The Rockstar I’ve Loved for So Long (7 page)

BOOK: The Rockstar I’ve Loved for So Long
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“Bree.” He was breathing heavily when he reached her side. She didn’t look at him, forcing Dylan to move and stand right in front of her. 

She tried to look away, but he was faster than her, catching her chin and making Bree turn to him. The heartbroken look on her young face made him want to kill himself.

But to acknowledge that pain would be even worse. It was difficult to pretend there was nothing wrong, but he managed to do it. “Where are you going?”

Her eyes darkened in hurt at his inane question, but Dylan hardened himself against it. 

Finally, she said tonelessly, “Home to Saffi. I’m just waiting for the driver to pick me up.”

“Tell him not to bother. I can drive you. I just need to take a shower—”

“No, thanks.”


“It’s obvious you’re busy.” Bree nearly choked on the word. Busy was such a lame way of describing how he had nearly come in Henrietta’s hand.

“Bree…” He tried to use his cajoling voice, but it didn’t work this time. He waited for her to talk, to say anything, but she didn’t. Her silence made him feel like there was suddenly a wall separating them, and he didn’t fucking like that. He fucking hated it, but with every second that passed it was as if the wall only kept getting stronger and thicker.

“I didn’t know you were coming.” It was a fucking lie, of course. Although she was a fairly good liar with other people, Dylan always found it easy to catch Bree on her lies. And in the past week, she had been more than obvious in her plans to surprise him with a visit. 

Just listening to Bree talk on the phone made it obvious to Dylan that she had been cooking up something big, that she was probably thinking her surprise visit would be a good time to tell him she was in love with him, had known that she was hoping he’d say ‘I love you’ back.

And because he had known all of those, he had gotten himself drunk and then made sure that she would catch him with Henrietta. 

Only it had gone too far, Dylan thought sickly as he gazed at Bree’s face, flinching at the way she was trying so hard not to cry again.

He had wanted her to see him with Henrietta but NOT like that. Goddammit, not like that!

A limousine slowed down in front of them. Its chauffeur came out and opened the door for her. When Bree moved around him to get in, he panicked. He knew if he didn’t do something now, it would be over. 

“Bree, babe, please.” His voice came out hoarse. 

She had her back to him now, but she froze at the words.

“Don’t…don’t be like this.”

Bree’s shoulders started to shake. Oh God, how could he even say that after what she had seen? Did he even know…oh God, there didn’t seem to be any way to describe how much it killed her, seeing another girl able to make Dylan look like that.


She let him turn her around, already crying. “You’re an ass.”

“No, babe.” Dylan dragged her into his arms, tightening his hold around her. “I’m not. I’m a rock star and you’ve got to remember that.”

“But I—”

He cut her off, knowing he had to. Kissing her hair, he whispered, “You are special to me, Bree. Always will be. But you need to understand that I’m the kind of rock star that belongs to the world and not just one girl.”


Chapter Seven


No words were needed as they stared at each other. He knew and she knew both of them had been thinking about the past, and the memories didn’t leave either of them unscathed.

Dylan shot to his feet, waiting tensely for Bree to speak – to scream, to break up with him. She looked beautiful, poignantly so. He wanted to reach out to her and make sure she was real. He wanted to taste her and see if what he remembered hadn’t been a dream.

The guarded look on Dylan’s drawn face tempted Bree to be hysterical.
Crazy, stupid man
, she thought wildly. It was so very clear to see he wasn’t happy about what he had done. But he had done it anyway because – in a roundabout way – he was protecting both of them.

He didn’t want her to completely fall in love with a man whose family history included schizophrenia and obsession, and he didn’t want to risk loving her so much he could end up hurting her just as much.

Looking at him, she supposed she should be thankful that at least this time he was fully dressed. She stretched her hand out, surprising Dylan. She asked softly, “Did you really think you could push me away so easily?”

His blue eyes widened, and Dylan wondered if he was hallucinating when he heard her next words.

“Come with me now, Dyl. It didn’t work. Just accept that and let’s leave this place.”

She looked determined and passionate.
he realized with shock,
about keeping him as hers.
It blew him away, and all he could think about was how hot she was this way, how much he loved her more when she was like this. She almost made him believe that all of his fears were for nothing and that Bree would be tough for both of them – tough enough to defeat science and genetics and prevent him from being schizophrenic or obsessive by the sheer strength of her love.


He was about to say yes, he was damn well going back to her, when a movement from the other doorway caught his eye. It was Henrietta, and they all froze at her entrance. She was dressed in a near-transparent peignoir, her hair in wild disarray.

Dylan’s eyes immediately flew back to Bree. If she believed he had cheated on her –
– with Henrietta, he didn’t think he would ever—

Henrietta’s smile was pure poison. “Oh dear. You caught us again.”

Bree returned the smile with one of her own. “Oh dear. You

It was not like Bree at all to be a bitch, making Dylan bark in surprised laughter. Henrietta’s furious gaze shot towards him but he ignored it, his heart bursting with pride at the way the younger Bree was handling all this. 

The way Dylan was staring at her made Bree swallow hard. God, but he was so moody! And dear oh dear, but why did she find that so hot about him?

One moment he was drowning in all his issues, using Henrietta as a barrier between them, but in the next second he was looking at Bree like she was the
person that could give him pleasure.

And the way he kept looking at her was close to convincing Bree that it
true, no matter how incredible that sounded!

Dylan slowly made his way to her. With every step he took, her heartbeat just kept getting louder and louder. When he took her hand, Bree’s entire body shook.

Tomorrow might be another battle, but with his touch it meant today was hers. Today, he was hers. 

He said gravely, “What do you want us to do?”

“What are you saying?” Henrietta screeched.

Neither of them glanced at her. She couldn’t even if her life depended on it. She was too mesmerized with the way Dylan was gazing at her. She knew – she knew he had meant it when he told her he loved her, but in the cold light of day, it was a truth that felt a little unfathomable. 

Until now…

“I want us to leave.”

“Then we’ll leave—”

“Is that it?” Henrietta sneered. “A little girl’s keeping you on a leash now?”

Dylan only raised a brow. “I hope she will.” He glanced at Bree, a look of courteous inquiry on his handsome face. “
you use a leash later, babe?”

She managed not to gasp, but she couldn’t stop herself from blushing when she realized what he was implying. She also knew it was meant to give her confidence – to let her know that he wasn’t going to let Henrietta’s words ruin things for them.

Bree lifted her a chin. “It depends…” Even though she was still red-faced, she managed to say thoughtfully, “If you’re a good boy, I just might use a leash. And maybe some cuffs, too.”

Even Dylan appeared impressed with her answer. “Promising,” was all he said before pulling her to him and leading the way out of the balcony.

As they took the stairs, she said mildly, “Henrietta’s very angry.” It was an understatement, actually, with the way the supermodel was trying to raise the roof with her curses. 

“Let her,” Dylan said in an utterly bored voice.

“Did you bring a car?”

He shook his head.

“I did, so I’ll drive.” She didn’t wait for him to argue and just went straight to the driver’s seat. When he got in the passenger seat next to her, she realized she was nervous about being in such close confines with Dylan.

This was so weird. She had gotten what she wished for, hadn’t she? Dylan had come with her. He had chosen her over Henrietta. So why wasn’t she celebrating? Why did she feel so painfully shy and awkward with him, like nothing had happened between them last night?

“Buckle up,” she said as she reversed the car into the highway.

“Just drive,” was all he said. 

The answer confused her. Was he angry at her for taking control of the wheel? She turned to her, planning to ask him what his problem was but she yelped instead.

“What are you doing?” Bree demanded in a shriek as he calmly ripped the bottom half of her silk jumpsuit.

“This is fully tinted, right?”

“Yes, but oh my God, what are you doing?” This time, he had completely ripped her panties off, too. She didn’t see it – she wasn’t the type to look away from the road when driving – but she
it, the cool air brushing against the smooth shaved skin between her legs.

When Dylan calmly pried her thighs apart, Bree’s eyes shot wide open. “Oh my—do not, you mustn’t—don’t you dare—AH!” 

His head was between her thighs.

His lips had touched her core.

His tongue was inside her.

And then he was thrusting his tongue in and out of her.

She screamed.

He didn’t stop tonguing her.

And so she couldn’t stop screaming.

Her fingers tightened around the wheel as Dylan kept fucking her in the sweetest and hottest way possible with his mouth. “Dylan,” she whispered.

The undisguised need in her voice made Dylan’s cock throb and he squeezed her thighs in approval.

She understood what he was trying to say and sobbed her pleasure out loud, realizing that he wanted to hear her. “Dylan, Dylan, Dylan.” She chanted his name, sobbed and screamed it, but he didn’t give her the pleasure she was dying for.

When he lifted his head, all he said was, “Drive to the nearest hotel.”

She made a hard turn the moment he said that, having spotted the Aehrenthal Hotel’s easily distinguished façade in the next block. 

He laughed even though her quick turn had nearly caused him to knock his head against the dashboard. “Call the hotel.”


“Get them to deliver you a pair of pants in the basement parking.” And then his head was back between her legs, his fingers parting her folds as widely as he could before his tongue slid back in.

“Oooooooooh.” The pleasure was electrifying and she strained towards his mouth in her seat. 

“Call now, babe,” he commanded against her skin while playing with her folds, caressing it with his fingers.

She was connected to the hotel’s concierge in an instant. “This is Sabrina Wyle.” 

“Good afternoon, Ms. Wyle,” the receptionist from the other end answered in a charming voice. “We are so delighted to hear from you again.”

She took a moment to answer – he had started sucking on her clit and it was destroying her ability to think…completely.

“I…ahh…I’d like to order a pair of pants – any fabric – from your boutique – size 2…” She let out a gasp as he thrust one finger in.


“Size 2
.” Bree bit her lip hard as he thrust another finger in. Her hips started to move with their own volition. “I, uhh, had an accident and I…”

Another gasp – impossible not to when he had bit her clit.

“We understand, ma’am.” The receptionist’s voice had become extremely soothing and Bree knew the other woman probably thought she was so shallow she was panicking about a wardrobe malfunction.

“Where shall we meet you?”

“I’m at your basement parking…NOW!” It ended with a shout, her hips jerking wildly on the seat as Dylan shoved his fingers in and out of her with greater force.

The phone call ended as she drove the car into the first free parking space she found. Bree collapsed against the seat. “
.” Her head tossed and turned on the car’s headrest.

Smiling at the way her voice trembled with desire, Dylan slowly pulled his fingers out, chuckling when she reacted by moaning in protest and trying to trap his fingers inside her as she squeezed her legs closed.

“Sssh…it’s not over…I just need to get your pants.”

She reluctantly let his fingers go, and she moaned again when she saw him licking his fingers dry.

“Mmm…” He closed his eyes in pleasure at the taste and scent of her.

She moaned another time. That was so seriously hot!

Someone knocked at her window. The concierge had obviously done their research for them to have known which car was hers – something to be expected from the famous Aehrenthal customer service.

“Keep thinking of me, babe,” Dylan said wickedly before stepping out of the car. In moments, he had taken the package from the attendant and tossed it inside the car through his side.

While waiting for Bree to dress, he instructed the employee to prepare a suite for them.

Her fingers shook so badly it took her several tries to slide her legs into the perfect-fitting pair of silk trousers. When she came out, Dylan was waiting by her side.

This time, he was the one who stretched his hand out.

This time, she took it with a dazed smile.

They were quiet as they made their way to the 18
floor, the sexual tension between them pulsing like a huge and powerful beacon. 

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