The Reunion (24 page)

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Authors: Adriana Kraft

BOOK: The Reunion
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“I’ve got an idea of how to spend
our time while we wait for Maria,” Sarah said, running her fingernails up the
inside of his thigh.

“Tell me,” Adam replied. “No—better
yet, show me.”

“Lie on your back. I want you
vibrating in my mouth.”

“Ah. How do you plan to manage that?”

Sarah pulled a vibrator and some
lube from under a pillow. On her knees beside him, she winked and made a show
of spreading lube over the dark vibrator. “But that does mean this little gal
has to slip in your ass. Are you up for that?”

Adam grabbed his weaving cock. “It
appears so.”

“Excellent. Raise up your knees. I
need to see what I’m doing.”

Sarah’s soft hands massaged his butt
cheeks. She rimmed his anus with lube and then slid a finger in while
simultaneously licking the tip of his cock. Adam sighed, very pleased he wasn’t
blindfolded. He clutched her head between his hands. He watched his cock
disappear slowly into her mouth and felt the vibrator replace her finger. His
ass expanded, accepting the foreign object.

She took him all the way down her
throat. He took in the vibrator as far as it would go. She raised her head. “How
is that for you?”

“Perfect,” he said, licking his
lips. “You’re perfect.”

“I’m going to turn the vibrator on.”

He nodded. “Do it.”

He felt the rapid tingling before he
heard the hum. She smiled at him and worked the vibrator slowly back and forth.
“Looks like that’s good for you.”

He nodded. “Don’t forget...” He
peered at his cock.

“Him? No way would I forget him. I
wanted to feel him vibrating in my mouth. Remember?”

Again, her mouth slithered down his
cock. He felt it humming against the inside of her cheek. Slowly she worked her
hand and mouth up and down his cock while rotating the vibrator in his ass.

Adam closed his eyes but immediately
opened them. He had to return her passion, her love. He reached out and
massaged her buttocks.

“Um,” she said around his cock, then
twisted her body, giving him easier access.

He knew better than to disappoint. He
easily worked two fingers inside her pussy. She began backing farther onto his
fingers on her upstroke and pulled nearly out on her downstroke. Adam grinned. This
was one inventive lady. She seldom missed an opportunity for improvisation. Maybe
the three of them should teach a class on improv and sex.

Adam peered down as Sarah hollowed her
cheeks, increasing her suction. She wasn’t going to back off. He didn’t want
her to. His fingers in her pussy stilled as his climax began overtaking him. Was
that where it began? In her pussy. Or was it his ass. Or her mouth. He couldn’t
tell. It didn’t matter.

“Son of a bitch,” Adam yelped. His
body jerked of its own accord. Vaguely, he heard Maria cheering beside them. Sarah’s
movements blurred before his eyes. “You got me,” he bellowed. “Take as much as
you want.”

His hips convulsed, driving his cock
and pacing his spurts. Sarah never backed away. She sucked him until he was
dry. She held him in her mouth until he went limp. He never knew when she
removed the vibrator.


- o -


 “Wow!” Maria said, stroking Sarah’s
neck. “That was beyond huge. Let him be, Sarah. He’s done. Maybe for the night.”

Sarah raised her head, grinned and
wiped her mouth against the back of her hand, pleased with her efforts. “He may
be, at that,” she said, examining his flaccid cock. “I’m happy to be a woman.”
She arched an eyebrow at Maria. “Faster recovery time.”

“Was that a request? You haven’t
come have, you?”

“Not enough.”

 “Is that possible?”

“Hope not. Did you have something in

“Uh, huh.” Sarah tingled at the
sparkle in Maria’s eyes. “You gave me an idea for a variation on a theme.”

Within moments, Sarah lay on her
back with a very familiar pussy hovering over her mouth. The variation was
occurring at the other end and Maria was giving her a play by play account of
her plan.

“I’m going to tuck this pink
vibrator in your ass for safekeeping.”

Sarah arched her neck, prepared to accept
the vibrator poised at her entrance. Maria pushed it in slowly and stopped,
allowing her to adjust to the welcomed intrusion. Shortly Maria again tested
Sarah’s opening and eased the vibrator in to its hilt. “How’s that?”

“Spectacular,” Sarah gasped. “Turn
it on. Oh, yeah. And people think they need a drug to get a buzz?”

“You’re going to be ringing before I’m
done with you.” Maria pressed her lips into Sarah’s wet slit. “You always smell
so good. Now I’m going to turn this vibrator on and watch your pussy opening up
for it.”

Sarah smiled as the head of the second
humming vibrator furrowed her folds.

“Wow! Is she opening!” Maria
laughed. “Not to disappoint. Here you go, pussy. Is this what you want?”

Sarah reveled in the tingling
sensations as the vibrator eased farther in. She knew when it bumped into the vibrator
in her ass. She squeezed her legs and then widened them. She gulped. There was
no escape from the steady vibrations. Her entire loins quivered. She tried to
lift her head to lick Maria.

“Don’t bother,” Maria chided. “Enjoy
your trip.”

When Maria sipped her clit, she had
a sudden rush stronger than most. She tried not to buck her hips, not wanting
to dislodge anything or anyone. She lay still, letting the rush build. She
threw her head about. Tears formed behind her closed eyelids. She wrapped her arms
tightly around Maria’s ass and held on as if her life depended on it for
security. The rush might have started in her loins, but it ended in her ears. They
were indeed ringing.

Her hips began undulating. She began
to break up. She crashed. “No more,” she moaned. “Please.”

Obligingly, Maria gently removed the
vibrators before swinging back around to sip at Sarah’s flow. Maria’s mouth and
tongue were gentle and soothing. Tears spilled down Sarah’s cheeks. She felt so
loved, so cared for.

She turned her head to peek at Adam through
her wet eyelashes. His face was filled with adoration, pain and unspoken love. She
didn’t apologize for her tears. He took her into his arms and cradled her upper
torso while Maria cradled her lower body.

She sobbed. Could life get any



Chapter Twelve



Drying nude on the chaise lounge
after a swim, Maria studied her lover dozing on the lounge beside hers. Sarah
was still recovering from their evening of lovemaking with Adam. Maria closed
her eyes and let the memories wash over her.

She no longer questioned how Sarah had
become so important to her so quickly. That had simply happened. She was like
quality air. She was a fresh drink in an arid desert. She mattered a hell of a

Maria smoothed the skin of her tight
belly. Things were completely right with Sarah. But what was going on with Adam?
She’d have to find out fairly soon. She hated not knowing where she stood with
him. Was he jealous? He seemed satisfied enough with their current arrangement.
Why shouldn’t he be—he was fucking two women who demanded very little from him,
other than his cock.

That was about to change. She
stretched her arms above her head and lowered them, crossing them beneath her
bosom. She wasn’t going to settle for fantastic sex. She wanted commitment
beyond swearing off other partners. Marriage wasn’t what it was about, either. She
wanted Adam to agree to father her child and to commit to being that child’s
father for the long haul. She smiled to herself. The child would have two
mothers, but it would only need one father.

What would Adam say about her
desire? He’d freak. That’s what he’d do. Could she—could she and Sarah—keep him
from running so far they wouldn’t be able to find him?

“Why so depressed, Maria?” Sarah
asked in hushed tones. Yawing, she added, “After last night, I’d think you’d
still be spinning.”

Maria turned to rest on an elbow. “I
am. Last night was so wonderful I want more—more nights like that, and more for
us and for Adam. I want us to own the fact that we’re becoming a family. I want
us to be a real family.”

“I understand,” Sarah said softly. “A

Maria nodded, trying not to cry. “Yes.
Wouldn’t you like to mother a child? Alicia is not going to fill that need entirely.”

“I know. Alicia doesn’t want me to
mother her.” Sarah grinned. “You’re right. You’ll be a fantastic mother. We’d
be very nurturing mothers, I think. But what about Adam? I doubt he sees
himself as father material.”

“He’d make a great father. He’d
stand by the child come whatever. We might have to fight him for time with the

“You’re probably right about that—once
the child is a reality. But I’m not convinced he’s going to easily accept the
idea of having a child.”

“Convincing him may be dicey, but I
have to try. I want this baby, Sarah, and I can’t wait very much longer. I don’t
want to be rocking in my rocker at the old folks home before the kid graduates
from college.”

Sarah’s laughter reverberated off
the patio tiles. “You are a hoot, Maria. I can’t imagine you rocking in a
rocker—unless you’re riding a cock, real or fake.”

Maria batted her eyelashes. “Tuck
that thought away for the future. We should try that. So,” she hesitated. “I
need to know where we stand, girl. If I push Adam too hard, too fast, he may flee
like a madman. Are you staying with me, if he does?”

Leaning across the small space separating
them, Sarah slanted an index finger across Maria’s lips. “Hush. You know I
will. I thought that was clear when we left Chicago.”

“Some people change their minds.”

“I’m not some people, Maria. I love
you with all my heart and soul. And yes, I’m prepared to love Adam in the same
way. But you return my love. Adam doesn’t, or at least he hasn’t acknowledged
he does. So if he’s adamant and boots us out, so be it. Maybe we can find you a

Maria fought a sudden lump in her
throat and heaved a sigh of relief. “Thank you for having patience with me. I
needed to hear that. I love you so much I almost can’t stand it.” She wrapped
her arms around her mid-section. “Surrogate? I wonder what Adam would think of
that. He wouldn’t have to be the actual father.”

“Oh, now you’re playing a nasty
game, if you’re seriously thinking of tempting him with the notion of taking on
a surrogate to get pregnant. He’ll be furious.” Sarah sat up and pursed her
lips thoughtfully. “Dangling the idea of a surrogate before him would be like
playing with fire, but it might just pry him loose. He
too complacent
with our current relationship. Your willingness to take on a surrogate without
changing our relationship with Adam ought to either get him to commit or really
send him over the top.”

Maria could see her own fear
reflected in Sarah’s eyes. Did she really have the guts to push Adam that hard?
If not, when would she ever have a child?

“Do you want me with you when you
talk with him?”

She shook her head. “No. I don’t
want him to think we’re ganging up on him. He probably thinks that too much
already. He’ll know we’ve talked. He’ll know what the stakes are. The question
is how to approach him.”

“After making love?”

“Probably,” she responded quietly. “He
won’t be as tense then.”

“I’d be happy to plead for a night
off. I’m not sure I’ll be refueled by this evening anyway. But are you ready to
take him on, or do you want to think longer on it?”

Maria pushed herself to a sitting
position. “No, I’m ready. Putting it off is only going to make me more uptight,
which won’t help at all when I do confront him.”


- o -


 “Too bad Sarah can’t join us this
evening,” Maria murmured. Curled on Adam’s lap on the living room couch, Maria
nibbled his chin and snuggled closer.  She kissed his neck and rested her head
on his shoulder. His arousal curved under her buttocks, announcing its desire. Her
heart fluttered, and it wasn’t only from anticipating the sex they’d have.

She’d planned the evening step by
step, beginning with her wardrobe. She’d worn one of his favorite outfits—a buttoned
white blouse knotted above the navel and a short black mini.

“It is.” Adam kissed her and inhaled
deeply. “You always smell so intoxicating.” He hugged her tight. “Maybe we took
Sarah too far last night?

“Hardly.” Maria chuckled. “She’s
just tired. Do you still believe it’s possible to take your teenage vision of
love too far?”

Adam kissed her eyelids. She lowered
them, accepting his tenderness. Maybe everything would be okay. Maybe he was
coming around to their idea of a committed relationship.

“I’ve wondered about that,” he said.
“She does seem to be eager to try anything.” His tongue traced the length of
her nose. “But she still wants to take control too much.”

“Isn’t that part of what makes it
exciting?” She leaned back against his arms. “Enough about Sarah. I guess you’ll
just have to make do with me. I hope that doesn’t disappoint you too much.” She
gave him her best pout and was rewarded with an immediate grin.

“We’ll make do. Sort of like old
times. Did you have something special in mind?”

Maria shook her head.
Not until
after lovemaking

Adam reached for her shirt knot. “You
look more ready than ever, Maria. I can see your nipples begging to be
uncovered. They look even darker behind white fabric. We don’t want to
disappoint them, do we?”

She shook her head and wet her lips.
The knot easily gave way. He unfastened the first button and slipped a hand inside
to fondle a breast. She tensed, then sighed.

“They are so eager.” He peered into
her eyes. “So does that mean you’re wet below?”

She nodded.

“Thought so. But first things first,

Again, she nodded.

He undid the last two buttons and
freed her breasts. “Leave your blouse on,” he said. “Let me play with these as
they are.”

“Be my guest.” Her husky voice
surprised even her.

Adam needed no additional
encouragement. His lips brushed against an aching nipple. She arched back,
thrusting the breast closer. He complied with her request by taking it into his
mouth. He teased it and then pulled nearly all of it into his mouth. She
gasped. He wasn’t done. He came back for more. God, had he taken her entire breast?
She clutched his neck and dragged her fingernails across his back.

“Good God, Adam, I’m coming. Don’t
move, please.” She shuddered and fell against his chest. When she quieted, he
slid off her breast and smiled. “You okay?” He tapped the nipple with his

“No more, please. It’s very tender
now. I’m sorry.”

“That’s okay. How about the other

“You can say hi to it, but don’t try
to deep throat it. Once was spectacular. I’m not sure I can stand twice.”

“No problem. Let me be sure it doesn’t
feel neglected.” He laved the underside of the other breast. He lifted her
easily off him and set her back on the couch. He knelt on the floor before her
and spread her knees, opening her to him.

Was she his offering? Was he her
supplicant? Maybe for the moment, but what about later? She tried not to think
about that now.

His tongue found her belly button. He
circled it repeatedly.

She glowed, filled with his
adoration. Did he have any idea how loved he made her feel?

He didn’t bother removing her skirt.
He merely flipped it up over her waist and draped her legs over his shoulders. His
tongue fluttered along one inner thigh and then the other. She clasped her
hands around the back of his head, guiding him to her most sensitive spots.

“You’re the eager one, tonight.” He
flicked his tongue along the edges of her pussy. She flexed her buttocks. “Where’s
your patience?”

She darted a finger in each of his

“Goddamn woman,” he complained. He complied
by placing his tongue at the bottom of her slit and used it to part her labia
as he worked his way upward.

“Yes, Adam. Eat me. Do it. I’m so
open for you.” He tapped her bud tenderly. She bucked and gasped. Two of his
fingers plunged into her interior and he sipped her clit between his lips. He
was driving her insane, and she loved it. “That’s it, Adam. I’m coming for you.”

He placed a hand under each of her
butt cheeks, lifted her and tenderly drank from her. She quivered against his
lips. When finished, he gingerly set her back down on the couch and looked up
at her with a gleam in his eye. He licked his lips. “Succulent,” he said. “Like
that first taste of buttered lobster you once mentioned.”

She grinned—it seemed so long ago
that she’d described Sarah that way.

“You are both tasty morsels,” he

“I’m glad,” she said, holding her
hands out to him. He pulled her to a sitting position and slanted his lips over
hers. She tasted herself clinging to him. The kiss took whatever breath she
still had. She lay back against the cushions and gave him a half-grin.

“You look so beautiful lying there
open to me. Where do you want me? In your pussy or your ass?”

“You’re asking?”

“Is that such a surprise?”

“It’s not usual.”

“Well, I’m asking. Pussy or ass?”

“That’s a hard one.” Maria leaned
forward to encircle his shaft. “No, this is the hard one.” She batted an eye at
Adam. “I’d like you in both at once, but since that’s not possible, I think my

“Since that’s not possible,” Adam
placed the thick head of his penis at her entrance, “this will have to do.”

She lifted her thighs and clutched
them to her torso. Her private space expanded to accommodate him until he was
fully seated. She clung to his ass with her heels and held on as if he were the
holy grail.

“Damn, you’re hotter than hot,” he
grunted, sinking deeper.

“And you’re still expanding. I can
feel you getting bigger and bigger,” she murmured. “How is that possible?”

“I must like the heat.”



“Maybe you better fuck me before I
do you permanent damage. I wouldn’t want to scald you.”

“You are the playful minx tonight. I
wouldn’t want to disappoint you.” He moved easily in and out of her.

She opened even more, welcoming his
deeper penetration.

He stopped. Her eyes widened. “That
was just a test drive,” he said. “Put your arms around my neck.”

He stood, lifting her, cradling her
butt in his hands. He braced his legs and began easing her back and forth along
his cock. Her nails dug into his back. She clung onto him, hoping he’d never
stop. Gradually, he picked up speed. She was coming apart. Could he hold onto
all the pieces?

“Oh wow, Adam! This is so good. So
smooth. I’m suspended in air. Your cock is my focal point.”

“Don’t ever forget that.” Adam’s
voice was strained. Was that the result of physical exertion or emotion?

“Never ever stop.” She contracted
her inner muscles tightly around him.

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