The Pussy Pounders Volume 1 ( A Novella ) (4 page)

Read The Pussy Pounders Volume 1 ( A Novella ) Online

Authors: Candace Mumford

Tags: #urban fiction, #interracial, #fiction romance, #africanamerican romance, #bwwm interracial, #interracial bwwm, #bwwm contemporary romance, #bwwm romances, #candace mumford, #the pussy pounders, #male escorts

BOOK: The Pussy Pounders Volume 1 ( A Novella )
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Look, I'm sorry I had you
come all the way out here for nothing but I have to go. I feel
terrible and I need to think about what I can do now that Sean is
so put off with me I can't even pay to see him now. I know I'll
feel terrible if I see him in here tonight talking with other women
so I'm leaving. I swear to God I'll fucking lose it. Stay and enjoy
yourself but I'm out.” Lisa said grabbing her purse.

Well OK. I'll call you
in the morning maybe we can meet up for lunch? I honestly think you
need to take this time to just get over it. Look at what this is
doing to you Lisa? You can't go this hard for some dick that's not
yours.” Carmen said shaking her head in disbelief.

Why the hell can't I
Carmen? I go after everything I want in life...I always have. So to
be honest with you I wouldn't be true to myself if I didn't try to
pursue him. Yes the way I met Sean isn't traditional by any means
but fuck it. That's how I met him. It doesn't mean he's not a good
man. A man worth having. Sometimes you can be so close minded
Carmen. Life isn't perfect and everyone doesn't have the perfect
life, or parents that you have! I don't know his entire story but
I'm sure Sean has a very good reason for making money the way he
does. Bye Carmen.” Lisa said walking towards the nearest

Did my friend just lose
her goddamn mind with me over some dick she's buying? Aww hell no!
Yes, it's a good thing she's leaving before I forget she's one of
my closet friends and tell her about her buying male
prostitutes,desperado ass!

Madness I tell you!
Carmen thought grabbing her clutch and walking
towards the bar.
I'm driving so I'll have
one more glass of wine then I'm heading home. This is a really nice
spot though I'll have to come here again. Carmen looked around
checking out the Friday night crowd that just seemed to be rolling

Carmen was lucky enough to approach
the bar just as a couple was leaving and two seats became
available. Seconds after she sat on the bar stool, a man...a very
handsome man at that sat down right next to her.

Damn! This brotha looks so
good I may buy his ass a a matter of fact that's
what I'm going to
Carmen thought to herself feeling a
bit sassy.
Hell Lisa has me out here on
Friday night in a packed club with all her craziness and then
cusses me out then dips on me? It's been three months since Hasaan
and I broke up...time to put my game face back on!

Can I buy you a drink?”
Carmen asked turning slightly on her stool to get better

I wouldn't feel right
turning down a drink from a beautiful woman. I'd love one. Thank

Carmen signaled for the bartender who
came over to take their order.

I'll have a glass of red
wine please and this gentleman will have?” Carmen asking looking at
him licking her lips seductively.

I'll have a sprite or a
7-up, whatever you have.”he said.

What? Now I don't even
offer to buy men drinks very often but since I
offer... you don't have to go
easy on me and order a soda!” Carmen said laughing.

I'm not going easy on
you. I appreciate the offer and I
taking you up on it. I just don't drink. I'll
take a soda and some of your conversation. That’s all I need this
evening.” he said looking her over.
face,smile....fuck it,
Sean shifted his
eyes to the back of her seat,
nice ass too?
I'll see how it holds up when she's standing.

I'm DeSean, nice to meet
you.” he said extending his hand and smiling at her.
Damn, I must really think she's pretty to give her
my full first name
he thought to himself
laughing. The most he ever gave out was Sean...and he never offered
a last name. Though a few times he gave it out upon the insistence
of a few nosy women who had demanded a last name. Depending on who
they were and his intentions towards them,Sean would decide if they
got his standard fake last name of Williams or his real last name
which was Walker.

Carmen extended her hand
and couldn't control the spreading grin from getting wider.
Oh my God the man is beautiful! His voice,those
pretty white teeth. I'm in trouble...and damn happy about it

Well DeSean,I'm Carmen.
Pleased to meet you.” Carmen said placing her hand in his where it
lingered a few seconds longer than necessary because neither of
them was ready to let go.

So did you come here
alone?”DeSean asked taking a sip of his drink that had been placed
in front of him.

Actually I came with a
girlfriend but she wasn't feeling well so she left early.” Carmen

Well it sounds like
divine intervention to me. You were meant to stay at this club
tonight to meet me. God planned for you to buy me this soda, so I
could spend the rest of the night talking to you and showing you
what a charming man I am” DeSean said smiling.

Carmen looked at him and smiled, “ You
are so full of shit right now. You're fine though, so I'm going to
let you get away with it right now.” she said laughing.

I'm serious!” Sean said
laughing along “ You'll see. Please don't tell me you make a habit
of letting men you think are attractive get over on you
would be disappointing.” he said and then proceeded to lay the
charm on her for the next few hours. They drank and danced until
three in the morning.

They'd laughed and talked,DeSean
introduced her to Cortez who had met surprisingly enough her friend
Latrice. The foursome found a booth and sat talking until it was
time to leave.

I think you've gone past
your limit to drive. I came with Cortez. I'm going to leave with
you if that's OK? I'm safe...and sane.” DeSean said reaching for
her car keys.

I did overdo it. This is
embarrassing I had way too much wine. I really don't want any
strange men knowing where I live.” Carmen said rubbing her

Well I'll drive you to
my place and you can relax and get yourself together until you're
able to drive yourself home. Win-win in my book.”

Dammit! I should have
gotten a ride home with Latrice. I'd call my friend I came here
with to come back and take me home but her ass is
tripping tonight.
You know what ? I'll take you up on your offer,it sounds good. I
should be OK to drive in a little while.”Carmen said.

Sit down here while I go
let Cortez know what's up and I'll be ready to go.”

A few moments later DeSean came back
and they headed out of the club with Carmen leading the way the
best way she could to her car.

By the time they arrived at DeSean's
place Carmen was lightly snoring in the passenger seat.

We're here sleepy head.”
DeSean said giving her a slight nudge. He helped her out of the car
and into his house where he immediately escorted her to his guest
Damn! She's fine as hell but I
hope she ain’t no damn drunk?
thought laughing to himself.
What the hell
has gotten into me bringing her to my house?
DeSean thought questioning himself. He
women he didn't know come by his home. Women he
know couldn't even come over
unless they were invited. It had been some time since he'd actually
dated a woman so it was easy to avoid the drama of it all. He just
went to their place. Which never was a problem because most women
he showed the slightest bit of interest in did their best to make
him as comfortable as possible in the hopes of locking him down
into a relationship with them.

This Carmen is
DeSean thought looking at her
knocked out on the bed.
Very smart,funny
and damn attractive....though it's clear she can't drink. I'm going
to let her know too! The last thing I need is to get interested in
a woman after all this time and find out she has a drinking
problem. That's a weakness I wont allow in my life.

DeSean went to his bedroom
and grabbed a t-shirt for her to wear. He came back in and began to
take her shoes off, talking to her the entire time,telling her
exactly what he was doing as he was coaxing her out of her dress
and pulling the t-shirt over her head. Carmen was wearing a very
nice black lace bra and panty set he couldn't help but notice.
DeSean pulled the covers back on the bed and got her properly
tucked in. He couldn't stop himself from taking a final look at her
face before leaving,flawless mocha brown complexion,long eyelashes
and succulent full lips. She's definitely beautiful....I still hope
she's not a drunk! DeSean turned out the light,closing the door
behind him.
Hmm, this definitely isn't
he thought holding up her dress,
but I'll throw it in the washer and get it ready for her by morning
so she has something clean to wear and walked down to his laundry
room before going into his bedroom to have a shower and get some



Adam & Antoinette (The
Past & Present )

Adam,Sean and Cortez
pulled up to Toni's place. The three of them were suited up in
black Armani, from head to toe. All three men looked amazing with
their own individual beauty from white,brown to black. Seeing them
together always drew stares from women in any environment. Adam
Wheeler with his 6ft2in tanned ivory skin,lean and muscular,
closely shaved and tapered hair and striking hooded,ocean blue
eyes. Cortez Luna was everyone's Latin fantasy. Standing an even
6ft tall with a solid muscular build, his ebony hair fell in waves
just grazing his shoulders. Lightly bronzed skin, deep chocolate
brown eyes with lashes so long women paid money to have what God
gave him naturally.

Rounding off the handsome
trio was Sean Walker 6ft 4, 220 pounds of dark,rich chocolate made
up of pure lean muscle with a perfectly shaped round,smooth head
.Sean was notorious for his tongue game and women all over the city
were willing to pay top dollar to have his smooth head between
their thighs. For the right price Sean was willing to

Man, go get Toni.” Cortez
said to Adam.

Why do I need to go get
her?” Adam asked leaning back in the black leather seat. Trying to
pretend he wasn't anxious to see what she had on. Last weekend he'd
almost come to blows with some disrespectful muthafucka in the

If you and Toni don't
stop playing these dumb games I'm going to slap the both of you
myself. You need to go get her because the minute you and Toni are
around each other it's a date for the two of you.” Sean

That's right!
the vibes going on between you two. What's the problem? I don't
know when the last time I've heard her mention dating anyone and
you haven't been doing any outside fucking so what's holding you
back?” Cortez asked.

Leave me alone! I love
her the same way you two do.” Adam said unconvincingly.

The hell you do. Neither
of us...,” Sean said pointing to Cortez “ wanna fuck her. I don't
think you can honestly say the same. All we're saying is hey man,
as long as you love her, go for it. Don't do it if you're not
absolutely sure but if you're worried about what we think...we love
both of you. Go for it.” Sean said.

Um hmm.” Adam said
opening the car door and walking up the steps to Toni's

He hated to admit it, even
to himself but Adam was glad they'd brought it up. Who did he think
he was kidding anyways trying to hide it from the two people who
knew him best?

Adam turned the door knob
and walked in heading straight for the kitchen. Toni always had her
door unlocked,it was a good thing she was in a great neighborhood,
Adam was still constantly on her about locking the front door
anyway. A great neighborhood didn't mean bad things couldn't
happen. Toni always made a point to remind him the only visitors
she had were him,Sean and Cortez.

Toni ! Are you ready?”
Adam said walking into the kitchen to get a drink where he found
Toni standing with a glass to her lips...completely naked. Well
except for a pair of heels.

Adam! Don't you know how
to knock!” Toni screamed quickly putting her glass down before she
dropped it.

You never make me
knock,why would I knock tonight Antoinette?” Adam said trying to
pace his speech because he felt himself unraveling right before her
eyes. He'd imagined what Antoinette would look like naked,
underneath him,on top of him and him in back of her no less than a
million times and his imagination didn't live up to the reality...
at all. She was all curves,full d-cup breasts that spanned down to
a flat, lightly muscled stomach with a small a cinched waist
spreading into full voluptuous hips and feminine slightly muscular
thighs. Adam could see without a doubt the workouts and the runs
she dragged him on in the early hours of morning were paying

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