The Sealed Nectar (14 page)

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Authors: Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri

BOOK: The Sealed Nectar
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‘Abdul- Muttalib and ‘Umar bin Al- Khattab[R] .

‘Utaibah bin Abi Lahab once approached the Prophet [pbuh] and most defiantly and brazenly shouted at him, "I disbelieve in: "By the star when it goes down." [53:1]

and in "Then he (Gabriel) approached and came closer." [53:8] In other words: "I do not believe in any of the Qur’? ." He then started to deal highhandedly with Muhammad [pbuh] and laid violent hand on him, tore his shirt and spat into his face but his saliva missed the Holy face of the Prophet [pbuh] . Thereupon, the Prophet

[pbuh] invoked All? ’s wrath on ‘Utaibah and supplicated:

"O All? ! Set one of Your dogs on him."

All? responded positively to Muhammad’s supplication, and it happened in the following manner: Once ‘Utaibah with some of his compatriots from Quraish set out for Syria and took accommodation in Az- Zarqa’. There a lion approached the group to the great fear of ‘Utbah, who at once recalled Muhammad’s words in supplication, and said: "Woe to my brother! This lion will surely devour me just as Muhammad

[pbuh] supplicated. He has really killed me in Syria while he is in Makkah." The lion did really rush like lightning, snatched ‘Utbah from amongst his people and crushed his head. [Tafheem- ul- Qur'an 6/522; Quoted from Al- Isti'ab, Al- Isaba, Dala'il An-Nubuwwah, etc]



It is also reported that a wretched idolater from Quraish, named ‘Uqbah bin ‘Abi Mu‘ait once trod on the Prophet’s neck while he was prostrating himself in prayer until his eyes protruded. [Mukhtasar Seerat Ar- Rasool p.113]

More details reported by Ibn Ishaq testify to the tyrants’ deeply- established intentions of killing the Prophet [pbuh] . Abu Jahl, the archenemy of Islam, once addressed some of his accomplices: "O people of Quraish! It seems that Muhammad

[pbuh] is determined to go on finding fault with our religion, degrading our forefathers, discrediting our way of life and abusing our gods. I bear witness to our god that I will carry a too heavy rock and drop it on Muhammad’s head while he is in prostration to rid you of him, once and for all. I am not afraid of whatever his sept, Banu ‘Abd Munaf, might do." The terrible unfortunate audience endorsed his plan and encouraged him to translate it into a decisive deed.

In the morning of the following day, Abu Jahl lay waiting for the arrival of the Messenger of All? [pbuh] to offer prayer. The people of Quraish were in their assembly rooms waiting for news. When the Prophet [pbuh] prostrated himself, Abu Jahl proceeded carrying the big rock to fulfill his wicked intention. No sooner had he approached closer to the Prophet [pbuh] than he withdraw pale- faced, shuddering with his hands strained the rock falling off. Thereupon, the people watching hurried forward asking him what the matter was. He replied: "When I approached, a male-camel unusual in figure with fearful canines intercepted and almost devoured me."

Ibn Ishaq reported that the Prophet [pbuh], in the context of his comment on the incident, said "It was Gabriel[AWS] , if Abu Jahl had approached closer, he would have killed him.[Ibn Hisham 1/298]" Even so the tyrants of Quraish would not be admonished, contrariwise, the idea of killing the Prophet [pbuh] was still being nourished in their iniquitous hearts. On the authority of ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr bin Al- ‘As, some people of Quraish were in a place called Al- Hijr complaining that they had been too patient with the Prophet [pbuh] , who suddenly appeared and began his usual circumambulation. They started to wink at him and utter sarcastic remarks but he remained silent for two times, then on the third, he stopped and addressed the infidels saying:

"O people of Quraish! Hearken, I swear by All? in Whose Hand is my soul, that you will one day be slaughtered to pieces." As soon as the Prophet [pbuh] uttered his word of slaughter, they all stood aghast and switched off to a new style of language smacking of fear and even horror trying to soothe his anger and comfort him saying:

"You can leave Abul Qasim, for you have never been foolish." [Ibn Hisham 1/289]

‘Urwa bin Az- Zubair narrated: I asked Abdullah bin ‘Amr bin Al- ‘As to tell me of the worst thing that the pagans did to the Prophet [pbuh] . He said: "While the Prophet

[pbuh] was praying in Al- Hijr of Al- Ka‘bah, ‘Uqbah bin Al- Mu‘ait came and put his garment around the Prophet’s neck and throttled him violently. Abu Bakr came and caught him by his shoulder and pushed him away from the Prophet [pbuh] and said:

"Do you want to kill a man just because he says, My Lord is All? ?" [Bukhari 1/544]

The Conversion of Hamzah bin ‘Abdul-Muttalib

In a gloomy atmosphere infested with dark clouds of iniquity and tyranny, there shone on the horizon a promising light for the oppressed, i.e. the conversion of Hamzah bin ‘Abdul- Muttalib in Dhul Hijjah, the sixth year of Prophethood. It is recorded that the Prophet [pbuh] was one day seated on the hillock of Safa when 68


Abu Jahl happened to pass by and accused the religion preached by him. Muhammad

[pbuh] , however, kept silent and did not utter a single word. Abu Jahl went on unchecked, took a stone and cracked the Prophet’s head which began to bleed. The aggressor then went to join the Quraishites in their assembly place. It so happened that shortly after that, Hamzah, while returning from a hunting expedition, passed by the same way, his bow hanging by his shoulder. A slave- girl belonging to ‘Abdullah bin Jada‘an, who had noted the impertinence of Abu Jahl, told him the whole story of the attack on the Prophet [pbuh] . On hearing that, Hamzah was deeply offended and hurried to Al- Ka‘bah and there, in the courtyard of the Holy Sanctuary, found Abu Jahl sitting with a company of Quraishites. Hamzah rushed upon him and struck his bow upon his head violently and said: "Ah! You have been abusing Muhammad

[pbuh] ; I too follow his religion and profess what he preaches." The men of Bani Makhzum came to his help, and men of Bani Hashim wanted to render help, but Abu Jahl sent them away saying: "Let Abu ‘Ummarah alone, by All? I did revile his nephew shamelessly.[Ibn Hisham 1/291; Rahmat- ul- lil'alameen 1/68; Mukhtasar Seerat Ar- Rasool p.66]" In fact, Hamzah’s conversion derived initially from the pride of a man who would not accept the notion of others humiliating his relative. Later on, however, All? purified his nature and he managed to grasp the most trustworthy hand- hold (Faith in All? ). He proved to be a source of great strength to the Islamic Faith and its followers. [Mushtasar Seerat Ar- Rasool p.101]

The Conversion of ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab

Another significant addition to the strength of Islam was the conversion of ‘Umar bin Al- Khattab in Dhul- Hijjah, the sixth year of Prophethood, three days following the conversion of Hamzah.[Tareekh 'Umar bin Al- Kattab, p.11] He was a man of dauntless courage and resolution, feared and respected in Makkah, and hitherto a bitter opponent of the new religion. The traditional account reveals that the Prophet

[pbuh] once raised his hands in prayer and said:

"O All? ! Give strength to Islam especially through either of two men you love more:

‘Umar bin Al- Khattab or Abu Jahl bin Hisham."

‘Umar, obviously, was the one who merited that privilege. [At- Tirmidhi 2/209]

When we scrutinize the several versions that speak of ‘Umar’s conversion, we can safely conclude that various contradictory emotions used to conflict with one another within his soul. On the one hand, he used to highly regard the traditions of his people, and was habituated to the practice of indulgence in wine orgies; on the other hand, he greatly admired the stamina of the Muslims and their relentless dedication to their faith. These two extreme views created a sort of skepticism in his mind and made him at times tend to believe that the doctrines of Islam could bear better and more sacred seeds of life, that is why he would always experience fits of outrage directly followed by unexpected enervation.[Fiqh As- Seerah, p92,93] On the whole, the account of his conversion is very interesting and requires us to go into some details.

One day, ‘Umar bin Al- Khattab set out from his house, and headed for the Holy Sanctuary where he saw the Prophet [pbuh] offering prayer and overheard him reciting the
ah Al- H
(Chapter 69 — The Reality) of the Noble Qur’? . The Words of All? appealed to him and touched the innermost cells of his heart. He felt 69


that they derived from unusual composition, and he began to question his people’s allegations as regards the man- composed poetry or words of a soothsayer that they used to attach to the Noble Qur’? . The Prophet [pbuh] went on to recite:

"That this is verily the word of an honoured Messenger (i.e. Gabriel or Muhammad

[pbuh] which he has brought from All? ). It is not the word of a poet, little is that you believe! Nor is it the word of a soothsayer (or a foreteller), little is that you remember! This is the Revelation sent down from the Lord of the ‘
(mankind, jinns and all that exists)." [Al- Qur'an 69:40- 43]

At that very moment, Islam permeated his heart.[Tareekh 'Umar bin Al- Khattab p.6]

However, the dark layer of pre- Islamic tendencies, the deep- seated traditional bigotry as well as the blind pride in his forefathers overshadowed the essence of the great Truth that began to feel its way reluctantly into his heart. He, therefore, persisted in his atrocities against Islam and its adherents unmindful of the pure and true- to- man’s nature feeling that lay behind that fragile cover of pre- Islamic ignorance and mentality. His sharp temper and excessive enmity towards the Prophet [pbuh] led him one day to leave his house, sword in hand, with the intention of killing the Prophet [pbuh] . He was in a fit of anger and was fretting and fuming.

Nu‘aim bin ‘Abdullah, a friend of ‘Umar’s, met him accidentally half way. What had caused so much excitement in him and on whom was the fury to burst, he inquired casually. ‘Umar said furiously: "To destroy the man Muhammad ([pbuh]) this apostate, who has shattered the unity of Quraish, picked holes in their religion, found folly with their wise men and blasphemed their gods." "‘Umar, I am sure, your soul has deceived you, do you think that Banu ‘Abd Munaf would let you walk on earth if you slain Muhammad [pbuh]? Why don’t you take care of your own family first and set them right?"

"Which of the folk of my house?" asked ‘Umar angrily. "Your brother- in- law and your sister have apostatized (meaning to say: They have become followers of Muhammad

[pbuh]) and abandoned your religion."

‘Umar directed his footsteps to his sister’s house. As he drew near, he heard the voice of Khabbab bin Aratt, who was reading the Qur’? ic Chapter
T?H?/i> (mystic
letters, T. H.) to both of them. Khabbab, perceiving the noise of his footsteps retired
to a closet. Fatimah, ‘Umar’s sister, took hold of the leaf and hid it. But ‘Umar had
already heard the voice. "What sound was that I have heard just now?" shouted the
son of Khattab, entering angrily. Both his sister and her husband replied, "You heard
nothing." "Nay," said he swearing fiercely, "I have heard that you have apostatized."

He plunged forward towards his brother- in- law and beat him severely, but Fatimah
rushed to the rescue of her husband. Thereupon, ‘Umar fell upon his sister and
struck upon her head. The husband and wife could not contain themselves and cried
aloud: "Yes, we are Muslims, we believe in All
and His Messenger Muhammad

[pbuh] so do what you will." When ‘Umar saw the face of his dear sister besmeared
with blood, he was softened and said: "Let me see what you were reading, so that I
may see what Muhammad [pbuh] has brought." Fatimah was satisfied with the
assurance, but said: "O brother, you are unclean on account of your idolatry, none
but the pure may touch it. So go and wash first." He did so, and took the page and
read the opening verses of the Chapter T?H?/i> until he reached:


"Verily! I am All
! L?il
a illa Ana (none has the right to be worshipped but I), so
worship Me and offer prayers perfectly (Iq
at- as- Sal
), for My Remembrance." [Al-Qur'an 20:14].

‘Umar read the verses with great interest and was much entranced with them. "How
excellent it is, and how graceful! Please guide me to Muhammad [pbuh] ." said he.

And when he heard that, Khabbab came out of concealment and said, "O ‘Umar, I
hope that All
has answered the prayer of the Prophet [pbuh] , for I heard him say:

‘O All
! Strengthen Islam through either ‘Umar bin Al- Khattab or Abu Jahl bin
Hisham.’" ‘Umar then left for a house in Safa where Muhammad [pbuh] had been
holding secret meetings along with his Companions. ‘Umar reached that place with
the sword swinging by his arm. He knocked at the door. The Companions of the
Prophet [pbuh] turned to see who the intruder was. One of them peeped through a
chink in the door and reeled back exclaiming: "It is ‘Umar with his sword." Hamzah,
dispelling the fears of his friends, said: "Let him in. As a friend he is welcome. As a
foe, he will have his head cut off with his own sword." The Prophet [pbuh] asked his
Companions to open the door. In came the son of Khattab. The Prophet [pbuh]

advanced to receive the dreadful visitor, caught him by his garment and scabbard,
and asked him the reason of his visit. At that ‘Umar replied: "O Messenger of All

[pbuh] , I come to you in order to believe in All
and his Messenger and that which
he has brought from his Lord." Filled with delight, Muhammad [pbuh] together with
his Companions, cried aloud: ‘All
u Akbar’ (All
is Great). [Tareekh 'Umar bin Al-Khattab, p7- 11; Ibn Hisham 1/343]

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