Read The Seventh Pillar Online

Authors: Alex Lukeman

The Seventh Pillar (24 page)

BOOK: The Seventh Pillar
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"Goodbye, Nick."

Then she was gone.


He woke for a moment. Selena nestled against him, warm under the covers. Nick listened to her quiet breathing and thought about Megan and went back to sleep.

Outside, snow fell in great, heavy flakes, covering the branches of the cedars and laying thick on the ground. A figure dressed in white camouflage stood motionless under one of the trees, almost invisible in the near white-out. He watched the light go out in the cabin window. The man spoke softly into a headset. He asked a question. He listened and acknowledged, then turned and vanished into the snow filled night.


About The Author


Alex Lukeman is a former Marine, professional folk musician and Rolfer. He likes riding old, fast motorcycles, sipping Barbados rum and playing guitar, usually not at the same time. He lives in the Sierra Foothills in Northern California. Readers can contact him through his website and blog.



BOOK: The Seventh Pillar
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