The Prize (20 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

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I wished he would keep drinking until he passed out.

“Don’t want to get too wasted. I have women to entertain.” He clapped his hands together.
“Or women are about to entertain me. Let’s do it, shall we?”

Chapter Twenty-Three

I was the first to hear a noise coming from upstairs. I might have been the only one
to notice. Cheyenne was scared out of her mind, and Swarth was half drunk.

Sitting still, I concentrated on the sound, hoping I hadn’t imagined anything.

Please, God, make there be someone up there. Someone who can help

Though I had no idea how it was possible. Except for my car in the driveway, which
wasn’t uncommon, there was no evidence anyone was even home. My neighbors probably
thought I’d come by to check on the house in my parents’ absence.

How had Cheyenne and Swarth arrived?

I heard another noise, subtle, but I didn’t imagine it. The prudent thing to do would
be to talk over the noise so if there was someone up there, they would know I was
downstairs and needed help.

“How did you get here, Swarth? How did you get Cheyenne here?”

He chuckled again. “Trying to distract me, bitch?”

“No. Just curious. The house was locked. There’s no car outside.”

“If you really want to know, I broke in through a window in the back of the basement
and then parked the car in the garage. Cheyenne was kind enough to wait for me in
the trunk of her car.” He laughed again, making me cringe.

He’d brought my best friend here in the trunk of her own car? She must have been scared
out of her mind.

I looked in her direction again.

She sat still, staring behind me toward the stairs. Had she also heard movement from

“She was too easy. Of course, that’s your fault, isn’t it? She might have been paying
closer attention to her surroundings if you’d mentioned to her that your life was
in danger. Crazy cunt pulled into the parking garage after lunch and I grabbed her.
Nice of her to provide the transportation.”

Jesus. Swarth was certifiable. But I already knew that.

“Enough chatting. Take off your clothes, bitch.” He glared at me, stalking in my direction.

I flinched.

Please let there have been a noise upstairs. Please

“Now,” he shouted. “Start with that damn sweatshirt. I’m tired of looking at it. It
hides your curves.”

I slowly stood, using the opportunity to get to my feet. If there was any chance I
might have the opportunity to run, I needed my legs under me. A glance at Cheyenne
told me she was also moving. She edged to the farthest side of the couch and looked
ready to stand.

“What the fuck are you waiting for, stupid cunt? Take your shirt off. You fuckin’
owe me, and I intend to take whatever I want from you before I kill you.”

I reached for the hem with shaky fingers, my gaze darting around the room behind him.
Was there anything I could do? He had my gun stuck in the front of his jeans. I didn’t
have a weapon.

Shocking me, I caught movement behind Swarth, coming from the hall to the bathroom
and bedroom. I forced myself not to look in that direction. Suddenly, someone jumped
into view.

“Hands in the air, Swarth. It’s over.”

What the hell?

Instead of following directions, Swarth lurched forward and grabbed me, swinging around
so he faced Parker, his arm around my neck. For a man who’d drunk as many shots as
he had, he reacted fast. He tugged my gun from his waist and held it to my head.

My heart raced. I grabbed his forearm to keep from choking.

Parker stood a few yards away, aiming a gun at Swarth but glancing at me.

Cheyenne whimpered behind the tape over her mouth and scrambled off the couch to scamper
behind Parker.

My eyes widened when Riley darted into the room from the hallway. He grabbed Cheyenne
and tugged her into his side, pulling the tape gently from her mouth.

“I’ll kill her, you asshole.”

“No you won’t. You don’t want to go back to prison,” Parker said.

Swarth cackled like a maniac again. “Are you fucking stupid, man? Do you think they’re
gonna let me walk after I jumped parole and kidnapped two women?”

Parker hesitated and then spoke again. “The cops? They don’t even know you’re here.
We could make a bargain. You give me Meagan, and I let you walk free.”

“Oh, sure. Right. As if you’d let that happen.” He backed up a few steps, dragging
me with him.

I held on to his arm with both hands. He was choking me too hard. I couldn’t breathe.
All I could do was try to remain calm until I could get an opportunity to break free.

Parker shrugged. “All I want is for Meagan to be safe. If that means letting you go
free, I’m okay with that.”

Swarth pushed the barrel of my Sig into my temple painfully. “No deal,” he said, backing
toward the stairs.

Parker stepped forward, his gun still trained on Swarth. He didn’t have a shot with
me blocking the asshole, though. I knew he wouldn’t take a chance and risk accidentally
shooting me, even though I wished he would. The last thing in the world I wanted was
to be taken by Swarth to another location. “Stop moving, Swarth. Let’s talk. I’m sure
we can agree on something.”

Swarth’s nasty whiskey breath hit my nose when he chuckled. “The only thing I’ll agree
about is that this little cunt you’ve been fuckin’ killed my brother in cold blood
and shot me too, leaving me to die. She took away fifteen years of my life. And she
will pay and pay heavily.”

“She was a child, Swarth. She was scared.”

He gripped me tighter, pulling me onto my tiptoes. “You think I give a fuck about
that? If the bitch was old enough to use a gun, she was old enough to suffer for her

“Maybe you should let her apologize.”

The disgusting asshole chuckled again, making bile rise to my throat at the smell
of his breath. His body odor was no better. “I will. Thanks for suggesting it. With
her mouth around my cock before I fuck her. I want to hear her scream. Does she scream
for you when you’re fucking her?”

Parker stepped closer. Riley came up behind him. Cheyenne was gone. Hopefully he untied
her hands and got her safely out of reach.

The window…

Swarth said he came into the house through a basement window. I could picture it now.
It had to be the one in the guest bedroom. Parker and Riley could have used the same
entrance. And Cheyenne could have escaped through it also.

Which meant she was now running to a neighbor for help.

Please God.

Swarth cocked the gun.

I sucked in a sharp breath and held very still. Sweat beaded on my forehead. He had
nothing to live for, which scared me to death. He wouldn’t care if he died as long
as I also died.

“You don’t want to do this, Michael. Talk to me. Let’s come to an agreement.” Parker
inched forward so slowly there was a chance Swarth didn’t notice.

We hit the stairs, and Swarth stepped onto the first one.

I couldn’t let him take me. No matter what happened, the last thing in the world I
would do was let him take me to another location.

He took another step, dragging me up to the lowest one as he moved. “Done talking.
I think I’ll take this hot little piece of ass here someplace else to play. It’s kinda
crowded in this house.”

Parker’s hands never wavered. He spoke without taking his aim off Swarth. “You know
that isn’t going to happen. You can’t possibly get her into the car and drive away
without me stopping you. Things don’t have to escalate to gunfire. Let’s be reasonable.”

He took another step. I fought for purchase on the carpeted stairs, glad they were
at least padded in the event I fell down them. I had to make a move. My hands were
in an excellent position to swing out and knock the gun away from my temple. I needed
to time it right and make sure I had the best chance. I waited until he slackened
the pressure against my head with the barrel of the gun, and then I moved, jerking
my hand up hard and fast. It was enough to knock the gun away from my skull and startle
Swarth at the same time.

I expected Parker to take a shot when I let my body go slack and slipped to the floor
and out of range.

But instead, the shot that rang out came from behind. From up the stairs.

I rolled to the ground, down the two stairs, and onto the carpet at the bottom of
the steps. I couldn’t get out of the way fast enough, though.

Before I could get my feet under me, Swarth’s body landed on top of mine.

I screamed, the loudest bloodcurdling scream I’d ever heard. Fear raced through my
body as I fought against him, shoving against his chest. All his weight pinned me
down, and his eyes…I’d never seen a look like that before. Wide eyes, unblinking,
mean. Revenge was his only objective. And then his mouth fell open and blood ran out
the corner.

He’d been shot. Where? Where was my Sig? Did he still have it?

I twisted, trying to see where his hands were. He could still shoot me.

A shadow loomed above me, but I didn’t stop to pay attention. I needed him off me.
I needed to get away so Parker could subdue him…

Someone grabbed him from the shoulders and lifted his body off mine enough that I
could scramble out from beneath his weight. The person wasn’t Parker, however. It
was a cop.

I fought for breath as I pushed with my feet to get away from the man who wanted me
dead, crawling backward until I managed to lift my torso off the floor. Another scream
slipped from my lips when someone grabbed me by the waist from behind.

“Meagan, it’s me. You’re okay.”


I twisted to find him hauling me against him. He brushed my hair from my face and
squeezed me against his chest from his squatted position. “You’re okay. I’ve got you.”

A stomping noise made me turn around to find several more men in blue descending the
steps. The first man was feeling Swarth for a pulse. Was he dead? The officer kicked
my gun away from the body and flipped Swarth onto his back.

Swarth’s head lolled in my direction. His eerie gaze met mine, but it was empty.

I shuddered at the memory of him looking at me like that the last time I’d been in
the room with him. The time I’d shot him myself.

The difference was he didn’t threaten me this time. He couldn’t ever hurt me again.
Blood oozed out of his back and coated the carpet beneath him. One single shot. It
was enough.

I turned away, grabbing Parker’s sleeve and burying my face in his chest. Finally,
I cried, gasping sobs that came from deep within.

Parker cupped the back of my head with his hand and lifted me until we were both standing.
He backed up until he reached the couch and sat on it, pulling me into his lap. He
kissed my forehead. “It’s over, Meagan.”

So many questions raced through my mind. But there was no way I could address any
of them yet. All I could do was fight to breathe in and out.

“It’s over,” he repeated. “You’re safe.”

Several officers spoke behind me. I couldn’t hear their exact words over the ringing
in my head. But I knew there were a lot of them. How had they gotten there so quickly?
I’d even noticed a vest on the first cop. SWAT? It made no sense.

Maybe Parker and Riley called the police before they came in. Yes… That had to be

Still, I was surprised by the response.

Later, I would get answers. For now, I needed to worry about breathing.

Gasping for air, I concentrated on the act of inhaling and exhaling. The room was
spinning. I was in shock, but I couldn’t stop it. Before I could say a word, the world
went black.

Chapter Twenty-Four

“Meagan… Hon?”

I heard my name, but it seemed so far away…

“Meagan?” Someone had a hold of my hand and squeezed.

Finally, I blinked and found myself staring up at Parker.

A sob behind him made me whip my gaze to one side.
My mother?

“Oh my God. Meagan. Are you okay?” She leaned over Parker and then cupped my face.

I twisted my head around in both directions. I was in my parents’ living room on the
couch. The sun was streaming in from the front picture window. Several people were
milling about.

I pushed myself to sitting with Parker’s help. “I’m fine. Did I faint?”

“Yes.” Parker spun to sit beside me, not releasing my hand.

My mother faced me, leaning over to give me a hug. “I was so scared.”

My father set a hand on my shoulder from her side. “We both were. Thank God it’s over.”

“How did you two get here so fast?”

“We left as soon as Branch called us,” my mother said.

How did Branch know?

“Ma’am, I need to ask you a few questions.” My parents parted and stepped back at
the sound of the deep voice from behind them.

I met the concerned gaze of a police officer. He forced a smile. “I’m Officer Shoke.
Can you explain to us what happened?”

I licked my lips. And then I remembered Cheyenne. “Where’s Cheyenne? Is she okay?”

Parker ran his hand down the back of my head. “She’s going to be fine, hon. She’s
with Riley and a paramedic in your bedroom.”

She would never be fine. She would be traumatized. This was a certainty I had lived
with most of my life. And I hated that my best friend could now live with similar
demons. Nevertheless, I nodded slowly and faced Parker head on, ignoring Shoke. “How
did you find me?”

Detective Branch came from around the couch and sat on the coffee table in front of
me. “I had a tracking device on your car.”

I sucked in a sharp breath.

“We intentionally didn’t tell you in case something like this happened.”

“So, when I drove away from Charlotte…”

“Yes. And when you didn’t take any of my calls—” Branch leaned his elbows on his knees
and clasped his hands. “—I tailed you. Parker relentlessly did the same.” He smirked
at Parker.

“You wouldn’t answer me, either. I got worried and went to see Branch. He was already
following the movement of your car. We left at the same time.”

“Mr. Darwin, however, doesn’t listen to reason. He and his friend went to the back
of the house and found the broken window before I had my men in place.”

That sounded like Parker.

He shrugged. “Hey, setting up negotiations in the front yard in a hostage situation
didn’t sound like my idea of a good time. Besides, Riley was livid. I couldn’t have
held him back if I wanted to.”

“How did Riley find out Cheyenne was here?”

“I called him while I was driving to Atlanta.” He cocked his head to one side. “I
know you didn’t want me to tell anyone, but the situation was no longer safe. And
thank God I called him and explained everything because otherwise he might not have
realized Cheyenne was missing too until much later.”

“And you assumed she was here?” I was still confused.

“When she didn’t return to work after lunch, stopped answering her phone, and her
car wasn’t in its spot in the parking garage…”

I nodded. “Right. I see.” I shuddered. How mad was Cheyenne with me? I should have
told her. I should have told her and Amy years ago. It seemed like such an idiotic
decision now. Why didn’t I simply tell my friends? It wasn’t like they would have
thought less of me. It was just easier to leave the past where it was—in the past.
I didn’t see the point… Until Swarth got released. My excuses ran out that day.

A tear ran down my face. “I’m so sorry. Oh, God.”

Parker hauled me against him. “Hon, it’s okay. You’re okay now. It’s over.”

“Is he…?”

Parker nodded. “Yes. He can’t hurt you again.”

I spotted my mother behind the officer. She was wiping the tears from her eyes with
a tissue. My dad had his arm around her.

Parker got my attention again. “You think you can explain the details to the officer?”

“Yeah.” I didn’t want to, but I would. I took a deep breath and started with the initial
phone call. By the time I finished, the room was quiet. I hadn’t told them quite everything
that was said by Swarth while he held us. They didn’t need visuals of what he said
he would do to us sexually. I simply alluded that he intended to rape us and moved

My mother cried silently. My father frowned in frustration. He probably would have
stabbed Swarth himself if he’d arrived quicker.

“I need to see Cheyenne.” I pushed up from the couch and wiggled out of Parker’s grasp.

He didn’t release my hand. Instead he held on to me and set his other hand on my lower
back to guide me toward my childhood bedroom.

The paramedic was leaving as we entered, and I ran over to Cheyenne and pulled her
into my arms where she sat on the edge of my bed. “I’m so sorry.” Fresh tears fell
down my cheeks.

She hugged me back. “Why are you sorry? You didn’t kidnap me.” She forced a smile
as I met her gaze. Her face was red and swollen, the distinct mark of the duct tape
evident on her cheeks. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot.

“I should have told you. I should have…”

She squeezed my hand. “It wouldn’t have changed anything.”

“You would have paid closer attention. Been more diligent.”

She shook her head. “There was no way anyone could have assumed he would use me to
get to you.” She knew everything. I could tell by the look in her eyes. Riley would
have filled her in after he rescued her. “I’m just sorry you kept all this bottled
up inside you for so long. That’s an enormous burden for a child.”

“I didn’t want to relive it. I wanted to put it out of my mind and move on with my
life. When I moved to Atlanta, I wanted a fresh start where no one knew what had happened
to me. When I met Amy, she saved my life. And then I met you in college… I’ve had
the best friends a girl could ever ask for. I don’t deserve either of you.”

She lifted her hands to cup my face. “Of course you do. Stop that.”

When I grabbed her arms, I winced at the rope burns on both wrists. “That asshole,”
I muttered.

“It’s over. He can’t hurt you anymore. He can’t hurt anyone again.”

Detective Branch stepped into the room. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but we need to discuss
a few things.”

I stood from my crouch in front of Cheyenne and turned around.

Parker wrapped his arm around my waist again, holding me tight. Grounding me. I didn’t
let myself think about the fact that I wouldn’t stay with him. Instead, I soaked in
his strength.

Riley took a seat next to Cheyenne.

Branch filled the room, his feet planted, one set of fingers tucked in his pocket.
His perfectly cut short hair had never been any different in all the years I’d known
him. His expression was serious, as usual. I wondered if he always looked that way,
even when he wasn’t working, or if perhaps it was simply that I’d never encountered
him on any occasion that didn’t warrant the look.

He cleared his throat. “Even though Swarth is eliminated, I don’t want you to assume
you’re completely safe.” He stared directly at me. “Until I’ve interviewed his family
members, you need to be diligent. There’s no telling how angry his mom or his cousin
might be when they find out Michael is dead.”

I nodded. He was right.

“My suggestion is that no one stay in this house tonight. Your parents are going to
a hotel. Do you have some place to stay?”

“She’ll be with me,” Parker declared presumptuously.

“They can stay at my house,” Riley added. “I’ll ensure we have sufficient security.”

Branch nodded, not taking his gaze off mine. He knew I had left Parker to go to the
safe house in the first place. He didn’t know why. His eyes narrowed as if waiting
for confirmation from me that the bossy men in the room truly had the authority to
make such assumptions on my behalf.

I didn’t have a better plan, and frankly I was exhausted. The last thing I wanted
to do was figure out a safe place to sleep. And the truth was if I went anywhere alone,
I wouldn’t rest for a single minute. The only way I would sleep would be in Parker’s

I knew I should turn down the offer.

I knew I was making things worse for both of us.

I knew all the reasons why I needed to walk away and somehow deal with my stress on
my own, but I didn’t have enough fight in me to say “no.”

“Just for tonight,” I muttered.

Branch nodded, uncertainty written on his face. It was interesting how invested he
was in my life, as though he thought he needed to rescue me even after Swarth had
been killed. He hesitated a moment and then lifted his gaze to the others. “May I
have a moment alone with Meagan?”

Riley and Cheyenne stood. “Of course,” Cheyenne said, tugging Riley from the room.

Parker stiffened at my side.

I squeezed his hand and looked up. “I’m fine.”

He hesitated, his eyes narrowed, his mouth open to protest. Instead he pursed his
lips and gave a short nod, leaving the room behind Riley without glancing at Branch
as if he were the enemy.

Branch shut the door and leaned against it. “We’ve known each other a long time.”

“Yes.” Where was he going with this?

“I’m worried about you. On a personal level. It’s none of my business, but if there’s
any reason you shouldn’t go with Parker Darwin, I wish you’d tell me. I can make other
arrangements. I feel—” He paused, taking a deep breath. “—I feel like he bullies you
around or something. He’s so…”

I sat on the edge of the bed. “It’s fine. I’ll be safer with him than anywhere else.”

“And yet you left his house in Charlotte to move into a safe house.” He stared at
me hard. “Again, it’s none of my business, but I’ve known you fifteen years. I don’t
want to see you hurting anymore. You deserve peace. Safety. A safe place to fall.”

Was he hitting on me?

He took a step closer and then stopped, stuffing both his hands in his pockets. Branch
was fifteen years older than me I figured. Although, hell, Parker was ten years older
than me. Branch had been young when I’d first been abducted, but he had to have been
at least twenty-five. Even the best detectives couldn’t have climbed to his rank any

I knew from my time in the police station that he was a well-respected senior member
of the team now. He was younger than most guys in his position. But nevertheless,
he had to be close to forty.

“I’ll make sure that happens.”

“Will that be with Darwin?” he asked.

I smiled and shook my head. “No.”

He sighed. “But you’re going with him tonight.”

“Yes. Riley’s place has excellent security. I’m too tired to think of something else
right now.”

He paused, his gaze penetrating deeply.

I looked at him as a man for the first time. Not just a cop. He was built. I supposed
most women would consider him sexy. His features were sharp. His jaw was square, and
his eyes were a deep blue that probably made women lust after him.

I couldn’t say I had thought that much about him before. I forced myself to ponder
his motives now. Would I be attracted to him if I wasn’t head over heels for Parker?
The answer wasn’t there.

But maybe Parker hadn’t been so far off the mark. Maybe Branch was interested in me.

The reason I couldn’t stay with Parker had nothing to do with how I felt about him
and everything to do with how fucked up I was and how much of myself was available
to give to another human being.

“It’s just one night,” I found myself saying, as if I needed to clarify.

“And then what’re you going to do?”

I shrugged. “No idea.” That was the truth. I couldn’t imagine what my future looked

“Will you come back to Charlotte?”

I shook my head. “Never.” The thought of being in that city made me cringe. I had
shivered the entire time I’d been there. Even inside the safe house, I had pretended
to be anywhere other than Charlotte.

“Darwin lives in Charlotte.”

“He does.”

“Is that why you shy away from him?”

“Among other things.”

He stood taller. “I mean, he definitely has the means to keep you safe. Women in Charlotte
swoon after him.”

I grinned. “I’m sure they do. And I’m sure he has excellent security. But…” I didn’t
want to tell Branch what I had never told another human being directly.

“But what?”

I shrugged. “Nothing. It’s just not going to work between us. Though I’d appreciate
it if you kept that to yourself. I’ll handle it.”

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