Read The Reluctant Lark Online
Authors: Iris Johansen
“She’s gorgeous,” Marcy admitted reluctantly. “She’s quite a famous model when she’s not jetting around with the beautiful people.” Then as her eyes caught a movement at the entrance at the top of the stairs, she added wryly, “It appears that you’re about to be afforded the opportunity to judge for yourself. I believe Miss Scott has just finished gilding the lily.”
Sheena wondered gloomily what Donna Scott could possibly have done that would have improved her already
radiant appearance. Her sparkling white ski jacket with fox fur trim was cut with an understated elegance, and it clothed a tall, sleek figure that still was voluptuously curved. Her long, ash-blond hair was styled in a sophisticated pageboy that framed a depressingly perfect face. Her pansy blue eyes were glowing meltingly, and her lips were parted in a brilliant smile as she came toward Challon, her hands outstretched.
Sheena could not hear her words as she greeted Challon, but she could see that the woman’s smile widened delightedly at Challon’s reply. It seemed that Rand was not as angry at Donna Scott’s arrival as Marcy believed, Sheena thought vexedly, as the ravishing blond pressed a warm kiss on Challon’s lips before slipping her arm intimately through his.
Donna Scott and Challon had been joined by a thin, dapper man in his late forties, and the trio were now walking toward them.
Sheena bit her lower lip in annoyance as she noticed the way the model was clinging to Rand’s arm and the look of indulgent amusement in Rand’s eyes as he looked down at her vivacious face.
“Sheena, I’d like you to meet an old friend, Donna Scott,” Rand said, as they reached the hangar. “This is Sheena Reardon, Donna.” He clapped the slight, wiry man on the shoulder. “And this is Thad Knowleton. You’ve already met, but you’ve unfortunately found him very forgettable.”
“A hazard of my profession,” the doctor said wryly. His handshake was firm and his blue eyes both gentle and keen behind his horn-rimmed glasses. “You’re looking very much better than the last time I saw you, Miss Reardon. How are you feeling?”
Challon frowned impatiently. “You can go into all that later, Thad. I want you to give her a thorough examination this afternoon. Laura should have brunch ready. Let’s go on up to the cabin.”
Sheena noticed that her own polite acknowledgment of the introduction to Donna Scott had been met with
a vague nod and a pleasant smile that still managed to contain an almost childlike curiosity. “Have we met before?” she asked in a clear, bell-like tone that was oddly incongruous with her sultry appearance. “Rand and I have a number of the same friends. I’m sure that I’ve seen you somewhere.”
“No, you haven’t,” Challon said emphatically, taking her arm and turning her firmly toward the path that led to the cabin.
Despite this assurance the model continued to give Sheena occasional puzzled glances over her shoulder as she climbed the hill to the cabin. In her indignant surprise, Sheena barely noticed that Rand had left her to trail behind with Marcy Lovett while he strode ahead with Knowleton and the gorgeous model on either side. She had grown used to Challon’s exclusive attention, and she found it a trifle disconcerting to be so casually dismissed at the first appearance of these visitors from the outside world. Not that it mattered to her if an entire harem of Challon’s old flames chose to drop in, she thought crossly.
Why should it bother her if instead of the dangerously exciting level of communication that she had become accustomed to, she was being treated with the amused indulgence that he might have displayed toward his favorite niece? After all, she had known that this crazy obsession Challon had for her would eventually fade in the light of reality. She had just not thought that reality would be embodied by the lush, provocative figure of one Donna Scott.
That the gorgeous blond was attracting Challon to her like a powerful magnet was evidenced over brunch. The model was sitting next to him, and he exerted a cosmopolitan charm on the entire company that was dazzling in its appeal. Sheena could not even recognize the man she had grown to know over the last two weeks in this sophisticated tycoon. His attitude toward her had undergone a complete metamorphosis in the time it had taken for his former mistress to get off the
plane. Former mistress? Judging by the attention he was lavishing on the voluptuous Miss Scott, the relationship was very much in the present.
To her infinite frustration, she couldn’t even find fault with Donna Scott. The woman was perfectly enchanting. It was obvious that Marcy was correct that the lovely Miss Scott wasn’t overly bright, but she more than made up for it with an endearing little-girl air and almost effusive friendliness. Even Sheena received her share of the model’s wide-eyed interest. An interest that Rand immediately deflected back to himself, she noticed grimly.
Sheena was more than eager to leave the table when Challon stood up and turned to Knowleton to say briskly, “Suppose you take Sheena up to her room and give her that examination now, Thad. I have to go over those contracts with Marcy.” He checked the gold watch on his wrist. “I’d like to see you in my study in an hour, if that’s convenient for you.”
Knowleton nodded and rose leisurely to his feet. “That should give me plenty of time,” he agreed. He cocked an eyebrow inquiringly at Sheena. “If you’re ready, Miss Reardon?”
Sheena nodded, a stormy frown darkening her face. Even if she hadn’t been very eager to escape from the dining room, she knew that Rand would have found a way of disposing of her troublesome presence. “I’m quite ready,” she said icily, throwing her napkin down on the table.
“And what about me?” Donna Scott asked, her lips pursed in a provocative pout. She placed a perfectly manicured hand on Challon’s arm caressingly. “You’re surely not going to desert me after I’ve come all this way to see you. Can’t those boring old contracts wait for a while, darling?”
Challon lifted the hand on his arm to his lips. “You’re going to use my bedroom and take a nice long siesta,” he said lightly, as he kissed her palm lingeringly. “You left Houston at a god-awful hour, and you must be
exhausted. I want you well-rested when I get out from under this paperwork.”
There was a wealth of meaning in the last sentence, and the gorgeous model responded with a smile filled with delight.
“I promise that you won’t be disappointed,” she said huskily, moistening her lips in sultry invitation. “You won’t be long, Rand?”
He shook his head with an intimate smile that pledged as much as her own. “You know me better than that. When could I ever wait?”
Sheena felt an obscure sense of shock at the blatantly sexual overtones of that conversation. He might as well have boldly stated to the entire company how he intended on spending the rest of the afternoon. She felt suddenly violently sick to her stomach.
She pushed back her chair hurriedly. “If you’ll excuse me,” she muttered, jumping up and almost running from the room. She barely made it to her bathroom upstairs before she lost the meal she had just eaten. After she had brushed her teeth and bathed her face in cold water, she was a little better, but she still felt a little nauseated, and there was a queer throbbing ache in her breast. She must be coming down with something, she assured herself feverishly. Why else would she be swept up in this painful turmoil? She almost welcomed the soft knock that announced the arrival of Thad Knowleton.
Her relief was rapidly dissipated as the doctor proceeded to ask her to put on a robe and then gave her the most embarrassingly thorough physical she’d ever received. It was accompanied with a barrage of questions that caused the color to mount to her cheeks and remain through the entire interview. When he was finally satisfied, he sat back in the easy chair beside her bed and said, “You’re very much improved, Miss Reardon. I have a few recommendations that I’ll take up with Rand, but on the whole I couldn’t be more pleased with your progress.” He smiled. “I admit that I
was a trifle concerned when you had to leave us so abruptly downstairs, but I’m sure it was just a temporary indisposition.”
“I thought perhaps I might have a touch of the flu,” Sheena suggested tentatively.
Thad Knowleton shook his head as he closed his bag and fastened it securely. “I think you’ll find you’re completely recovered very shortly,” he said with a curious smile. “By tomorow at the latest.” He stood up. “Well, it’s time I presented myself in the study with my report.” He smiled wryly. “Despite Rand’s courteous phrasing, he fully expects me to be right on time with the information he wants from me. A very dynamic and demanding man, our Rand Challon.” He moved toward the door. “I’ll see you at dinner, Miss Reardon.”
As the door closed behind him, Sheena sat up on the bed and zipped up her robe. She’d just swung her legs off the bed when there was a cursory knock and the door opened.
“I saw Thad leave, and I thought that we could have a little chat,” Donna Scott said brightly, as she entered the room and closed the door behind her. She leaned against the door, looking enchantingly feminine in the pink satin wrapper that lovingly outlined her generous curves. “I got a little bored waiting for Rand.” She made a little moue. “He has a habit of forgetting everything when business raises its ugly head.” Her violet eyes darkened dreamily. “I don’t really mind, I suppose. He always makes up for it when he does remember me.”
Sheena felt a thrust of pain that nearly took her breath away. “I don’t know what we have to discuss, Miss Scott,” Sheena said quietly, feeling a twinge of nervous tension in the pit of her stomach. “And I really must go down and help Laura with the washing up.”
“That will wait.” Donna Scott moved toward the window seat and settled herself gracefully. “There’s something I want to ask you.”
Sheena sighed as she rose and crossed to lean against the brown easy chair. “Then I suppose you might as
well go ahead with it.” There was no chance the blond wouldn’t do that anyway, she thought bitterly. She could see now why Rand compared her tactics to that of a steamroller. Not that the realization of her character had prevented him from inviting her to roll right over him.
Donna Scott crossed one lovely leg over the other and smiled sweetly. “I think you know why I’m here. I was Rand’s mistress for over six months, and I intend to have him back. I want you to help me.”
Sheena’s lips dropped open in surprise. “Me?” she asked faintly, “You want me to help you?”
Donna Scott nodded eagerly. “I know you’ll want to help Rand and me with our reconciliation after he’s been so kind to you. He told me how he brought you here to recuperate after you became ill.” Her lovely pansy eyes appraised Sheena’s fragile form and frowned. “You’re still dreadfully thin, aren’t you?” Then her face cleared. “But Thad did say you were much better.”
“Yes, much better,” Sheena echoed numbly. So that was the excuse Challon had given his mistress for her presence in the cabin. She felt a knife-thrust of pain, and then a slow burning anger began to kindle.
“Then I’m sure you won’t mind leaving a little earlier than you’d planned,” Donna said complacently. When she caught Sheena’s stunned expression, she rushed on. “Not that Rand and I wouldn’t be happy to have you stay with us at some later time. Rand explained how close your two families have been over the years. It’s just that right now we have a few differences to straighten out, and we need a little time alone together.”
“I see,” Sheena said, over the lump in her throat. “And have you discussed this with Rand?”
Donna shook her head. “Not yet, but I’m sure he’ll agree.” She smiled dreamily. “You saw the way he behaved at lunch. I’m sure he’s missed me as much as I’ve missed him.” Her face clouded with puzzlement. “I can’t understand why he’s been acting so peculiar lately. He knows how good we are together.” Then she shrugged
as if dismissing the subject. “Oh, well, he’s obviously come to his senses at last.” She rose gracefully to her feet and smiled entreatingly at Sheena. “Can I count on you, Sheena?”
“I’ll think about it,” Sheena said, forcing the words through lips that felt parched.
“Nassau would be a much healthier place for you to recuperate, don’t you think?” Donna Scott said coaxingly. “I have some friends who have a lovely villa there. I’m sure they’d love to have you stay until you’re really well.”
“I said that I’d think about it,” Sheena said between her teeth, her fists clenching at her sides. Oh, God, let her go away before I decide to strangle her. Physical action would probably be the only thing she would understand.
Donna Scott was absolutely incredible! Sheena had never seen anyone so blatantly self-centered and obstinate in her entire life. Yet she was convinced that Donna honestly believed that her demand was perfectly just and reasonable. What vanity and sunny denseness!
“Thank you, Sheena,” she said. “I knew you would want to do the right thing, once you knew all the circumstances.” She tightened the tie at the waist of her satin robe, and her luscious lips parted in a smile of satisfaction. “And now I’m going to go back to Rand’s room and wait for him to come to me.” She moved lithely toward the door, then paused to add, “I really wouldn’t expect us for dinner. We’re planning on being very occupied.”
The door closed behind her with a definite click, and Sheena made a sound somewhere between a moan of pain and a growl of rage. Rushing to the window seat, she snatched up a tartan cushion and threw it at the closed door. Then she turned and threw herself on the bed, her fists beating the pillows in a furious tattoo. She had never felt so positively savage as when she had stood confronting that sweet, smiling witch. It would have taken just one more word to sweep aside her last
inhibitions and provoke her to physically attack the model like a cave woman protecting her mate. The picture that her last words had evoked had nearly sent her berserk. How dare that woman think she could just crawl into Rand’s bed and resume where they had left off four months ago! Rand Challon was hers, damn it! There was no way she was going to let that sex-crazed slut within a mile of him.
She jumped up from the bed and dressed quickly, then tore out of the room and down the stairs. She marched down the hall and was about to knock stridently on the closed study door when Laura Bradford came out of the kitchen and leaned against the doorjamb, her brandy-colored eyes appraising Sheena’s distraught appearance thoughtfully.