The Sexy Stranger Bundle (3 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Madison

BOOK: The Sexy Stranger Bundle
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“Oh!” I cried, grabbing the metal poles that held the headboard of the bed together.

His cock hit the same resistance. Frustrated, Enrique pulled his dick out of me and stroked it slowly a few times.

A burst of anxiety shot through me as I anticipated his next move and the loss of my virginity and innocence. I was about to become a woman.

Enrique gritted his teeth and pressed his tip back against my opening. Then he thrust forward, with even more force than the first two times. His tip broke through the resistance, sending a flash of white pain through my body.

“Oh, fuck!” I shouted.

The pain was gone as quick as it had come, though, and all that was left was a dull ache and the most intense pleasure I had ever experienced. With my hymen shattered, Enrique’s cock amazingly fit all of the way inside of me, his balls resting up against my ass.

“Fuck yes,” he grunted.

He began pounding me hard and I noticed even the dull ache from my taken virginity was quickly replaced by new waves of pleasure. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as he thrust inside of me. I lifted up my legs and rested them over his shoulders, making it even easier for him to slip inside.

“You like that?” he asked, in between animal-sounding grunts.

My face was locked in an expression of pleasure and I was unable to speak, so all I could do was nod in agreement.

“I’ll bet you do,” he whispered, as he continued his onslaught against my teenage body.

He began pounding me so hard that my body was sliding up on the bed, causing the sheets to wrinkle underneath me. With every one of his thrusts, a loud slapping noise would echo throughout the room, caused by his balls swinging into my ass.

“Yes...” I muttered, the words barely able to escape my lips.

Suddenly, Enrique’s pace slowed down to a stop. I opened my eyes and watched as he pulled out.

“Wait...” I begged. “What are you doing?”

The instant he wasn’t inside of me any more, I missed it. My body needed him there. I craved having his masculinity.

“Don’t worry, I’m not done yet,” he said, as he pulled out of me and stroked his cock slowly a few times.

Then he stood on the floor and walked over to the head of the bed, his throbbing dick in his hand. He brought it to my face and said, “Taste it.”

My immediate reaction was one of hesitancy. I had never tasted a man before and certainly not one that had been inside of me.

“Seriously?” I asked. “I don’t know, Enrique...”

He stepped closer, bringing his tip so that it was nearly touching my lips.

“Just trust me,” he growled.

Hesitantly, I parted my lips. Immediately, Enrique thrust his hips forward, causing his cock to slide across my tongue and to the back of my throat. The taste of my pussy filled my mouth immediately, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. Even the slight taste of iron was tolerable.

I smiled a bit as I looked up at him.

“Good girl,” he said, as he slowly moved his cock in and out of my mouth.

I began moving my tongue back and forth on the under side of his dick and he let out a moan of pleasure.

“Yes, like that,” he said.

It felt good to please him and it made me happy that what I was doing with my tongue was giving him pleasure.

Enrique pressed forward, pressing his tip up firmly against my throat. He held it there for a moment, causing me to gag. Then he pulled out and shoved it back in. I gagged once more, pulling my head back quickly. My eyes began to water and a river of black mascara slid down my cheeks and onto the sheets below.

His pace quickened, as he thrust fast and hard into my throat. It was all I could do to hold back my gag reflex as he began to literally fuck my face.

“You look like a little whore now,” he said, as he used his hand to wipe the mascara across my face. “Whose little whore are you?”

An attempt at a smile was useless with his massive member filling my mouth. But no words were needed. He knew exactly whose whore I was. I was all his.

He pressed forward once more while gritting his teeth, before pulling out and letting me catch a breath of air.

Then he walked back to the foot of the bed and crawled on top of me, pressing his cock back up against my womanhood.

“I’m your little whore...” I whispered, as I anticipated having him back inside of me.

“Yeah, you are...” he growled, before plunging his member into my opening.

Another wave of pleasure hit me as my pussy got what it had been craving once again.

“Yes!” I cried.

Enrique quickened his pace, thrusting much faster than he had before.

“Oh, fuck yes!” I shouted, unable to control myself any longer.

My perky tits were bouncing on top of my chest with every one of this thrusts. I brought my hands on top of them and drug my fingertips over my hard nipples. Then I squeezed them softly, enjoying the double pleasure that I was experiencing.

“I have a gift for you,” Enrique said.

I looked up at him, noticing the light layer of sweat that was beginning to build on his body. The pleasure was too intense, and I couldn’t even think straight enough to respond.

Suddenly, a gritted smile crossed Enrique’s face. He plunged inside of me once more and I felt his cock swell.

“Here you go,” he grunted.

Immediately after, I felt his cock quiver and tremble inside of me, followed by the sensation of a hot splash hitting the inside of my womb.

His face was locked in a look of completely ecstasy as his dick trembled again and I felt another splash fill me up. My pussy clamped tight around his member, drawing up every single drop of his seed that it could muster from his tip.

“Oh fuck,” he muttered, as he continued fucking me slowly.

Enrique’s face relaxed and he smiled as he pulled out of me, a river of his cum following his cock out and pouring onto the bed below.

“Good girl,” he said, once again, before crawling onto the bed next to me.

He brought his lips to mine and we kissed for a moment, before he reached above my head and unlocked the handcuffs that had been keeping me immobile. I brought my hands down and rubbed my wrists, where red marks had developed from the hard metal that had been wrapped around them.

“You are fucking perfect,” he whispered in my ear, before wrapping his arm around me.

Sore, yet content, I fell into a deep sleep while snuggling up next to him.


he next morning...

The sound of an unfamiliar cell phone ringing pulled me out of my deep sleep. I opened my eyes and found myself squinting to the morning light, noticing the beginnings of a headache and nausea from the shots of tequila the night before.

Still naked, I sat up in the bed and looked over to the nightstand where Enrique’s phone was lit up, ringing loudly. Enrique was still sound asleep, so I reached over him and picked up the phone, looking at the number.

What the fuck?
I asked myself, as I glanced down at his phone.

I recognized the phone number immediately, but couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

“Why is someone calling you from my dad’s cell phone number?” I asked, shaking Enrique awake.

He rolled over, sleep still in his eyes. A nervous look crossed his face as he began to wake up, noticing the number coming through on his phone. He quickly grabbed the phone out of my hand and hit the silent button, causing the ringing to stop immediately.

Then he took a deep breath.

“I guess there was something I didn’t tell you,” he said.

I sat silently, covering my breasts up with a pillow.

“What in the fuck is going on?” I asked, as a combination of rage and nervousness crept into my body.

I swallowed, afraid to hear the answer to my question.

Enrique took another deep and paced breath, as if he were scared of the answer himself.

“I’m not who you think I am,” he said.

There was a moment of silence as he let me absorb his words.

“I don’t work at the resort...” he admitted, shame in his voice. “And my name is not Enrique.”

I stood up from the bed, continuing to cover up my naked body as best I could.

“Who in the fuck are you?” I shouted.

Tears filled my eyes as I began to realize that I had lost my virginity to a total stranger and a complete liar.

“My name is Randy McMannis,” he said, his slight Spanish accent disappearing completely as he spoke. “Detective, Randy McMannis, actually.”

My face went pale.

“I’m a friend and co-worker of your fathers,” he explained. “He asked me to come down here and keep an eye on you, making sure you stayed out of trouble.”

I gripped the pillow in front of me tightly, my knuckles turning white.

“You fucking son of a bitch,” I whispered.

He stepped out of bed, still naked. Then he began picking up his clothes that were thrown about. As he got dressed, he continued to speak.

“For months, while I was working at the police station with your father, I would see that picture of you in the cheerleading outfit that he kept on his desk and I would fantasize about you. It was a guilty pleasure, but I couldn’t help myself. So, when your dad gave me the opportunity to come down here and spy on you, I just couldn’t help but to accept the offer,” he said, slipping his shirt back on over his muscular body.

The feeling of total invasion of privacy by my father was always intense, but this was a whole new low. Not only that, but I had been lied to. This man was not “Enrique, the man of my dreams.” He was nothing more than a cop friend of my dads.

Speechless and woozy, I sat back onto a chair that was near the foot of the bed. There were so many emotions going through me that I couldn’t even stand up.

How could he?

“Don’t be mad, Chelsea,” he said. “I think it’s safe to say that we both wanted what happened last night. I’m sorry that I was a bit dishonest, though, in order to make it happen.”

I stared directly in his eyes, still overwhelmed with emotion.

You mother fucker...

“Oh, I should probably ask you while we’re here,” Detective McMannis said, as he finished buttoning up his shirt. “You’re on birth control, right?”

The expression on my face turned from one of despair to one of satisfied revenge, as I placed my hand on my naked belly, rubbing it in circles.

“Nope,” I said, matter-of-factly. “I’m as fertile as can be.”

Detective McMannis’ face turned a shade of white as he swallowed his nervousness.

“Well...” he stuttered. “We’ll have to figure that out later.”

I chuckled under my breath, as a devilish smile crossed my face.

“No need,
” I said, sarcastically. “I’ve already made my decision. Aren’t you excited to tell your best cop buddy that he’s going to be a grandpa???”

McMannis looked like he was going to be sick as he turned an even whiter shade of pale.

“Listen, Chelsea...” he began to say.

I cut his words short, though, as he spoke.

“Hey, hey,” I interrupted. “No more talking. I’m making the rules now. Expect to be having a very serious conversation with my dad soon. Hope you can keep your job...”

Then, I quickly got dressed, slipping my swimsuit back on. I walked up and gave him a quick and sarcastic kiss on the cheek before heading out the door.

I had no idea if I was pregnant, but I liked the idea of being in control. Even if his seed wasn’t turning into a child inside of me, I knew that I now had the power to get whatever I wanted from him, even if that meant getting him to seduce me once again...

Stranger on the Slopes

t took us over an hour to get from the airport to the cabin where we were staying for our honeymoon.

“Three weeks in Sweden,” Tim said, as he parked the car. “Some of the best skiing in the world is here, Ashley. It’s going to be amazing!”

I smiled and then stepped out onto the snowy driveway. The cold, crisp air hurt my lungs and I immediately wondered if we should have gone to a beach for our honeymoon instead.

Tim asked me to marry him in Rome a year prior. I, of course, said yes. We had only known each other for three years, but it was love at first sight. I met Tim, because I had accidentally backed into his car when leaving the parking lot of the grocery store. We were forced to exchange numbers for insurance reasons, but I knew by the way that he smiled at me that he was going to be calling me for other reasons, too.

Ever since that day, we were inseparable. He was an amazing man and really knew how to take care of me and make me happy. The fact that he was tall and muscular with black hair and blue eyes didn’t hurt either. Everywhere we went, it seemed like other women were sizing me up and trying to figure out how I got with such a handsome man.

“Honey, can I carry you over the threshold?” he asked.

Before I could even respond, Tim walked through the snow to where I was standing and picked me up, sweeping me off of my feet. Slipping and sliding, he made his way to the front of the cabin.

“This is it,” he said. “It’s all official now.”

I grabbed the back of his head and kissed him. He held me with one arm while he took the keys out of his jacket with the other. Then he unlocked the front door and pushed it open.

Warm air from the inside of the cabin hit my face as Tim carried me over the threshold. He softly set me down in the entryway and said, “I’m so excited for our new life together.”

Then he pulled me in close for a kiss.


im and I spent our entire first night in the cabin having sex. It definitely was not the first time we had slept together, but something about being officially married gave us new energy and our sex life began to feel like it did when we had first met.

The next morning, I got out of bed while Tim was still asleep. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and then stepped into the bathroom to fix my hair. When I looked in the mirror, I noticed that my skin had a healthy glow that I hadn’t seen in a long time. I wasn’t sure if it was the night of sex or if it was just the fact that I was extremely happy. Either way, though, I looked great, considering it was so early in the morning.

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