The Reluctant First Lady (26 page)

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Authors: Venita Ellick

BOOK: The Reluctant First Lady
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Ashley didn’t like the sound of Robert’s voice. “No. Is something wrong?”

“He was in a bad car accident this morning. He was hit broadside by a semi that ran a red light. He’s alive, but barely. He hasn’t regained consciousness. The doctors don’t know the extent of his injuries, so they’re running tests and keeping him under observation in the ICU. I’m going to see him this afternoon.”

“Have you talked to his wife?”

“Just briefly. She called to let me know about the accident.”

“Oh, Robert, this is just horrible. Poor Ted—and Cynthia. It makes me sick. Would you please call me after you’ve seen him? I’d like to send something to the hospital to let them know I’m thinking of and praying for him.”

“Will do. I’ll call as soon as I know more,” Robert said

“Thanks. I’m sorry we have to deal with business right now, but I just got off the phone with Geoffrey Carruthers, and true to his word, he’s planning to host an open house to promote further donations to the museum. He’s decided to hold it at his house in the Hamptons rather than at his apartment in New York, and he’s set the date for June twelfth.

“Remember how you wanted me to be careful around Geoffrey? Well, Michael feels the same way. So I was hoping you’d go with me to the open house. I told Geoffrey I’d talk to you, and I thought it would be a good idea for us both to attend. How about it? Will you go with me?”

“Hang on; I’ll check my calendar. Did you say the twelfth of June? If you did, I’m free and you can let your mind rest. We’ll go as a united front.”

“That’s great. I would have attended without you, but Michael would have my head on a platter. I’m so glad you’ll be able to make it. I’ll be a lot more comfortable with you and my security agents close at hand. I have another favor. Would you please call Mr. Carruthers and confirm the date and that we’ll both be there?”

“Of course, but Geoffrey hasn’t said or done anything unseemly, has he?” Robert asked.

“No. But I can sense his mind working overtime when I’m around him, and he watches me as if he’s constantly assessing me against some sort of standard and deciding if I pass muster. It unnerves me, but I’d die before I’d admit it to him. Plus, I get the impression he wouldn’t be opposed to some sort of dalliance. He’s stepping around the issue very carefully. Then there’s always the chance I’m imagining it all.”

“Personally, I’d go with your instincts. Rest assured, I’ll be with you at the open house.”

“Thanks. Please call me later about Ted. You won’t forget?”

“No. I promise I’ll call as soon as I know something.”

Ashley hung up. Once again, she was aware of how fragile life is, and that no matter how much you planned, the future was completely capricious.


Ashley had promised to call Michael after she’d talked to Juliette and Jeremy, and even though it was late, she knew he’d still be up. His workload had quadrupled since he took office. For that matter, his work hours were 24/7. He was always on duty. He was always the president.

His voice came on the line. “I’m so glad you called.”

“I promised I’d call and let you know how the kids were, so I’m reporting in. I hope I didn’t wake you.”

“I wish. That would mean my day had actually ended, but no such luck,” Michael said.

Michael sounded exhausted. “I hope you’re taking care of yourself and getting some exercise. I was recently thinking about how much the presidency always ages the person in office. I’d prefer for that not to happen to you. Are you taking your vitamins?”

Michael ignored her comment about the vitamins. “So, were you able to talk to both of the kids?”

“I was, and after talking to them, I realized again how much I miss them. I wish we all lived on the same coast. And sometimes, I wish I could turn the clock back and make them little again.”

“You’re in a sentimental mood today. Have you forgotten how they drove you crazy when they were growing up? Do you remember when they hid the tape recorder under the sofa to record our conversations? Or when Jeremy was about three and he got his hands on a screwdriver and unscrewed every screw in the house he could reach?”

“No. I don’t remember any of those things. I remember holding them in my arms before they went to sleep, wishing I could stop time because those moments were so perfect.”

“Typical mom. The kids grow up and they become saints. So, how are the saints?”

“They sound great. I’m glad they’re both working toward degrees in something they’re passionate about. They’re healthy and seem to be having minimal problems in the boyfriend and girlfriend department although I think Juliette is getting serious about Eric. Other than that, things are pretty much status quo for them.”

“What makes you think Juliette is getting serious?”

“Instinct. She’s like you; it’s not so much what she says as what she doesn’t say that you need to listen for. Anyway, they’re both fine.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I need to give them a call too. I’ll do that in the next couple of days. I miss them too.”

“Michael, there’s a couple of other things I need to tell you.” Ashley relayed the news about Ted. “Now for this next part, please stay calm until you hear me out. Do you think you can do that?”

“No promises with an intro like that. What’s up?”

“Geoffrey Carruthers is . . .”

“Damn it, Ashley. I told you to stay away from him.”

“Do you want to hear what I have to say or continue to yell at me?”

“Go on.”

“Anyway, Geoffrey Carruthers is hosting an open house at his house in the Hamptons to raise money for the museum. I need to go; however, Robert will be going with me as well as the Secret Service. So there’s really nothing for you to worry about.”

“I could send an entire division of marines to guard you, and I still wouldn’t feel comfortable having you around him. That man is up to something, and I don’t want you anywhere near him.”

“Then perhaps you’d like to go instead of me because part of my job is doing everything I can to drum up additional funds for the museum, and what you’re telling me is to not do my job.”

“Just let Robert attend the damn thing.”

“Robert and I talked about that; however, we know that having me there will attract more potential contributors. I don’t like being used in this way; still, it’s for the sake of the museum. You know, you could go with me.”

“When is this lovely little affair?”

“June twelfth. Would you consider going? I’d love to have you there.”

‘Unfortunately I’ll still be in Europe. Otherwise I’d make every effort to go.”

“Honey, please understand; this is something I have to do for my job. Also, I’m not asking your permission. I’m explaining to you what’s going to happen. I don’t like it any better than I liked you going to the state dinner with Paula, but it’s the kind of thing we both have to do.”

“You’re right. In spite of that, I want you to be extremely careful and make sure you’re never alone with that creep. He’s not to be trusted. I can feel it.”

“I’ll do my very best, I promise. With Robert—and Dave and Matt—around, I’ll be perfectly safe.”

“Tell me more about Ted.”

“He still hasn’t regained consciousness, and that’s a bad sign. The longer he’s out, the more danger there is of his not regaining consciousness. Robert visited him the other day, and so far the doctors aren’t very encouraging. Naturally we’re all hoping for a complete recovery.”

“Please let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to do at this end, Ash. I know you’re very fond of Ted.”

“Yes, I am, and I appreciate the offer. He’s a good man and great director for the museum. It would be a senseless tragedy if he makes less than a complete recovery. There’s also something I’ve been mulling over I’d like to share with you. I’ve been giving our situation a lot of thought, and there are some things nagging at the edges of my brain. I need some time to put it all together, but when I do, I’d really appreciate some time with you to discuss what I’ve yet to figure out.”

“That’s about as clear as mud, Ashley. I think I’m following you although at this time of night nothing makes much sense. When you’re ready to talk, I’ll be ready to listen.”

“Thanks. Listen, I’d better let you go. Please keep in touch when you can. I worry about you. With our schedules, time seems to have a way of evaporating. Goodnight, sweetheart.”


Ashley found it hard to believe almost six months had passed since the inauguration. The passing months were almost a blur, so much had happened. However, a quick scan of her calendar revealed each overbooked and grueling day.

The plan she’d been working on for the past several months was taking shape. She’d secured the necessary essentials to implement her scheme if and when the appropriate occasion arose, assuming that the right set of circumstances ever occurred. She was keenly aware of what was at stake if she followed through with her plan and that if it wasn’t executed with care, people she loved could be hurt by her actions. Unfortunately her loved ones were bound to be upset even if she took the utmost care in turning her thoughts into actions.

She missed Michael. He’d been gone for over a week on his trip to Europe, and communication between them had been scarce. Between the time difference and their schedules, finding a good time to talk was a challenge. She tracked his movements through the media. Fortunately the press he was getting from his trip was better than she’d expected. A sharp pain stabbed her insides every time she saw a picture of Michael, especially if Paula was in it too. He felt so far away. They’d been separated by continents before in their parallel yet separate lives, but this time for some reason, Ashley was having a more difficult time coping.

Ashley had wanted to accompany him on his first trip to Europe as president, yet she knew she couldn’t take any more time off after all the time at Christmas and for the inauguration. Plus, she had the open house at Geoffrey’s this coming weekend. She was thankful for his generous support, and in all honesty, she didn’t perceive him as a threat to her. Although she didn’t enjoy the cocktail party circuit, her job requirements demanded she attend.

On the afternoon of the open house, Ashley and her Secret Service agents arrived at Robert’s apartment to pick up him and his wife, Audrey. Riding together only made sense.

The event wasn’t formal, but the late afternoon gathering demanded something a little dressier than beach clothes, a certain casual chic style.

Ashley chose to wear a bright crimson and gold sari, its neckline and sleeves trimmed in three inches of gold banding. She thought East Indian women had the right idea about their style of dress. They chose absolutely beautiful fabrics, colorful and comfortable to boot.

She wore her hair down in loose waves, which looked as though she’d spent the day at a fashionable salon to get the very coveted windblown look but was just what her thick hair did naturally. She was happy with her choice of comfortable clothes.

Ashley felt as if she had everything under control where Geoffrey was concerned although she knew Michael’s feelings were quite different. Where other men were concerned, Michael had always been extremely jealous. He should know by now that she wasn’t as open and trusting as he believed. She let very few people get past the barriers she erected.

The black SUV pulled up in front of Robert’s apartment building, and Dave got out to wait for him in the lobby. The wait was longer than Ashley had expected. She reminded Robert earlier that day what time they’d be by to pick him up, and he was generally a very punctual man. She was surprised he was taking so long. She, on the other hand, was habitually late, always thinking she had enough time to cram one more thing into her schedule before she had to leave for an appointment.

A few more minutes passed before Dave came back to the car. “I’ve got some upsetting news. Robert won’t be able to attend the open house with you. He and his wife just received news that their son, Rick, has had a heart attack. They’re leaving immediately for the hospital where he’s been taken.”

“Oh my God. Rick isn’t that old. Maybe I should go see if there’s anything I can do to help.”

“I don’t think there is, Mrs. Taylor. They’re leaving immediately.”

“Well, at least I can give them my love and let them know I’ll be praying for Rick. Hang on for a second while I run in and talk to Robert.”

Ashley got out of the car and headed toward the building. Dave scrambled out of the car to keep up with her. Just as she reached the front door to the apartment building, Robert and Audrey were coming out. A cab pulled up behind the SUV and gave a short honk.

Ashley reached out to Robert and Audrey, hugging one and then the other. “I won’t keep you. I’m so sorry to hear about Rick. I’ll be praying for him. I’ll call later to check on his progress.”

“Thanks, Ashley.” Robert and his wife headed toward the cab. He turned back to address Ashley. “I’m sorry I won’t be able to go with you to the open house.”

“Nonsense. That’s the last thing that should be on your mind. I’ll handle everything. Just remember, you’re taking my love and prayers with you. Now go.”

Ashley got back into the SUV, clearly shaken. She voiced her fears to Matt and Dave. “I can’t believe it. Rick’s about the same age as Michael. I only hope everything will be all right. I won’t allow myself to think any other way. Anyhow, it’ll just be us for tonight.”

Ashley was thinking of her kids and of Michael. First she had been jolted by Ted’s car accident and the fact that life was so precarious and now Rick. This was further proof that she couldn’t take anything for granted. You never know how much time you have left with the ones you love. Each day should be cherished. Again, she thought of her plan. Were these tragedies a sign she should continue?


The open house was in full swing by the time Ashley arrived. Valet parking was being provided, but Matt flashed his credentials to the young man parking cars, indicating his services would not be needed.

Matt stopped the SUV in front of the house, and Dave got out and opened the car door for Ashley. They’d wait in front of the house for Matt to park the car and return. Only then would Ashley enter Mr. Carruthers’s home.

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