The Sealed Nectar

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Authors: Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri

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Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum


Memoirs of the Noble Prophet [pbuh]

by Saifur Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

Jamia Salafia - India
Translated by
Issam Diab
Maktaba Dar- us- Salam Publishers and Distributors Saudi Arabia§ UK § USA § Pakistan


Publisher Note

Author’s Note


Location and nature of Arab Tribes ___________________________________ 8

Location of the Arabs

Arab Tribes

Rulership and Princeship among the Arabs_____________________________14

Rulership in Yemen

Rulership in Heerah

Rulership in Geographical Syria

Rulership in Hijaz

The Reasons of this war have been illustrated in three versions Rulership in Pan-Arabia

The political situation

Religions of the Arabs _____________________________________________22

The Religious situation

Aspects of Pre-Islamic Arabian Society _______________________________28

Social life of the Arabs

The Economic Situation


The Lineage and Family of Muhammad [pbuh] _________________________32

The prophetic Family



Muhammad’s Birth and Forty years prior Prophethood ___________________37

His Birth


Back to his passionate Mother

To His compassionate Grandfather

Bahira, the Monk

The Sacrilegious wars

Al-Fudoul confederacy

Muhammad’s Early Job

His Marriage to Khadijah

Rebuilding Al-Ka‘bah and the Arbitration Issue

A Rapid Review of Muhammad’s Biography before commissioning of the Prophethood

In the Shade of the Message and Prophethood __________________________44

In the Cave of Hira’

Gabriel brings down the Revelation

Interruption of Revelation

Once more, Gabriel brings Allah’s Revelation

Some details pertinent to the successive stages of Revelation Proclaiming Allah, the All-High; and the Immediate Constituents Phases and stages of the call

The First Stage: Strife in the Way of the Call____________________________48

Three years of Secret Call

The Early Converts

(the Prayer)

The Quraishites learn about the Call

The Second Phase: Open Preaching___________________________________52

First Revelation regarding the Preaching

Calling the Closest Kinspeople

On Mount As-Safa

Shouting the Truth and the Polytheists’ Reaction

An Advisory Council to debar Pilgrims from Muhammad’s Cal Attempts made to check the Onward March of Islam


The House of Al-Arqum

The First Migration to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)

Quraish’s Machination against the Emigrants

Once more Quraish approaches Abu Talib

The Tyrants’ Decision to kill the Prophet [pbuh]

The Conversion of Hamzah bin ‘Abdul-Muttalib

The Conversion of ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab



Quraish’s Representative negotiates with the Messenger of Allah SWT

Abu Talib assmbles Bani Hashim and Bani Al-Muttalib

General Social Boycott

A Pact of Injustice and Aggression

The Final Phase of the Diplomacy of Negotiation

The Year of Grief

Abu Talib’s Death

Khadijah passes away to the Mercy of Allah

His Marriage to Sawdah [R] in Shawwal, the tenth year of Prophethood

Factors inspiring patience and perserverance

The Third Phase: Calling unto Islam beyond Makkah ____________________82

Islam being introduced to Arabian Tribes and Individuals Hope inspiring Breezes from the Madinese

Marriage of the Prophet [pbuh] to ‘Aisha [R]

Al-Isra’ and Al-Mir‘raj ____________________________________________89

The First ‘Aqabah Pledge __________________________________________93

The Muslim Envoy in Madinah

The Second ‘Aqabah Pledge_________________________________________95

The Vanguard of Migration (in the Cause of Allah) ______________________99

In An-Nadwah (Council) House The Parliament of Quraish _______________101

Migration of the Prophet [pbuh] ____________________________________103

Life in Madinah__________________________________________________109

The First Phase: The Status Quo in Madinah at the Time of Emigration______114

A New Society being built

A Charter of Islamic Alliance

A Cooperation and Non-Aggression Pact with the Jews

The Prophet on the Battlefield

Pre-Badr Missions and Invasions

The Battle of Badr - The First Decisive Battle in the History of Isla Reason of the Battle

Some Significant Instances of Devotion

Reaction in Makkah

Madinah receives the News of Victory

The Battle of Badr in its Qur’anic Context



The Military Activities between Badr and Uhud ________________________147

Al-Kudr Invasion

An Attempt on the Life of the Prophet [pbuh]

Invasion of Bani Qainuqa‘

The Qainuqa‘ Jews breach the Covenant

As-Sawiq Invasion

Dhi Amr Invasion

Ka‘b bin Al-Ashraf, killed

The Invasion of Buhran

Zaid bin Harithah leads a Compaign on the Trade Routes of Quraish The Battle of Uhud_______________________________________________155

A Consultation Assembly for a Defence Plan

Dividing the Islamic Army into phalanxes and Departure to the Battlefield Parading the Army

Passing the Night between Uhud and Madinah

The Rebellion of ‘Abdullah bin Ubai and his Followers

The Remainder of the Islamic Army are on the Move to Uhud The Defence Plan

The Messenger of Allah SWT implants the Spirit of Bravery among his Armed Forces

Recruitment of the Makkan Army

Political Manoeuvres of Quraish

The effort of Quraishite women at waging the Zeal of Men The Combat

Assassination of Asadullah (the Lion of Allah) Hamzah bin ‘Abdul Muttalib

Bringing the Situation under Control

From his wife’s lap to Sword-fights and Sorrows

The Contribution of the Archers squad to the Battle

The Archers’s Fatal Mistake

The Most Awkward Hour in the Messenger’s Life

Mutilation of the Martyrs

Burial of the Martyrs

Hamrâ’ Al-Asad Invasion

The Observations of the Noble Qur’ân on the Battle of Uhud Lessons and Moralities

Military Platoons and Missions between the Battle of Uhud and the Battle of the Confederates ___________________________________________________186

Abi Salamah Mission

An Errand led by ‘Abdullah bin Unais

The Event of Ar-Raji‘

The Tragedy of Ma‘una Well



Bani An-Nadeer Invasion

The Invasion of Najd

The Invasion of Badr, the Second

The Invasion of Doumat Al-Jaudal

Al-Ahzab (the Confederates) Invasion________________________________195

Invading Banu Quraiza ___________________________________________201

Military Activities continued _______________________________________204

Bani Lihyan Invasion

Expeditions and Delegations continued

Bani Al-Mustaliq (Muraisi‘) Ghazwah Sha‘ban 6 Hijri __________________207

The treacherous Role of the Hypocrites Prior to the Bani Al-Mustaliq Ghazwah

The wicked Role they played in the Course of the Ghazwah of Bani Al-Mustaliq

The Slander Affair

Delegations and Expeditions following Al-Muraisi‘ Ghazwah_____________211

Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty (Dhul Qu‘dah 6 A.H.) __________________________213

Al-Hudaibiya Treaty: Socio Political Impact

The Second Stage: A New Phase of Islamic Action _____________________220

The Prophet’s Plans to spread the Message of Islam to beyond Arabia ______221

A Deputation to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)

Letter to the Vicegerent of Egypt, called Muqawqas

A Letter to chosroes, Emperor of Persia

The Envoy to Caesar, King of Rome

A Letter to Mundhir bin Sawa, Governor of Bahrain

A Letter to Haudha bin ‘Ali, Governor of Yamama.

A Letter to Harith bin Abi Shamir Al-Ghassani, King of Damascus A Letter to the King of ‘Oman, Jaifer, and his Bother ‘Abd Al-Jalandi Post-Hudaibiyah Hostilities ________________________________________231

Dhu Qarad Invasion



The Conquest of Khaibar (in Moharram, 7 A.H.) _______________________233

The Actual operation begins

The Second Part of Khaibar Conquered


Distribution of Spoils

Sporadic Invasions _______________________________________________240

The Expedition called Dhat-ur-Riqa‘ (in the year 7 A.H.) The Compensatory ‘Umrah (Lesser Pilgrimage)________________________243

The Battle of Mu’tah _____________________________________________245

Dhat As-Salasil Compaign

Khadrah Campaign

The Conquest of Makkah __________________________________________249

Pre-conquest Events

Preparations for the Attach on Makkah, and the Prophet’s Attempt at imposing a News Black-out

The Third Stage

Hunain Ghazwah ________________________________________________258

The Enemy’s march and their Encampment at Awtas

The war-experienced Man wrongs the Leader’s Judgement

Reconnoitering the Weapons of the Messenger of Allah SWT

Reconnoitering the Enemy’s Weapons

The Messenger of Allah SWT leaves Makkah for Hunain

The Islamic Army stunned the Archers and the Attackers Muslims’ return to the Battlefield, and the fierceness of the Fight Reverse of Fortunes and the Enemy’s utter Defeat

Hot pursuit of the Enemy

Ta’if Compaign

The Distribution of the Booty at al-Ji‘ranah

The Helpers (Al-Ansar) are furious at the Messenger of Allah SWT

Arrival of the Hawazin Delegation

Lesser Pilgrimage (Al-‘Umrah) to Makkah and leaving for Madinah Missions and Platoons After the Conquest ____________________________268

The Platoons

The Invasion of Tabuk in Rajab, in the year 9 A.H.______________________272

The underlying Reasons

General News about the Byzantines and Ghassanide Preparations for War Particular News about the Byzantine and Ghassanide preparations for War The Muslim Army is leaving for Tabuk



The Army of Islam at Tabuk

Returning to Madinah

The People Who lagged Behind

The Invasion of Tabuk and its Far-Reaching Ramifications The Qur’ânic Verses Relating to this Invasion

Some Important Events that featured that Year

Abu Bakr [R] performs the Pilgrimage________________________________281

A Meditation on the Ghazawat______________________________________282

People embrace the Religion of Allah in Large Crowds __________________285

The Delegations _________________________________________________286

The Success and Impact of the Call __________________________________296

The Farewell Pilgrimage __________________________________________298

The Last Expeditions _____________________________________________303

The Journey to Allah, the Sublime___________________________________304

Symptoms of Farewell

The Start of the Disease

The Last Week

Five days before death

Four days before his death

A Day or Two prior to Death

A Day before his Death

The Last day Alive

The Prophet [pbuh] breathes his Last

The companions’ concern over the Prophet’s Death

Umar’s Attitude

Abu Bakr’s Attitude

Burial and Farewell Preparations to his Honourable Body The Prophet Household ___________________________________________311

The Prophet [pbuh] , Attributes and Manners __________________________317

Beauty of creation

The perfection of Soul and Nobility




Location and Nature of Arab Tribes

Beyond a shadow of doubt, the biography of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) manifestedly represents an exhaustive embodiment of the sublime Divine Message that he communicated in order to deliver the human race from the swamp of darkness and polytheism to the paradise of light and monotheism. An image, authentic as well as comprehensive, of this Message is therefore only attainable through careful study and profound analysis of both backgrounds and issues of such a biography. In view of this, a whole chapter is here introduced about the nature and development of Arab tribes prior to Islam as well as the circumstantial environment that enwrapped the Prophet's mission.

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