Read The Reluctant Alpha Online

Authors: A.K. Michaels

The Reluctant Alpha (11 page)

BOOK: The Reluctant Alpha
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“I’ll be careful. Gotta go, we’ve a lot to do here.”

She said goodbye and he hung up, turning to see Jacob smirking. “Don’t say a word. Not a word.”

“I didn’t say anything but since we’re alone I think you’re going to want to hear some other information I have.”

Cam sat back down. “Go,” was all he said as Jacob checked his screen.

“Okay.” Jacob scrolled down and then looked at Cam. “Philippe’s been buying up land as we already know, but, he’s got bids in on two parcels that could cause this Pack problems. One is to the North West and one is to the South East and Fearghas transports timber right through both of those areas. I can only assume Philippe is going to buy and then stop your uncle from using those roads. There’s no other way available for Fearghas unless he builds another road and that’s going to either be impossible as it would need to cut through property he doesn’t own or pay Philippe to use the roads. Neither is a good option.”

“When do the bids close?”

Jacob checked his screen again. “Tomorrow at midday.”

Cam pulled his phone out, hitting speed dial one. He didn’t even let Stracey say hello, “Jacob is going to send you some details of land that’s up for sale. Bidding ends tomorrow midday and I want them. He’ll let you know what to bid in the mail he sends you. Let me know as soon as it’s done.”

Stracey only said, “Of course.” And Cam hung up.

Looking pointedly at his PI he queried, “I assume you can find out Philippe’s bid?” Jacob nodded, “Good, add on another fifty thousand and send that figure to Ms. Hood.”

Jacob held his hand up, “Wait a minute, Cam. The land is tiny and I’m sure, wait a sec...”

Jacob’s fingers flew over the keyboard for a couple of minutes before he smiled, “Yeah, I thought so. Philippe’s bid is eight thousand for one and nine for the other and he’s outbid any others by a couple of thousand. You don’t need to pay fifty more.”

“I do,” Cam’s face was as hard as his voice, “if I want that land I need to make sure he doesn’t get it. I’m assuming he doesn’t have an extra $100K lying around?” Jacob shook his head. “Good, that means I get the land. Send the email, Jacob.”

“Fine,” Jacob grumbled, “but if you want to throw money away then throw it my way.”

Cam sniggered, “You have more than enough money and don’t even try to deny it.”

“I get by,” Jacob said as Cam laughed out loud.

“Get by! You get by? So how did you buy that Porsche? Or that Cartier that’s on your wrist?”

Jacob shrugged, “I saved?”

Cam laughed again. “Yeah, you saved up for a Porsche.”

The large Wolf laughed with Cam before giving up. “Yeah, okay, I’ve got a few dollars. Not as much as you, playboy, but enough.”

“So, we’ve gotten sidetracked. Let’s get back to Pascall and Quincy.”

Jacob scowled, “Do we have to? I felt as if I needed a long shower after dealing with those two, ‘specially Quincy.”

“Yes,” Cam said as he picked up one of the piles of paper, “we do. Now, Pascall is going to be easy, get his number and arrange a meet somewhere in town. Offer him enough to pay his debts off and some more and if he doesn’t bite then you can tell him it’s a case of take it or…”

Jacob’s face deadpan as he answered, “I do like the ‘or’ option but I’ll only go there if need be.”

“Organize another meet with Quincy. Take this shit here and let him know you’re going to hand him and it over to the Council if he doesn’t sign over his percentage. Offer him ten $10K in cash and that’s all.”

Jacob’s face turned hard, full of anger as he replied, “We’re not letting him get away are we? I just want him to sign then I’d like to take him somewhere nice ‘n private for a little one on one.”

Cam stared at Jacob, cocking his head to the side then raising an eyebrow. “How well do you know me? You think I’d let him go? Really?”

Cam saw Jacob’s eyes widen before his mouth broke into a grin. “Thank fuck for that, ‘cause I’m not sure I’d’ve let him go even if you’d said to. So, what’s your plan for him?”

“Matthieu,” Cam nodded toward the pile of papers that held the disgusting images of Quincy. “We give him that and the time of the meet and he can pick him up afterward. I have a feeling Quincy will have a rough ride with that particular Wolf. Matthieu doesn’t come across as if he’ll be gentle with a Wolf that’s done what Quincy has.”

“Good,” Jacob’s voice full of hatred, “makes me feel a bit better but I’d still like my own time alone with the bastard.”

“Me too, but we have other things to take care of, my friend. We need to keep this Pack safe.”



Cam went to the fridge, putting out some fruit to snack on just as Fergie and the boys arrived back, joking and laughing as they entered the kitchen. Fergie looked as if he’d been given a new lease on life, his smile wide and eyes alive with mischief. Just the way he used to be before being attacked and left for dead.

“Fergie,” Cam caught his cousin’s attention, “I’ve a job for Matthieu and the Council. Can you give him this paperwork and ask him to liaise with Jacob regarding picking this fuck up?”

Fergie reached for the sheaf of papers and Cam cautioned, “I’d warn against looking at this. It’s not pretty and you’ll only feel disgusted and angry. Just get it to Matthieu please.”

“Okay, cuz, whatever you say.” Fergie placed the papers on his lap and wheeled away quickly.




“Angel, where are you?” Fergie asked as soon as he closed the door of their cabin. His need to hold his mate burning deep inside him.

“I’m here, ma cherie.” Angel appeared from the kitchen, a pile of laundry in her arms. “I’m just going to put these away. Did you have fun getting the sensors set up and meeting with your cousin?”

“Put them down and come here.” Fergie’s voice was husky as his arousal grew. A mere glimpse of his mate was all that it took.

“Oh! I see my Wolf is amorous tonight. Oui?” Angel laughed, placing the laundry on a chair and skipping over to him.

As soon as he could he grabbed her, his thick strong arms, pulling her to sit on his lap. “I am, my little minx, especially after the crap I’ve just seen. I need you, Angel.”

“What’s wrong?” Angel’s eyes staring at him, worry on her face.

“One of the Wild Ranch Pack, he’s a fucking monster. He, he, well, let’s just say he preys on kids.”

“No! Surely an Alpha wouldn’t allow that? Even one as bad as Dupont?”

“He does, he apparently doesn’t give a shit one of his inner circle is a pedophile. Fuck!” Fergie ran a hand over his face, “Come to me, baby, I need you to take those fucking images outta my head.”

She was on his lap, her arms around his neck, in a flash, the feel of her body against him calming his inner beast. Angel pressed her lips to his, his heart beating wildly as her hands caressed his face. “Let’s go to bed, ma cherie.” Her words stroking against his mouth.

“You know I love you? Don’t you?” Fergie murmured against her luscious lips.

Angel’s tongue licked his mouth before gently biting his bottom lip. “I do, but not as much as I love you. Now, take me to bed and let that tongue loose on my body!”

Fergie chuckled as he wheeled them towards their room, Angel’s hands doing sinful things to his body as they went. “Help me forget what I saw, Angel.”

Her head lowered, nibbling on his neck, “I will, ma cherie, I will,” she whispered as they reached their room.

“Good,” was all he said as his lips claimed hers in a scorching kiss.




“Are guards organized? Shifts set in place?” Jacob asked as he typed furiously on his keyboard.

“Yes and yes. We’re taking over at dawn but it’s covered ‘til then.” Mac replied as he got a beer from the fridge and sat down.

Jacob nodded. “Good. All sensors are active and an alarm will go off here if one is triggered. I’ll have this beside my bed, wherever that is, and it’ll wake me. Fuck, the noise will probably wake everyone up so if you hear it then get your asses’ outta bed.”

“Will do,” Cam muttered as his mind wandered to the white Wolf. He could see her clearly as she ran through the forest and once again his stomach clenched tight.




“Cam,” Rory braved Cam being upset at him, taking the bull by its horns and asking what he’d wanted to since they’d walked in. “Is it okay if I go and meet Charlie? I promise I’ll get to bed at a decent time and be up for our shift at dawn.”

Cam frowned. “Charlie? Who the hell is Charlie?”

Jinx laughed as Logan smirked, Rory knew he was blushing. “Charlie’s the She-Wolf I met last night. Her name’s Charlotte but she prefers Charlie.”

Mac smirked as he put his beer down. “She followed us around as we put the sensors out. She’s like a little…”

“Shut up, Mac!” Rory spat out through clenched teeth. “I told you earlier to pack it in. I won’t say it again.”

Rory could feel his anger rising as Mac spoke and he fought to control it. He was sure Cam wouldn’t appreciate if he punched Mac square on the nose, like he desperately wanted to. Rory felt his anger recede as his longing to go and meet up with Charlotte rose. He watched as Cam looked between him and Mac.

“So long as you don’t forget your commitment to us, Rory.” Cam stared hard at him. “We’ll need you alert for your shift, the Pack’s safety is in our hands right now and we can’t jeopardize that for anything or anyone. Okay?”

Rory’s heart soared. “Yes, I understand. See you at dawn.”

He was already walking backwards while he spoke and as soon as he finished he turned around and bolted outside. Charlotte was waiting for him, sitting on the bottom step to the house. As she turned to look up at him, her face broke into a wide, beaming smile and his stomach was suddenly full of butterflies.

“Hi,” he managed to get out as she stood up, “you’re still here.”

“What an idiot! Of course she’s still here!”
he thought as she held out a hand to him.

“I told you I’d wait.” She grinned as he took her hand.

“Where shall we go?” he asked as they walked away from the house. The feel of her hand in his so good he clasped it tighter.

“Well, my dad is on guard duty and it’s only him and me in our cabin.” Her eyes twinkled as she looked up into his eyes, a rather cheeky look on her face.

“Really?” Rory grinned like a kid. “Where’s your mum?”

“Mom, we say mom here and she’s away visiting her sister for a few days. So, my true Highland Wolf, we have the place to ourselves.”

“I see.” Rory squeezed her hand. “I just gotta check though, is that okay? Your Pack doesn’t have rules ‘bout that? A single female taking a male back to their cabin? I don’t want to upset anyone ‘cause Cam would kick my ass if I did.”

Charlie shrugged. “Nope, we’re pretty free around here and I’m old enough so there’s no problem.”

“How old?” Rory asked, wondering for the hundredth time since he’d met her.

“I’m an adult, Rory, don’t worry.” Charlie pulled him onwards. “How old are you?”

Rory laughed, “Oh I think you’d be surprised. I’m a lot older than I look.”

“Same here.” Charlie smirked.

“Let’s just agree we’re both adults and free to do as we wish. How’s that?” Rory asked as she tugged him up some stairs and into a small cabin.

“Agreed.” Charlie swept her arm outwards. “Welcome to my home, Highland boy.”

“I’m no boy, Charlie.” Rory only looked around for a second or two before his eyes landed back on hers.

“Good,” she said and bit her lower lip, “‘cause I’m not looking for a boy. I want a man and they’re in short supply around here.”

Rory frowned. “What’re you talking about? This is a large Pack and there’s a lot of Wolves. They can’t all be young boys.”

Charlie only stared at him, seconds turned into a minute before she reached a finger up and ran the tip along his lips. “Nobody for me here. I’ve been looking for a long time, Rory from Scotland, and nobody has ever got under my skin.”

Rory opened his mouth, letting her finger slip along his lips as his heart rate rocketed. “I do?”

Charlie nodded, going on her tiptoes as her hand moved to the back of his neck, pulling him down towards her. “Good,” he said as he grabbed her to him, his lips finally meeting hers in a scorching kiss.

His breathing irregular as he grasped her closer and closer, moving them backwards until she hit the wall. One of his hands curled tight in her long dark hair as the other seized her ass and pulled her up. As soon as he did, her legs wrapped around his waist and she sank her tongue deep inside his mouth to dance with his.

“Bedroom,” he mumbled as his hardness grew, his senses on overload while her scent invaded his entire being. His Wolf howled loudly when she removed her legs from his waist to stand before him.

Charlie’s pupils were so dilated her eyes looked almost black as she smiled up at him. “This way, Highland boy.”

Rory felt a growl rumble in his chest as he followed her. “I’ve told you, I’m no boy.”

Charlie laughed as she ran the last few feet towards the door to her bedroom, tugging him in behind her. Rory didn’t even take time to look around, as soon as he saw her bed he picked her up and carried her towards it. “Let me show you I’m no boy,” he growled when her lips found his once again.

“Show me,” she breathed into his mouth as they made it to the bed.

Rory placed her on the bed, his hands moving lightning fast to remove her clothes and boots. As his fingers touched her soft skin he growled again, his eyes raking over her body. The sight of her in only her bra and panties causing his cock to twitch almost painfully within the confines of his jeans.

“Your turn,” she purred as she moved to get more comfortable, her head on a pillow, she stared at him as if he was her next meal.

He cocked his head to the side, watching her as he pulled his own clothes off. When his shirt left his body he heard her gasp and he clearly heard her heart rate picking up. “Now, Charlie, do I
like a boy to you?”

Shaking her head, she bit her bottom lip again, “Nope,” was all she said as her eyes moved to his fingers, now undoing his jeans.

Rory kicked off his boots, leaning down to remove his socks before standing up straight. Charlie’s eyes glued to the waistband of his pants as he slowly lowered them. A chuckle escaped him as she let out a long breath when his full nakedness came into view.

“Wow!” she exclaimed, as her eyes widened at his arousal.

Rory lay down next to her, taking her in his arms, as they kissed with abandon. His hands running up and down her body before landing on her breast. As he slid her nipple between two fingers she melted back into the bed, his own body moving to cover hers.

One of Charlie’s hands held the back of his neck, her fingers in his hair as her other hand ran her nails down his back. She wasn’t being gentle and he could feel small drips of blood pool where her nails raked his skin. Rory moved a knee to open her legs as he moved to cover her completely, his hardness nearing her entrance.

Their passion reaching heights he had never encountered before as his mind was consumed by her; body, scent and soul. A fleeting thought of protection ran through his desire addled brain before her hand landed on his ass, urging him towards her. With one last movement he slid inside, a low roar erupting from his throat as they moved in unison toward that great precipice.

Charlie’s screams of passion bringing him nearer and nearer his release. His name torn from her lips as her head fell back, her orgasm hitting hard as she clamped tightly around him. It was at that point he knew he could last no longer, his seed erupting deep inside her, his head thrown back as he howled loudly.

Rory only just managed to stop himself from sinking his teeth deep into her, marking her as his.
“What the fucking hell?”
he thought as he retracted his fangs that were now filling his mouth.
“That’s never happened before!”
His mind in turmoil at the feelings coursing through him.

As his mind cleared he looked down into Charlie’s beautiful face. A face that shone with passion and contentment. “You okay?” he asked quietly, hoping he hadn’t hurt her.

“I’m more than okay, my Highland Wolf.” She beamed up at him and he noted she didn’t use “boy.”

“Fuck! Shit!” he cursed as he realized they’d not used a condom. “I’m sorry,” he apologized and she raised an eyebrow in question. “Protection, we didn’t use any,” he clarified and saw the comprehension hit.

Charlie placed her hands on his chest, pushing him off her, before jumping up and running to the bathroom attached to her room. He could clearly hear her curse and swear as she turned on a shower. Rory sat up, placing his head in his hands as he took several deep breaths.

“How could you be so stupid?”
he thought, over and over as he heard something that almost broke his heart.

Rory got up quickly, striding to the bathroom and finding Charlie sitting on the toilet seat, tears running down her face. He knelt in front of her, placing his finger under her chin to lift her head. Her red-rimmed eyes met his and she hiccupped as he kissed her lips gently.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, “it’s my fault, I should’ve stopped and gotten a condom.”

Charlie shook her head. “No, it’s not just your fault. I should’ve told you to wear one but, fuck, Rory, I’ve never felt like that before.”

Rory sighed. “Me neither, but it doesn’t excuse my lack of thought. I’m really sorry.”

“As I said, it’s not all on you, Rory. Let’s just keep our fingers crossed that your seed didn’t take root, ‘cause I’m darn sure neither of us wants that right now.”

BOOK: The Reluctant Alpha
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