The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake) (34 page)

BOOK: The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake)
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If she were to be sold tomorrow, that would be one thing they would not take from her. One thing she would give away freely of herself.

Kade nearly stumbled back. At first he thought to react in disgust. Was she going to give herself over now that he paid her? Revolt sprang through his body, but just as quickly as she had kissed him, she flung herself away. He saw her keen eyes sharpen considerably as her open lips let soft breathes escape. "And…what was that supposed to be about?” His voice was gravel.

"My first kiss. I wanted you to have it." Her admittance was not what he expected, and it- for but a moment- caused him much confusion. "What did you just say?" he demanded nearly in fury.

"I said-"

"I heard you…

“Then why ask!” she cried in a near incredulous tone.

But he ignored her “Are you telling me you've never kissed a man before?" His eyes glinted now with that look which made her feel unclothed and shy.

Is he angry?
"Y-yes…?" she squeaked. Kade's composure stayed. Had it not, his eyebrows might have shot up into his hairline in absolute astonishment. The fact that a young woman of her looks had never been even kissed before startled him. He stepped closer, and closer, and closer still. The pull from her was irresistible.

Emma shook like a leaf, when he came within distance of touching her. "Your protector will be cross."

"My protector has other interests about what purity is." The words were gritted out and he pondered them for a moment.

This mystery was starting to make his instincts kick in. "That…" he sighed, "was not a real kiss."

"What? Why ever not?" For a moment she looked annoyed and he wanted to laugh.

"If you're going to give such a precious thing to me. At least allow me to be the one to take it…with full awareness? It will wound me as a man if it is a girl who gives it but I do not take what is offered. Do you understand?"

"No…not really. But if it is mine to give, why do you have to take it in a specific manner?" Her brow furrowed and he came the conclusion that she had a very sharp mind. "Should you not just take it happily? And I am not a girl, have not been for five years!" she snapped with a look of irritation before sinking back into her silent fear.

Emma watched him, with a mixture of curiosity and panic. What would he do? And why was he teasing her this way? Should he not just be on his way- or would he extract revenge? She glared up at him as he leaned forward.

Kade chuckled and tilted his head "May I?"

"I-um…" was all she could say as he ran a hand into her hair, the other trailing against her chin.

"Look at me, pet." he murmured softly. It felt like a warm balm on her wounds.

Emma did as told; he was so much taller than she.
Perhaps, if she told him? No, she couldn't tell him. But what if she did? Maybe he would protect her? Those hands that held her gently had power behind them. It radiated with control off of his entire form.

"You are beautiful, my pet." His whisper along her face caused her heart to kick up a few beat. "Let me kiss you."

He felt her nod, her soft hair brushing his cheek with the jerky motion. With that, he softly kissed her, a simple press and molding of lips. She fit him perfectly, the way she leaned into his embrace, and the way her full mouth molded to his. He had kissed many women before her, but it felt like his entire body had been struck by lightning.

There had to be s
omething to explain this phenomenon of how a small, inconsequential young woman boiled his blood and made him feel more like a man than he ever had felt before.

Not even in India, fighting hand to hand with Marathas supporters, or in the America's after battling with the sea and coming out on top, making his own fortune in cotton and indigo and tea, had he felt like this. Not even when he knew any woman would fawn over him just to be in his bed.

No.  Nothing like this moment had ever occurred and it would forever be ingrained in his mind.

This one moment, holding a young girl who was barely flowered into her own womanhood, was where he felt like a man.  It was as if she were the most precious piece of china he had ever laid eyes on
; as if one wrong move and she would shatter into a million pieces.

And he, like a demon finding a soul and salvation, was meant to protect her from all but his own desires. When she leaned against him and sighed into his kiss, his heart thudded to nearly a stop. He broke the kiss off and gently kissed her brow. "How old are you anyway?" he asked tilting his head to get a better look at her face. She dodged the direct look and it bothered him even more.

"I am twenty three, Sir," she gulped.

He grimaced…
twenty-three, she is only twenty-three
. "Are you sure you will not go with me?"
Please say yes…tell me yes and I shall rain God’s fury upon your tormentor little one.

"I have prior obligations. You cannot help me." She sounded resigned, and as if all hope had been leached from her.

She’s so small, how will she survive?
"Well, I am sorry to hear that. Good evening, pet." And as he walked away, he knew if he had stayed he'd have hunted down the bastard in charge of her and would have shed his blood on the cobblestone.

The killer inside him wanted what it wanted. It wanted the tiny creature behind him that eased his old sins long past.

“Thank you!” she called after him, but he gave no sign of hearing her. But he did, and it took every power of his will not to turn around and snatch her back up to steal her away and never let anyone eye her silk hair or petite frame.

“You’re welcome,” he murmured under his breath. “Very welcome, indeed.” He had a grin and sighed at the loss of an opportunity to overtake something so lush. Instead he decided that he would follow an impulsive decision.

Kade glanced around before walking a bit further, and he darted round a corner, waited, and watched. Being an inspector with special military lenience was a blessing. People looked the other way when distasteful individuals vanished in a spray of blood in the dark of the night. Perhaps this ‘protector’ would be next on his list.

“Well, Love, you did damn well. It took you long enough. And you betta only gave him a kiss, got me?” With a smack upside the head, she winced and he snatched up the purse. “Good girl, so…” he tied her up again and she let out a soft whine. “I can pretty you up and get you some sales. Haven’t been touched from what I’ve been told. We can thank your sick Mum for that, eh?”

“Please, there is more money than my father owed in that bag.” She knew because it had been heavy with gold coins. “Let me go and I will not say anything!”

“Eh, but it ain’t about that now, Love. It’s personal now.” He tugged her closer and he started walking. “Think of it as interest!” But it came out as
, instead of

Emma highly doubted he even knew what

Kade watched, listening carefully, and followed close enough to not be seen. He could hardly believe his own ears. The soft and small girl was being sold against her will. He realized when she had mentioned her mother- she had used her words correctly- she was doing this for her mother's safety!
Of all the idiotic things to do?

Kade had a sudden desire to storm out, tan her hide and go and find her mother, but he knew it would do nothing for her- or him. She had to choose him, but how?

The night wore on and they continued. He watched, as the man turned into an inn, set up a room for them both, locked her in the room, and sat outside the door. Kade walked in and asked the innkeeper “So, what room? And don’t tell me he’s not here or suspicious looking. I have no patience for it.”

“Sir, he asked for one with no windows, but we only had one with a broken one. It won't open...” The innkeeper knew a man not to be dealt with when he saw one and was flustered
, he did not want Kade bothering his other clients.

“Right. What floor?" He would break the bloody thing
open, if he had to.

"Too high to scale, Sir," the innkeeper said as if guessing his intent.

"Damn,” Kade growled. So much for scaling the wall to get to her, that protector was smarter than he gave him credit for. Kade walked the perimeter and saw a light, one single light in the darkness, and the silhouette of that small creature he wanted so desperately to save.

She reminded him of a bird in a cage at that moment. Bent and lifeless against the darkened frame of the glass where her shadow was. He turned the wind billowing out his cloak, making him look rather foreboding for those in the shadows.

It was time to wait. And planning was in order.

Emma stared out the window, through the fogged glass. She could see a figure in the dark looking up at her. A glance at the door and around the barren room made her realize that her protector slept outside the door. When she turned back, the man was walking away.

Was it the strange man she had met? Was it the man with the iced eyes and the cold demeanor? She shivered at the memory of his kiss, one that would have to hold her above water till she found some shred of happiness in this life.  Emma gulped her terror down. They had promised her mother would not be hurt if she followed orders.

She was looking for a way to escape, but found none. Sighing she sat down on the bed and wept. She remembered when her mother had been taken from the house, still hacking up phlegm and her fever high. The doctors had not been able to tell her what it was, and only cared for her for a couple months as pity and old favors slowly ran dry. Emma inhaled a quivering breath and steadied herself. She would have to be ready tomorrow, come what may.

She knew hell was what was waiting for her. It was to save her mother and in the end, it would be worth it if her mother was safe.


It had to be worth it.






Amelia clearwater






Amelia Clearwater has been writing since the age of twelve. It was not until the age of twenty-two that she finally fell in love with a story, enough to share it with the world.


She currently resides in a lovely little English home that is close enough to London for comforts of civilization. She enjoys going to Hyde Park, and writing letters and her thoughts down in letters to her family and readers. Her favorite indulgences are chocolate olives, and she spends quite a bit of time drinking exotic tea from India.


Her days are spent writing, fighting off her cats from atop manuscripts, and spending time with the characters she hopes you shall grow to love as well.


Please feel free to follow her on twitter @




his little lady

coming summer 2014



Continue the series of A Rake’s Mistake as Leroy J Gibson

faces not only himself, but the love of his life.


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