The Prize (21 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

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“Of course.” He stepped back, hitting the door with his foot. “Listen, I need to get
back to Charlotte. My team is rounding up Swarth’s family members. I need to interview
all of them first thing tomorrow. I’ll call you after I’ve spoken to them and assessed
the level of threat they represent. Hopefully they’ll listen to reason and not blame
you for Michael’s death.”

I cringed. “Let’s hope so.”

“I know you’ve lived in fear for fifteen years. I don’t want that for you anymore.”

I wasn’t sure how he proposed to accomplish that, but kudos to him if he could. Speaking
to each of Swarth’s family members, especially Vincent, would go a long way toward
making me feel secure.

“Will you stay in Atlanta?” he asked.

“I don’t know yet. I love my job here, but I don’t want to be a target.”

He nodded. “I see. Of course. Well, if it comes down to it and it gives you your life
back, we can always revert to plan B again.”

I knew plan B. I had been waiting to initiate plan B for days. It sucked that even
now that Swarth was dead, I still had to consider the possibility of changing my name
and leaving my life behind. I couldn’t think straight to make any decisions, but in
the back of my mind, I knew the option was still on the table. “I know. Let’s talk
tomorrow and make a fresh assessment.”

Branch nodded again. He reached behind his back to grab the doorknob. “I’ll call you
as soon as I’ve met with his cousin and his mom.”


He stared at me long enough to make me almost uncomfortable, and then he turned and
left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Chapter Twenty-Five

I stared out the passenger window while Parker drove me to Riley and Cheyenne’s place.
My mind raced in so many different directions, I couldn’t hang on to a single thought.

Michael Swarth, the man I’d stressed over for fifteen years, was dead. He’d died on
top of me, crushing my body with his weight. I shuddered.

“You okay, hon?” Parker touched my thigh with one hand.

“Yeah.” I didn’t take my eyes away from the window.

My parents were freaked out, which was understandable. But I couldn’t deal with them
yet. I was relieved they’d gone to a hotel and not questioned my decision to go with
Parker to Riley and Cheyenne’s house. My parents had known Cheyenne for years. They
hadn’t met Riley or Parker. Hell, they hadn’t heard of Parker. I’d never mentioned
his name to them.

Why was that?

I had watched as Parker introduced himself to my dad, shaking his hand. He’d also
spoken quietly to my mother, assuring her I would be safe at Riley’s home.

Did my parents think he was my boyfriend? I didn’t really care. It didn’t matter.

Parker squeezed my thigh gently. I didn’t reach for him. My arms were crossed tightly
under my breasts as if I were cold. In a way I was. No matter how high the temperature
inside the car was, I wasn’t sure I would ever be warm again.

“Do you want me to stop anywhere? Do you need anything?”

I shook my head, still not meeting his gaze. “I’ll borrow from Cheyenne.” It wouldn’t
be the first time we’d shared each other’s clothes or toiletries.

I was out of sorts and super aware of it. I just didn’t care. Of course he wanted
to get into my brain, fix things, make them all better, but I wasn’t open to fixing.
I just wanted to lie down and rest. Even if I didn’t sleep, it would be heavenly to
pull the covers over my body and curl onto my side.

A shower would be nice first. Maybe some hot tea. The thought of eating made bile
rise in my throat even though I hadn’t eaten since lunch.

I closed my eyes and went inside my head, leaning my forehead against the cold window.
Had Branch hit on me? Maybe I’d misunderstood. He knew so little about me. Our entire
relationship consisted of occasional discussions about my safety. Lately there had
been several such discussions, but I hadn’t paid attention to whether or not he was
interested in me beyond the obvious cop/victim scenario.

Was I that naive?

I hadn’t mentioned a word of our conversation to anyone.

Thankfully, Parker didn’t say anything else during the drive. I was relieved. The
last thing I wanted to do was answer questions.

He pulled up in front of Riley’s, shut off the engine, and rounded the car to let
me out. His brow was furrowed as he took my hand and led me to the front door.

Riley and Cheyenne were already inside. When I rounded the corner from the entryway
to the living room, I found Cheyenne sitting on the couch curled up into a corner
with a throw blanket over her.

She smiled and reached out a hand for me. “Come sit down.”

I did as she suggested, easing onto the plush leather sofa next to her.

“You want a drink?” She winced as she let her gaze roam my face. I hadn’t looked in
a mirror yet, but it was swollen and sore.

I shook my head.

“I can see you kicking yourself, metaphorically. Stop it. This is not your fault.”

I nodded. I knew she was right intellectually, but it didn’t change how guilty I felt
that she had been kidnapped because some madman wanted to kill me.

“You’re exhausted. Riley has the guest room ready for you. Why don’t you take a long
hot bath?”

I turned to face her. “That sounds wonderful. But you have been through even more
than me. Why are you holding it together so well?”

She forced a smile and shrugged. “I’ll fall apart when I let myself think about things.”

Riley stepped into the room. “Can I fix you something to eat?”

“No. I just want to get cleaned up and sleep. Thank you for letting me stay here.”
I blatantly ignored Parker, even though his frame seemed to fill the entire room from
where he stood near Riley with his hands on his hips.

“Don’t be silly,” Cheyenne said. “You’re my best friend. You’ll stay as long as you

New tears welled up, but I fought them.

Parker finally spoke. “I’ll start the bath, yeah?”

“Please,” I muttered without looking at him.

When Parker left the room to head down the hall, Riley kissed Cheyenne on the forehead.
“I’ll get you a glass of wine. You sure you don’t want one, Meagan?”

“Yes. Thanks.”

Cheyenne wasted no time as soon as we were relatively alone. Riley was just on the
other side of the great room in the attached kitchen, but he couldn’t hear Cheyenne’s
near whisper when she spoke. “How serious are things with Parker?”

I twisted my fingers in my lap. “They’re not.”

“Are you sure? He looks like a lost puppy. I’ve never seen him so distraught.”

“Yeah. I’ll set him straight.” I would. I had to. The death of Swarth changed nothing.
I wasn’t the right woman for Parker. He needed someone less broken. Someone who could
live in his world. That someone would never be me.

Cheyenne frowned. “I’m worried about you. And not just because of what happened today.
Something’s up with you. I wish you’d let me in.”

I lowered my gaze farther to stare at the floor. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. I just want to help.”

“I know you do. And I don’t deserve how nice you’re being to me.” I lifted my face
to look at hers. “You’re the best friend. Have you spoken to Amy?”

“Not yet. She knows what happened if that’s what you mean. Riley and Parker have both
spoken to Cade. I’ll call her soon.”

I should have called her myself, but I didn’t have the energy. “Please tell her…”
I didn’t know how to finish that statement.

“I will.” Cheyenne reached around me with her arm and pulled me against her. “You’re
going to be okay. You’re strong.”

“I know.” I just hoped I was strong enough to walk away from everything I had left
in life in exchange for my safety. I didn’t see how I had a choice. Keeping my friends
and parents in my life at the expense of never having a good night’s sleep seemed
crazy. I needed a new existence, one where I slept hard and jumped up each morning
ready to face the day. I could get a job as an accountant anywhere. And I would.

Staying in Atlanta meant always putting my friends and family at risk. Today was proof
of that.

Parker came back into the room. “Water’s ready.”

I smiled at Cheyenne, though I knew it didn’t look as sincere as I hoped, and gave
her a hug. “Thanks again. I’m going to soak for a while and then sleep.”

“Okay. Let me know if you need anything. I’m sure Riley left you a pile of stuff in
the bedroom.”

I followed Parker to the guest bedroom and through it to the attached bath. It wasn’t
as huge as the master, but it was amazing for a guest.

Parker shut the door behind him, clearly not intending to leave me alone. He turned
me around to face him and cupped my cheeks. “We’ll get through this.”

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. I wanted to believe him, that there would
or could be a “we” at the end of this story. But I knew better. “Parker, I—”

He shook his head and set a finger over my lips. “Just relax for now. Get into the
tub and let me take care of you. Please. Do this for me.” He reached for the hem of
my sweatshirt and hauled it over my head, careful to avoid touching my face. While
I stood there in my bra and jeans, he stuffed my shirt into a plastic grocery bag.
It was covered with drops of blood and smelled and looked disgusting. I was glad he
put it out of sight.

“Throw that away. I don’t want to see it again.”

“Of course.” He unbuttoned my jeans next, but I brushed his hands away and lowered
the zipper myself.

I wasn’t a child. “I can do it.”

He put his larger hands over mine when I stuck my thumbs under the denim at my hips
to lower the jeans. “I know you can, but let me help. You’re hurting. I can see it
in your eyes. It’s more than just what happened today. You’re shutting me out. Let
me in. Please, hon.” He stepped closer until his chest met mine, his hands still covering
mine at my waist. He kissed my forehead.

It felt so good. I wanted to moan around his touch. I wanted to let him take over.
I wanted to shut down my brain and let Parker handle everything.

It wasn’t the right thing to do. It was selfish. I should tell him to get out and
leave me alone. But I didn’t want to be alone. If I had to give up everything in the
world tomorrow and be alone for a very long time, I selfishly wanted tonight to be
spent in the arms of a man who cared.

Parker kissed my swollen cheek gently and then eased my jeans down my legs. I kicked
out of my shoes and let him pull the denim from my feet and remove my socks. He smoothed
his hands up my body when he stood and then tipped my head to the side to look at
my eye. “You want to put more ice on this?”

“No. But I could use a pain reliever.”

“I’m sure Cheyenne has ibuprofen in here somewhere.” He turned around and opened the
medicine cabinet, immediately locating a bottle and holding it up.

“Yeah, she’s thorough. Doesn’t like her guests to want for anything.”

He handed me two pills and a glass of water from the tap.

I swallowed them as he turned off the water. The tub was nearly full. Steam rose off
the surface invitingly. I slipped out of my panties and bra and lowered myself into
the water. The moan that escaped my lips was unavoidable.

Parker smiled as he pulled out the vanity chair and sat near me. “You want the lights

“No. I’m okay. I just need to soak. It feels so good.” I closed my eyes and fought
to control my breathing. Even after everything that happened throughout the day, my
body reacted to Parker’s presence the same. His stare penetrated deep, making my nipples
hard and my pussy grip at nothing.

He rustled around next to me, and when I let my eyes slide open enough to see him,
he was on his knees, reaching for the shampoo. He popped the top, poured some into
his hand, and nodded at my head. “Dip your hair into the water, hon. I’ll wash it.”

I scooted forward enough to wet my scalp and then eased back into my comfortable position,
resting my head against the back of the tub.

Parker massaged the shampoo into my hair using the right pressure to lull me into
a false sense of calm. No man had ever washed my hair for me until I met Parker.

He took his time. I could have let him continue for an hour. It felt that good. My
muscles relaxed gradually until I was calmer just from the shampooing.

Parker cupped my head and eased me forward. “Lean back again to rinse.”

I kept my eyes closed and let him take care of me. He gently splashed water over my
forehead to rinse the suds away until he was satisfied. And then he righted me as
I blinked my eyes open to watch him fill a wash cloth with something that smelled
fruity and feminine.

“My hands are going to smell like a girl,” he teased as he lifted one of my arms and
rubbed up and down the length.

I bit into my tongue. He was amazing. I didn’t deserve this attention. I was going
to hurt him. And myself in the process.

He smoothed the cloth over every inch of my body, refilling it often with soap. He
didn’t linger in any particular spot, but my breasts grew heavy and my nipples stiffened
further when he slid his hands over them. His face was filled with concentration,
as if he forced himself to detach from the sexual vibe to simply get the job done.

I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or sad.

For whatever reason, I thought of the supplies he’d had for me the first night I stayed
with him. “You said I’m the only woman you’ve ever had overnight at your house.”

“Yes…” He scrunched his eyes together.

“How did you happen to have shampoo and soap and a razor for me?”

He smiled, running his fingers through my curls. “Called the local store for delivery.”

“Seriously?” I mean of course stores did that, but I’d never known anyone to use the

“I didn’t want you to smell manly all day,” he teased. “You want me to add hot water
so you can stay in a while longer?”

“No. I’ll get out. I might drown if left in here.” I tried to smile. My face hurt,
and my skin pulled tighter as the bruising increased. I hadn’t looked at it yet, but
I knew from the slit of my eye it was swollen badly.

Parker helped me stand and then step out. He wrapped a fluffy, white towel around
me and patted it into place. “You’re shivering.”

“The air is cool.” I wasn’t sure I would ever stop shivering. My nerves were frayed.
They might stay that way.

While he continued to dry me off, I glanced in the mirror running from the vanity
to the ceiling and several feet across the wall. I cringed. One cheek was bright red
and swollen. The opposite eye was blue around the sides and squeezed almost shut.
It would be gorgeous for the next few weeks. Anyone I met would think I was fleeing
an abusive relationship.

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