The Red Leopards of Zaxon B (Galaxies Collide Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: The Red Leopards of Zaxon B (Galaxies Collide Book 2)
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The flight leader spoke softly over his radio, his caution rising, ‘Clear next sector…move east!’ The small speakers burbled in his cramped craft, the rest of the forward reconnaissance acknowledging his command as they peeled away at an angle, their screens clearing of sighted enemy threat for some distance.


The Blue Leopards emerged suddenly from the smoke, the dull light causing their visors to darken slightly as they advanced half crouched across the terrain, their weapons sweeping from side to side. Passing destroyed small Morgon defensive positions, they cautiously glanced into the slit trenches and improvised pits, the smouldering body parts and shattered equipment evidence of the powerful lasers above.

A cool breeze enveloped them, the distant firing to north and south echoing across the landscape as they saw the billowing black smoke cloud and plumes along the horizon. Moving forward, the strategically spaced line of over five hundred Blue Leopards advanced past burning equipment and smouldering scorched bodies, the snow scarred and terrain burnt with war as dust blew across their figures, their heads turned against the rising wind.

Commander Malikkas dropped to one knee, indicating for his men to stop, his eyes narrowing as the visor swept upwards. Retrieving his binoculars from his lower chest plate, he raised them to his eyes, the zoom sweeping across the distant terrain, the lenses almost clear as he panned from right to left. His second in command ran half-crouched along the line towards him from the south, his eyes widened, ‘See anything Sir?’

Malikkas turned to the side, still looking through his glasses as the auto-zoom searched the horizon, his voice dismissive, ‘That’s just it, I don’t…very strange, and suspicious.’

The second in command nodded, trusting his commander’s judgement completely, ‘Shall I go ahead with a small reconnaissance group?’

The Blue Leopard commander shook his head, the whirling blades above them sweeping past as several more gyro-copters advanced across the grey sky. His helmet turning against the rising wind, he hissed at his second in command, ‘The dust storms are building and it is getting dark…we should push on towards the first village or we will be stuck in this open land overnight.’

The second officer nodded grimly, ‘Very well, I will move my section out to cover your southern flank, try and make contact with the marines…B Company can cover the north and your unit can push towards the first village?’

Commander Malikkas grimaced, nodding, ‘That’s the idea…we are too thinly spread though…’ He glanced round, ‘Get the reserves behind us to fill the gaps…’ He glanced down at the frozen snow, his suspicion mounting.


Lieutenant Kim was jogging next to Jozefina, the smoke thinning as the soldiers moved forward after the Blue Leopards. Emerging from the dispersing shroud, they slowed as the bodies and destroyed positions around them became evident, the soldiers staring in morbid curiosity at the groupings of smouldering corpses, abandoned and destroyed equipment in the fading light.

As their visors cleared, they saw the armoured troops ahead, the soldiers kneeling or half crouched as they glanced around cautiously. Copters swept across the sky, re-checking the rear areas and gaps in the line as the central units began to move closer together again, consolidating their position and advance.

As the breathless Jozefina approached Commander Malikkas, she slowed to a walk, seeing the Blue Leopard studying a map on the ground with his second in command. She dropped to a crouch next to them, the soldiers nodding a greeting as her visor swept upwards. Glancing at the electronic map rising in the commander’s hands, her eyes widened as Kim dropped next to her.

Malikkas turned, his voice low, ‘The line is spread thinly and I am concerned if the enemy counterattack, we will not be able to hold them. The Trevakian marines to the north and south are strong units, but they are using our reserves so we have little to spare.’ His jaw hardened, ‘We will have to move your reserve troops up to cover the gaps just in case.’ He hesitated as Jozefina nodded cautiously, then continued, ‘Split your force in two with an equal dispersal of the South Koreans. Move half to the south and the other half to the north on either side of my men. Hold back and move forward behind us…do you understand?’

Jozefina nodded, ‘No problem…’ She indicated to Lieutenant Kim, ‘Looks like we have work to do…let’s go!’ They lunged upwards, running at a half crouch back to the waiting South Korean and volunteer troops, Rees watching them come, his nervousness rising as he licked his lips.


The flight leader manoeuvred his gyro copter back and forth along the line, checking the forward units that advanced across the terrain through his external cameras in the fading light. Shaking his head in frustration, he realised how thin the line was, the differing units disorientated and slowly having split apart in the dense smoke. The normal back up and rapid light armour support units for the Blue Leopards now deployed to the north and south to supplement the Trevakian marine advance rather than behind their armoured infantry.

Becoming increasingly curious, he swung the controls, sweeping out before his unit, their copters hovering as they awaited the infantry on the ground to catch them up. Two gyros swept after him, keen to accompany and protect their commander as he surged forward, his screen now showing the darkening terrain below in graphic simulation.

The lead copter buffeted in the growing wind, the pilot realising they had limited time left in air support before the machines would have to land to recharge their cells, his concern rising that the flying conditions were becoming more treacherous.

Then his breath caught, the screen suddenly surging red in front of his eyes. Numerous dots appeared on the ground in a line, the Morgon heads rising from beneath their deep emplacements, more appearing from concealed cover behind. His eyes widening further as he noticed the distant red mass approaching above the ground, his realisation of the source spurring him to twist the controls, the small craft banking sharply as the two copters behind rose in emergency avoidance.

He frantically clicked his microphone as missile alerts appeared on the rear screen, his voice breaking to alert the Blue Leopard ground units two clicks behind, ‘Multiple enemy signals…concealed dug in ground units sighted with substantial support sighted.’ He swallowed hard, seeing the screen flash continuously before him, the missiles nearing, ‘Copters land to provide anti-air role….Morgon sky wingers inbound!’


Commander Malikkas raised his glasses, his eyes narrowing as the three copters in the distance exploded, the flashes lighting up the dark sky as the burning fragments fell to earth. The surviving copters above swept downwards, the lower doors opening automatically to allow the soldiers to exit. The troopers struggled from their craft, turning and tapping furiously on the remote screens on their armour. Quad legs slowly extended from the base of the copters as they rose up, eventually standing erect, their four lasers swinging upwards as the uppers half of the machine began to rotate. The Blue Leopards had deployed their anti-air and ground capability.

Malikkas shouted across his men, glancing round frantically, ‘Morgon sky wingers incoming, protect the flak and keep down, find cover if you can!’ He turned to shout at the startled volunteers and South Koreans behind, ‘Move up to our men, form protective circles around the copter guns!’ As he spun back, he raised his glasses once more, the zoom scanning the dark terrain, multiple distant red dots beginning to appear on both the ground and above. He bit his lips in frustration, his men were in open ground and facing a strong enemy attack…it was a defensive trap, the Morgon commander now appearing to be a very cunning adversary. Tapping his microphone, he shouted into the comms circuit on open channel, ‘Blue Leopards facing multiple ground and airborne forces, requesting immediate support…’

Jozefina turned to their Trevakian escort as they lunged forward, the Blue Leopards beginning to form circles around the erect laser quads, their helmet visors lowering as they scanned the darkening sky with weapons raised. Her voice rising in fear, she shouted at the marine, ‘What are these sky wingers?’

The Trevakian marine slowed to join the nearest anti-air gun defence, indicating for her to join him as Lieutenant Kim ran to another with Rees, ‘They are airborne armoured infantry…with their own guns and lasers or acid weapons on each side wing, quite vicious and very frightening. As long as we stay next to the copter guns we should be safe…run and they will pick us off…they are deadly at night! Keep your men together…and close by!’




Chapter Eight: In search of nourishment

Captain Dugachard turned to Riaz as they neared the edge of the petrified forest, the injured Asian now shivering uncontrollably as he glanced at her painfully, her voice attempting to reassure him, ‘Your suit’s capability is exhausted…we will get you to the Supply Base medical facility as soon as we can…just keep going for me!’ He nodded, wincing in response as the bruised muscles, chipped bones and fractures began to become even more painful. Muffled gunfire and explosions echoed through the forest, the Red Leopards assuming defensive positions and digging in.

Dugachard glanced at Debra and Shino, indicating to Riaz, the two slowly placing their arms round him in encouragement as he sniffed, a whimper escaping from his mouth as their arms began to support him. Shino shook her head in despondency, seeing near tears in his eyes as the agony become even more excruciating, ‘I had no idea you were in so much pain…you are very brave!’

Debra grasped his upper arm giving it a fond squeeze, ‘He was bashed around a bit…’ She glanced at Tregan, Is there nothing we can give him?’ The Trevakian shook his head silently.

They passed dejected soldiers and miners sat by the side of the single track, Captain Dugachard turning to the small groups, ‘You keep going…apparently the Supply Depot is only a couple of clicks ahead, I am going to gather all the troops and militia I can…I will see you for a warm meal later.’ She glanced up, snow beginning to fall more heavily in the darkening sky, ‘Keep your pace up…this night will be very cold…we all need to be at the base by then.’

They trudged on, Riaz beginning to gradually lean of Shino’s smaller frame for support as the increasing agony ebbed his strength. Behind them, the captain was shouting firmly at the demoralised men and women, her hands on her hips defiantly, ‘Get Up! I want two ranks formed…collect the stragglers from the surrounding area…a Supply Base is ahead with warm food and sleeping quarters! We keep moving…or the cold will overcome us all! My troopers only die from enemy fire…now move!’ Slowly the bedraggled figures stared blankly up at her, struggling to their feet and shuffling into a group.

The rocks rose up on either side of the snowed track, high jagged edges reached into the darkening sky as they trudged on. Gradually they emerged into a barren landscape, the ice crunching beneath their boots as they struggled forward. Flashes in the atmosphere above demonstrated the intensity of the air war as the blackness of space could be glimpsed between the swirling clouds. The land around was broken by the occasional naked tree, the wood frozen and cracked bark glistening in the poor light. Clouds of exhaled breath began to hang around them as the air chilled further, the land declining into a depression below as the rocks and frozen gullies extended to either side. Above the jagged snow topped mountains ahead a distant moon glowed, the rings around it glistening through space from the light as it faded from the planet’s atmosphere.

The track forked ahead, a broken sign indicating to the left in the direction of Morasat, seventy clicks away Tregan explained, a makeshift sign pointing to the right showing the way to the supply depot, the track descending further as the light faded to darkness. Distant burning torches through the gloom and tentacles of low freezing mist provided a welcoming approach to a possible warm meal and medical assistance as they struggled on. Debra pointed at the burning flames, attempting to raise spirits, ‘See…not far now. Soon we will have a warm place to sleep…and some medical attention for Riaz.’

They trudged on further, soldiers and miners from behind beginning to overtake the slow moving party as the numerous dancing flames got nearer. Riaz was now shivering uncontrollably, his teeth chattering as he winced in pain, his injuries becoming even more agonising as the last of his combat uniforms support faded.

Struggling past the flickering torches, the reflections dancing across their grime covered uniforms and faces, the lights of the Supply Depot came into view. A small hamlet had been converted to provide food and ammunition for the forward forces, the seven or eight one storey decrepit buildings complimented by numerous darkened resin tents and low blocks, lights flickering within from the battery and power cells.

Trevakian marines stood on sentry at the two entrances to the hamlet, thickened winter padded jackets above their inflated combat uniforms, the suits filtering warmth across the soldiers’ bodies when a lower temperature was sensed. The night sentries were supplied with full helmet additions, the bulging lower attachment supplying additional oxygen and power to the suits below.

As they approached, a sentry moved forward, lights glowing on the sides of his headwear as he reached forward to help them, his voice distorted beneath his helmet, ‘Move to the right for the medical facility…there is a queue, but we should get your injured man seen to soon. Have you eaten?’

Shino shook her head, her eyes sullen from the deep penetrating cold as Debra helped Riaz forward, Tregan gently grasping his other arm. The sentry seemed to stare at her, his helmet cocking to one side, ‘From earth?’

The Philippine nodded, staring blankly back at him as he gestured to her, ‘You have the signs of exposure…the oxygen is too low here for your bodies. I will take you to the food distribution point, you can get food for the others…’ He smiled briefly, ‘When did you last eat?’

Shino shrugged with exhaustion, her eyes seeming to struggle to focus, her breathing shallow, ‘I-I don’t know…’

Her mind seemed confused, the marine nodding in understanding, ‘Yes exposure and low oxygen levels, we will soon correct that…’ He grasped her arm, feeling her body sag slightly, the exertion of supporting Riaz having drained her physically, ‘First to the medical facility then for you…then some food.’

Walking behind Riaz and the other two, Shino listened to the sentry speak, his nodding to the other guards indicating where they were heading, ‘I never thought I would meet your kind…our new allies. I learnt your language well, and was then posted here…’ He grinned briefly, ‘Thought I had wasted my time…still I am glad I did now. Most of the supply troops will not speak your language, it was only frontline soldiers and medical personnel that were instructed to do so.’ Raising his voice, he pointed to a row of rectangular resin tents ahead, the torches flickering outside, ‘Head for there, the first tent will place you in order of priority…’ Tregan glanced round, nodding his understanding.

Reaching the entrance to the first low prefabricated resin building, they noticed the medical personnel were dressed in padded fatigues. Several low mechanised beds sat in each structure, their patients lying still as green lights pulsed across their bodies. A number had bullet wounds, the healing process taking far longer and thus creating the queue that shuffled to the side slightly as they approached.

A lead medical orderly approached, nodding to them as he stared intently at Riaz, seeming to study the injured human. He extended a gloved hand to support the drooping chin and staring into the patient’s dilated eyes. Glancing across his cracked shoulder armour and blood soaked tunic he sighed, ‘Not the best welcome to an alliance, human…’ He shouted over his shoulder, ‘Human exposure and oxygen deprivation, probable multiple fractures and concussion…’ A medic ran forward, seeming to smile triumphantly as the lead orderly glared at him, ‘What are you smiling at…this is one of our allies…wounded fighting the enemy!’

The young medic shook his head innocently in apology as the rest looked on, ‘Sorry Sir! No offence intended, it’s just we have one bed programmed specifically for our human friends…I was happy it could be put to good use…’ He nodded his apology, grasping Riaz as he slumped forward, a groan of pain coming from his chest, ‘Come with me to the third tent…I will arrange food and new uniforms to be brought to you whilst you are treated.’ He hesitated, seeming to think, ‘I will also get one of the heated tents issued to you…’

Debra stepped forward, her voice inquisitive, ‘How were you able to complete that diagnosis so quickly?’

The orderly turned sharply, grinning, ‘Your computer information system…the
I think you call it…has limited security and illuminating information.’ He shook his head, smirking further, ‘I have to say though, your
social media
is beyond comprehension…I have no thought process that can comprehend the nonsense you talk about one there!’ He laughed out loud, ‘I managed to gain an account for
specialist learning purposes
, ‘Facebook’ is very amusing…your culture is deteriorating!’


Debra sat cross legged on the inflated floor of the recently automatically erected tent, the pleasant and welcome warmth beginning to seep through her new uniform and into her skin. Heated lanterns ran along the length of the roof, their glows warming the still air further as the airport supervisor stared across at Shino. The young Philippine’s shoulders were shaking, tears in her eyes as she stared across the heat retentive resin walls. The four beds were well furnished, heated cushioned mattresses filled with comforting down and complimented by their military sleeping bags, the red leopard emblem emblazoned across the covers.

The airport supervisor shuffled across the floor, resting a comforting arm on Shino’s shoulder, the girl sobbing as Debra gritted her teeth. Shino glanced at her, tears dripping from her chin as she sobbed, ‘Sam is gone…we are heaven knows where and in a war that we can’t even comprehend…how did that happen? I was on duty at Heathrow a couple of days ago…we were concerned about the danger to our passengers when they flew and perhaps government tests…what happened? There are so many missing…and dead, what will happen next?’ Her voice rose in anguish as she glanced tearfully at her supervisor, ‘This is just too real! This feels like mad computer game…a virtual reality one…when will I wake up!’ Her shoulders shook violently, a hand rising to her eyes as the tears flowed uncontrollably.

Debra pulled the shaking body to her, running her hand through the young Philippine’s matted hair reassuringly then stroking it firmly, ‘I don’t know babes, it seemed like a fun adventure at first…but now it is a whirlwind. The Trevakians lost so many soldiers in Contax Base…they are trying to look after us under very difficult circumstances.’ She sighed despondently, tears welling in her own eyes, ‘Perhaps its best you do not think too much about the past…our future seems here now…no matter what happens.’

Shino’s head rose slowly, looking up into Debra’s eyes, ‘But how will we get home?’

The airport supervisor shook her head, her thoughts drifting back towards the airport terminal and the other staff…her family, her voice seeming distant, ‘Perhaps this is our home now…we just stick together and survive this.’ She sniffed, a tear running down her cheek as she tensed her hand across Shino’s frame, ‘Come on…let’s get something to eat…we will feel better then.’

Shino grimaced, nodding as she pushed herself upwards resolutely, retrieving a large resin red tin from the small pile next to them, her eyes staring blankly at the canister in frustration, ‘How the hell do we open these?’

Debra grinned, ‘The quartermaster told me when I got them…’ Smiling at the Philippine’s choice, she chose her own, the blue outer casing seeming to glint in the light, her eyes straining across the symbols on the top, ‘They are colour coded, red means hot…and I mean hot…are you sure you are going to be ok with that?’

Shino glanced round, her expression irritated. Then she grinned, realising the pointlessness, dismissing her thoughts, ‘You chose blue, I chose red…we share and see what we have. What’s in them?’

The airport supervisor looked up and smiled at her briefly, ‘Stew apparently and vegetarian to suit all palettes. Apparently the Trevakians eat very little meat…that may perhaps explain their physiques and fitness.’ She indicated to the metal alloy supply box in the centre of the tent, ‘We simply smack the tin against something hard and it cooks itself…I think Heinz or Cross and Blackwell would like this technology.’

The Philippine grinned, wiping a tear from her eye as she nodded, leaning forward and cracking the red tin against the metal alloy, the shrill sound resounding across the resin walls. He turned to face Debra, her eyes widening in amazement as she looked down at the canister, ‘It’s glowing red hot…wow, this is cool stuff!’

Debra smacked her own tin off the metal plate, smiling widely as the canister grew intensely warm in her hand. Slowly she peeled the top away, warm steam engulfing her features as Shino copied her action, the aroma of cooked food filling the tent. Glancing around the hot blue canister, she pulled a resin spatula from the side, dipping it into the stew and tentatively raising the brown mush to her mouth to sniff. Slipping it into her mouth, she smiled at the intense flavour, grinning to Shino, ‘This is good!’

The Philippine grinned at the encouragement, retrieving the spatula and scooping a large quantity from her own container, depositing it hungrily into her mouth. Her eyes widened further, glistening in the light as they became moist and she coughed, ‘You weren’t joking…this is very hot! Spicy but nice…a little…a lot stronger than my mother’s cooking! Ok…a lot stronger!’

Debra giggled as Shino wiped a hand across her nose, the Philippine’s eyes now watering, ‘You sure you can eat that?’

Shino smiled back, her nose and eyes running, ‘I am Philippine…I can eat any spice!’ She extended her spatula expectantly, ‘Want to try? I bet Riaz will like this!’

Debra shook her head dismissively, laughing as tears flowed down Shino’s face, her hand waving in mock defensive response, ‘We share a tent…best I stick to this or there may be rumblings in the night!’ She tossed a water canister to the Philippine, ‘There you go dribbles!’

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