The Ravenous Brain: How the New Science of Consciousness Explains Our Insatiable Search for Meaning (54 page)

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Abnormalities in genetic and molecular processes that regulate sleep
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Coffee intake prevents suicide
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You actually need a medium amount of dopamine
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Schizophrenics . . . deficient glutamate . . . knock-on effect on dopamine
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Normal people, ketamine can . . . turn them into schizophrenics
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About 40 percent of schizophrenics gain any benefit
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67 percent of schizophrenic patients report [adverse side effects]
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Anecdotal evidence . . . schizophrenics function better . . . never been prescribed
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Sandeep Patil . . . created a drug that targets
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Single genes . . . turned on or off . . . sections of DNA . . . change neurotransmitter function
F. Holsboer, How can we realize the promise of personalized antidepressant medicines?
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Genes coding for dopamine and prefrontal function . . . psychiatric conditions
A. Meyer-Lindenberg and D. R. Weinberger, Intermediate phenotypes and genetic mechanisms of psychiatric disorders.
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Genes . . . respond to SSRIs . . . pass the blood-brain barrier
Holsboer (2008), see above.
Novel brain-scanning . . . measure neurotransmitter changes
P. M. Matthews, G. D. Honey, and E. T. Bullmore, Applications of fMRI in translational medicine and clinical practice.
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Healthy nonelderly people don’t gain any generalized improvement
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