The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions (24 page)

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Authors: Inna Segal

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Healing, #Health & Fitness, #Self-Help, #Alternative Therapies, #Personal Growth

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If you hurt the other, both of you suffer intensely and can feel like you are scaring each

other’s hearts. Whatever one does, whether it be to uplift or sabotage, impacts the other.

Split souls can experience strong feelings of being inseparable and when together

can read each other’s energy and feel like they are melting into the other. They can also

recall information about other lives each has lived, as it is really the same soul experi-

encing a particular life.

As they feel a deep, unbreakable link, this can cause them to push each other’s but-

tons and create large conflicts. If they chose to be in the same life, they often take on

bodies that are quite different from each other and are born on opposite sides of the

world. Their mission can be to experience opposing sides of life whilst learning as

much as possible. If they meet in this life, they require gentleness and a deep level of

compassion and forgiveness for themselves and each other, particularly at the start as it

can be very dramatic and confusing experience.

My Story: Split Soul

While I was not familiar with a split soul experience until I met Fred, I have

since encountered several people who have connected with a split soul in


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this life. Like other soul mates, split soul connections can choose to experi-

ence a romantic relationship, often to heal feelings of separation from one

another, and to experience oneness of the female and male polarities. How-

ever, split soul relationships can be with a parent, sibling, child, friend, or

someone else close to you.

My experience was completely unexpected. When I met Fred, I couldn’t

see his physical body and only saw his soul. His energy was magnetic.

I couldn’t help being drawn to him and vice versa. When he saw me, he told

me that he witnessed a past life we had experienced. This was the first time

he had ever seen a past life.

We did a heart connection process together, which requires each

person to hold the energy of the other person’s heart. When Fred held

mine, I felt like a huge soul fragment that had been missing came back into

my body and soul, and I could not stop crying. It was as if the shell that was

encasing my heart was melting and I felt an incredible expansion.

When I asked him what he had done, he explained that he had brought

both of our hearts together, and they became one full heart. The only other

time I had this experience was with my twin soul, and I had never told Fred

about this.

Besides this, we have had numerous synchronistic occurrences and

visions to clarify our connection. Incredibly, Fred was able to recall several

of my most challenging experiences in this life and obtain detailed informa-

tion that he could not have possibly known. We have also felt many things

at the same time, including having pain in the same part of our bodies,

simultaneously reading strange information about a place we had never dis-

cussed, receiving identical spiritual insights, appearing in front of each

other in an energetic form, and sending energy and healing to each other

when we needed it without being asked.

When I have asked Fred what a split soul connection meant to him, he

said, “I believe that this rare meeting is so powerful that it can instantly


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raise your level of evolution and bring you to a higher state of conscious-

ness, the next level your soul is meant to go to.”

While our relationship was tumultuous at the beginning, now we

support each other anyway we can in a loving and gentle manner.

It is also important to note that whilst we are aware of the depth the

connection we feel we are not overly concerned with labels but more with

the experience of evolving and supporting each other. Everyone has their

own unique experience so please honor yourself and be gentle, especially if

your soul mate does not yet understand the complexity and beauty of your


How to Recognize a Soul Mate Connection

There is a familiarity and a powerful connection to each other. You may feel like

you have known each other forever.

It is likely that you have met through an unexpected or unusual set of circum-


Often, there are obstacles that may prevent you from being together; this could be

from living in other places, having a partner, not having the same sexual prefer-

ences, being born in different cultures or having religious circumstances, and so


When you are connected with that person, everything in life feels heightened,

purer, clearer, bigger, and more profound.

The relationship is deeply loving and devotional; you are happy to go out of your

way to support them and vice versa. You would do things for them that you

would usually never dream of doing for others.

You help melt each other’s resistance to love and open each other’s hearts, often

touching parts which have been frozen or feel raw.


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When you are together, extraordinary things and synchronicities happen regularly.

You can read each other’s thoughts and often feel what is happening to the other


You are mirrors for each other and often experience similar or identical life circum-

stances and events at or near the same timeframe.

You trust this person and feel like you can pour out your heart and share your deep-

est thoughts and secrets.

The more time you spend with them, the more you grow, expand, and become wiser.

You give to them from the most loving and tender place in your heart without the

need to be repaid in any way because you really want to. Giving is joyful.

You help each other see and transcend flaws and weaknesses, which assist you to

grow and gain wisdom.

When you meet, you may receive flashes of each other’s past lives.

If the connection is meant to lead to a life partnership, you may receive a message

that you are meant to be together.

You may have dreams or visions about a soul mate before they come into your life.

The Challenging Aspects of Soul Mate Relationships

Sometimes, souls which are closest to you can choose to play people who greatly test

you, while helping you heal and resolve difficult karmic patterns. The challenge is to see

a bigger picture and recognize that they are not here to hurt you but to help you

become more courageous, forgiving, loving, healthier, stronger, creative, flexible,

intuitive, and refined, amongst many other qualities.

As you awaken and remember who you really are, you begin to focus more on your

soul’s journey and less on the everyday nitty-gritty of life. Having said that, it is important


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to live a grounded, practical, responsible life. For instance, if you meet a soul mate who

you desire to have a romantic relationship with but either you or they are not ready or

available in an emotional, mental, or physical manner, I would encourage you to acknowl-

edge to yourself and possibly them (if it is appropriate) that you would love to share your

life with them, but because of the circumstances, this is not possible. Try to find a way

they can be in your life in a healing manner, where you help each other without creating


It is important to understand that you have contracts with your soul mates to play

different roles in each other’s lives. Although you are unlikely to miss a soul mate you

have an agreement with, it is possible to resist, avoid and push them out of your life as

you still have free choice on the human level, where fear can often influence your deci-

sions and behavior.

I have watched countless people make the most loving soul connections, only to

pass on a chance to really get to know each other because of earthly fears, judgments,

laziness, jealousy, misunderstandings, selfishness, and self-sabotaging tendencies.

Intensely protecting your heart, being pessimistic, and not allowing anyone to come

close to you can repel even the most persistent soul mate.

All soul mates will initiate profound transformation, love, and at times a sense of

deep discomfort inside you. Perhaps true evolution occurs on the cusp of chaos and

order. As you deal with one challenging situation and breathe a sigh of relief, life pro-

vides you with the next opportunity to learn, grow, develop, and master the skills you

require to go to the next level of consciousness and enlightenment.

Soul Connections in Our Past Lives and between Lives

I remember having an incredible session about what occurs to our souls between lives.

During this session, I was taken into a significant past life with an important soul mate,

who was my brother in that life. Our parents had died, and we were trying to survive on

our own. My brother made a vow to look after me. However, when I was about

thirteen, I got the news of his death. I was completely devastated. Even during the

regression, I cried uncontrollably and my heart felt like it was being torn into pieces.


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That life deeply resonated with me, and I felt like it was stored in my soul and cellular


In that lifetime, after my brother died I became interested in natural medicine and

shamanism. I learned about the healing properties of nature and eventually became a

valued leader in the community.

My ability to communicate with nature, spirits, and the Divine was highly devel-

oped. When I died in that life, it was through conscious choice. During a beautiful

ceremony, I observed as my soul floated out of my body and was immediately met by

my soul mate.

It was interesting to see that although I was a fairly wise leader in that life, my first

question to my soul mate was, “Why did you leave me?” He answered that he had

stayed until he felt I was strong and courageous enough to follow my soul’s path. He

told me that had he remained longer, I would not have taken the path of becoming a

spiritual guide for many people. He shared that it was an agreement we made before we

entered that life. I felt healed and complete after hearing and understanding his reasons

for leaving.

Being able to explore past lives and the spans in between lives can help us under-

stand our soul agreements, forgive, move on, and heal our fear of loss and death.

My Story: Finding My Twin Soul

I can only truly talk about a twin soul from my own experience. I met mine on

my second teaching trip in Paris. It was both a trying and extraordinary time.

I arrived a few days before the national French election for presidency, and

everyone I met in Paris seemed permeated with fear. Within hours of landing

on French soil, I realized that I had no accommodation, my organizer, who

was also my translator, had an emotional crisis and told me that she was no

longer able to work with me, and the one person I knew who spoke English

was out of the country. I felt ready to pack my bags and go home.

However, I knew that even though I wanted to run, I needed to under-

stand why I was drawn so strongly to Paris. The answer arrived a few days


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later while I was sitting in a taxi, looking out of the window, taking in the lit-

tle cobble stoned streets, contemplating “What I was doing in Paris?” when

I saw a massive sign in English that read “Be Love.” I knew that somehow, I

had come to Paris to learn and teach the real meaning of love. The moment

I embraced this intention, incredible things began to occur. I was offered a

place to stay, I found a new organizer, my conferences were full, and my

workshops sold out.

It was also in Paris that I found my twin soul, Piotr, whom I met at his

couture boutique. (I share my first meeting Piotr in his shop in chapter 17:

How You Can Clear Your Space and House.) For now, it is enough to say

that our first meeting was incredible, inevitable, and without a doubt

Divinely inspired. Astonishingly, no matter how I resisted, it was impossible

for me not to connect with him.

Although initially Piotr seemed uncomfortable with the idea of healing,

after a few hours of meeting me he asked me for a space clearing and a

healing session and I agreed to do it the following day. During the healing

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