The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake) (3 page)

BOOK: The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake)
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Sophie playfully swatted her, "No, I think she's lost...look at her, the poor little thing." 


“Are you hungry, sweetheart?” the other woman asked, the one without the towel.


She was shorter and slim, as where the opposite with the towel was taller and a bit round, but they both looked friendly enough though, at least friendlier than the people Charlotte had met on her journey there. She crept out careful to stay on the grass to ease her feet. The rounder one pointed behind her and she glanced down at the ground seeing red patches where her feet had stepped. Charlotte gulped softly, and limped a tiny bit closer. Hunger won out over self-preservation, and she hoped with more than she had dared before, that perhaps she might get some food.


Her journey had been harsh, when she had awakened in the woods, she had been dizzy and in pain. Grime had caked to her body, the mud in the ditch where she had landed was not only slippery but for some reason it stuck to every part of her skin she couldn’t wash- and when attempting to leap into a cool spring river, she instantly found that too cold and distasteful.


She found she could remember things like what a road was, clothing, the simple things, but who she was, where she was, it all seemed to be completely gone. That was what startled her more than anything. The woman who had the apron on was staring at her again.


“Francesca go get some of that Brie we bought today. There will be plenty left over. Those girls don’t eat more than a bird with those corsets strung so tightly.”


Sophie laughed softly; and kept an eye on the girl as well. “Francesca, are you seeing this too? Or is she a ghost?”


“No, I see her Sophie, poor thing looks half starved; she’s so small!”


Francesca was getting one of the loaves and took the rind off the cheese she cut from the large wheel. “I don’t want her to eat the rind, poor dear may not like it…” Sophie looked at the bread and smiled.


“We have plenty of dough to make more.” Francesca nodded eagerly. 


The women chuckled to themselves and opened the door, but the girl darted slightly backwards and fell to a sitting position with a yelp.


“No, no child it’s alright!” Sophie reassured with a cooing tone she had to use to get Alexander to eat vegetables when he had been little.


The girl’s panicked expression changed slightly.


“Easy, there now.” Sophie moved a bit closer holding the bread and cheese out. “Here…”


Charlotte winced as her body screamed in protest to jostling about. “Is that for me?” The voice that came from her was tiny and soft, wistful, rough from lack of water.


The woman named Sophie nodded and came close enough to hand it to her. “Here, why don’t we get you inside?”


Francesca came and inspected her as well. “Hello dear,” Charlotte glanced up at both of them, still frightened as Francesca came and picked her up.


“Yes, it’s as I thought. Not an ounce of fat on her…She has soft skin though; and look at this running around in a night rail and chemise! Lord, what have you been through?” Sophie asked.


The women exchanged very concerned looks as they guided her in, the girl leaning on Francesca so her feet were not so burdened. They sat her down on an old stool and gave her the bread and cheese. She sniffed them and her mouth watered at the prospect of food, and greedily began wolfing it down. They had luckily drawn water from a well and she gulped down a glass but favored the food with more relish than the water.


“Well, she has an appetite!” Sophie chuckled heartily and saw the butler come in. “James, look at the little bird that we caught!”


Francesca laughed and James’s old eyes focused on Charlotte, she felt like a spectacle as she stuffed chunks of cheese and bread in her mouth.


“More like a hamster than a bird!” James laughed softly and glanced at the women. “The Dragon won’t like her very much.”


What is a Dragon…and who is that? And what is a hamster?


James winked at her as if reading her thoughts. "It's a rodent that stuffs it face and their cheeks go like so…" he puffed his face out slightly and Charlotte giggled. The man looked very and calm but his heart was warm as he patted her head gently "As I said, Giselle won't be happy."


“Oh tosh what Giselle thinks, she can be of help around here, I will ask Alexander." Francesca waved her hands as if not to think anything of it. 


Sophie had ripped some old linen up and began wrapping Charlotte’s feet “Your feet are torn up bad, dear. What happened? How far have you been walking?”


She gulped a few chunks of food before answering, “Three sunsets…I don’t know where I came from, and I just picked a road and followed it.” She nipped her fingers by accident, and slowed down. “I slept under trees and in a barn when I found it, but I got caught by this horrid lady…she wasn’t nice like you. ” Francesca’s face grimaced as she listened.


“So I ran, but I had to stay away from people, because they did not seem very kind.” She wriggled her feet looking at the bandaging, obviously pleased that the pain had lessened. “Thank you…for the food, and my feet…” she got up and looked around and started picking stuff up with her free hand.


“Child, what are you doing?” Francesca chortled taking the bowl from her and setting it back down.


“You gave me food…I’m working?” She was confused.


“No, no dear that was a gift! Sit, rest you must be so tired.” “I…sort of am,” she nodded and sat back down. James had quietly been waiting to be called for the gentlemen coming home.


“Who are you waiting for?” Her curiosity made him crack a small smile. His slicked back hair and spectacles made him look astute and very aware.


“I am waiting for my Lord to return with his guests.”


“Who is he?” She looked around and saw Francesca making a tiny sachet.


“It looks like you're bleeding from your head…” her face was pinched in worry.


“He’s the master of this house.” James answered her question.


Charlotte nodded understanding slightly. 
Maybe I can work here…then I can find out who and where I am. But I have to keep moving…


She was listening to the chatter “Poor thing, something must have given you an awful fright to run away for a few days, let along to get help, and to lose your memory…” Sophie said softly.


Don’t be found! I cannot be found! Run!


A memory whispered along her mind as Francesca dabbed a cloth to her scalp. The sachet was placed firmly in her hand with the piece of bread she was saving for later inside and some mint. She exhaled sharply as a stab of pain hit her temples and she dropped the sachet.


Francesca was at her side murmuring, but they sounded so far away. “Sophie, go get the smelling salts, she looks about to faint!”


At that exact moment a strange thin woman burst into the kitchen “Which one of you did it?” Her tone was nasty and cruel.


Francesca put the sachet with her chunk of bread back into her hand after it dropped. “Did what Giselle?” Sophie sounded exasperated as she looked for something else.


“A Lady’s reticule has had coins stolen, and you lot were the only ones on that floor. The magistrates are here to search your items.”


Charlotte blurrily saw grey eyes sharpen on her. The woman was of slight stature, not too short, but not too tall, very slender with a neck like a swan's, but the vile look was far from beautiful. Her dress consisted of lovely fabric and she looked very regal in her gold and cream colors.


“Who, are you?” the grey eyed woman demanded.


Charlotte had an inkling her welcome was long done and she flinched as she stood up.


 The woman’s eyes went to the sachet, “You girl, stay there.”


But when the woman summoned the magistrates who were in the hallway, the moment she saw the men Charlotte bolted and leapt over the Dutch door being pushed purely by fear and desperation alone.


She could hear Sophie and James as she rolled across the garden landing hard, “She’s just a hungry girl Madame leave her be!” Sophie’s words were all but volatile.


“Madame, she’s been in here the whole time.” James was soothing and contrite.


Francesca was leaning out the door attempting to stop her. “Wait!”


But she was already going around the house and darting to the side, past the magistrate’s carriages, one with bars around it and a lock on the doors. Her eyes rounded and her breath came short "No, No…No I cannot!” She was frantic and she had to think quickly.


Alexander trotted Titan down the road. They had lost the fox but it had been a relatively decent ride. The weather would not permit anymore though. He sighed remembering the apparition, which had popped up into his woods.


"Who the blazes was that woman,” he muttered to himself as Kade rode on behind him.


"What is it Alexander?" his friend murmured to him quietly. "I still swear I saw a woman in the woods."


"Well, do you want us to go and start a search party?" Kade looked concerned and Alexander smiled at his close friend.


"No, Kade…it will be fine, I am sure I just had a bit of a hangover left."


"Ah! Don't get too many of those, they’re a nag when it comes to work" Kade chuckled deep in his chest and Alexander felt like punching the Scot in the arm. Kade had been his closest friend in the world since the Lincoln family had taken him in other than Leroy. 


Titan snorted and bucked slightly "Titan?" the horse whinnied in a ghostly shriek and the great black beast reared pawing at what seemed to be nothing.


Alexander tried to grab the reins and get him under control.


Her brain had calculated where to go and the front seemed the best bet. As she rounded the corner though, she faced a large Andalusian stallion; its feathered hooves thrashed the air. She heard more men’s shouts and the other horses behind panicked.


“Confounded animal, what has been your problem!”


The voice…she recognized it. As the magistrates caught her on either side and her heart beat even faster.


Inside her body screamed in defiance. She had to get out somehow, but there was no way around the giant black horse. It bucked and swerved to each side as she tried to dart around it. Dancing with the animal was frustrating. The men were still trying to get a good grip on her arms. Exhausted she stopped, and panted in overexertion. She was terrified and had she not been so tired, she might have burst into tears.


She was trapped!






Alexander’s horse whinnied and thrashed again at the air. He wanted to clobber Titan in the head with a whip.
 “Titan you great idiot!”


He swung the horse’s head around and saw what was in the way, again.  His heart nearly leapt out his chest in fright. The apparition was on his property. No, not an apparition, a young woman! “What the blazes is going on?” he snarled and saw Francesca, Sophie and James rush outside behind Giselle.


The women who were on the first floor peeked out from the windows curiously, and the men behind him were murmuring quietly.


“What is going on, Cromwell?” Kade was uneasy on his borrowed mare and raised an eyebrow before coming to his rescue. “Gentlemen, there are matters for Lord Cromwell to attend to, please. We can go and have a cigar. How about it?”


The men followed, half unsure. Alexander got off Titan and handed the jerking horse to James.


Charlotte started to struggle, the pain and panic that had been set in her turning into blind rage and heartache. She had done nothing wrong!


“Let me go, you pompous oafs! I didn’t do anything!” she finally said. She sank her teeth deeply into one of the magistrate's hands and he howled. Charlotte bolted when let go only to run straight into a large man’s chest and to get caught up in a much stronger grip.


“Well, you are no fairy.” The man’s voice was deeper than she thought. 


“No, I am not a fairy…or whatever you just called me. I was just leaving!” She looked frantically around and clutched the little sachet with her bread and mint tighter in her hand. The man’s eyes glanced at it and he glared at her. She felt woozy, and her scalp was bleeding again. She could feel the warmth trickle down her head.


“Dirty beggar was in the kitchen Alexander.” Giselle’s teeth were bared in a sneer.


Charlotte flinched at the hate in her tone. “I’m not a beggar,” she whispered. She saw the man's gaze scrutinize her slightly, but she also saw pity. What was he thinking? Pitying her did her no good at all! Her temper flared high but she was too weak to show it.


Alexander looked at the waif before him, her dark eyes wide and frightened…no that was not fear like a rabbit caught in a trap. More like a wary but angry animal of which he had the nerve to pull it’s tail. The vein in her neck pounding with blood that was obviously racing through her veins and heart. Her hair color was indiscernible due to the dirt and grime, and her skin was caked with dust and grit as well. But, it looked smooth where it was clean.


Her feet had been bandaged with linen.  He supposed it was either Francesca or Sophie -who were staring wide-eyed at them- that was responsible for it. This girl barely came to his shoulders and she had to crane her neck to see him. “What is your name, girl?”


“Charlotte.” The locket on her neck slipped from her chemise and it glinted, she looked down at the long gold-chained cameo in horror, she had tried so hard to keep it hidden. The pearlescent cameo woman stared mockingly up at her from it’s dark blue backdrop. She gulped when his eyes lingered upon the trinket.


“And where did someone from your…class, acquire that locket?” Alexander was perplexed, it looked to be made of gold and precious materials- how did a beggar get a hold of such an item?


“It is mine…” she struggled again and his grip tightened on her upper arms. “Please…” Charlotte despised his look of suspicion, and felt tears burn the backs of her eyes.


Giselle marched over and snatched the locket off her throat. “Give me that, it’s probably one of the girl’s.” The sting of the chain snapping made a stifled whimper reach her lips. She saw the man's reaction, his pupils dilating to where she could see the gaze sharpen with deadly edge.


“No it’s mine! My name is on it!” She felt the tears nearly find their way forward, but she held them back. The man’s eyes were a deep green and they stared at her as if trying to figure her out.  


“Give it to me Giselle.” When his Aunt paused, his voice dropped another octave that made her entire body tremble. “Give it here.”


Giselle handed the cameo locket over. It was beautifully carved and he turned it over “To Charlotte, Love Mama” he eyed it and looked at her. “And you I presume are Charlotte?”


“Please it’s all I have…I have to keep it or I won’t remember…” Her whisper reached his senses not just in tone, but also in a caress. She sounded warm and husky naturally. The sound vibrated in his ears and he clasped his hand around the locket.


“I will investigate your tale and you will get it back when I am done. Understood?” 


“Get it back?” she gulped and tugged from his grip again, but failed in being released. Charlotte’s nose filled with spices and leather when she was yanked closer.


“Yes, get it back, I can’t have you run off with it can I?” His voice sounded amused.


“But, I was just leaving!” her desperation was palpable to Alexander and he felt sorry for it. “I am sorry that I caused trouble…I’ll leave and you’ll never-”


“Never what?”


“-have to see me again.” She finished.


“What is in your sachet?” At first he seemed simply irritated. He wanted to find out if she was indeed a thief.


“Nothing…” She hid it behind her back and his anger peaked. She had to have taken the coins. He took the sachet away calmly, but with strength from her bird-like hands, which went limp at her sides.


“Well, then, I guess you won’t mind me seeing!"


His voice was a well-hidden tone of no nonsense, and she gave up as he handed her over to the magistrates. The men took hold of her again and he opened it to find a piece of fresh bread and some mint with it. His eyebrows shot up, and he looked up at a young woman all but hanging from the first floor drawing room window, with her mother trying to drag her back in.


“Madame! Madame Cromwell! I found my coins! Mama had them!”


He inhaled sharply and looked back at the fairy girl in front of him, and this time he actually took in her condition. The bandages on her feet were not just tinted, they were soaked in blood. She had cuts under the grime, and he noticed a trickle of blood on her cheek, the origin disappearing into the gritted hair and scalp. Her pale face was thin and she looked exhausted, the deep circles under her eyes dark and ominous. His heart pounded.


He tilted his head and his expression took on a softened look. “Where did you come from?” He prodded making his grip a bit more gentle after taking her again from the magistrates- who for all intensive purposes were attempting to stay out of the ordeal.


“I don’t know…”


His expression must have been bemused, because she looked upset. “How old are you?” Alexander assumed she wasn’t more than eighteen. 


“I don’t know,” she whispered softly looking as if to cry.


“If you say ‘I don’t know’ one more time…” the growl was back in his tone.


“But I don’t! I do not remember!” She sighed exasperated and swayed a bit more. Charlotte tried to fight the urge to faint; and stayed up right because he had taken her from the magistrates and held on too tight.


He peered at her “Are you hurt badly? Your forehead…”


She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts. “I am fine, please let me pass.” She moved his arms and started walking with her head held high. 


He was stunned, “I did not say you could leave.”


Alexander could not have hidden the barely contained rage if he had even wanted to try, for some reason his need to possess this now tangible creature flared. He stepped in front of her again and swore her black eyes turned into fire. He also realized they were not just black; they had warm caramel tones in them when the light struck them just right.


“You do not tell me to do anything. I’m leaving!"
How dare this man try and keep me here!
With that said she bolted, and with speed he did not think she could have possessed. She ran straight into the woods with the grace of a doe.


 Alexander cursed, "Don't frighten her, and make sure she is returned to me!" 


He looked at Francesca who waved at him to come over. "Alexander, please be gentle with her, she's only a frightened girl." 


"Francesca I realize that now. We're going to help her." Before he knew what was going to happen, he had Titan saddled again and was trotting down the path where she had gone.
She can’t go too far, she’s too wounded…Wounded, hungry and alone.
Alexander thought guiltily about how he had treated her like a common thief.


Charlotte thought she was fast.
was the key word, as it was more like a rushed limp. She scrambled when she tripped in a gopher hole and fell flat forward on her chest, hacking up dust while trying to get purchase on a tree trunk. She finally reached the deep river that cut through the countryside.


The water had risen to a considerable height and it thrashed around. She hated water, ever since she had nearly drowned in a river on her journey. She despised it. But, as she heard Alexander's horse thundering through the trees, she turned and grabbed a branch that was slipping off a tree and wrenched with all the strength she had. Her shoulder hurt badly, but ignoring it she held the branch aloft and swung with all her might.


Alexander felt Titan skid to a halt and was confused until he saw the frail girl swinging a branch at the horse's head. "Cut that out! I won't hurt you." But even with her feverish flailing, she was getting weaker.  He had to get to her and quickly. Leaping off Titan, he strode over in three strides, and caught the branch as she down swung easily.


It would probably bruise his palm, but no matter. "Easy." he murmured to her. She looked frantic, delusional from pain and the blank look in her eyes made his heart wrench, "Easy now, I won't harm you. Come here." Charlotte glared at him, but he caught her up and carried her back to the horse.


She had no more strength to fight; she was going to be caught again.  She couldn't let it happen. "Please, don't make me leave with those people..." she whispered against his neck when he cradled her closer to keep her warm.


“I told you, that you were not going anywhere until we figure out who you are. Why did you run, you stupid girl!" he hissed. 


She felt quiet tears fall down her cheeks. "I was afraid."


Alexander felt like the world's most deplorable man. She felt like a small sack of feathers in his arms as he set her on Titan and got on himself behind her.


"I'm sorry, I did not mean to frighten you."  He held her closer with one arm as his other led the horse. Alexander felt her face nuzzle into his throat, the wetness from her cheeks humbling him, beyond what any words she could have said as her frail arms wound around his waist.


"Thank you…" she whispered softly against his flesh and he could not help but feel every fiber in his body tighten with the soft brush of breath.


"No need…you're safe now." his voice rasped. 


"Charlotte, my name is Charlotte,” she whispered.


"…Charlotte. You are safe now." On an insane impulse he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and felt her body go slack in surrender. Giselle was shrieking and flailing at the magistrates that they had nothing to do with her condition upon seeing them come through the tree line. 


When he reached the estate front, Charlotte heard the thundering voice again before darkness swallowed her, and felt as he somehow got off the horse with her still in his arms. “Will you be quiet, Aunt?” He held her up in a warm embrace, feeling the smooth skin of her shoulder pressing against his fingertips.


“God, you weigh less than a feather…” he whispered in her ear, and she twitched at the feeling of breath against her skin. "James, tell the stable boy to brush down Titan please." Francesca and Sophie were nearby.


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