The Red Leopards of Zaxon B (Galaxies Collide Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: The Red Leopards of Zaxon B (Galaxies Collide Book 2)
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The first few defensive marines reached level 74, spilling out into the smoky corridor, their boots magnetically clamping to the floor below as bullets whipped around them. Small laser blasts swept from the walls, the station defence mechanisms targeting the Morgon silhouettes through the smoke that was slowly sucked out into space. More puffs followed, the subsequent flashes disorientating the targeting devices.

Bullets swept through the smoke, more flashes as two of the marines crumpled, the rest dropping to the shiny floor and returning fire. Brooks reached the top of the ladder, scrambling out into the corridor as blasts shook the walls. Turning, he shouted frantically through his helmet, ‘Come on! They are getting too strong!’

As Barone clambered through the opening, Brooks fired into the smoke, the butt of the assault rifle smacking into his shoulder armour. Silhouettes swept through the shroud, the marines firing controlled bursts as Barone scrambled upwards, hearing the commander’s shrill voice below, ‘Seal the deck above…’

Brooks grabbed his arm, the Trevakian marines rising and backing from the smoke to covered positions further back down the corridor, one shouting desperately, ‘Hold them here! Retreat further round the rim…let the auto guns weaken them!’

The hatch below Barone crunched shut, a searing welding torch applied below as blasts rocked the corridor once more, the smoke thickening.




Chapter Ten: On the defensive again


Lieutenant Kim was screaming at his South Korean soldiers, their lowered bodies encircling the small copter anti-air guns as their rifles pointed upwards in the darkness. His voice hoarse, Jozefina Kapralova ducked next to him, her eyes scanning the troops around for stragglers, ‘Stay with the guns…move away and the Morgon wingers will pick you off!’

Shrieks above and in the distance startled the soldiers, most glancing upwards nervously as their visors dropped, all pulsing red with multiple targets flashing. Commander Malikkas rose up, ‘Don’t fire unless you see them! Blue Leopards…magnesium flares on my command! Get Ready…everyone duck your heads or look above until your visors adapt!’ He turned to the soldier next to him, ‘I want markers around our positions…call in artillery to the east and request additional support!’ The soldier nodded, darting to the next copter to collect the potent lights as Malikkas turned to shout further orders, ‘Deploy Flares Now!’

The Blue Leopards slammed their flares into the earth, their heads turned away as the impact ignited the fierce light, all visors blackening abruptly. Shrieks of surprise came from above, the Morgon wingers blinded as the landscape below lit up intensely, Malikkas raising his assault rifle, ‘Blue Leopards…Fire! Bring them down!’

Muzzle flashes swept across the ground area, the specialist armoured unit targeting the blinded sky wingers above. The small laser turrets spun, their blasts of blue energy sweeping into the air as they auto-targeted the enemy in the dark sky. Sparks flew off the heavy armoured plate above, several wings shattered from the intense fire as bodies plummeted to earth, the lasers cutting through flesh and wings as smoke and steam poured from the anti-air batteries. The remaining Morgons attempted to gain altitude, veering away from the intense fire as more wing members fell, the durable armour crunching as it smacked heavily against the snow bound terrain. Body parts and shattered debris fell on the defenders, their heads ducked as they fired upwards blindly. Blue Leopards surged forward, firing on the stricken downed enemy as several attempted to rise.

Rees was engulfed in the acrid emission smoke from the nearby gun, staring wide eyed as a Herrakian Leopard crashed the butt of his weapon against a nearby rising Morgon, the shriek of anger cut short as high velocity bullets pierced the armoured helmet at close range, the glowing eyes dying as the body slumped backwards. Lieutenant Kim next to him kicked his leg, Rees recoiling in pain, the South Korean shouting wildly, ‘Fire at them!’

The young volunteer frantically raised his weapon, red surging across his visor as the butt shuddered into his shoulder, controlled bursts rising upwards against the winged assailants. Regaining focus and vision, tracers swept to earth, explosions ripping through the terrain as the Morgon wingers returned fire and dropped grenades.

Several of the defenders fell, high calibre bullets cracking through their upper body armour as they knelt to fire upwards. Bodies writhed in the pulsing light as several desperately attempted to remove smouldering armour, one winger dropping acid grenades. Rees continued to fire as silhouettes ran across the flashing lights before him to assist the wounded. His eyes stung from the smoke and acrid burning steam as a South Korean rolled in the dusted snow at his feet, Lieutenant Kim lunging forward to grab the wounded soldier, the pained screams filling their ears.

Jozefina fired burst after burst, the escorting Trevakian marine next to her running forward to grapple with a downed winger, the Morgon knocking the nearest Blue Leopard down and raising his weapon menacingly. Jo lowered her rifle, the butt shuddering against her as she emptied the clip towards the armoured enemy, his body spinning round as the close ranged bullets cracked through his breastplate, his knees sagging as the black body collapsed. The Trevakian slipped roughly to his knees, grasping the Blue Leopard and helping him upwards, dragging him back towards safety.

The magnesium flares pulsed as the Morgon wingers rose above, the intense fire from below too deadly to risk a full attack. Sweeping beyond their prey, they slowly dropped to earth some two clicks behind them, the armoured black troops releasing their wing attachments and removing the weapons, setting them onto the ground to act as small automated gun positions. Over two hundred highly armoured Morgons now assuming defensive positions behind the Blue Leopards and their accompanying soldiers.

The Blue Leopards and South Koreans swept their immediate area, cutting down the damaged and wounded Morgon wingers, the Heathrow volunteers remaining next to the anti-air lasers as ordered as armoured bodies were overwhelmed and smashed to the ground, single gunshots or bursts of fire ending any incursions. Several of the black clad infantry scrambled away, the Herrakian commander shouting desperately to the few pursuing soldiers, ‘Leave them…they are drawing you out.’ He glanced round, seeing a slight wide dip in the terrain, ‘Into the depression! Man the edges!’

Through the darkness from the east, the distant shrieks of Morgon infantry and their commanders caused the soldiers to stiffen, Commander Malikkas raising his glasses as he shouted, ‘Defensive positions!’




Chapter Eleven: The American contingent at the caves

Captain Mason ran half-crouched through the darkness, his men and a contingent of escorting Trevakian marines following behind. Irritated by the decision to send him and his men north, they moved along the lower side of the rising cliff face to their left, gradually moving towards the caves ahead. Flashes filled the horizon in the east, the fighting in the dark continuing as Trevakian marine units and their armour attempted to break through and drive the Morgons back. The distant rumbles of the many battles drifted across the landscape, the soldiers tensing as they slipped across debris and rocks in the dark, keen to reach their destination before the temperature dropped further.

Captain Mekeert of the Trevakian marine corps jogged behind her soldiers, her assault rifle held across her chest as she followed the forty strong group and the American commander. Their visors continually swept light blue, updating the terrain around them as their combat uniforms inflated slightly against the increasing bitter cold, snowflakes beginning to fall heavily around the figures and settling across the rocks.

Mason slowed, his breathing heavy as he saw the flickering torches ahead. They had been moving forward for over four hours and his body was beginning to feel the strain. Lowering to one knee, the soldiers dropped instinctively around him, his eyes straining through the visor for signs of life in the distance, the falling snow restricting his enhanced view.

Captain Mekeert dropped down next to him, field glasses rising to her eyes as she stared across the terrain ahead. Mason smiled briefly, glancing up and down her firm physique and chiselled features as she scanned the area before them, her hissed voice startling him, ‘This is a war captain…not a chance to become lovers…please keep focussed!’

The American’s eyes widened in surprise, a grin sweeping across his now stubbled face, ‘No offence intended Ma’am, but we don’t have military uniforms this exciting on earth…’

The glasses lowered, the female commander turning to look at him, her jaw tensing, ‘I see Trevakian armoured halftracks and jeeps at the mouth of the caves…the sentries seem relaxed, so I would presume this is a quiet part of the front…shall we proceed captain?’ The American nodded solemnly as his Trevakian counterpart continued, ‘…If you are looking at me, you will not see the Morgon that will end your life approach…I have no interest in being the last figure you see…please stay alert!’

Captain Mason nodded, grinning widely as he raised a gloved hand to his helmet, ‘Yes Ma’am…understood!’ He extended an arm politely, ‘Would you like to go first?’

Captain Mekeert shook her head firmly, ‘No…it is safe…I think it is time I watched you from afar. Your human bodies are not accustomed to these oxygen levels, please proceed captain!’

The American grimaced in defeat, turning his head, ‘Move up! Caves ahead…stay alert!’ He lunged forward, the Trevakian officer smiling faintly to herself as she watched his muscular figure dart around the rocks. Americans and Trevakians ran past her as she raised the glasses again, scanning the eastern horizon, darkened mountains rising up in the far distance, the flashes of bitter battle before them.

Mason ducked down before some rocks, the glow from the flickering torches extending to just before the cover. Glancing over, he grimaced as one of the grinning sentries indicated for him to come forward, whispering to himself, ‘These Trevakians are too damn smart for their own good!’ Slowly he rose, waving as the six other sentries turned to look at him, their arms rising in recognition as Mason shook his head in irritation.

A Trevakian marine jogged past, a grin beneath his visor as he whispered, ‘Our visors and equipment have been upgraded to recognise human life signs recently…we don’t want friendly fire incidents with our new allies…our weapons are not programmed for your bodies yet!’

The American rolled his eyes in irony, grinning as he walked forward, emerging from the rocks as others followed. Stepping between two halftracks, he looked across the defensive positions before the cave entrance. Three high walled sandbagged positions were placed around the wide darkened mouth, mounted laser cannons placed behind them. The six camouflaged tracked halftracks and three hover jeeps were positioned facing outwards in a semi-circle, four housing upper quad guns, their crews unloading the open rear doors with ammunition boxes and supplies.

Captain Mekeert stepped into the lighted clearing, the American glancing at her briefly before looking back to the flashes in the east. The Sentries saluted, raising their right fists to their breastplates as the Trevakian officer nodded in return, her voice rising, ‘Have we any updates on the situation to the east…how is the advance going?’

The sentry that had beckoned Mason stepped forward, ‘We have a communications officer in the caves Sir, she is monitoring what little radio traffic there is. The Morgon jamming is very effective, but we have established low level intercepts…we get some of their communications.’

The Trevakian captain nodded grimly, placing her hands on her hips, ‘Very well…get this comms officer for me please…I want to know what the situation is in the caves as well…why are they so important?’

The sentry nodded, smiling, ‘There is a machine in there Sir…Morgon we believe. The Silaks left some time ago, but we found it in a side room…it has been half destroyed apparently…or parts are missing…you will have to ask the officer…’

Mason drew next to Captain Mekeert, his eyes widening as the Trevakian officer indicated impatiently to the cave mouth, ‘Please get the officer for me then…’ The sentry nodded obediently, turning to jog into the darkened cave mouth, battery operated sensor lights flickering into life in the tunnel as he progressed.

Captain Mason nodded to another sentry, ‘Are there any other entrances?’

The soldier shook his head, ‘We are still exploring the caves…their entrances were blocked originally, we found them completely by accident…they extend a long way underground.’

Mason turned to Captain Mekeert, his eyes narrowing, ‘Why exactly am I here captain…the order did not make sense? This is something more than just simple tunnel clearances…tell me what it is!’

The Trevakian commander turned her head to look at him, her visor down and reflecting his features in the light, her voice lowering, ‘You are American intelligence…that is why you were chosen to come here and not fight on open ground…’ She sighed, ‘We are not stupid Captain Mason…a decorated soldier attached to the American Embassy in London? Chosen to immediately transport and associate with new allies…you are CIA or Special Forces and so are your fourteen accompanying ‘
She looked away, staring upwards into the night sky, ‘We have brought you here to show you what our enemy is like…there were reports of dismembered and shattered skeletons in the tunnels, several years old…not only will you understand the evil of what we face, but perhaps you can shed some light or ideas on these finds…what is our enemy doing? Has anything happened like this before to your people?’

Mason stared at her dumbfounded, his head shaking. Then a smile of defeat slowly spread across his features, his shoulders shrugging, ‘It seems your intelligence is very good too captain…yes, we are CIA, escorted by a small number of Special Forces…’

The Communications officer strode boldly from the mouth of the cave, nodding as she recognised the two commanders, striding towards them. She wore a blue fleet communications uniform and had an Alexion One fleet cap, her eyes sparkling in the light. Drawing breath and saluting formally, she pursed her lips, ‘I am glad you have arrived, the situation seems to be deteriorating…’ She hesitated as both captains’ smiles dropped, ‘The advance to the north has ground to a halt…heavy Morgon defences encountered with the marine commander believing he may even have to retreat to defensive positions. At present, he has reserves digging behind the main attack line.’

Captain Mekeert nodded, her jaw tensing, ‘Go on…’

The comms officer grimaced, ‘We have received word that in the south the marines have halted to regroup…the enemy is weaker there, but they are concerned about advancing without flank cover to their sides.’ She drew breathe deeply, ‘In the centre, we have just received word that the Blue Leopards are facing heavy resistance, they have been unable to break through to the villages and Morgon wingers have landed behind them, establishing defensive positions…they may even be now cut off. Their commander has just sent out a low level encryption message requesting assistance and artillery support, the enemy seem to be moving against them from the east. It might even have been a trap.’

Captain Mekeert stepped forward in curiosity, ‘Where is their heavy equipment and mobile reserves? Surely that will be enough to combat the enemy…’

The communications officer shook her head, ‘Major Hecklan’s idea was to drive the Morgons back on a wide front…push them back to their landing zones. He split the Blue Leopard reserves and moved them to the north and south to support the Trevakian marine advances…’

Mekeert turned away, swearing under her breath, her voice rising, ‘What actually do the Blue Leopards have? What forces are supporting them?’

The officer grimaced, shrugging, ‘Only some light air units and the human forces. The rear guard is positioned on the original launching off point, in the trenches above the rise. Mostly reserve troops and some supply units of the 2
Infantry and 16
Motorised, they are strengthening the defences and digging in…they are probably not on a fit state to advance...they were mauled in the initial Morgon landing…their troops are mentally shattered and…’

Captain Mekeert interrupted, her voice becoming strained, ‘If the Blue Leopards are overwhelmed, the Morgons will sweep towards Morasat. The destruction of one of our best units will be a massive blow to morale and probably mean the end…’ She shook her head in frustration, ‘The Leopards are designed to attack on a small front, to punch through and keep going…the marines sweep in behind them, destroying the survivors and bolstering the flanks. What was Hecklan thinking? I know the intel is weak, but the enemy seems to have unlimited reserves…throwing everything at one hope of winning is futile and could cost us the planet…’

She turned away, visibly upset as Captain Mason stepped forward, his visor rising, ‘What soldiers do you have here?’

The comms officer’s eyes widened, ‘Perhaps one hundred and twenty…not many, but the caves seem empty and abandoned, we could probably complete the mission with less…why, what are you thinking?’

Captain Mason turned to Mekeert, ‘Gather your troops, fill the halftracks and jeeps and we will move out to the south east…’ A lone green flare twisted into the air in the distance, pulsing across the terrain, a concerned patrol checking the terrain. He turned back to the officer, ‘Arrange the artillery support…’ The American glanced around, ‘Is there any more armour around here?’

The communications officer nodded willingly, her eyes twinkling in the light as the adrenalin rose, ‘Yes…four hover tanks and a couple more quad halftracks…I will get them moved down from the north…they can be here in a short time.’

Captain Mekeert strode away, shouting to her soldiers, ‘Mount up…reload the ammunition and some of the food onto the halftracks…we move south as soon as the tanks arrive!’




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