The Sealed Nectar (26 page)

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Authors: Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri

BOOK: The Sealed Nectar
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(obligatory charity), and they enjoin
Al- Ma‘ruf
(i.e. Islamic Monotheism and
all that Islam orders one to do), and forbid
Al- Munkar
(i.e. disbelief,
polytheism and all that Islam has forbidden) [i.e. they make the Qur’ân as
the Law of their country in all the spheres of life]."
[Al- Qur'an 22:41].

Doubtlessly, the permission to fight was revealed in Madinah after emigration, not in Makkah, still the exact date where of is in doubt.

The permission to fight was already there, but in the light of the status quo, it was wise for the Muslims to bring the commercial routes leading to Makkah under their control. To realize this strategic objective, the Prophet [pbuh] had to choose either of two options:

a. Entering into non- aggression pacts with the tribes inhabiting either the areas adjacent to the routes or between these routes and Madinah. With respect to this course of action, the Prophet [pbuh] had already signed, together with the Jews and other neighbouring tribes, the aforementioned pact of cooperation and good neighbourliness.

b. Despatching successive armed missions for harassment along the strategic commercial routs.

Pre-Badr Missions and Invasions

With a view to implementing these plans, the Muslims commenced real military activities, which at first took the form of reconnaissance patrols delegated to explore the geopolitical features of the roads surrounding Madinah and others leading to Makkah, and building alliances with the tribes nearby. The Prophet wanted to impress upon the polytheists and Jews of Madinah as well as the bedouins in its vicinity, that the Muslims had smashed their old fears, and had been too strong to be attacked with impunity. He also wanted to display the power of his followers in order to deter Quraish from committing any military folly against him which might 126


jeopardize their economic life and means of living, and to stop them from persecuting the helpless Muslims detained in Makkah, consequently he would avail himself of this opportunity and resume his job of propagating the Divine Call freely.

The following is a resume of these missions and errands: 1. Saif Al- Bahr Platoon sent in Ramadan 1 A.H., i.e. 623 A.D. led by Hamzah bin

‘Abdul Muttalib and comprising 30 Emigrants with a definite task of intercepting a caravan belonging to Quraish. It was a caravan of 300 people including Abu Jahl bin Hisham. The two parties encountered each other and aligned in preparation for fighting. Majdi bin ‘Amr, on good terms with both sides, happened to be there and managed to prevent an imminent clash.

On that occasion, the Prophet [pbuh] accredited the first flag in the history of Muslims. It was white in colour and was entrusted to Kinaz bin Husain Al-Ghanawi, to carry.

2. In Shawwal, 1 A.H., i.e. April 623 A.D. The Messenger of Allâh [pbuh]

despatched ‘Ubaidah bin Al- Harith bin Al- Muttalib at the head of 60 horsemen of Emigrants to a spot called Batn Rabegh where they encountered Abu Sufyan at the head of a caravan of 200 men. There was arrow shooting but no actual fighting.

It is interesting to note that two Muslims, Al- Miqdad bin ‘Amr Al- Bahrani and

‘Utbah bin Ghazwan Al- Mazini, defected from the caravan of Quraish and joined the ranks of ‘Ubaidah. The Muslims had a white flag carried by Mistah bin Athatha bin Al- Muttalib bin ‘Abd Munaf.

3. In Dhul Qa‘dah 1 A.H., i.e. May 623 A.D. the Prophet [pbuh] despatched Sa‘d bin Abi Waqqas at the head of 20 horsemen, and instructed them not to go beyond Al- Kharrar. After a five- day march they reached the spot to discover that the camels of Quraish had left the day before; their flag, as usual, was white and carried by Al- Miqdad bin ‘Amr.

4. Ghazwa Al- Abwa’ or Waddan. It was in Safar 2 A.H., i.e. 623 A.D. The Messenger of Allâh [pbuh] set out himself at the head of 70 men, mostly Emigrants, to intercept a camel caravan belonging to Quraish, leaving behind Sa‘d bin ‘Ubadah to dispose the affairs in Madinah. When he reached Waddan, a place between Makkah and Madinah, he found none.

In the process of this campaign, he contracted a non- aggression pact with

‘Amr bin Makhshi Ad- Damari. The provisions of the pact go as follows:

"This is a document from Muhammad, the Messenger of Allâh concerning Bani Damrah in which he established them safe and secure in their wealth and lives. They can expect support from the Muslims unless they oppose the religion of Allâh. They are also expected to respond positively in case the Prophet sought their help.[]"

This was the first invasion under the leadership of the Messenger of Allâh. It took fifteen days, with a white flag carried by Hamzah bin ‘Abdul Muttalib.



5. Buwat Invasion. It took place in Rabi‘ Al- Awwal 2 A.H., i.e. 623 A.D. The Prophet [pbuh], at the head of 200 companions, marched for Buwat to intercept a caravan belonging to Quraish comprising 100 Quraishites, Omaiya bin Khalaf among them, and 2500 camels. When he reached Buwat, the caravan had left. Before leaving Madinah, he mandated Sa‘d bin Mu‘adh to dispose the affairs until his return.

6. Safwan Invasion. In Rabi‘ Al- Awwal 2 A.H., i.e. 623 A.D. Karz bin Jabir at the head of a small group of polytheists raided the pastures of Madinah and looted some animals. The Prophet [pbuh] at the head of 70 men left Madinah to fight the aggressors. He went in their pursuit till he reached a place called Safwan near Badr but could not catch up with them. This invasion came to be known as the preliminary Badr Invasion. During his absence, the Prophet

[pbuh] entrusted Zaid bin Harithah with the disposition of the affairs in Madinah. The standard was white in colour and entrusted to ‘Ali bin Abi Talib to carry.

7. Dhil ‘Ushairah Invasion. It was in Jumada- al- Ula and Jumada- al- Akhirah the first or second 2 A.H., i.e. November- December 623 A.D. The Prophet [pbuh]

at the head of 150- 200 Muslim volunteers, with 30 camels which they rode turn by turn, set out to intercept a Quraishite caravan. He reached Dhil

‘Ushairah but the camels had left some days before. These camels were the same that he went out to intercept on their return from Syria, and were the direct reason for the break out of the battle of Badr. In the process of this campaign, the Prophet [pbuh] contracted a non- aggression pact with Bani Madlij and their allies Bani Dhumrah. Abu Salama bin ‘Abd Al- Asad Al-Makhzumi was mandated to rule Madinah in his absence.

8. The Platoon of Nakhlah. It took place in Rajab 2 A.H., i.e. January 624 A.H.

The Messenger of Allâh [pbuh] despatched ‘Abdullah bin Jahsh Asadi to Nakhlah at the head of 12 Emigrants with six camels. ‘Abdullah was given a letter by the Prophet [pbuh] but was instructed to read it only after two days.

He followed the instructions and discovered that he was asked to go on to a place called Nakhlah standing between Makkah and At- Ta’if, intercept a caravan for Quraish and collect news about their intentions. He disclosed the contents of the letters to his fellows who blindly obeyed the orders. At Nakhlah, the caravan passed carrying loads of raisins (dried grapes), food stuff and other commodities. Notable polytheists were also there such as ‘Amr bin Al- Hadrami, ‘Uthman and Naufal, sons of ‘Abdullah bin Al- Mugheerah and others... The Muslims held consultations among themselves with respect to fighting them taking into account Rajab which was a sacred month (during which, along with Dhul Hijja, Dhul Qa‘da and Muharram, war activities were suspended as was the custom in Arabia then). At last they agreed to engage with them in fighting. ‘Amr bin Al- Hadrami was shot dead by an arrow,

‘Uthman and Al- Hakam were captured whereas Naufal escaped. They came back with the booty and the two prisoners. They set aside one- fifth of the booty assigned to Allâh and His Messenger, and took the rest. The Messenger disapproved of that act and suspended any action as regards the camels and the two captives on account of the prohibited months already mentioned. The polytheists, on their part, exploited this golden opportunity to calumniate the Muslims and accuse them of violating what is Divinely inviolable. This idle talk brought about a painful headache to Muhammad’s Companions, until at last they were relieved when the Revelation came down giving a decisive answer and stating quite explicitly that the behaviour of the polytheists in the whole 128


process was much more heinous and far more serious than the act of the Muslims:

"They ask you concerning fighting in the sacred months (i.e. 1st, 7th,
11th and 12th months of the Islamic calendar). Say, ‘Fighting therein
is a great (transgression) but a greater (transgression) with Allâh is
to prevent mankind from following the way of Allâh, to disbelieve in
Him, to prevent access to
Al- Masjid- Al- Harâm
(at Makkah), and to
drive out its inhabitants, and
Al- Fitnah
is worse than killing."
[Al-Qur'an 2:217]

The Words of Allâh were quite clear and said that the tumult created by the polytheists was groundless. The sacred inviolable sanctities had been repeatedly violated in the long process of fighting Islam and persecuting its adherents. The wealth of the Muslims as well as their homes had already been violated and their Prophet [pbuh] had been the target of repeated attempts on his life. In short, that sort of propaganda could deservedly be described as impudence and prostitution.

This has been a resume of pre- Badr platoons and invasions. None of them witnessed any sort of looting property or killing people except when the polytheists had committed such crimes under the leadership of Karz bin Jabir Al- Fahri. It was, in fact, the polytheists who had initiated such acts. No wonder, for such ill- behaviour is immanent in their natural disposition.

Shortly afterwards, the two captives were released and blood money was given to the killed man’s father.[For details see Za'd Al-Ma'ad 2/83-85; Ibn Hisham 1/605; Rahmat-ul-lil'alameen 1/115, 2/468]

After this event, Quraish began to realize the real danger that Madinah could present with. They came to know that Madinah had always been on the alert, watching closely their commercial caravans. It was then common knowledge to them that the Muslims in their new abode could span and extend their military activities over an area of 300 miles. and bring it under full control. However, the new situation borne in mind, the Makkans could not be deterred and were too obstinate to come to terms with the new rising power of Islam. They were determined to bring their fall by their own hands and with this recklessness they precipitated the great battle of Badr.

The Muslims, on the other hand, and at the behest of their Lord, were ordered to go to war in Sha‘ban 2 A.H:

"And fight, in the way of Allâh those who fight you; but transgress not the
limits. Truly, Allâh likes not the transgressors. And kill them wherever you
find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And

(polytheism or calamity) is worse than killing. And fight not with
them at
Al- Masjid- Al- Harâm
(the Sanctuary at Makkah), unless they (first)
fight you there. But if they attack you, then kill them. Such is the
recompense of the disbelievers. But if they cease, then Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. And fight them until there is no more

(disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allâh) and (all and every
kind of ) worship is for Allâh (Alone). But if they cease, let there be no
transgression except against
Az- Zalimûn
(polytheists, and wrong- doers,
[Al- Qur'an 2:190- 193]



Before long, Allâh again sent the Muslims a different sort of verses whereby teaching them ways of fighting, urging them to go to war and demonstrating relevant rules:

"So, when you meet (in fight -
in Allâh’s cause), those who disbelieve
smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them,
then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives). Thereafter (is
the time) either for generosity (i.e. free them without ransom), or ransom
(according to what benefits Islam), until the war lays down its burden. Thus

[you are ordered by Allâh to continue in carrying out
against the
disbelievers till they embrace Islam (i.e. are saved from the punishment in
the Hell- fire) or at least come under your protection], but if it had been
Allâh’s Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you).

But (He lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others. But those
who are killed in the way of Allâh, He will never let their deeds be lost. He
will guide them and set right their state. And admit them to Paradise which
He has made known to them (i.e. they will know their places in Paradise
more than they used to know their houses in the world). O you who believe!

If you help (in the cause of) Allâh, He will help you, and make your foothold
[Al- Qur'an 47:4- 7][Tafheem

-ul-Qur'an 5/11]

Shortly afterwards, Allâh began to dispraise the hypocrites, the weak at heart and cowardly elements:

"But when a decisive
(explaining and ordering things) is sent down,
and fighting (
— the holy fighting) is mentioned (i.e. ordained) therein,
you will see those in whose hearts is a disease (of hypocrisy) looking at you
with a look of one fainting to death. "
[Al- Qur'an 47:20]

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