before. The door didn’t yield to a gentle shove. He pushed harder. Nothing.

He almost jumped out of his skin when the Troll called from the kitchen, “Do you like anchovies?”

Anchovies? On nachos?
“Yeah. Love them!” He pushed with all his might on the door but it wouldn’t budge. He backed up and prepared to throw himself against the door when he was interrupted by a loud banging on it.

“Open up!” Kim’s voice was muffled but still recognizable. “Come on, Borje! Open up!”

Borje came bustling out of the kitchen holding a vast platter of nachos and wearing an apron that read
with a version of the U.S. presidential seal that pictured the American eagle holding a spatula and a wooden spoon. “Coming!” He slammed the platter down on the table, sending a few stray tortilla chips scattering on the tabletop. Wiping his vast hands on the apron, he hurried to the door. Brendan stood back as he pulled the steel key from his pocket and tapped it on the door. Again, the door glowed faintly with a silver light and swung open to reveal Kim, her school uniform slightly torn and smudged with soot. Her face was similarly smeared. In her right hand she was carrying her field hockey stick. In her left, she held a set of scooter handlebars.

“So there you are,” she said. “I thought I’d be scraping you off the front of a southbound train, but thanks to Borje here, you’re all in one piece.”

She tossed the handlebars onto the floor with a clatter. “Too bad I can’t say the same for my scooter. Og and the Artificers are going to kill me.”

Borje beamed. “I’ve made some nachos. Are you hungry, Ki-Mata?”

“Starved,” Kim announced. Without a second glance at Brendan, she marched to the table and vaulted into one of the high chairs. She wrinkled her nose when she saw the mound of chips loaded with cheese and toppings. “Anchovies?”

“He said he whanted them!” Borje pointed a knobby finger at Brendan, who simply stared.

Kim sneered at Brendan. “Figures.” She began to pick the salty fish fillets off the chips with her fingers.

“So I like anchovies,” Brendan said defensively. “Sue me. I’ve had it. Tell me what’s going on!”

Kim shook her head, licking her fingers. “It’s not for me to say. I was told to Ward you and that’s what I’ve done. Now I have to deliver you to the Swan. So why don’t you just have some nachos and try to get some rest. We’re safe for the moment.”

Brendan wasn’t satisfied. “Why should I go anywhere with you? You aren’t the person I thought you were. And you say things like ‘your human family’! Like I’m not human.”

Kim just stared at him thoughtfully, chewing a mouthful of chips.

“If I’m not human, what am I?” Brendan shouted.
“What am I?”

Kim shrugged and said simply, “I told you. You’re a Faerie.”

“You said that before,” Brendan said, annoyed, “but what does it mean?”

“A Faerie. A Faerie with a capital F-a-e-r-i-e! An old-school Faerie. One of the Fair Folk, an ancient race of magical beings.”

Brendan stared at her in disbelief, then burst out laughing.

 The Toronto Maple Leafs are the Toronto professional hockey franchise. They are one of the most famous and most enduring hockey teams in the world. Their fans are fanatical despite the fact that, as of this publication, they hadn’t won a championship in over forty years. Their fans are both fanatical and masochistic.

 Lord Stanley, Governor General of Canada, donated the Silver Cup in 1892 to be presented to the best amateur hockey team in Canada. It later became the ultimate professional hockey prize, going to the winner of the National Hockey League playoffs. The cup has been accidentally left on buses, streetcars, trains; dropped in swimming pools; been lost, found, lost, and found again a number of times. Borje’s claim to have purloined the original cup is not so hard to credit, considering how many times it has gone missing in the past.

 Borje Salming was one of the first European hockey players to play professionally in North America. A stalwart defenceman, he was a fan favourite for many years. In retirement, he followed many important pursuits, including designing and selling his own line of underwear.

 Leif Eriksson, or Lucky Leif, is believed to have discovered North America in the tenth century. Accompanied by a group of adventurous Vikings from Greenland (of which Borje claims to have been one), Eriksson made landfall somewhere on the island of Newfoundland. They built some huts, collected some wood and wild grapes, then returned to the Greenland settlement. Borje appears to have been left behind in the New World and is therefore assumed to be the first permanent European settler in the New World.

are a race of mythical beings that originated in the frigid mountains of Scandinavia. They are easily recognized by their characteristic skin: a thick, rough hide with a deep blue colour. Their natural habitat is mountainous terrain where they tend to live in remote caves, though some, like Borje, enjoy living underground. They are incredibly strong and resistant to most magic. And they tend to smell quite powerfully.


Kim watched him laugh, wipe his eyes, and wheeze as she calmly devoured more of the nachos. She made a face.

“Do I taste … marshmallow?” she asked in disgust.

“I like marshmallows,” Borje mumbled.

“Hold it,” Brendan gasped after he managed to get control of himself. “Hold it just a second. You’re telling me I’m a fairy? Me? A fairy? Like Tinkerbell?”

“No.” Kim rolled her eyes, picking a stray anchovy off her corn chip. “No.
like Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell is a total misrepresentation of what Faeries are. We aren’t tiny little things that flit around and wave wands… Well, for the most part we aren’t. There are lots of different kinds but none of them are as silly as that.”

Brendan had finally managed to stop laughing. He stared at Kim in disbelief. “You honestly believe what you’re saying, don’t you. You actually think you’re a fairy.”

“I don’t think,” Kim stated. “I know. I am a Faerie. And so are you.”

Brendan tried to take this in. “And him?” He pointed at Borje.

“No,” Kim said calmly, as if talking to a child. “Obviously, Borje is a Troll.”

“I already told him this,” Borje complained.

“Is there a difference?” Brendan asked.

“A big difference,” Kim answered. “There are a number of different races that inhabit the world beyond Human awareness: Faeries, Trolls, Dwarfs. Look, I don’t have time for a history lesson. We’re safe in here for a little while but the Wards on that door won’t hold in the face of a concerted effort by Orcadia and her helpers. Borje is a Troll and so he is basically neutral. His home is protected under the provisions of the Truce but Orcadia doesn’t appear to respect it any more. She wants you and she’ll stop at nothing, not even the Sacred Truce.”

Brendan held up his hands. “Hold it! Hold it!
None of this makes any sense!
What Truce? Who is that crazy woman? Why does she want to kill me? I haven’t done anything to her.”

“She doesn’t want to kill you, necessarily. She wants to turn you … never mind! It doesn’t matter. It’s what you represent. You could shift the balance. There are some Fair Folk who don’t like the status quo. They want to go to war with the Humans. We have to get you to the Swan. We have to get you initiated. Once you’re initiated, you will be in a better position to defend yourself.”

“Initiated?” Brendan couldn’t absorb anything she was saying. “Initiated into what?”

“I’ve already said too much.” Kim wiped her mouth with her sleeve. “Listen, I didn’t ask for this job. I was assigned to protect you. Now that fool Deirdre D’Anaan has ruined everything by breaking the
that allowed you to hide in the Human world. The only way to ensure you survive and don’t go over to the Darkness is to get you to the Swan and get you initiated. I intend to do that.”

“Why should I trust you? I didn’t even know your real name until this afternoon. Ki-Mata?
that even your real name?” Brendan said sullenly.

“Yes, it’s my real name,” Kim said. “At least, it’s the one I share with others. I have another name, a secret name as well, but that is only shared with those I trust. Breandan is your true name. You’ll get your secret name when you are initiated.” She stood up. “I have to get you to the Swan so that can take place.”

“So you never were my friend,” Brendan said. “You were lying to me all along.”

Kim didn’t answer. She thoughtfully licked salsa off her fingers. “If it makes you happy to believe that, fine.”

“I want to go home,” Brendan said.

“Whether you believe it or not, that’s where I’m taking you,” Kim said softly, without looking at him. “You’ll go to the Swan and be among your own people again.”

“I’m talking about my mum and dad … and even Delia. I want to go home to my house.”

“Impossible.” Kim shook her head. “They’ll be tracking their way back there now. They’ll be watching for you. You won’t be safe.
won’t be safe.”

He stomped to the door and slammed his fist into it. He immediately regretted it. His knuckles stung but he swallowed the pain. “Open this door right now. I demand that you let me go! This is kidnapping!”

Kim glared at him. “Kidnapping?” She hopped down from the chair and casually pulled the field hockey stick out of her knapsack as she crossed the floor to stand in front of Brendan. He unconsciously pressed his back against the door, shrinking away from her. “I’m tempted to add assault and battery to my list of crimes. But I assure you of one thing, and this you must believe if you believe nothing else. If you do not come with me and do exactly as I say, you will die. Or worse.”

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