The Roof is on Fire (11 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

BOOK: The Roof is on Fire
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“I would ask for a refill, but I prefer not to get too fucked up tonight. My mind doesn't always function right when alcohol consumes me.”

Chase picked up the bottle of Remy, pouring me another glass.

“I say drink up. You only live once, and usually, people do what they really want to do, with or without alcohol. I hear that alcohol is an excuse for those who like to be naughty. What say you?”

“I say one more drink should put me in the mood and let me know where I want to venture to tonight. Right now, I have no idea, but I'm sure I'll know something soon.”

I tossed another shot back and watched Chase down another drink. Unfortunately, I had a hard time getting with her. She reminded me too much of my son's mother, Scorpio. She used her good pussy to fuck with my head. I didn't like that shit. I always had to be in control, and I felt weak when I wasn't. So, in a nutshell, I didn't give a care how many drinks Chase poured. Nothing was going down with us tonight. Sex between us would only happen if or when I wanted it to, and as of yet, I wasn't ready to make that move.

“So,” Chase said, looking at my empty glass. “What are you thinking?”

“I'm thinking that I'm going to call it a night.”

“Good. I'm thinking the same thing. Do you mind if I cuddle in bed with you? I'll keep my hands to myself, only because I have other things on my mind and sex isn't one of them.”

I guess she thought I was going to elaborate or push, but I didn't. We made our way to the bedroom together, feeling slightly tipsy. I held Chase close to me in bed, and as she rubbed my chest, I planted a soft kiss on her forehead. I suspected that she saw my dick rise through my jockey shorts, but that was because one head was thinking before the other one was allowed to do it. Chase rubbed her soft legs against mine, and then she started to suck on my neck.
So much for sex not being on her mind,
I thought.

“Anybody ever tell you that you're overly aggressive, and being that way can be a turnoff for some men?”

Chase halted her sucks on my neck and lowered her hand from my chest to my steel.

“How many times do you have to say it? You're a smart man, Jaylin, so put your right head to good use. Did you ever think that there may be a motive behind my actions? After all, this is a challenge, isn't it? And, if you're so turned off, I can't tell. Your dick is swelled to capacity. You must be aiming to put it somewhere. Somewhere wet and warm, I hope.”

“Wet and warm, I welcome. But that would mean your mouth, and not your pussy. I'm not ready to tamper with that yet, so slide down, open wide, and please don't bite me.”

Chase lowered herself underneath the covers and attempted to break me down with her skillful head job that made my eyes flutter. I couldn't deny that I was ready to slip my dick into her, but timing was everything. She wasn't the only one who had a motive. I did too, but I considered it more of a master plan that no one would see coming.

The one thing that I appreciated about this house was the workout room. I got it in almost every day and so did Jaylin. The ladies came in from time to time, like this morning when Chase was on the elliptical machine and Jada was on the bike with a Pop-Tart dangling from her mouth. I was lifting weights while Jaylin was running on the treadmill. We all were watching TV and we stopped when we saw Jeff enter the room. Seeing him always meant something was about to go down. I sat up on the bench, giving him my attention.

“Good morning,” he said to all of us.

Everybody spoke back.

He put his foot on one of the weight benches, and like always, raked his fingers through his hair.

“I have good news today and bad news. The good news is that you'll get a chance to reach out to your family members or friends today. That bad news is that only one of you will be able to do it. I know how anxious you all have been to reach out, but the person whose name I pull will be able to make two phone calls. You must use my cell phone to place the calls, and the only thing you can't do is tell the people you speak to the location of this house.”

This was good news to me. I hadn't spoken to Desa Rae or my
kids in quite some time. Jaylin seemed anxious to reach out to his family and so did Jada. Chase, I wasn't so sure. She didn't talk about family much, but when we wrote our names on paper and gave them back to Jeff, she crossed her fingers, in hopes that her name would get pulled.

“Good luck,” Jeff said, shaking up our names in a box. He asked Jada to pull a name. She gave the piece of paper back to Jeff and when he opened it he said, “Roc.”

That was music to my ears. With disappointed looks on their faces, the others got back to their workout. Jeff gave me his cell phone.

“How much time I got?” I asked.

“No time limit, but please don't take long. Remember to only make two phone calls. If my phone happens to ring, let me know.”

I walked off and made my way to the patio to take a seat in one of the lounging chairs. With it being Sunday, I suspected that Desa Rae was at home. I couldn't wait to speak to her, but I almost fucked up somebody when a man answered the phone. Thick wrinkles lined my forehead, as I yelled into the phone. “Who the fuck is this?”

“Who the hell is this?”

“Nigga, this Roc. Where in the hell is Desa Rae?”

Whoever the fool was, he must have put the phone down. Soon after, Desa Rae responded. “Hello. Who is this?”

“Who the fuck was that answerin' yo phone?”

“That was Reggie, Roc. Latrel and Angelique stopped by and he came over.”

“That's fine and dandy, but he still ain't got no business answerin' yo phone. Then, that nigga ain't never there when I'm there. Why all of a sudden he's there when I'm away?”

I could hear Desa Rae sigh, but she owed me a goddamn explanation. “I was getting Chassidy something to eat, and when the
phone rang, I asked Reggie to reach over and get it. I'm not delighted about him being here either, Roc, but for the sake of Latrel's limited visit, I thought it would be a good idea if his father came here.”

“I don't like your idea and yo ass gon' be in real big trouble when I get there.”

“I hope so because I miss you so very much. How's everything going?”

Hearing her say that she missed me calmed me down a bit. Besides, it felt good to hear her voice. “It's a'ight. The house is cool, but I'm ready to get this shit over with. I got a good chance at winnin' this thing. I'm glad you suggested that I come here to get away for a while. I know you got tired of me bein' there all the time, but I can't help myself.”

“I never get tired of you being here. I want to make sure you're doing things that don't always include me, and I know you needed a break from the shop. I'm happy about the amount of time that we spend together, so don't you go thinking that I'm not.”

“I feel ya, ma. But you'd better get used to me being around all the time, especially when I officially become your husband. You still got on my ring, don't you?”

“Of course I do. What would make you think that I've taken it off?”

“I'on know. You got that nigga back there laughin' and shit like everything all good between y'all. I hear him in the background talkin'. You know that him bein' there is makin' me real uncomfortable.”

“I'm surprised to hear you say that. My question to you is do you trust me? Have I ever given you a reason not to?”

I thought about how Desa Rae had been on the up-and-up since
I'd known her. It was me who had slipped and bumped my head a few times, not her. “Yeah, ma, you know I trust you. I just wish I was there with you, that's all.”

“Well, there is nothing that says you have to stay there. You can leave on your own free will, right?”

“I can, but I like to compete. You got me into this mess and it's kind of hard for me to walk away from it. I suspect that it won't go on for three months because we've already lost two people. It's been some crazy shit goin' on. I can't wait to tell you all about it.”

“Is that right?” she said, laughing. “I can't wait to hear about it. Meanwhile, your daughter is pulling on this phone, eager to speak to you. Hold on, okay?”

Desa Rae gave Chassidy the phone. It felt so good to hear her voice. She went on and on about what she'd been doing, and told me what Desa Rae had been up to as well. I couldn't help it that I was tuning into the background, where I could still hear Reggie laughing and having a slap-happy good time with my woman. I despised that nigga and everything about him. The last thing I remembered, Desa Rae told me that he was upset about her being pregnant by me. According to her, he wanted no part of Chassidy, so why in the fuck was he there? This shit didn't sit right with me, but I did my best to make the best of this conversation. Chassidy told me she loved me, and after I shot love back to her, Desa Rae spoke again.

“Chassidy's whole attitude has changed since you called,” she said. “You should see this big-ole smile on her face. And if you get a chance, please contact Vanessa to see if her mother can bring Li'l Roc over. I don't mind going to pick him up, but she may have a problem with that.”

“I only get two phone calls, so I'll call her next. Don't you have her mother's number?”

“I had it somewhere, but I can't find it. Either way, I'm sure they would rather speak to you than me.”

Desa Rae told me to hold on. I heard her saying something in the background. She laughed and told Latrel to stop doing that. I was irritated. When she returned to the phone, she told me Latrel said hello.

“Tell him I said what's up. I'mma let you get back to your company, but I had to holla whenever the opportunity became available.”

“I'm so glad that you called, because you've been on my mind a lot. I honestly didn't think I'd miss you this much, but I guess I should have known better.”

“Same here. Maybe this is what we needed to realize how strong our love really is.”

She had the audacity to say something to somebody in the background again. “I'm sorry, baby. What did you say?”

“Nothin' important. But, uh, look. I need to gone and get off this phone right now. I'll make sure Vanessa or her mother contacts you about Li'l Roc.”

“You do that, okay? We're on our way to dinner, but I'll have my cell phone with me.”

“Dinner? Is Reggie goin' too?”

Desa Rae paused for a few seconds. “Yes, I think so. Latrel asked him to come along.”

I couldn't believe how swoll I was, but what the fuck could I do right now? “Enjoy your dinner. Kiss my baby for me, and I'll check in again when I can.”

“I will. I love you, sweetheart. See you soon.”

“Yeah, me too.”

I ended the call with a bad taste in my mouth. Yeah, I trusted Desa Rae, but I damn sure didn't trust Reggie. I took a deep breath, then called Vanessa's cell phone to see what was up with Li'l Roc.

“I don't recognize this number, so speak fast before I hang up,” she said.

“Roc. And you'd better not hang up on me.”

She laughed. “Never. What's up, boo?”

“Where Li'l Roc at?”

“He's at my mama's house. Why don't you call over there to speak to him?”

“I can't. I only get two phone calls and I already used one.”

“I guess I don't have to ask who you called first. I can't believe you're serious about marryin' that heifer, Desa Rae, and you already know how I feel about her. She's been nice to Li'l Roc, but I don't like how she talks to me when I call over there to speak to him.”

“You know I don't appreciate you talkin' down on her like that, so watch yourself, all right? You doin' you these days, I'm doin' me, and nothin' else needs to be said.”

“There's a lot that needs to be said, but how I feel don't matter. All I'm askin' for is a little respect from yo woman. I saw her at the grocery store last week and she didn't even speak to me. Maybe because there was a man helpin' her with her groceries and she didn't want me to see her.”

I bit into my bottom lip, wondering if Vanessa was trying to fuck with my head. “You want respect, give it. Desa Rae has reached out to you plenty of times only to get slapped in her face. That's why she prefers to deal with yo mama. I don't know why she wouldn't speak to you at the grocery store, and that was probably a bagger helpin' her with those bags.”

“I don't give a shit who he was. She should have spoken to me. And for him to be a bagger, she was awfully chummy with him. I guess I would've been too, 'cause he was fine as hell.”

“I know what your idea of fine is. If he looked anything like that
muthafucka you datin', I can't take your word for it. Call your mama and tell her to call Desa Rae so Li'l Roc can go over there and spend some time with his sister. I'm gettin' ready to check out of here, but tell my son I love him.”

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