The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions (28 page)

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Authors: Inna Segal

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Healing, #Health & Fitness, #Self-Help, #Alternative Therapies, #Personal Growth

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stirred in your body. These feelings and sensations are your guidance system. Negative

feelings create unpleasant and painful sensations, which show you that the direction

you are moving in is limiting, constricting, and hard. When you become aware of feel-

ings of stuckness, you have an opportunity to explore, find another direction, and

experience expansion. Thus, when you are connected to yourself, everything guides you

toward where your spirit desires to go.

Although I believe that we need to live in a practical, down-to-earth way, I also

know that nothing is impossible to a soul if it’s in its destiny. Throughout this book, I

have shared some of the incredible stories that have occurred in my and other people’s

lives to demonstrate that we all have a purpose, and guidance, if we are receptive.

Your guides and angels may rarely show up in front of you but can communicate

with you through a variety of signs. Sometimes you may experience a familiar feeling,

be lead to a person, book, class, or place which helps you move forward.

Your soul purpose could include a combination of experiences that your mind does

not understand but that your soul needs to learn and grow. Some of those experiences

will be extremely enjoyable and heightened; you may even see them as peak

experiences. Others will be challenging and feel like a struggle, but through them, you

will build your emotional and spiritual stamina.

Your Soul Is Here to Learn

While in the spirit world, you have a constant experience of peace, love, joy, and a Divine

point of view, you do not have much of an opportunity to learn and grow through contrast.

Thus, learning in the spirit world could be compared to being in a classroom. For instance,

if someone tells you that a great chocolate bar, which contains delicious cacao, honey,

caramel, and hazelnuts, can take you to heaven with its creamy, sweet, nutty texture, you

might salivate at the thought, but until you actually taste it, it will remain a concept.

Although for most people, birth on the physical plane equals amnesia of their spiri-

tual heritage, the soul has a strong agenda to fulfill its purpose. Unlike in the physical


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The Secret of Life Wellness

realm, where the idea of your life purpose is connected to a job description, in the spirit

world, souls see their life purpose as a practical experience, where they learn the true

meaning of love, compassion, courage, healing, transformation, and creativity.

Through the challenge of dealing with family members, everyday problems, ill-

nesses, difficult relationships, loss of loved ones, lack of financial support, natural

disasters, and other traumatic events, we have an opportunity to become more resilient,

compassionate, loving, forgiving, creative, innovative, and inspiring.

A soul whose purpose is to become empowered may choose to be born into a

family who views their lives from a victim perspective and may cause the new member

to feel disempowered. It is this soul’s opportunity to become a strong, courageous, com-

passionate, and inspiring human being whilst growing up in an opposing environment.

Physical Defects as Blessings

Often a soul is presented with a selection of several bodies to choose from for the opti-

mal fulfillment of its soul purpose. The options can involve healthy or imperfect bodies.

It is important to understand that when a soul picks a body, it is attached to a set of

parents with specific points of view on life. Thus, by making a choice of a particular

body, the soul takes into consideration the people it will be surrounded by and the chal-

lenges it will have to face.

Occasionally, a soul will pick an imperfect body, because the learning and the con-

tribution to others can be profound, effective, and far reaching.

I recently read an inspirational story about Lesley, a young woman who was born

without any arms. Lesley can write, drive, talk on the phone, type, and fly a plane.

Stuart was born limbless, with no arms and one small foot with two toes. Despite

this, he surfs, swims, and plays golf and soccer.

Helen Keller contracted an illness when she was nineteen months old that left her

deaf and blind. Despite this impediment, she became one of the most celebrated prolific

authors, political activists, educators, and humanitarians of the twentieth century.

Those examples demonstrate that a soul can rise beyond its limitations and difficul-

ties to live fully, inspire, touch, and transform others.


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Inna Segal

Experiencing Déjà Vu

Occasionally, the places you go to or the people you meet can feel so familiar that you

may have a strong sense of déjà vu. This often occurs because your soul wants you to

pay attention to what is happening around you. Prior to taking on human form, a soul

can elect to experience snippets of future events in a particular human body before

deciding if it’s is the right body to achieve its purpose. Souls can also choose to

practice connecting to people and places or making important decisions while still in

the spirit world in order to give themselves the best chance to carry them out in the


Be Open to Finding Your Purpose

You discover your purpose when you are willing to stop saying that you don’t know

what your purpose is and allow yourself to find out. Start to examine the thoughts,

beliefs, and emotional patterns that do not serve you in your life and let them go. Think

of this as cleaning your house. For instance, does it really serve you to blame others or

make them wrong? Can thinking in a limiting way make you happy and successful?

The question of your soul purpose is not so much about a job you do, although

that could be part of your life purpose, but how you live your life. Are you willing to

be courageous, sensitive, loving, gentle, and compassionate and take risks, or will you

choose to live your life from a limited perspective of safety and dissatisfaction, where

there is little or no room to grow? Will you examine your vulnerabilities, learn to

forgive, heal your pain, face your fears, and move forward, or will you spend your

life blaming everything and everyone and resign yourself to a life of limitation, pain,

and struggle? In other words, will you look beyond the obvious and explore

what is mysterious, unexplained, and extraordinary or narrow mindedly stick

with what you know?

You have the ability to change your mind and see things from a different perspective

allowing things to come into your life rather than struggling. Wisdom can come to you

through listening to the radio, watching television, surfing the internet, walking down

the street, and bumping into a person who inspires you, being given a book, doing some-


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thing creative, hearing a song that gives you a brilliant idea, meditating, or even having

one of your guides or an angel appear in front of you. The main thing is that you need to

be open and receptive to signs, your intuition and déjà vu.

Even an event that you may not consider positive, such as an accident or illness, can

lead you to discover your path and contribution in life. Consider the story of an Ameri-

can man who lost his leg during the war, then many years later read about twin boys

from Russia who both had one leg amputated. Because of his own experience he

decided to adopt them and giving them a chance of a better life.

Simple Acts

I have discovered that sometimes the simplest acts, such as a smile, a kind word, or a

friendly gesture can be considered an important contribution that has been made to

others. It seems that some of the things that we value highly, such as accumulating a lot

of money or being famous, are not necessarily related to what is important to the soul.

However, being of service is always significant.

Calling on Higher Guidance

Each person has spirit guides, who are assigned to support and assist them. Those

guides work silently, doing what they can to help you live your life purpose, rarely inter-

fering, unless you ask for help or have an agreement which was made to wake you up or

encourage you to grow and move forward at a specific time.

Many people become disenchanted with Divine helpers, because they are disturbed

by all the terrible ways that certain humans behave. What they forget is that we have

free will, which gives us an opportunity to learn and grow from our challenges and mis-

takes. It is always up to each individual to make their best choices. This is why instead

of blaming Divinity for our lot in life we have a chance to work with higher help, hand

in hand to make our lives as empowering and satisfying as possible.

From my explorations, I have come to understand that your spiritual guides want

you to ask them for help in all areas of your life. In fact, I encourage people to develop a

daily practice of inviting Divine intervention into every area of their life.


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Inna Segal

You know a spirit guide is helping you when synchronicities occur in your life, you

receive information in your mind that is different than your usual thinking or all of a

sudden, you know a solution to a problem. Spirit guides can help you through

prophetic dreams, visions, and intuitive guidance where you can hear a guide’s voice

telling you to do something or warning you against taking certain actions. You may also

become calm in a stressful or a traumatic situation and perform the tasks you need to

do without thinking about them. Guides can direct you to look up a certain reference

book, find a website that answers your questions, or encourage you to call someone who

can help you.

My Story: My Soul’s Purpose

After I began teaching people to heal themselves, increase their intuition,

and transform their lives, I had a very peculiar experience, which confirmed

my soul purpose.

Having successfully taught my first Visionary Intuitive Healing® work-

shop, I decided to rest and read a book about Edgar Cayce, an amazing seer

who could diagnose illnesses he had never studied and outline treatments

he had never heard of. Cayce has been called the “sleeping prophet,” as for

more than forty years he gave psychic and medical readings to thousands of

seekers while in an unconscious state. Born in 1877, Cayce died in 1945.

I was relaxing and enjoying reading about Edgar’s experiences in the

early 1900’s, when I came to the part where an angel appeared to him. My

interest intensified as I read that the angel asked Cayce, who was thirteen,

what he wanted more than anything in his life. Edgar said he wanted to help

people, especially children, heal. The angel promised that his desire would

come true.

I quietly contemplated what I had read, and thought,
I would love if an

angel appeared to me and told me my soul purpose
. Although I felt that I

was on track, I still wanted guidance and confirmation. Within moments of

having this thought, I felt a powerful presence in the room.


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The Secret of Life Wellness

A magnificent angel appeared in front of me. I felt its soft waves of

warm healing energy surround me. The angel told me that my role was to

remind people to open their hearts, souls, and minds to love, compassion,

kindness, and truth. The angel said I was to travel the world and inspire oth-

ers to get in touch with their own healing ability, intuition, Divine Wisdom,

and soul purpose. It explained that I had made a soul agreement to impact,

touch, and make a difference to millions of lives, through my courses,

books, articles, and television appearances.

As you can imagine, I was overwhelmed. I had just turned twenty-five,

and although I had been seeing clients and teaching personal development

workshops since my early twenties, I had no idea how I could achieve what

the angel predicted.

The angel said that I would have a lot of help and be guided on my jour-

ney. When I pressed for more information, I was told not to worry, that I

would gain media exposure and my work would become well known. The

angel emphasized that I would first start teaching around Australia and

then overseas. Lastly, I felt embraced by a warm, loving energy and heard,

“Don’t be concerned, you will be guided and everything will happen per-

fectly, just trust.” I thanked the angel as it disappeared.

Although I was enthusiastic about my angelic experience, doubt and

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