The Roof is on Fire (17 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

BOOK: The Roof is on Fire
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“I didn't experience anything like that with my parents,” Chase said. “But as I mentioned to Jada before, my father was the worst person ever. I wish I had the guts to kill him when I was younger, but I could never go through with it. Eventually, he died from cancer. I never forgave him for what he did to me. It's not as painful for me to talk about it anymore. Years of therapy helped me realize that none of it was my fault. I used to blame myself, but now I know better. I've also had plenty of struggles with relationships, but that wasn't all on me either. Some men are downright trifling dogs who don't give a care about women.”

“I agree with you on that,” I said. “I've had my share of those kinds of men as well.”

I was still waiting for Jaylin to say something, but he hadn't said one word.

“Jaylin, did you hear what I said to you a few minutes ago?”

He kept his eyes glued to the book, refusing to look away from it. “I heard you, but I'm not in the mood for a group therapy session. If I was, I'd go seek counseling in private.”

I swear his funny-acting ways truly amazed the heck out of me. Where in the hell did he come from?

“Well, everybody can't afford to pay four and five hundred dollars an hour for a shrink, so we have to sit around with regular ole folks and get some shit off our chests. Thanks for listenin' Roc and Chase. I'm takin' my ass to sleep before I have to go off on somebody.”

I fluffed my pillows and pulled the cover over me. Minutes later, Jaylin put the book down and stretched.

“Truth is,” he said. “We all got stories to tell from the past. Some of us more messed up behind that shit than others, and as I see it, y'all are really some screwed-up people. But therapists or not, we got to keep on living our lives and try to make the best of it. There is no future in living in the past, and playing the victim of your circumstances will only delay your progress. I shouldn't have pulled your hair, but I did. It won't happen again.”

“I agree with what you said, but that wasn't an apology, was it? I'mma need you to try that again.”

“And I'mma need somebody to turn out the lights so I can go to sleep,” Roc said, pulling the cover over his head. “We can pick up where we left off tomorrow.”

Chase yawned and put the magazine on the floor. “I know, right? I'm tired, too.”

She pulled the cover up to her neck and rested her head on the pillow. I got up to turn off the lights, but still wanting an apology from Jaylin, I jumped on his bed. I bounced up and down on him and purposely elbowed him in the chin for pulling my hair.

“Daaamn, girl.” His voice was strained as he tried to push me off of him. “Get yo heavy butt off my stomach.”

“Not until you apologize to me. Until then, I'm stayin' here all night.”

Jaylin stopped pushing me and dropped his arms to his sides. I straddled the top of him and could feel his monster madness between my legs. I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel good.

“Jada, get up,” he said in a calm manner. “And don't think that I can't get you off of me.”

“Go ahead and try.”

I continued to bounce on his midsection. I swear
was growing! I swear!

“If I try, you're going to be on the floor.”

I threw my hands in the air and kept bouncing. “Wee, look, Jaylin. No hands.”

He couldn't help but to blush, but kept threatening to push me on the floor.

“One. Two,” he said.

On three, I assumed we would hit the floor. If I was going down, he was going down with me. When “three” spilled from his mouth, I tightened my arms around his neck and held on tight as he tried to shove me away from him.

“Help,” I shouted in the partially dark room. A sliver of light was coming from the closet and I remained on top of him. “I'm not lettin' you go until you apologize.”

Jaylin tried so hard to push me away from him, and it wasn't long before we wound up on the floor, playfully tussling. I couldn't believe that it was so hard for him to apologize.

“Say it! I can't hear you,” I teased.

“Then clean your ears out, because I already said all that I'm going to say. Let my neck go and get in the bed. I'm exhausted from wrestling with you and I need some sleep.”

I finally let go, but bumped into Chase when I got up.

“I thought you needed my help,” she said.

“I yelled that out quite some time ago. You're too late.”

She laughed and screamed when Jaylin snatched her up and tossed her on the bed. He put all of his weight on top of her, causing her to strain as she tried to catch her breath and speak.

“Uhh, pleeease, get uuuup.…. I can't breathe.”

“What's that?” Jaylin said. “I can't hear you. If you came to help Jada, then you haven't done much of a good job.”

Chase laughed and pleaded for him to get up. He did, but to no surprise she managed to work her way on top of him. Bitch. I was kind of mad that she came over to so-call help me. Instead of tripping, though, I grabbed a pillow off my bed and made my way over to Roc. I lifted the pillow in the air, but before I came down with it to hit him, all I heard was, “Back up, li'l mama. Don't you even think about it.”

After that, he slammed his pillow into my stomach. I doubled over and he tore me up with pillow punches. We wrestled with each other, and it was quite fun rolling around on the floor with him. I touched every part of him that my hand could reach. All he did was laugh it off.

“Stop,” he kept saying. “You trippin', ma.”

Maybe I was tripping, but so was he for touching my ass. That was in bed, of course, as I lay in his arms and sighed. I couldn't help but to think about our little confession session tonight.

“It's apparent that we all got issues, but as they say, prayer changes things. We don't be praying enough, and y'all ain't prayed since Sylvia got booted out of here.”

“Speak for yourself,” Jaylin said. “You may not see me doing it, but I do so everyday.”

“I do it most of the time,” Chase said. “But there are days that I do skip.”

I looked her way with shame in my eyes. “You shouldn't do that Chase, 'cause out of all of us, you're the one who needs more prayer than anybody. You need to be on your knees everyday, and I don't mean on them to give blowjobs.”

Roc and Jaylin busted out laughing.

“Forget you, Jada. You need prayer way more than I do. I can't believe you think otherwise. I'm going to pray for you, just for thinking that. Your mind couldn't be right after that comment.”

“My mind is very right, but I'm not gon' get into it with you over yo lack of prayer. No matter what, we all need it, some way more than others.”

Trying to lead by example, I got out of bed and got on my knees. Roc was quiet like a mouse. I could see him looking at me. I had to pull his non-praying self on the floor with me. His face was twisted; I couldn't believe how irritated he looked. It was apparent that his mama and daddy hadn't taught him a thing.

“Boy, that is a real ugly face, so stop lookin' like a scorned child. Don't you know that God can see you? You'd better wipe that look off yo face, 'cause I don't want to be nowhere near you on Judgment Day. Today could very well be it, who knows?”

Roc put one finger on his lips. “Be quiet. You talk too much. I do pray, but maybe not as much as I should. I'm frownin' because I'm tired.”

“Jesus was tired too, but he didn't let that stop him from saving you. Put on yo happy face right now. Let Him see how thankful you are for your blessings.”

My eyes dropped to Roc's goods. There was no doubt that he had
a lot
to be thankful for. I cleared my dirty mind, and as he kneeled next to me, Chase and Jaylin also kneeled next to their beds.

“Are we doin' this out loud or what?” Roc asked.

“Silently,” Jaylin replied. I agreed.

We all prayed silently for a few minutes. With my eyes closed, I prayed for my family and friends, for people around the world who I didn't know and for everyone in this house. I also prayed for me to win this challenge, and I asked for God to give me strength to cut back on the fatty foods I'd been eating. I seriously
needed to lose weight, and the last thing I needed was for my health to become an issue. I felt Roc move, and when I opened one eye, I saw him get in the bed. I finished with an “Amen” and followed suit.

Jaylin was still on his knees, but shortly after me, he returned to his bed. Chase, however, remained on her knees.

I whispered to Roc, “I told you she needed all the prayer she could get. That girl needs some work. Big ups for her.”

Roc looked at me with a smirk on his face. He put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. Less than two minutes later, I could hear light snores. I looked at Chase who was still on her knees.

“Psst, Jaylin,” I whispered. “Shake her shoulder and see if she done fell asleep. She must be sleep, because it don't take that doggone long to pray.”

Right then, Chase lifted her middle finger, but kept her eyes closed.

“Ooo, you gon' get it. Who gestures something like that when they're in the middle of prayin'? You need some serious help. I'mma get back on my knees to pray for you again.”

“Shut up. Please,” Chase shouted, then opened her eyes. “I can't even pray in peace.”

“It shouldn't take that long for you to pray for sex with men out of wedlock. No matter how long you stay on yo knees, God ain't goin' for that mess. I doubt that yo prayers will be answered, so you just wasted a whole lot time. Now, goodnight, people. See you all in the a.m.”

I punched my pillow and got comfy in my own bed. I looked over at Roc resting peacefully and was sure to keep my distance. When he had to answer for his sins, I didn't want to be nowhere near him. No siree.

Last night was fun. I was glad that we were able to put our differences aside from earlier. I slept in the bed with Jaylin, and as he held me in his strong arms, I sure did feel safe, sexy, and secure. But now wasn't the time for any attachments. Time wasn't on my side and the moment had come for me to make a move.

Jeff had become a true pain in the ass. He was starting to bug me about seeing him again. While in the bathroom, I whipped out the cell phone, whispering through it.

“Jeff, how many times do we have to go through this? Nothing else can happen between us until I leave this house. You have to be patient with me. I promise that all good things come to those who wait.”

“I don't mind waiting, but I don't like watching you interact with Jaylin and Roc. It seems as if you're enjoying yourself a little too much. Must you sleep with Jaylin every night? You do have your own bed.”

He offended me, but I didn't have time to deal with him right now. “Again, it's all in the plan, Jeff. Please don't be upset with me, okay? I appreciate everything that you've done for me, but I won't be able to pull this off without your cooperation. Please tell me now that I can still count on you to be there for me. I'm starting to get worried.”

“You can trust me, for sure. I need for this to hurry up and be done with.”

“Well, we're on our way to the finish line. Have you decided what you're going to do about Jaylin's situation yet?”

“Yes, I have. I'll be there the day after tomorrow to tell him what I decided.”

“Are you going to tell me?”

“No, not yet. But I'll just say that my decision is going to surprise you.”

“Great. I love surprises. Now, I must go. Before I do, let me remind you again not to get upset by my actions. Just remember the real reason behind all of this.”

“I will. Be careful and call me if you need anything else.”

I ended the call with Jeff and couldn't help but to call him a sucker underneath my breath. The one thing I hated was a weak-ass man who sniffed behind me. I wanted a hard brother who would stand up to me at any time, yet love the hell out of me. I admired the way Roc was when it came to Desa Rae. She should be very grateful for her man—for now. High or not, touchy-feely or not, he was the kind of man who had no problem protecting the woman he loved. He defended her to the fullest, and I had to give him some credit for trying to stay on the right path. It wasn't easy being in this house with a woman like me; an aggressive woman who was willing to go after what I wanted. Roc's attempts to fight me off were applaudable, but unfortunately for him, he was starting to lose that fight. I could sense that something was about to change. He was upset with Ms. Desa Rae and it showed all over his face. His anger was now directed at me because I was an easy target. I was capable of easing some of the hurt he felt inside and that was the real reason he was mad at me. Without even knowing
it, he played right into my hands. I'd seen broken-down, neglected men in these situations plenty of times before. It was on me to lift their spirits and offer them some in-the-meantime hope.

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