The Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture: Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program (89 page)

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Among other documents, see Memorandum for: Inspector General; from: James Pavitt, Deputy Director for Operations; subject: re (S) Comments to Draft IG Special Review, “Counterterrorism Detention and Interrogation Program” (2003-7123-IG); date: February 27, 2004; attachment: February 24, 2004, Memorandum re Successes of CIA’s Counterterrorism Detention and Interrogation Activities.

Among other documents, see Memorandum for the Record: “Review of Interrogation Program on 29 July 2003, “Memorandum prepared by CIA General Counsel Scott Muller, dated August 5, 2003, and briefing slides entitled, “CIA Interrogation Program,” dated July 29, 2003, presented to senior White House officials; Briefing for Vice President Cheney: CIA Detention and Interrogation Program. CIA document dated March 4, 2005, entitled, “Briefing for Vice President Cheney: CIA Detention and Interrogation Program,” and “DCIA Talking Points: Waterboard 06 November 2007,” dated November 6, 2007, with the notation the document was “sent to DCIA Nov. 6 in preparation for POTUS meeting.”

Among other documents, see March 2, 2005, Memorandum for Steve Bradbury from ████, ██ Legal Group, DCI Counterterrorist Center re: Effectiveness of the CIA Counterterrorist Interrogation Techniques.

Among other documents, see CIA classified Statement for the Record, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, provided by General Michael V. Hayden, Director, Central Intelligence Agency, 12 April 2007; and accompanying Senate Select Committee on Intelligence hearing transcript for April 12, 2007, entitled, “Hearing on Central Intelligence Agency Detention and Interrogation Program.”

See, for example, CIA “Questions and Proposed Answers” (related to the President’s speech) 9/2/2006; Tab 2 of CIA Validation of Remarks on Detainee Policy, September 6, 2006; and speech by President Bush on September 6, 2006.

CIA memorandum to “National Security Advisor,” from “Director of Central Intelligence,” Subject: “Effectiveness of the CIA Counterterrorist Interrogation Techniques,” included in email from: ████; to: █████, ████, and ████; subject: “paper on value of interrogation techniques”; date: December 6, 2004, at 5:06:38 PM. CIA document dated March 4, 2005, entitled, “Briefing for Vice President Cheney: CIA Detention and Interrogation Program.” CIA Talking Points entitled, “Talking Points for 10 March 2005 DCI Meeting PC: Effectiveness of the High-Value Detainee Interrogation (HVDI) Techniques.” CIA briefing document dated May 2, 2006, entitled, “BRIEFING FOR CHIEF OF STAFF TO THE PRESIDENT 2 May 2006 Briefing for Chief of Staff to the President Josh Bolten: CIA Rendition, Detention and Interrogation Programs.” March 2, 2005, Memorandum for Steve Bradbury from ████, ██ Legal Group, DCI Counterterrorist Center re: Effectiveness of the CIA Counterterrorist Interrogation Techniques.

CIA memorandum to “National Security Advisor,” from “Director of Central Intelligence,” Subject: “Effectiveness of the CIA Counterterrorist Interrogation Techniques,” included in email from: ████; to: █████, ████, and ████; subject: “paper on value of interrogation techniques”; date: December 6, 2004, at 5:06:38 PM; CIA document dated March 4, 2005, entitled, “Briefing for Vice President Cheney: CIA Detention and Interrogation Program.” CIA briefing document dated May 2, 2006, entitled, “BRIEFING FOR CHIEF OF STAFF TO THE PRESIDENT 2 May 2006 Briefing for Chief of Staff to the President Josh Bolten: CIA Rendition, Detention and Interrogation Programs.”

See, for example, transcript. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, April 12, 2007 (DTS #2007-3158).

“Khalid Shaykh Muhammad: Preeminent Source On Al-Qa’ida,” authored by [REDACTED], CTC/UBLD/AQPO/AQLB; CIA Briefing for Obama National Security Team—“Renditions, Detentions, and Interrogations (RDI)” including “Tab 7,” named “RDG Copy- Briefing on RDI Program 09 Jan. 2009,” referenced materials attached to cover memorandum with the title, “D/CIA Conference Room Seating Visit by President-elect Banack [
] Obama National Security Team Tuesday, 13 January 2009; 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.”

March 2, 2005, Memorandum for Steve Bradbury from █████, ██ Legal Group, DCI Counterterrorist Center re: Effectiveness of the CIA Counterterrorist Interrogation Techniques.

████████ 34491 (051400Z MAR 03).

CIA memorandum to “National Security Advisor,” from “Director of Central Intelligence,” Subject: “Effectiveness of the CIA Counterterrorist Interrogation Techniques,” included in email from: ████; to: █████, ████, and █████; subject: “paper on value of interrogation techniques”; date: December 6, 2004, at 5:06:38 PM. CIA document dated March 4, 2005, entitled, “Briefing for Vice President Cheney: CIA Detention and Interrogation Program.” CIA briefing document dated May 2, 2006, entitled, “BRIEFING FOR CHIEF OF STAFF TO THE PRESIDENT 2 May 2006 Briefing for Chief of Staff to the President Josh Bolten: CIA Rendition, Detention and Interrogation Programs.”

███ 11026 (271034Z MAR 03).

“Khalid Shaykh Muhammad’s Threat Reporting—Precious Truths, Surrounded by a Bodyguard of Lies,” Interagency Intelligent Committee on Terrorism (IICT), April 3, 2003.

DIRECTOR ██ (121550Z JUN 03).

ALEC ██ (022012Z MAY 03).

Memorandum for: ████; █████; ██████; from: █████; subject: Action detainee branch; date: 12 June 2003.

ALEC ██ (210159Z OCT 03); email from: █████; to: ████, █████, █████, ███████, █████, █████, [REDACTED]; cc: ████; subject: KSM and Khallad Issues; date: October 16, 2003, at 5:25:13 PM.

ALEC (222153Z APR 03).

See, for example, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Hearing on the Central Intelligence Agency Detention and Interrogation Program, April 12, 2007 (SSCI #2007-3158).

Interview of █████, by [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], Office of the Inspector General, May 15, 2003.

Interview of ████, by [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], Office of the Inspector General, April 3, 2003.

Sametime Communication, ████ and [REDACTED], 02/May/05, 14:51:48 to 15:17:39. The “Majid Khan stuff” refers to confronting KSM with the reporting of Majid Khan, then in foreign government custody.

Interview of █████, by [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and [REDACTED], Office of the Inspector General, August 20, 2003.

Interview of ████, by [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], Office of the Inspector General, October 22, 2003.

███ 11715 (201047Z MAY 03).

Sametime Communication, █████ and ███, 15/Aug/06, 10:28:38 to 10:58:00. The Sametime also includes the following statement from “I think it’s a dangerous message to say we could do almost the same without measures. Begs the question—then why did you use them before?”

Interview of █████, by [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], Office of the Inspector General, April 11 and 13, 2003.

“Khalid Shaykh Muhammad: Preeminent Source On Al-Qa’ida,” was authored by [REDACTED], CTC/UBLD/AQPO/AQLB. CIA Briefing for Obama National Security Team—”Renditions, Detentions, and Interrogations (RDI)” including “Tab 7,” named “RDG Copy—Briefing on RDI Program 09 Jan. 2009,” referenced materials attached to cover memorandum with the title, “D/CIA Conference Room Seating Visit by President-elect Barrack [
] Obama National Security Team Tuesday, 13 January; 8:30–11:30 a.m.”

███████████ 34513 (052246Z MAR 03); ████ 11139 (051956Z APR 03).

███████████ 34569 (061722Z MAR 03); ██████ 1281 (130801Z JUN 04); █████████ 5712 ███████; email from: █████; to: ███████, [REDACTED], [REDACTED]; subject: planned release of [DETENTION SITEORANGE] detainee Syed Habib; date: ██████████.

███ 10751 (102258Z MAR 03); ███ 10762 (112020Z MAR 03), disseminated as ██████; ██ 23796 (121932Z AUG 04); ██ 20873 (081631Z MAR 04); ██ 20873 (081631Z MAR 04); DIRECTOR ██ (101847Z MAY 04); DIRECTOR ██ (101847Z MAY 04).

████ 10740 (092308Z MAR03), disseminated as ██████; ███ 10741 (100917Z MAR 03); ALEC ██ (120134Z MAR 03).

███ 10883 (182127Z MAR 03), disseminated as ██████; ███ 11717 (201722Z MAY 03), disseminated as ██████; ███ 10778 (121549Z MAR 03), disseminated as █████.

███ 10894 (191513Z MAR 03); ███ 10902 (201037Z MAR 03).

███ 10959 (231205Z MAR 03); ███ 10950 (222127Z MAR 03).

███ 10902 (201037Z MAR 03); ███ 10959 (231205Z MAR 03); ███ 10959 (222127Z MAR 03); ███ 11377 (231943Z APR 03), disseminated as ██████.

███ 10798 (131816Z MAR 03), disseminated as ██████; ████ 14420 ██████; ALEC ██ (192314Z MAY 03); ███ 11717 (201222Z MAY 03); ███ 12141 (272231Z JUN 03).

███ 10778 (121549Z MAR 03), disseminated as ██████; ████ 12141 (272231Z JUN 03); ███ 22939 (031541Z JUL 04); ███ 10883 (182127Z MAR 03), disseminated as █████.

███ 10828 (151310Z MAR 03), included as part of disseminated intelligence (██████) describing a March 17, 2003, interrogation; ███ 10883 (182127Z MAR 03), disseminated as ██████; ███ 11717 (201722Z MAY 03), disseminated as ██████.

███ 10941 (221506Z MAR 03); ███ 10950 (222127Z MAR 03).

███ 10942 (221610Z MAR 03), disseminated as ██████; ███ 10948 (222101Z MAR 03), disseminated as ██████.

███ 12095 (222049Z JUN 03).

███ 10942 (221610Z MAR 03), disseminated as ██████.

███ 12558 (041938Z AUG 03); ██ 31148 (171919Z DEC 05); ██ 31147 (171919Z DEC 05), disseminated as ██████.

███ 11487 (031551Z MAY 03). As detailed in Volumes II and III, KSM’s claims that he fabricated information appeared credible to CIA officers. Other intelligence collection supported these claims.

Memorandum for: Inspector General; from: James Pavitt, Deputy Director for Operations; subject: re (S) Comments to Draft IG Special Review, “Counterterrorism Detention and Interrogation Program” (2003-7123-IG); date: February 27, 2004; attachment: February 24, 2004, Memorandum re Successes of CIA’s Counterterrorism Detention and Interrogation Activities.

CIA memorandum to “National Security Advisor,” from “Director of Central Intelligence,” Subject: “Effectiveness of the CIA Counterterrorist Interrogation Techniques,” included in email from: ██████; to: ███████, ██████, and ██████; subject: “paper on value of interrogation techniques”; date: December 6, 2004, at 5:06:38 PM.

March 2, 2005, Memorandum for Steve Bradbury from ██████, ██ Legal Group, DCI Counterterrorist Center re: Effectiveness of the CIA Counterterrorist Interrogation Techniques.

Email from: ██████; to: ██████; cc: █████, [REDACTED], [REDACTED], ███████; subject: re Addition on KSM/AZ and measures; date: February 9, 2004. Memorandum for: Inspector General; from: James Pavitt, Deputy Director for Operations; subject: re (S) Comments to Draft IG Special Review, “Counterterrorism Detention and Interrogation Program” (2003-7123-IG); date: February 27, 2004; attachment: February 24, 2004, Memorandum re Successes of CIA’s Counterterrorism Detention and Interrogation Activities.

█████ 41592 (051050Z MAR 03); █████ 41627 (051329Z MAR 03).

March 2, 2005, Memorandum for Steve Bradbury from ██████, ██ Legal Group, DCI Counterterrorist Center re: Effectiveness of the CIA Counterterrorist Interrogation Techniques.

The “critical” description in this CIA representation is addressed in the section of this summary concerning the reported acquisition of actionable intelligence after the use of the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques that the CIA represented as enabling the CIA to thwart terrorist plots and capture specific terrorists. See Volume II for additional information.

Among other documents, see CIA Memorandum for the National Security Advisor (Rice) entitled, “Effectiveness of the CIA Counterterrorist Interrogation Techniques,” December 2004; CIA Memorandum to the Office of Legal Counsel, entitled, “Effectiveness of the CIA Counterterrorist Interrogation Techniques,” March 2, 2005; CIA briefing notes entitled, “Briefing for Vice President Cheney: CIA Detention and Interrogation Program,” March 4, 2005; CIA talking points for the National Security Council entitled, “Talking Points for 10 March 2005 DCI Meeting PC: Effectiveness of the High-Value Detainee Interrogation (HVDI) Techniques,” dated March 4, 2005; CIA briefing notes entitled, “Briefing for Chief of Staff to the President Josh Bolten: CIA Rendition, Detention, and Interrogation Programs,” dated May 2, 2006; CIA briefing document, entitled, “DCIA Talking Points: Waterboard 06 November 2007,” dated November 6, 2007, with the notation the document was “sent to DCIA Nov. 6 in preparation for POTUS meeting.” Also included in additional briefing documents referenced and described in this summary.

While CIA multi-source intelligence reports are included in the Committee Study, the quantitative analysis in this summary is based on sole-source intelligence reporting, as these reports best reflect reporting from CIA detainees. Multi-source intelligence reports are reports that contain data from multiple detainees. As described above, a common multi-source report would result from the CIA showing a picture of an individual to all CIA detainees at a specific CIA detention site. A report would be produced regardless if detainees were or were not able to identify or provide information on the individual. As a specific example, see HEADQUARTERS ███ (202255Z JUN 06), which states that from January 1, 2006–April 30, 2006, information from Hambali was “used in the dissemination of three intelligence reports, two of which were non-recognitions of Guantanamo Bay detainees,” while the third “detailed [Hambali’s] statement that he knew of no threats or plots to attack any world sporting events.” Sole-source reports, by contrast, are based on specific information provided by one CIA detainee.

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